Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 992: Xiang Yuzhan

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The Chu army vanguard general Yingbuchi Shuangyue entered the Qin army, and the 20,000 Chu army broke tens of thousands of the Qin army!

More than ten years ago, the State of Chu was destroyed by the State of Qin, but now, the Chu army is aggressive, just trying to show shame!

The blood of the Qin Army, the robe dyed with red British cloth!

Murderous, Yingbu\'s eyes were red, and hundreds of people from Qin\'s army were beheaded.

The Qin army killed by the Chu army had thousands of people!

The Qin army who defended this grain transport corridor was defeated.

"Don\'t run away, or sit down!"

Dong Yi, the captain of the Qin Army, tried his best to gather the defeated Qin Army.

Qin\'s laws are strict. Even though the army at the end of Qin has declined, they are still gradually gathering under Dong Yi\'s account.

"How could Chu Jun be so strong..."

Dong Yi didn\'t know that Xiang Yu\'s "Breaking the Cauldron and Sinking the Boat" feature had been effective. In addition, Yingbo himself was a vanguard general and had an extra bonus when he was a vanguard.

Dong Yi was defeated by Yingbo, and had to seek shelter from the general Zhang Han.

"General, there are four grain transport corridors, and the Chu army has occupied two, and thousands of grain trucks have been robbed!"

The gray-headed Dong Yi led the remnants to see Zhang Han.

Zhang Han\'s expression is solemn: "The Chu army is more adept at fighting than imagined. Their aura is different from the other thief soldiers of the Six Nations."

Chang Shi Sima Xin asked cautiously: "General, are you confident to defeat the Chu army?"

"If I had confidence before Chu Jun crossed the river, it might not be..."

Zhang Han seemed to feel that the aura of the Chu army had undergone significant changes after Xiang Yu triggered the characteristic of "breaking the boat and sinking the boat", and he was no longer confident in himself.

Sima Xin and Dong Yi will look at each other.

They teamed up with Zhang Han to kill Xiang Yu\'s uncle Xiang Liang, thinking that they had killed all the generals of Chu, so they went north to attack Zhao Jun.

However, Xiang Yu brought Fan Zeng, Ying Bu and others to come back in a fierce manner, which was more difficult to deal with than Xiang Liang.

"No matter what, only a few of us are left to defend the empire. The remnants of the Six Nations can be defeated three or four times, and we cannot fail even once! Rectify the troops and fight against the Chu army!"

Zhang Han summoned the Qin Ruishi and Lishan Criminal Army to confront Yingbu\'s 20,000 Chu Army in the south of Julu and the north of Zhangshui.

It was freezing cold, and the two armies faced each other with flags.

Qin Jun and Chu Jun are like a duel arranged by fate.

The Chu generals Yingbu, General Pu, and the Qin generals Zhang Han, Sima Xin, and Dong Yi looked at each other across the corridor that transported grain.

Yingbu rode out alone, and the double yue in his hand pointed to the Qin army chief Zhang Han: "Zhang Han, you killed my main Xiangliang in three battles in the past! Today, the blood is paid for!"

Zhang Han wanted to ride the horse, but Dong Yi stopped Zhang Han: "General, this man is brave and invincible in combat. He will be a thousand on one horse. In case of a surprise attack, you may be in danger of life."

"Don\'t be afraid. Facing the army of the six nations, being too weak will make them more advanced."

Zhang Han stepped out and confronted Yingbo: "At the beginning, Wang Jian pacified Chu State, and I killed Xiang Liang. With two chances, I hate to kill the remnants of Chu State!"

"Although Chu has three families, Qin will perish without Chu! Kill!"

With a wave of Yingbu\'s right hand, the Chu army, who was at a disadvantage, took the lead to attack the Qin army!


Qin Ruishi and Lishan criminals confronted the Chu army!

Two torrents collide!

"I hope that Zhang Han has not yet fought with the Chu army, otherwise, the Chu army in the state of\'breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat\' is too terrifying...At this time, we should stick to it for three days and wait for Xiang Yu\'s bonus to disappear."

Chu Tian and Wang Li led their troops south.

