Lord of the Star Ocean


In the small, dilapidated building at the end of a remote alley, Nie Feng's tribulation was not over yet.

Because he had absorbed too much star power, invisible flame power surged out from his body and formed illusory flames around Nie Feng. The temperature in the room continued to rise, like a blazing furnace.

At this moment, Nie Feng had no idea how lucky he was. After all, it was absolutely impossible for him to reach such a powerful level of body tempering with normal star power. At the very most, it would only be a simple Bone Cutting Bone Marrow transformation.

The ability to persevere was completely reliant on his willpower, a willpower as strong as a boulder!

During his rebirth, Nie Feng's life and death experience had been diluted, and his soul had gone through the ordeal of being reborn. After that, there was no longer any power that could be shaken or destroyed.

The ultimate level of pain was a great calm, a great peace.

When his consciousness went beyond the pain of his body, there were no distracting thoughts in his sea of consciousness. The words in the《 Supreme Induction Book》 appeared one by one, turning into golden runes, shining brightly with the starlight!

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The quiet of the dawn was broken by the clear chirping of the chickens, and the sun shone through the window into the room.

Nie Feng woke up from his deepest slumber.

This dream was very long. It was as if he had returned to his mother's womb. The surroundings were filled with the warm water of life. He did not need to think or do anything, enjoying the warmth, sweetness and serenity.

After waking up, Nie Feng felt that the world around him had become different.

Everything in the room became clear. He could clearly see the spiders weaving their spiderwebs in the dark corners, the specks of dust flying in the sunlight, and even the tiny grains of sand embedded in the wooden frames of the shabby windows.

Aside from his eyesight, Nie Feng's hearing had also become much sharper. He could hear the roosters roosting in the yard, pecking the grass bugs, the birds chirping in the trees, and, even further away, the people walking in the alleyway.

This feeling was wonderful and fresh!

However, an even more astonishing change came from within his body.

Nie Feng could feel a blazing aura circulating within his body. It circulated between his internal organs and bones, containing an endless amount of vitality. As long as he needed it, it could erupt at any time.

Star power!

At some point in time, an orange-red nebula had appeared in Nie Tian's heart, wrapping Nie Feng's heart completely within. Countless stardust began to glitter as it moved rhythmically with his heart.

This nebula was the origin and destination of the star power. It was formed from the star power, and it surrounded and protected the lifeblood star hidden deep within the heart — the scorching sun!

Together, Star Energy, Star Essence, and the Fated Star formed the foundation of a Star Warrior!

Enormous joy instantly flooded Nie Feng's entire body, making him clench his fists tightly.

This was because he had already successfully crossed the most difficult obstacle in the path of martial arts. Once he had successfully cultivated the《 Supreme Perception Chapter》, he would no longer be within the realm of ordinary people. As long as he continued to condense his star essence and open his meridians, he could become a true Star rank.

A completely new world opened up for Nie Feng.

He now had the foundation that allowed him to stand on in this world, allowing him to climb to the pinnacle of the world!

Only after a long time did Nie Feng finally calm down.

Right now, he had only taken the first step in his martial arts. The road ahead was still very long, what he needed the most was a set of Invigorated Meridian Stage Qi Method.

Such a technique could only be learned in local dojos.

The problem was that the Dojo of Limits didn't pass on their skills free of charge. Even though they had successfully practiced the《 Supreme Force》 and were qualified to officially take on a master, a generous ceremony was absolutely necessary.

If he didn't give them money or less, how could he expect the warriors of the dojo who were not related to him to carefully teach him?

It was too beautiful!


Thinking about the money, Nie Feng suddenly realized that something bad was about to happen.

Last night when he practiced the《 Supreme Perception Chapter》, he had successfully visualized his Destiny Origin Star and could use it to temper his body. As a result, his clothes and bed had been burned clean by the overflowing flame energy, and even his hair and eyebrows were not spared.

It didn't matter if his old clothes were on fire, he could just buy a new one, and his hair would grow back. However, the worst thing was that he still had a lot of money in his arms.

Is the money still there?

Nie Feng quickly searched through the pile of ashes beside him. In the end, he discovered that all the coins had already melted and seeped into the mudstone. Unless he dug it up and smelted it again, it would be impossible to use again.

Helplessly, he could only smile bitterly and stood up from the ground.

Fortunately, the wooden closet in the corner of the room was not destroyed. Nie Feng found a set of clothes inside and put them on.

As he left the room, he wondered where he could get his money.

In the little yard outside, Sunless was preparing breakfast. Her two children were waiting by the small wooden table, staring at the steaming hot food with a lecherous and adorable appearance.

Sunless gave birth to a pair of dragons and phoenixes. Both her son, Nie Xiaohai, and her daughter, Nie Xiaoying, were five years old this year.

After her husband passed away, she raised two children by herself and had to take care of this good-for-nothing brother-in-law of hers. It could be said that it wasn't easy at all.

"Mother, uncle has become a monk!"

Seeing that Nie Feng had come out, the sharp-eyed Nie Xiao Ying immediately shouted out, "His hair's gone!"

Sang Qing Niang looked over and was stunned, "Er Wa, what's going on?"

Nie Feng was at a loss whether to laugh or cry as he rubbed his bald head. He could only explain, "It's itchy to have lice growing on your hair. If you can't clean it, you'll have to shave it all off. It's more comfortable this way."

Sunless didn't suspect anything and just complained, "You can't shave your eyebrows, just you wait."

She hurried to the kitchen and returned with a piece of charcoal and a handkerchief.

Sunless tied a hemp towel around Nie Feng's bald head, then carefully drew his eyebrows with charcoal.

Nie Feng sat there without moving, allowing her to do as she pleased. Warmth filled his heart.

In his previous life, he was an orphan. He was raised by his master, and after his master passed away, he wandered the world in search of the extreme martial dao realm. He had no family or loved ones, and had not experienced being cared for for for for for a long time.

Ye Qingniang's kindness touched the softest spot in Nie Feng's heart. He secretly made up his mind that no matter what, he would take good care of the three of them and allow them to live a life without any worries.

It was akin to repaying the debt of gratitude that he owed for occupying this body!


After Sunless finished drawing her eyebrows, she felt very satisfied.

Although the original owner of Nie Feng's body was unruly, his appearance was still very outstanding. Moreover, after the refining of his body with the Star Energy, his temperament had become very different from before. He had lost some of his immaturity and gained a manly air.

The more she saw, the happier she became. She couldn't help but to say, "Er Wazi, as long as you change it, I'll definitely give you a good family and let you marry a beautiful and virtuous wife."

"Zhang Tu Hu's daughter is nothing, I spit!"

Nie Feng smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, I'm still young, so I'm not in a hurry to find a wife. I'm looking for a job first."

Pausing for a moment, he continued, "Also, don't ever call me Er Wa again. Call me Nie Feng, the edge of the blade!"

Sunless was shocked and her eyes turned red.

This uncle of his had grown up to be sensible!

With a comforting smile on her face, Ying Ying nodded her head and said, "Okay, then I'll call you Nie Feng!" Section error, click on this report (no registration), after reporting the maintenance personnel will correct chapter content within two minutes, please wait patiently, and refresh the page.