Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 963: Xuzhou beacon is back

In Qu County, Xuzhou, warships of the Jiangdong Army appeared on the sea, and the merchants and civilians in Qu County panicked.

The number of Jiangdong Army\'s ships has reached thousands!

The huge boats undulate on the sea, and hundreds of soldiers are standing on each deck of the boats, chilly.

Tongque, Zhou Yu, and Xie Xuan stood on the city wall. They could see hundreds of merchant ships in Quxian Harbor and the panicked people at the wharf.

"Xuzhou is the basic board of Chu Zimou. Its main force was transferred to the Central Plains and attacked Jingxiang. It was a good opportunity to attack Xuzhou and Qingzhou."

Dongjak\'s Jiangdong navy division is also rampant in coastal areas.

Zhou Yu, one after another, and Lv Meng, as military commanders of the Navy, have a bonus to the fleet, enhance the fleet\'s navigation ability, and reduce losses during the voyage.

"Withdraw to the city!"

Mi\'s family in Qu County, whose owner Mi Zhu is at the port, preparing to lead a merchant fleet to Dongying trade.

Mi Zhu\'s face was pale when he saw the Jiangdong Army\'s Suzaku battle flag appear.

As one of the senior officials of Xia Jun, Mi Zhu naturally knew Wu Jun\'s banner.

The Fubo army is crueling against Goryeo at this time and it is impossible to appear here.

The merchant ship that was originally loaded with cargo was abandoned by Mi Zhu and a group of businessmen, and the strong man broke his wrist.

If you were captured by Wu Jun, you might be killed or even blackmailed by Wu Jun.

As a commercial port, Qu County has basically no fortifications, because Chutian believes that offense is the best defense.

This was also the first time that Qu County was attacked by the enemy.

In the face of the Wu Jun at least 200,000 soldiers and horses, the city defense forces of several hundred in Quxian County were simply unable to defend.

It\'s not so much a city defense army, it\'s just a government officer, maintaining law and order in peacetime.

From the teleportation formation of Quxian County, the first five hundred women\'s soldiers came out of it. Pingyang Princess Li Xiuning strode to the meteor and led the women\'s army to take over the county government of Quxian.

Li Xiuning was named the Central Guard by Chutian and was already a high-ranking guard in the Imperial Guard. When a war broke out, Li Xiuning\'s rank was much higher than the county magistrate, and he could even order the governor.

"Master of the Guardian Army, Wu Jun... Wu Jun has thousands of warships, at least one hundred thousand people! We have only 500 low-rank soldiers in Qu County, and there are less than 100 war horses, so it is impossible to defend!"

The magistrate of Quxian County was not only pale, but bloodless.

All along, the county magistrate of Quxian only needs to develop the economy, but this time a powerful enemy strikes, Quxian is at stake.

Li Xiuning came to calm people\'s hearts: "There is no need to panic. The teleportation arrays in the counties of Xuzhou have been occupied by King Xia, and tens of thousands of reinforcements are gathering in Qu County, and this city will surely be saved."

Mi Zhu also came to the county office: "Our Mi family is willing to donate 1 million taels of silver for military supplies, and also recruit three thousand strong men to defend the city."

The magistrate of Quxian couldn\'t help but move.

This is 1 million taels of silver!

Mi Zhu directly donated one million taels of silver to defend Quxian County because of threats.

The arrogance of the Mi family is second to none in Xuzhou.

Mi Zhu and Mi Fang held high positions in Chutian forces, and Chutian deliberately handed over Dongying\'s trade to the Mi family. Therefore, the Mi family was rich and powerful, and even the county magistrate in Qu County had to look at the expression of the Mi family.

Because Li Xiuning is Xia Liang\'s guard, she doesn\'t need to rely on the breath of Mi\'s family, clasped her fist and said, "I have Lord Lao Mi."

"Without King Xia, how could there be the prosperity of the Mi family, just one million taels of silver."

Mi Zhu waved his hand.

Compared with the huge financial resources of Chutian forces, Mi\'s one million taels of silver is really nothing, and Chutian forces\' military and military expenditures amount to tens of millions of silver each month.

Li Xiuning personally came to defend the city, and the Detachment Army came from the teleportation array one after another.

The number of people that the teleportation array can teleport is limited, about 10,000.

Merchant ships berthed in the port were washed and plundered by Jiangdong Army and lost a lot of cargo.

But compared with their own lives, even though Mi Zhu and other businessmen felt distressed about their losses, they still believed that their lives were more important.

"Xuzhou, under the development of Chu Zimou, is really a rich and adversary country..."

Tongjak saw the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army **** the ships from Quxian County, and each ship was loaded with goods that were about to be transported to Dongying. The goods of each merchant ship might be worth tens of thousands of taels of silver or more.

Xu Zhou is undoubtedly the most prosperous state at present, because Chutian built a large number of special buildings in Langya country, which has various bonuses.

Chutian\'s ambition was not only to unify the Han Empire, but also to control Goryeo, Dongying, and America from Xiacheng, so he never gave up Xiacheng.

Chang\'an and Luoyang are located in the hinterland of the Han Empire, and it is the best choice to control the Han Empire. However, as the importance of sea dominance increases, Chu Tian\'s vision needs to be more long-term.

However, when the enemy became Wu Jun with a huge fleet, the previously peaceful Xuzhou became the battlefield again.

The Jiangdong Navy directly bypassed the Jianghuai line of defense and approached Langya.