The camps of Wang Li and Zhang Han were not far apart.

The trigger conditions for Xiang Yu\'s "Breaking the Cauldron and Sinking Boat" are more stringent and have a limited time-three days.

However, Chu Tian worried that Zhang Han would not be able to support it for three days and he would be defeated by Xiang Yu.

Not only that, Xiang Yu not only has the ability to "break the cauldron and sink the boat", but also other SSS-level features, which means that even if the ability to "break the cauldron and sink the boat" fails, the combat effectiveness of the Chu army under the command of Xiang Yu will not be weakened too much.

To be conservative, it is better to avoid fighting Xiang Yu when the Chu Army is at its peak.

"Chu General Yingbu defeated Dong Yi, General Zhang Han has personally engaged with the enemy General Yingbu, and the enemy general Yingbu stopped a little later, Xiang Yu and Yingbu joined together!"

The Qin Army scouts in the south continued to report that Zhang Han’s 200,000 Lishan Army was fighting against Yingbu, the pioneer general of the Chu Army. Qin General Dong Yi was not Yingbu’s opponent. Zhang Han could fight Yingbu.

But there is a more fierce Xiang Yu behind Yingbo, a group of princes from the main world, and their generals and legions.

These people may not be able to handle Zhang Han, even if Zhang Han has 200,000 Lishan troops.

"This team of Chu army is really extraordinary... Zhang Han\'s defeat of Xiang Liang\'s Chu army still needs three battles, first defeat and then victory. This team of Chu army is estimated to be stronger than Xiang Liang\'s Chu army."

The two generals of the Qin army, Wang Li and Su Jiao, who followed Chu Tian to the south, had completely withdrawn their contempt for the Chu army at this time, because Zhang Han, the currently recognized first general of the end of Qin, had fallen into a bitter battle.

"Golden Fire Cavalry, can I control it?"

Chu Tian took a fancy to the 1,300 golden flame cavalry in charge of Wang Li, and wanted to use the golden flame cavalry to strengthen his cavalry.

Chu Tian, ​​who gained Meng Tian\'s allegiance in the main world, knew that the Golden Fire Cavalry was a Tier 8 heavy cavalry.

Wang Li\'s golden flame cavalry is not an ordinary golden flame cavalry, but a veteran of hundreds of battles left by Meng Tian who guards the Great Wall.

After Meng Tian died, Wang Li inherited many veterans left by Meng Tian.

The golden flame cavalry that used to be strong, at this time only 1300 men remained.


Because three days ago, Chu Tian attacked the allied forces of the princes in the north and captured the great general of the State of Zhao, Chen Yu, who became famous. Therefore, the generals of the Qin army trusted him very much. Wang Li hesitated for a while and chose to bring the 1,300 golden fire cavalrymen who have experienced many battles. Handed over to Chu Tian: "These people followed Meng Tian to defend the Great Wall. They originally resisted the Huns, but they didn\'t expect such a day."

Chu Tian officially took over the surviving Golden Fire Cavalry.

[Legion]: Golden Fire Cavalry

【Class】: Eighth

【Number of people】:1307

【Status】: Lost

【Average Level】: 95

[Average morale]: 93 (combat power ↑)

[Average physical strength]: 91 (combat strength ↑)

[Number of horses]: 3124

The Golden Fire Cavalry, with an average level of 95, is indeed a division of a hundred battles.

Under Wang Li’s command, the Golden Fire Cavalry could not perform their original role at all, but in the hands of Chutian, who has two SSS-class cavalry traits, "Cray Wolf and White Deer" and "Fenglang Juxu", they can fully play the Golden Fire Cavalry. The impact.

Not only the Golden Flame Cavalry, but the Great Wall Legion that Wang Li took over also had a group of veterans of hundreds of battles, who either swept the Six Nations or defended the Great Wall.

Chu Tian was considering how to completely take over the Great Wall Legion.

Sun Bin\'s military commander characteristics can make Chutian\'s actual commander value the same as Sun Bin\'s, that is, 96 points, which can provide a bonus to 200,000 cavalry.

