Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

v2 Chapter 1246: Dongying decisive battle ended

An Yunguo battlefield, frozen for thousands of miles, freezing cold, corpses all over the field, the banners of the great names that fell down on the battlefield, broken shields, armors, and swords abound.

  Behind the battle, heavy snow fell, and snow gradually covered the bodies of the Japanese soldiers who died in the battle.

As the legions on the left and right collapsed, the army of Oda Nobunaga and Ashikaga Takashi was pinched. Chu Tian personally commanded the cavalry from the right, Xue Rengui, and Zhao Yun led the white horse cavalry to launch a pincer attack from the left, Oda Nobunaga and Ashikaga Takashi. The two legions completely collapsed and retreated backward.

   Kyoto, Kanto, and other areas have been taken by Chu Wu. If Oda Nobunaga and the others retreat, they can only retreat to a small part of the city behind the Maori family, which is actually a dying struggle.

   Tokugawa Ieyasu retreated faster than Oda Nobunaga.

   After the defeat of the Japanese army on the right, Tokugawa Ieyasu had already begun to retreat quickly to the rear under the protection of ninjas such as Hattori Hanzo, and abandoned Oda Nobunaga.

   An old fox like Tokugawa Ieyasu, after Shibaha Hideyoshi\'s death, had already seen that something was wrong, so he immediately fled the battlefield.

   "Master, the Three Rivers Kingdom has been taken by the Crown Prince of the Daxia Dynasty, what should we do?"

   Hattori Hanzo took the initiative to ask Tokugawa Ieyasu.

   Tokugawa Ieyasu’s core feudal country is Mikawa, and Owari, Mikawa, Edogawa and other places were successively captured by the army behind Chu Wuqi. In other words, Tokugawa Ieyasu has almost nowhere to go.

   Tokugawa Ieyasu fell into a terrible silence.

   His first fierce commander, Tadakatsu Honda, broke the rear in order to contain the cavalry and protected Tokugawa Ieyasu from retreating.

   Until now, Honda Zhongsheng has not caught up, so basically there is only one possibility, that is, Honda Zhongsheng has died in a battle to protect his lord.

   The power of Tokugawa Ieyasu was weakened after the loss of Tadakatsu Honda.

In particular, most of the great names of the Japanese country died in battle, and various retainers and military commanders were killed or injured, or surrendered or captured. For a time, the strength of the entire four islands of Toei declined to the extreme. Before the conquest of Kyushu, it was completely different. .

   "Go to the Sea Alliance!"

   Tokugawa Ieyasu is a well-known old tortoise after all. He believed that as long as he did not die, the one who stayed the last would become the winner, and decided to go to the Marshall of the United States.

   Tokugawa Ieyasu is also mentally prepared.

   When the Toyo daimyos cannot continue to be the pawns of the maritime alliance, even if he Tokugawa Ieyasu goes to take refuge in Marshall, the lord of the United States, Marshall may not treat him politely as before.

   However, Ieyasu Tokugawa has no better way.

   The current situation is very clear. Chu Tian can\'t tolerate a capable daimyo. Chu Tian left at most some small fish and shrimps to drive the servant army.

   Hattori Hanzo and Ii Akabi continued to protect Tokugawa Ieyasu to retreat to the city where there is a teleportation array.

  As long as you enter the teleportation formation and reach the American Civilization Zone, Xia Jun will never be able to chase the American Civilization Zone.

   The American Civilization Zone is the mortal enemy of the Great Xia Dynasty, and the two sides face each other across the sea.

   Oda Nobunaga, Ashikaga Takeshi, and Gen Yoshizhao are still retreating backwards, fighting against Xia Jun and retreating!

   "Go to a nearby city and teleport to America immediately!"

   After Oda Nobunaga’s failure, his first reaction was almost exactly the same as Tokugawa Ieyasu, that is, he fled to the territory of Marshall as an ally, and made a comeback with plans!

The daimyos still have a lot of appeal on the four islands of Dongying, and the warriors and ronin everywhere will not easily succumb to the rule of the Daxia dynasty, so as long as there are problems within the Daxia dynasty, or the maritime alliance will send troops to retake Dongying IV Island, then they can make a comeback.

   Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu are betting on this step.

   This is also a decision made by the lords such as Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu as a last resort after their defeat in the decisive battle.

   abandon their territories and family members and seek refuge in the United States. This is the next policy.

   However, I am afraid it is not so easy to implement this next strategy.

   When Oda Nobunaga fled back to the city, Tokugawa Ieyasu left with Hattori Hanzo and Ii Akabi.

   "Tokugawa Ieyasu ran away early!"

   Oda Nobunaga was a little furious when he heard the news.

   But he also knew that he had to make the exact same decision as Tokugawa Ieyasu, regardless of any dignity.

   "Go, go to the teleportation array, go to America!"

   Oda Nobunaga led a team of defeated soldiers, and went straight to the teleportation formation without stopping!

   Be aware that if a city is approached by enemy soldiers, the teleportation array will be invalidated.

   Therefore, if you want to leave, you must leave as soon as possible, otherwise, you may not be able to leave.

   Oda Nobunaga races against the clock, the distance from the teleportation array is only a hundred meters!

   "Ding! The teleportation array is ineffective because the enemy soldiers are approaching the city."

   When Oda Nobunaga enters the teleportation array, however, a nightmare reminder sounds!

   The Xia Army is already under the city, and the teleportation array in this city has failed!

   There is only one teleportation array with a radius of a hundred miles!

   If this teleportation array fails, then Oda Nobunaga and the others are truly in desperation!

   "Damn it!"

   Oda Nobunaga has been in the most desperate state since he fell into the world.

   Xia army soldiers approached the city, the teleportation array failed, he couldn\'t leave the city at all!

   "We must expel the Xia Jun who surrounded the city before we have one"

   This is also a decision made by the lords such as Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu as a last resort after their defeat in the decisive battle.

   abandon their territories and family members and seek refuge in the United States. This is the next policy.

   However, I am afraid it is not so easy to implement this next strategy.

   When Oda Nobunaga fled back to the city, Tokugawa Ieyasu left with Hattori Hanzo and Ii Akabi.

   "Tokugawa Ieyasu ran away early!"

   Oda Nobunaga was a little furious when he heard the news. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

   But he also knew that he had to make the exact same decision as Tokugawa Ieyasu, regardless of any dignity.

   "Go, go to the teleportation array, go to America!"

   Oda Nobunaga led a team of defeated soldiers, and went straight to the teleportation formation without stopping!

   Be aware that if a city is approached by enemy soldiers, the teleportation array will be invalidated.

   Therefore, if you want to leave, you must leave as soon as possible, otherwise, you may not be able to leave.

   Oda Nobunaga races against the clock, the distance from the teleportation array is only a hundred meters!

   "Ding! The teleportation array is ineffective because the enemy soldiers are approaching the city."

   When Oda Nobunaga enters the teleportation array, however, a nightmare reminder sounds!

   The Xia Army is already under the city, and the teleportation array in this city has failed!

   There is only one teleportation array with a radius of a hundred miles!

   If this teleportation array fails, then Oda Nobunaga and the others are truly in desperation!

   "Damn it!"

   Oda Nobunaga has been in the most desperate state since he fell into the world.

   Xia army soldiers approached the city, the teleportation array failed, he couldn\'t leave the city at all!


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