If the Xiacheng of Langya Kingdom is captured, then, for the Chutian forces, not only the loss of a giant city, but also the morale of all legions will decline.

"The Xuzhou merchant ships looted alone are enough to make up for the military expenses of the Northern Expedition. The Northern Jiangsu Plain is conducive to cavalry operations, and even if it is captured here, it is difficult to hold on. We went to attack the hilly areas in the east of Langya State, which is conducive to our infantry and bows. Crossbow defense."

Tongque gave up the attack on Quxian, thinking that the northern Jiangsu Plain was easy to attack and hard to defend.

This is also the most troublesome part of the Northern Expedition, even if Xuzhou is taken, it is difficult to defend.

However, Tongque also has a choice, and that is the hilly terrain of Shandong.

The news that the Jiangdong navy attacked Quxian and ransacked merchant ships spread to the whole Xuzhou, and for a while, people were in panic.

Xuzhou has not had a beacon for ten years!

In Xihai County in the east of Langya Kingdom, tens of thousands of Beifu troops came ashore and easily captured this unguarded county seat and threatened Xiacheng!

The magistrate of Xihai County had begun to migrate population to Ju County before the arrival of the Soochow Navy. When the Soochow Navy arrived, the few low-rank soldiers in the area fled without a fight.

The 600,000 imperial guards originally assembled in Xuchang had to withdraw to Langya country one after another, which interfered with Chutian\'s plan to capture Nanyang County.

"At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, Wu Kingdom defeated Qi, and the two sides were already at war on the sea. Tongque wanted to emulate the war between Wu and Qi, attacking Xuzhou and Qingzhou from the sea, forcing me to return to the division to defend and give up attacking Jingzhou. All this It’s not much different from your judgment a few days ago."

After the Jiangdong Navy disappeared, the Jiangdong Navy had several possible attack locations.

Chu Tian, ​​Xia Xia Liang, Sun Bin and others all imagined that the Jiangdong Navy would attack Xuzhou, but when the Tongjae really crossed the sea to attack Xuzhou and Qingzhou, Chu Tian was still shocked by his big hand.

The Tongque now has a different courage than Sun Quan in history.

The Tongque\'s offensive opened up and swallowed Qingzhou and Xuzhou with anger.

"On the battlefield of the Goryeo Kingdom, the Marshall of the United States sent the Fire Dragon Corps, and the Shogun Oda Nobunaga sent the Shimadzu family and Tachibana family to support the Goryeo King Lee Sung-kyu. The counterattack of the Goryeo Kingdom may be extremely fierce."

It wasn\'t just the Jiangdong navy who attacked Xuzhou across the sea, but the war in Korea had fallen into a stalemate after the initial devastation.

"Our knowledge of the United States is limited. It seems that we need to buy a group of players from the United States to obtain the information we want. They may be powerful enemies in the future."

Chu Tian heard of the Fire Dragon Legion for the first time.

In other civilized areas, Chutian can also pass the hero rankings and probably know their strength.

But in the American Civilization Zone, there are no historical heroes. They only have powerful arms. Therefore, Chutian is also elusive of the strength of the American Civilization Zone.

The United States has established fire dragons, griffins, crusaders and other legions, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Among them, the Fire Dragon Legion is a regiment dominated by dragoons.

Tachibana Doyuki and Shimazu Yoshihiro are considered to be good masters. Toyo Samurai has the characteristics of "Bushido", so the explosive combat power is not weak, at least stronger than the soldiers of Goryeo.

Chu Tian didn\'t think he was taken prisoner on the battlefield of Goryeo, because his life and death were not important and would not affect the overall situation.

The injured Xu Sheng was transferred back to Qingzhou by Chutian to recuperate.

"Order Le Yi to capture Xijing as soon as possible, occupy the northern territory of the Goryeo Kingdom, and confront Li Sung-gye."

Because the United States and the Dongying Shogunate strongly intervened in Goryeo, Chutian would not be able to destroy Li Chenggui for a while, so he retreated, occupied the northern part of Goryeo, and divided Korea into two.

The prerequisite for occupying half of the Goryeo country is that Le Yi can capture the Xijing of the Goryeo country as soon as possible, and use Xijing as the base of the Liaodong Army in the Goryeo country.

The coalition consisting of Li Chenggui, Brand, Tachibana Doxue, and Shimazu Yoshihiro has begun to go north to support Nishikyo guard Jiang Hanzan.

Uprising broke out in Yiju City in Goryeo and the mountain city near Anju City, and Le Yi\'s retreat was unstable.

So Chu Tian ordered one after another: "Order Li Mu\'s Monan Army and Prince Yan\'s Mobei Army to go to the Kingdom of Korea to support Le Yi."

Almost all the legions set up by Chutian were dispatched to crush the powerful enemies.

Chutian\'s 600,000 Imperial Guards were divided into two groups, all the way back to Xuzhou and Qingzhou, all the way to stay in the Central Plains, and Wu Qi attacked Nanyang County.

The fire at Bowangpo disappeared, and the army of Wu Qi, Wei Wuji, and Cao Ren marched south to Wancheng.

The reinforcements of Xinye, Xiangyang, and Jiangxia also targeted Wancheng and supported Wancheng.

There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses that have entered Nanyang County one after another!

Chu Tian recruited Wu Qi when he left: "You will leave the battle in Nanyang County. I will take down Wancheng and Xinye within half a year, and then go to Xiacheng to return to me."