Killing Wang Li or under house arrest, the Great Wall Legion might not be willing to accept Chutian\'s control, and might be self-defeating.

Chu Tian tried to gain Wang Li\'s trust. After asking Wang Li for 1,300 golden fire cavalry, Chu Tian had to take another 10,000 Qin cavalry to increase his strength to 100,000.

Asking Wang Li for troops is not without a price.

Since Xiang Wangli wants to leave his troops, he must do something and defeat Xiang Yu.

To the south of the giant deer, the battle between Zhang Han and Yingbo was going on. The Chu army was killed in battle, while the Qin army killed more than 20,000.

Most of Zhang Han\'s 200,000 Lishan army were Lishan criminals, that is, prisoners and slaves, fighting with the Chu army in a state of "breaking the boat" and causing more casualties.

Fighting Yingbo, Zhang Han already felt strenuous.

And now, with the arrival of Xiang Yu and the coalition of the five princes, Zhang Han is facing even greater pressure!

Xiang Yu and the coalition of the five princes are no less powerful than Zhang Han\'s Lishan Army, and they are also more elite.

"Why am I upset?"

Zhang Han felt an invisible murderous aura.

Xiang Yu and the five princes coalition forces are coming fiercely, Jiangdong children, Beifu Army, Great Songxi Army, Baibao Xianbei, the army stretches to the sky, without seeing the end!

The main force on Zhang Han\'s side is Qin Ruishi (rank 7) and Lishan criminal (rank 2).

The rank of Lishan criminals is not high, and they are better than a large number. Moreover, Zhang Han can provide a high bonus to the prisoner army, so the Lishan criminals can defeat most of the peasant rebels in the late Qin Dynasty.

When the Lishan criminals met Xiang Yu’s Jiangdong children and the elites of the past dynasties, if the number is not dominant, then they may not be their opponents.

"Report! Opposite is the Qin army chief Zhang Han!"

"General Yingbo broke through the two tunnels of the Qin Army and blocked Zhang Han!"

"It\'s Zhang Han again! Zhang Han kills my uncle, and he must be taught to be the leader!"

Xiang Yu led eight thousand Jiangdong children, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger, and soaring into the sky!

Wang Jian defeated Chu, Xiang Yan was defeated, Zhang Han killed Xiang Liang in the three battles, and Xiang\'s three generations were famous generals in Chu, and he did not share the same heaven with Qin!

Fan Zeng, the Asian father, fell silent.

Compared with the impulsive Xiang Yu, Fan Zeng has a more long-term vision as a counselor, and he doesn\'t care about the gains and losses of one city or one pool, or personal grievances.

Fan Zeng said: "Zhang Han has 200,000 soldiers and horses, and Wang Li also has 200,000. Now even Wang Li has to obey Zhang Han\'s temperance. Zhao is higher than Xianyang\'s power and cannot tolerate anyone. For example, let people lobby Zhang Han. If you surrender, it will be easy to destroy Qin. Four hundred thousand soldiers and horses fall into the hands of your general, so why worry about it?"

"Father, Zhang Han and I don\'t share the same sky."

"Those who do big things don\'t stick to the trivial. Zhang Han is just acting on orders. He can be used by Qin II and Zhao Gao, or driven by us."

"I understand."

"Zhang Han is not so easy to succumb. The general can defeat Zhang Han and solve the siege of Julu first. Zhang Han cannot capture Julu. Zhao Gao must be dissatisfied. He wants to kill Zhang Han. Zhang Han is afraid. In all likelihood, he will surrender without fighting. ."

Fan Zeng looked like a torch, and suggested that Xiang Yu put down his hatred, defeat Zhang Han, then conquer Zhang Han, and seize the world, instead of sticking to personal grievances.

"If Zhang Han can survive, I will not only spare him not to die, but also make him king. Although Chu has three households, Qin will die!"

"Although Chu has three households, Chu will perish Qin!"

The morale of the Chu army was so high that it remained at 100, and the mountains were whistling and tsunami!

Eight thousand Jiangdong children followed Xiang Yu, and their invisible momentum was rising!

