Lost Lovers

Chapter 304:

"Sir, young master, young master, hurry up!" Tang Yi kicked the zombies trying to get into half of his body, started the engine, and shouted in a hurry.

"You jump first, catch Tang Miao." Tang Sihuang motioned to Tang Xin and Zhang Wang.

It wasn\'t the time to give way, Tang Xin and Zhang Wang just jumped down. Several zombies climbed into the cab again. Tang San fired quickly and accurately. Tang Yi had to step on the accelerator.

"Dad, hurry!" Tang Xin shouted, seeing the embarrassment of the cab.

When Tang Sihuang frowned, he had to throw Tang Miao down first. Who knows, the sleeves were tightly grasped.

"Daddy, together ..." Only four words made Tang Miao breathless.

It was just a few seconds of work. The big truck had been twisting a few meters away. Unless Tang Sihuang can fly, otherwise, he just jumps down like this, and he cannot fall into the carriage anyway.

Tang Xin shot and killed several zombies\' hands and yelled at the front: "Tang Yi, drive back! Dad and Tang Miao haven\'t come in yet!"

Tangyi certainly will not leave Tang Sihuang and Tang Miao, and immediately turned around, but the road was already narrow, and two Land Rover were blocking the way, and the big truck could not approach at all.

"Daddy, let them go first ..." Tang Miao thought of space and said.

司 Tang Sihuang nodded and shouted to the bottom.

Tang Xin and others almost said inconsistently, Tang Sihuang dropped a sentence, "This is an order." The big truck stopped below for a moment, left slowly, then accelerated, and soon disappeared from the sight of Tang Sihuang and Tang Miao.

"Dad, hold on, I will bring the doctor over!" Tang Xin looked at the two people who were sticking together gradually away from their eyes, feeling sour and astringent.

司 Tang Sihuang held Tang Miao and turned into the house. The second floor is the VIP reception room of the firm. Although there are no beds, there are several soft couches. Tang Sihuang sat down holding Tang Miao and kissed him on the lips. Tang Miao responded gently, thinking about entering the space. Who knew that when the chest hurts, he spit out another blood and instantly dyed the blue and white down jacket into scarlet.

"Miao Miao!" Tang Sihuang clenched him in panic, "What did you do?"

Tang Miao held one of his fingers and had no time to answer. A powerful force suddenly attacked the brain, and Tang Sihuang in front of him gradually became blurred, but Tang Miao felt as if he had sunk into the bottom. Abyss.

He couldn\'t help but be shocked and frightened, at this time he was sure that the strange thing that happened today was related to his space, because he had tried to enter the space just now, and the space was unresponsive. This has never happened before. A long time ago, Tang Sihuang mentioned to him that he was worried about this space, but he didn\'t take it to heart, and he actually planted it today. However, his emotions lasted only a few seconds, and the familiar scene suddenly appeared "in front of him", as if his conscious body had entered the space instead of his body.

Tang Miao couldn\'t help secretly claiming that the scenery in the space was constantly changing in front of him, like the aurora that had been seen, sometimes the shape of a vegetable garden changed, sometimes the beautiful garden blossomed and thanked, and sometimes a two-story bamboo building Suddenly high and low ... Tang Miao was dizzy, and her brain seemed to be filled with paste. I don\'t know how long this change finally stopped. And the space has changed.

Tang Miao was stunned, his face was incredible. Orchards, vegetable gardens, and lakes have remained the same, but a large number of materials that were originally placed on the grass have disappeared without a trace!

201 "The Lost Lover" Volume III Evolutionary Crisis Chapter 201

Tang Miao panicked for a moment, those supplies were their protection in the last days, but then he was relieved. Like Daddy said, what he cares about is all around him, what else is terrible? Lost supplies, you can find again. What\'s more, the orchard and vegetable garden are still there. As long as he finds some more seeds, he can continue to plant them, and he can also make them live well in the last days.

However, he still couldn\'t help feeling a little lost. At this moment, he suddenly felt attentive, and fell into the ground without paying any attention. The brain seems to be connected to the "consciousness" of space instantly, and there is a lot of information in the brain. It turned out that this alien shape was another evolution of space. From then on, there will be day and night in the space, consistent with the outside of the space; vegetables in the vegetable garden and fruits in the orchard will have a three-month cycle. If March After that, if you do n’t pick, the vegetables will automatically seed, and the fruits will disappear automatically, and the fruit will re-emerge. It must be mentioned that the preservation function of the space still exists, and even if vegetables and fruits are picked, they can be safely stored in the warehouse. As for the materials in the open-air warehouse, they did not disappear, but were automatically transferred to the internal warehouse by the evolved space. Tang Miao came to the kitchen on the first floor according to the instructions of the space. Afterwards, he saw at a glance that the marginal supplies were not visible inside, which were the batches he had previously placed on the grass.

Tang Miao lamented the mystery of this space again, this extra warehouse is the space in the space. After encountering more incredible things in the future, he thought he would be calm.

Anyway, the change in space is good news for him. Although he will often be busy picking vegetables and fruits in the future, he will become very busy, but isn\'t there still Tang Sihuang?

When thinking of Tang Sihuang, Tang Miao\'s heart was tight. Most of his body is in a coma. It is unknown how Tang Sihuang was worried. What Space told him just now is another news: in the next ten days, his body will be very weak, because he and space are almost one, and the power needed for space evolution is from him.

He meditated on "going out" and immediately felt that his consciousness was withdrawing, he felt he was moving, opened his eyes, and found himself in the car. Tang Sihuang drove the off-road vehicle so fast that he didn\'t find him awake for a moment.