Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

v2 Chapter 1266: 5 Tigers VS All-Hellenic Allied Forces

In the ancient Mesopotamia, the waters of the Tigris River trembled because of noisy horseshoes. The east and west camps were in the ancient land, the transition point between the east and the west, and the epic battle called "East and West War" broke out in later generations!

In this battle, the generals are like clouds, and the number of generals recorded by later generations alone is as many as thousands. The high quality of the famous generals and the elite of the army will always amaze the future generations.

The East-West Battle lasted for 30 days, countless stars fell, and the entire elite army was wiped out.

With horses galloping, 800,000 Great Xia Guards launched an offensive against Alexander\'s one million army. Five Tigers joined forces to attack the Spartan Army with 50,000 cavalry!

Spartan King Leonidas carried a spear, wore a red robe, and his bronze-colored muscles swelled. He commanded the soldiers of the entire Spartan city-state and destroyed the Great Summer Guards. The Roman general Valous’s "doom" army .

The Roman general Valous was almost invincible.

However, it is not that Valous\'s ability is too bad, but that the opponents he faces are all monsters.

The fighters of the Spartan city-state are high-ranking heavy infantry as they grow up!

Spartan warriors came out from the nest, and Leonidas three hundred Spartan warriors were the most powerful warriors in the entire Spartan city-state.

Tens of thousands of Spartans formed a heavy-armored infantry phalanx. With brute force, they smashed the Doom Legion, and Wallos retreated steadily.

The intensive sound of horse hooves sounded, and the cavalry commanded by the Five Tigers approached!

Chutian knew that Alexander had conquered Sparta, and the martial Spartans were a sharp blade in Alexander\'s hands, so he organized a group of five tiger generals to deal with the Spartans.

The order Chutian gave to the Five Tiger Generals was very simple. The head of the Tispartan King Leonidas came to see you.

A fierce player like Leonidas is not in harmony with the East. It is difficult to subdue and can only be eliminated.

The five tigers each hold their weapons, their cloaks are hunting and hunting in the strong wind, their cavalry is like five long dragons, strangling the Spartan army!

When the Spartans heard the earth trembling, they immediately shrank into an infantry phalanx, forming a formation to resist the attack of the five tigers!


Xiliang\'s fierce general Ma Chao, holding a hundred-jin iron spear in both hands, swept across the several Spartans in front of him, led the Xiliang iron cavalry, broke the opponent\'s spear, and rushed into the Spartan formation!

"Let go!"

Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong\'s cavalry were mainly cavalry and shooting, and tens of thousands of arrows fell in the Spartans\' army!

The cavalry of Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Ma Chao are responsible for the impact!


After the Spartans reacted, they bravely shook the cavalry of the five tigers!

Regardless of casualties, the Spartan warriors exchanged their lives for their lives. While being stabbed by the cavalry lances, their spears or sharp swords pierced the Xiliang Iron Cavalry and Youzhou Tussock!


Leonida yelled violently, and drove the Xiliang iron cavalry that came in front of him under the horse!

Leonidas brought three hundred warriors and killed thousands of cavalry, like the **** of war!

However, the Five Tigers are eroding ordinary Spartan fighters, pressing on.

"The Spartans were besieged by the opposing cavalry. Do we need support from the city-state of Athens?"

The Athenians, who had always been at odds with the Spartans, saw that the Spartan army commanded by Leonidas was under siege, and asked for instructions from the chief of the Greek coalition army, Mithiad.

Mithiyad, the all-Hellenic coalition commander who defeated the Persian Emperor Darius in the epic battle "Marathon", at this time commanded all the Greek city-states except the Spartans.

The Spartan city-state is also one of the Greek city-states, but apart from the Spartan’s own king, no one can best play the Spartan’s combat effectiveness.

Mitiyad did not care about the grievances with the Spartans. At this time, the Western Continent was all prosperous, and everything was lost.

Western kings and famous generals are far more aware of the situation than Indian princes, and there will be no particularly stupid decisions.

The Great Xia Dynasty was to the Greek city-states like the Persian Empire that invaded Greece in history.

The elites of the Athens city-state were dominated by heavy infantry, moving towards the Leonidas army.

The Five Tigers encircled and suppressed the Spartans, and it became a battle between the Five Tigers and the All-Hellenic Allied Forces!


The Qinglong Yanyue knife let out a soft cry, and the cyan knife light cut a Spartan general under the horse! !

Guan Yu was in his prime of life. Taking advantage of the peak of his force, he repeatedly cut down the Spartan generals and eradicated the threat for the Central Plains.


Zhang Fei is a burly figure, and his ability to continue fighting is even more terrifying than the explosive type Guan Yu. Zhangba\'s snake spear stabbed back and forth in Zhang Fei\'s hands, and every Spartan warrior was stabbed to death or flew by Zhang Fei!

Zhao Yun\'s white robe and silver armor, armed with a gentian and bright silver spear, led the white horse to meet in short-term combat!

Chen Qingzhi died of illness, the White Robe Army was disbanded, Zhao Yun joined the Five Tiger Army, and Xue Rengui joined the Iron Cavalry. However, the spirit of the White Robe Army was still there.

Zhao Yun and the eight thousand white horses Yicong, white robe hunting, clashing left and right, the raised horse hoof fell, trampling the Spartan warriors!

"Second brother, I will intercept the Greeks!"

Zhang Fei saw that the All-Hellenic Allied Forces came under the pressure of Mitiyad in Athens, so he separated from Guan Yu!

Zhang Fei led Youzhou Tuqie, crossing between the Spartans and the Athenians, facing the black and oppressive All-Hellenic Allied Forces, and shouted: "I am Zhang Yide from Yan! Who dares to fight to the death with me?"

The Youzhou Turks are tightly formed and murderous.

The All-Hellenic Allied Forces was so intimidated by Zhang Fei and stopped for a while.

"Yan Ren Zhang Yide is here! Who dares to fight to the death?"

Zhang Fei yelled here. The All-Hellenic Allied Forces was another uproar. The generals of the various Greek city-states all looked at the banner of the coach Mitiyad.

Since the commander of Army Xia on the opposite side had the courage to stand in front of the Ten Thousand Army, resisting more than 200,000 All-Hellenic Allied Forces, it showed that the other party was prepared.

Zhang Fei was ready for a deadly battle. Seeing the All-Hellenic Allied Forces was frightened by himself, he shouted again: "Why don\'t you fight or retreat or retreat, but why!"

The All-Hellenic Allied Forces once again hesitated.

The All-Hellenic Allied Forces Commander Mitiyad was also a little confused about Zhang Fei\'s fiction.

You know, the entire Mesopotamia battlefield stretches for hundreds of miles, with countless soldiers and horses, sand, dust, and beacon fires everywhere, but each general\'s field of vision is limited, unable to obtain the perspective of God.

If Zhang Fei has an ambush...

"Order the Greek coalition forces to support Leonidas at any cost!"

Alexander sent an order that the All-Hellenic Allied Forces of Mitiyad must attack Zhang Fei.

"go ahead!"

Mitiyad and a group of Greek city-state generals bite the bullet and attacked Zhang Fei\'s army.

"Macedonian Legion, follow me!"

After all, Alexander was Chu Tian\'s strongest opponent. He saw through Zhang Fei\'s reality, and then took command in person. The companion cavalry went into battle, and the dust splashed!

"Silver Shield Soldier, follow the king!"

Secretary Yumenis, commanding the Silver Shield soldiers, followed Alexander the Great.

Alexander\'s seven close guards also set off at this time, commanding the Seven Macedonian Legions and entering the war.

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