Lord Qin Tricks Sweet Wife


When Qin Keke saw her expression like this, she naturally understood that she was soft hearted. The heart also relaxed, at least not to have no feelings, this point is always good.

I don't know what kind of situation I'll get in the end, but I have to help myself. Finally, it depends on how my father does it. After all, he can not really help him to do all the things well.

She sighed in her heart, but Winchester was full of complexity. Lin Shu at the side, naturally also felt the matter, understand the meaning of the young lady, he also came to add fuel to the mouth and said: "I think the same, young master's temperament is not that kind of person. Even if he is not, who is not a saint? It should be given a second chance. "

"Miss Wen, there is a man there. Wow, it's so handsome, but it's a little familiar. " Her voice attracted other people, and people with sharp eyes could see that the rose was decorated with the name of Wenzhi.

I was just so excited that I didn't notice.

She was surprised for a while, but she wanted to turn around and go, but she didn't think that the teacher next to her tightly grasped herself. It was not intended to be

She squinted a little, but she found that it was a red rose, and after a careful look, it was not exactly wenzhizhi's own name.

Wenzhizhi was puzzled. He didn't understand why they proposed. He was so excited. However, she turned her head and looked at it. The red color in her eyes shook her eyes.

Qin cocoa sent to class, she returned to her office, is also a rare day of their own good mood. But just walked into the door of the office, was a teacher on the side of the past, "Mr. Wen, Mr. Wen, look. Confessed! It's a confession

"It's like you, but I haven't heard of it at first. I'm surprised to hear that now. " When they said this, Winchester laughed, but said nothing.

She said so, but they all agreed. After all, Qin Keke and her appearance are really similar, especially the eyebrows, facial features and eyes, but the temperament is really not the same.

Zhizhi shakes her head and says, "she just started reading abroad. Well, do you look like me

"Is your daughter studying here? Why not? " A teacher said, looking at Qin cocoa meek to follow her side, looks very obedient clever appearance, let them all at once like.

But I didn't expect to hear today that she was married and had a daughter.

They were shocked. Looking at her young face, it was hard to believe that she was a married woman. After all, wenzhizhi looks really young. At first, they thought she was just a young teacher.

Listening to her smile, she said, "what's wrong, isn't it?" She said so, the smile on her face looked very soft, with full of maternal love glory.

They said, this just holding the attitude of trying, but did not expect to see wenzhizhi nod. He also pulled Qin Keke's pretty face, two faces close to each other.

After looking around, she was surprised to see that their faces were similar to each other. She opened her mouth to her and said, "Miss Wen, this is you Daughter? "

Qin Keke gets out of bed and waits for wenzhizhi to have breakfast before they go to school together. Many teachers in the school saw wenzhizhi and said hello to her, but they were surprised to see her smiling tenderly holding a little girl.

"Mom, take me to school." As she said that, she blinked her eyes. She rubbed her eyes and gave her a kiss on the cheek, looking very happy.

She sighed and fell asleep. Finally, he woke up in the morning and was awakened by Qin Keke. Open your eyes to see Qin Keke's round eyes, the pair of apricot eyes with a faint smile, like Wen Zhizhi's smiling eyes.

Let it be Now that's the situation.

Finally, the quilt pulled, the whole person was covered in the quilt, closed eyes and refused to think about these things.

What is the best thing to do with this matter? Is it to listen to her daughter's resignation like this, or continue to insist on her own inner thoughts? Wenzhizhi thought so, the complex mood in his heart rolling, but can not find an answer.

But today his daughter and Lin Shu said, it is in her heart cast a stone. Let her originally calm heart a little more waves, let her heart originally decided good everything, more complex hesitation.

Between herself and Qin Hanze, she didn't know what kind of situation she would find in the end. She didn't know whether it was controllable or uncontrollable.

She closed her eyes, but the door closed gently. And wenzhizhi went back to the room, lying on the bed looking at her ceiling, her mind was indescribably complicated.

Mother is certainly not willing to give their own separation, it is not as good as their own repressed inner desire.Good night and went to bed. It was not that she didn't want to be with Wenzhi, but that she knew she was very tired today.

In this way, Qin Keke said to wenzhizhi that she liked what she was like now, at least her daughter was at her side at this time. This home will not appear so empty, but a little more satisfied.

When she finished eating, she let Qin Keke take a bath and went to the room. Looking at Qin Keke lying on the bed, wenzhizhi's heart was indescribable soft.

Wenzhizhi rented two houses, one with two bedrooms and one living room. Lin Shu lived alone in a family. Qin Ke came to live in another room of wenzhizhi's family.

They thought like this, three different minds, but for a moment the table was very quiet.

Her voice just fell, Qin Keke they also understand that sometimes the fire can not be too fierce, now it is just like this. If you say too much, baobuzhuo will only let her rebound more severe.

Looking up at the concerned eyes of the two of them, she finally lowered her head and murmured, "don't say it. I'll think about it myself."

He said so, but wenzhizhi's heart was wavering from side to side. A choice of road in front of her, but she did not know how to go.

"Miss Wen, do you know that man? It's a confession to you, isn't it The words shocked a lot of people. They looked at wenzhizhi one by one with an uncertain look in their eyes.

But wenzhizhi didn't care so much. She was looking at the people standing there with a complicated look in her eyes.

Qin Hanze What are you doing.