"What a terrifying aura, the Jiangdong children of special arms plus Xiang Yu\'s bonus..."

Xie Xuan, commander of the Beifu Army, could clearly feel that Xiang Yu was one level higher than him.

Xiang Yu\'s Jiangdong Army is brewing an astonishing momentum, and only waiting for Xiang Yu\'s order, Jiangdong Army will launch an offensive against the enemy.

"This is probably the ability of King Xiang Yu, which is higher than other generals."

Tongque also felt that Xiang Yu was at his peak.

The Battle of Julu is Xiang Yu\'s battle of fame, which directly put Xiang Yu above all the princes.

"Although it is also the Jiangdong Army, my Jiangdong Army is a lot worse."

Sun Ce also held the Overlord Spear and commanded Jiang Dong Army, but he always felt that his army could not reach the level of Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yu and the five princes have a tendency to attack the Qin army!

The effect of breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat is only three days, and the Chu army must defeat the Qin army as soon as possible!

When Zhang Han and Xiang Yu were about to go to war, Zhang Han received news from Chu Tian and Wang Li: "General, Chu Zimou, and Wang Li two generals proposed to stick to the grain road, and wait for the morale of the Chu army to decline before fighting with them! "

Zhang Han was taken aback first: "The Chu army is about to launch an attack. As soon as I retreat, the army is defeated. However, it is possible to use the grain transport corridor to slightly block the Chu army\'s offensive."

"Chu Jun, Chu Jun is about to move!"

Chang Shi Sima Xin, Du Wei Dong Yi and a group of generals reminded.

The dull drums of the Chu army sounded, General Ying Bu and Pu took the lead, and General Long Qi, Ji Bu, Zhong Liying and other generals followed Xiang Yu\'s actions.

The 150,000 army of the five princes, divided into two groups, rounded the flanks, wanting to swallow Zhang Han\'s 200,000 Qin army!

Qin Jun is divided into two parts, if one part of Zhang Han is eaten, one part of Wang Li is left, it is not to be afraid.

"Zhang Han is also the number one person, but it is a pity that he met Xiang Yu, this time, Zhang Han must be doomed."

Yang Shilang participated in this battle. Seeing that the Chu army and the five princes allied forces attacked Zhang Han, Xiang Yu led his troops to make a breakthrough, knowing that Zhang Han\'s winning rate did not even exist at 1%.

Presumably, Zhang Han realized that the danger was approaching, and ordered the 200,000 Lishan Army to use a grain transport corridor as a line of defense, and divided his troops to meet the invading vassals on the flanks to prevent him from being surrounded and wiped out.

Since Bai Qi wiped out the main force of Zhao in the Battle of Changping, large-scale annihilation wars are not uncommon.

Zhang Han divided the troops to protect the flanks, and the frontal force against the Chu army decreased.

"Anyone waiting, don\'t back off!"

Zhang Han draws his sword to face Xiang Yu!

The black and overwhelming Chu army, with the anger of the extinct, approached the Qin army step by step!

The Chu army jumped into the tunnel used by the Qin army to transport grain, and fought close to the Qin army, colliding with weapons!

Yingbu once again entered the Qin army, and Shuangyue was embroiled in a **** storm!

A group of Chu State cavalry attacked the Qin Ruishi of Zhanghan, the leader of the generals wearing red armor, spears like dragons, sweeping across the square, there is a faint dragon roar!

Yingbo is like a tiger, and this man is like a dragon!

Yingbu and Longqi, the two most powerful generals under Xiang Yu\'s command, attacked the Qin army at the same time, and they were as powerful as a bamboo in the Qin army!

Long Qi waved his spear, and dozens of soldiers from the Qin Army were picked up and flying!

"Don\'t go back!"

General Qin Jun did his best to maintain the army formation, and at the same time, mass destruction and injury to the Chu army!

Some Lishan criminals waved their iron chains and made a sound of breaking through the air, hitting the Chu soldiers!

Although Lishan criminals are not high-level arms, they belong to special arms. The Lishan criminals commanded by Zhang Han personally have a lot of destructive power and even use chains as weapons!

