Lord of the Star Ocean


After his new home was settled, Nie Feng no longer had any worries.

Although Sunless was a little worried, she still agreed happily.

The dojo owner did not immediately teach Nie Feng how to form his Invigorated Meridian. Instead, he first told him about the inheritance of the Star realm experts and their martial path.

His expression was extremely serious, causing Nie Feng to listen attentively.

The "sky" of the four bodies represented the stars in the sky and was the source of power for the Star Warriors. Cultivating the martial way was not about defying the heavens, but about perceiving the will of the heavens.

This was also the highest pursuit of a Star rank!

"Earth, it refers to the planet below us, any planet that possesses life will have its own will!"

When Wan Shangzhi's words landed in Nie Feng's ears, it gave rise to a thunderous shock!

The will of a planet!

He couldn't help but ask, "Does that mean Haoyuan Star also has a will?"

"Of course!"

Wan Shangzhi gave an affirmative answer without hesitation: "The heavens have the will of the heavens, the earth has the will of the earth, there are people and people have their own way of life. The will of the heaven and earth is the most powerful.

Nie Feng was silent because he needed time to digest the information that was contained in Wan Shangzhi's message.

"As a Star rank …"

Wan Shangzhi did not stop because of it. He continued: "We should respect the heaven and earth, protect the human path, and respect the spirit. No matter how strong our power is, we cannot easily break the balance between the four bodies.

Under his detailed explanation, Nie Feng gradually came to an understanding.

The law of balance between the four bodies was in fact a restriction on both star fighters and star masters. The simplest way to put it was, if a powerful star warrior or an arcane master had the ability to destroy a star, but if he really did that, then he would destroy the law of balance and would inevitably suffer the backlash from the Heavenly Dao consciousness!

A powerful Star martial artist similarly couldn't act recklessly on a planet with their own will. Shifting the mountains and filling the seas sounded very impressive, but they had to pay a heavy price in order to do so. This was the limit of the Laws.

It was the same principle. Star martial artists could not kill ordinary people for no reason, because there was a way out.

Furthermore, if Nie Feng went hunting in the Wilderness, he would be able to kill single-horned yellow sheep, fight the Scarlet Flame Tigers to the death, and skin his prey to satisfy his own needs.

However, if he were to slaughter all kinds of wild beasts and kill them, then he would provoke the retaliation of even more powerful creatures. He might even be suppressed by the will of heaven and earth, resulting in his death!

The law of balance of the four bodies had existed since the beginning of the Starsea Era. Other than the invasion of the Void Demon, the destruction of the ancient Qin Empire was also related to the frequent destruction of the law of balance during the end of the empire.

It was said that the Star Ocean Fleet of the Ancient Qin Empire had destroyed thousands of planets in the past!

The current Ancient Qin Empire was already synonymous with history.

If this was the case for an empire that had almost unified Galaxy, then what about a mere Star rank warrior?

For thousands of years, all the star warriors and arcane masters in the sea of stars followed the four body equilibrium law. No matter how evil a powerhouse was, they didn't dare to rashly break it.

For example, the Immortal Luo Empire had to slowly expand and expand the Barbarian Star Region, step by step, to open up a new savage planet. They had to first open up a migration point and establish a city to gradually expand and expand, and then gather resources bit by bit for the vast empire to use.

Such a devouring strategy would not result in the rebounding of the planet's will, which would eventually assimilate the planet's will.

The Emperor planets and the main planets of the Immortal Luo Empire were all products of long-term assimilation.

In this process, the most urgent need to achieve quick results was to gain the upper hand. Even if one could win just for a little while, they would eventually have to pay a high price, so in the empire, the proclamation of the four balance laws of Heaven, Earth, and Man had always been orthodox.

Wan Shangzhi told Nie Feng all of this because of his responsibilities and obligations as a Taoist. It was not only to Nie Feng, but also to all of his direct disciples, especially those new disciples who had just become Star Realm.

Young people often didn't know how high the heavens were and how deep the earth was. If they suddenly obtained power beyond that of mortals, it was very easy for them to lose themselves.

Many promising Star Realm warriors had made this mistake, and the result was that they had quickly perished.

The only exception to this rule was probably war, which was very destructive to humanity. However, to a certain extent, it was also consistent with the will of heaven, earth, and spirit. Because there were too many people, which was a threat to all three of them.

Wan Shangzhi was not an Imperial scholar, so he could only explain the most basic principles to Nie Feng.

However, it was enough to make Nie Feng experience many times more useful.

In addition to the four body balance law, Wan Shangzhi also told Nie Feng a lot of common knowledge that he had to know, including the strength of the Star rank, the classification of cultivation techniques and secret skills, as well as the contents of the Origin of Star, Star Wheel, Star Energy and so on.

Then, he told Nie Feng about the situation in Nanyuan City, Haoyuan Star, and even the Immortal Luo Empire.

It was through Wan Shangzhi's lecture that Nie Feng gained a new understanding of the world he lived in and the Star rank warriors. The veil that covered his heart was suddenly lifted, and his vision became clear!

From morning until afternoon, the two of them sat in the cultivation room, talking and listening.

Finally, Nie Feng stood up, respectfully saluted Wan Shangzhi and said, "Disciple Nie Feng, thank you, Master, for your explanation."

No matter what intentions Wan Shangzhi had for him, Nie Feng remembered this kindness of guidance in his heart.

With revenge and kindness to repay, Nie Feng had always been a person who distinguished between gratitude and grievances!

Wan Shangzhi's serious face revealed a smile: "I don't have the qualifications to spread the teachings. Everyone below the Star God level is just an ant. I can only tell you what I know."

Nie Feng's respectful attitude made the dojo master very satisfied.

"Come back tomorrow morning, I will officially teach you the high grade Qi Method of Invigorated Meridian Stage!"


[1] The same meaning as in the previous sentence. Section error, click on this report (no registration), after reporting the maintenance personnel will correct chapter content within two minutes, please wait patiently, and refresh the page.