A low-level Chu army soldier was wounded by an iron chain, his eyes protruding, and another iron chain hit him and killed him!

The Lishan torturers led by Zhang Han are desperate groups, but they dare to fight back and forth with the Chu army.

On the flanks, the Beifu Army has already fought with Lishan criminals.

Xie Xuan handed over 5000 Beifu troops to Zhou Yu\'s command, and Zhou Yu ordered them to serve as the Firebolt Team, throwing the Firebolt at the Lishan Criminals!

Zhou Yu\'s Fire Arrow team had a high amount of burning damage. Qin Jun, who was shot by Fire Arrow, screamed bitterly. Even if he didn\'t die, he quickly lost his combat effectiveness and was difficult to heal!

The fierce general Huang Zhong brought by Yang Shilang carried a big knife and slashed directly into the enemy\'s formation, stirring up a **** storm, and he was no worse than Yingbu and Long.

For a fierce general of Huang Zhong\'s level, the enemies that can be shot with a bow and arrow are limited, so it is better to hack with a knife.

The young teenager Wei Yan also killed a dozen Lishan criminals with a spear.

Liu Beijun, one of the top arms of the Xianbei civilization led by Lanling King Gaosu, Baibao Xianbei (Northern Qi), assaulted back and forth in the Qin army.

The chains and spears of Lishan criminals attacked Baibao Xianbei, but they could hardly break the defense of this elite cavalry.

Without Chu Tian being present, Zhang Han, Sima Xin, and Dong Yi could not fight these terrifying opponents at all.

The Qin Army could only rely on the strict system and under the supervision of a group of veterans to maintain the front line.

"I personally broke the chapter Han!"

Xiang Yu flicked his cloak and turned on his horse.

Fan Zeng tried to dissuade Xiang Yu: "As a king, you should sit in the rear, command thousands of troops and horses, and you can defeat millions of people. If you charge forward, even if you have limited physical strength, you will be defeated and killed..."

"Afather, don\'t worry, no one can kill me unless I seek my own death. Wu Qi, let me break the Qin formation today!"

Xiang Yu shook the reins, the black horse galloped on the battlefield, as if walking on the ground, the overlord Xiang Yu personally played and attacked the Qin army!

"Oh..." Fan Zeng saw that Xiang Yu didn\'t follow his advice, just shook his head. He doesn\'t know what will happen in the future, "No matter, as long as you don\'t encounter a commander at the same level as Xiang Yu, then even if you charge and fall into the battle, you should not fail..."

"The thief will die!"

A Qin army general meets Xiang Yu, UU reading www. uukanshu.com pulls out Qin Jian!

Xiang Yu didn\'t say a word, and the Overlord\'s spear shot out. The general Qin army seemed to be bombarded by artillery shells, his sternum was broken, he flew upside down for more than ten meters, and knocked down a dozen soldiers!

In one round, the Qin general was killed immediately!

Xiang Yu was armed with the Overlord\'s spear. Less than a stick of incense, the Qin army had killed hundreds of people in battle, and a blank space was cleared around Xiang Yu!

Xiang Yu was still slaughtering the Quartet, wherever the Overlord Spear went, swept a piece, cut a thousand people in one battle, and the Qin Army was terrified!

The Lishan Army also has 200,000 people. If Xiang Yu is killed in this way, it will soon collapse!

"The Chu general Xiang Yu is here, and Qin is the leader!"

Xiang Yu roared, the morale of the Lishan army dropped drastically, and he was terrified of Xiang Yu!

The nobles of the Six Nations who followed Xiang Yu to the Julu saw Xiang Yu alone in the heavy siege of the Qin army, but they defeated tens of thousands of the Qin army alone, and they were as afraid of Xiang Yu as the Qin army.

"Eight thousand Jiangdong soldiers, go into battle!"

Fan Zeng still believed that Xiang Yu could not be allowed to do his best, so he ordered eight thousand Jiangdong soldiers to go into battle.


Zhang Han didn\'t expect Xiang Yu to be so brave. He defeated Qin Jun before using the eight thousand Jiangdong children, so he hurriedly retreated to the fourth grain transport corridor.

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