Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 95: Zhou Yafu sets off

Xueyue Town, the six town-level lords of the Wolf Guild gathered together, as well as a group of village chiefs and free players.

   They accepted the declaration of war from the War Soul Guild.

  The guild is actually more like an alliance of forces in a certain area. The Wolves Guild is in the northern part of Kaiyang County, and the War Soul Guild is in the southern part of Yangdu County.

  The two sides went to war with the two counties as the border.

"I bought a free player from the War Soul Guild. The War Soul Guild has assembled 8,000 troops and 5,000 auxiliary soldiers, and is marching towards Xueyue Town. The president of the War Soul Guild Qi Xiaobai is the commander in command. This battle is against us. As far as the guild is concerned, it is completely unwarranted."

   Xueyue, carrying a huge sword, spread out the map on the wooden table, which indicated the attacking direction of the War Soul Guild.

   "President, is it possible for us to stop their attack? That\'s an army of 8,000 people... Each of our towns has 500 people, and only 6,000 people."

   "They dare to take the initiative to declare war, there must be no fear. Let\'s negotiate peace with them."

  The members of the Wolves’ Guild lacked the will to fight in the face of the enemy’s pressure.

   There are only a few hundred soldiers in a town, but the strength of a guild can reach several thousand. Player lords have gradually possessed the ability to fight on a large scale.

"Surrender means surrender, everyone will be captive. With the town\'s walls, we can definitely block 8,000 with 6,000 troops. Moreover, the top ten lords of the Eastern Han District have promised to support us. We only need to hold on for a month. , He will lead the army to fight here as soon as possible."

   "4000 soldiers guarded Xueyue Town, and another 2000 soldiers stationed in Linyin Town, serving as horns to each other."

   Xueyue\'s simple deployment temporarily stabilized the determination of the other five high lords.

  Wolves Guild has many lords, and there are only a handful of lords who can truly develop to the town level. Other lords were either annexed during the village period or were destroyed by bandits or other lords.

   I heard that the top ten lords of the Eastern Han Dynasty would lead troops to support Xueyue Town, and the members of the Wolf Guild were relieved a little bit.

   The top ten lords in the Eastern Han Dynasty are merely personal strength, which may be equivalent to all the strength of a small and medium guild. There is another advantage. Chu Tian can command his own army with full authority, and the guild president needs to coordinate the interests of various lords, and may even be betrayed by guild members.

   The reinforcements mentioned by Xueyue had not set off yet, and Chu Tian was discussing the marching route with Fang Xuanling and Zhou Yafu.

   Xiliu Battalion has not yet come out, the first batch of pioneer troops will go north.

   said it was supporting Xueyue Town, but it was actually expanding the territory and resolving the financial crisis.

   "From Lingyan Town, there are about four or five towns on the way that are not enemies or friends. You can conquer these towns one by one, join forces with Xueyue Town, and resist the powerful enemy together."

   Chutian\'s plan is also very simple, advance all the way north, steadily fight, establish a supply line connected with Xueyue Town, and encircle Langya City by the way.

   "Zhou Yafu and Liu Sandao, you two will set off in three days and begin the Northern Expedition. The goal is to capture four towns within one month. Each village and town will send an additional 1,000 courageous soldiers as auxiliary soldiers."

   Chutian asked two subordinates to lead a thousand professional soldiers and a thousand courageous people to attack the lord who was sandwiched between Xia Town and Xueyue Town.

   These lords are scattered lords, and there is no large-scale guild. Therefore, Chu Tian judged that when Zhou Yafu brought 2,000 soldiers and Xiang Yong outside the town, they would probably surrender.

   "Once the Xiliu Camp has finished training, I will personally lead the Xiliu Camp to join you."

   Chutian was the commander of the second northern expedition.

   This is the first time that Xia Zhen has carried out a planned northern expedition, using all his strength.

   Although the seemingly vast Northern Expedition actually happened in Kaiyang County...

   This doesn\'t affect Chutian\'s enthusiasm. Even Kaiyang County can\'t be occupied. How can I compete in the Central Plains in the future?

   Zhou Yafu and Liu Sandao looked at each other: "Subordinates obey orders."

   Two subordinates are ready to lead their troops out.

   Hua Mulan was left by Chutian in Xiazhen to continue training cavalry, and try to improve the level of cavalry. The role of cavalry in the battle is not too great.

   After the training of Xiliu Camp is over, she will lead the cavalry to go north together with Xiliu Camp.

   The cold winter has not completely passed, but the flames ignited by the Battle Soul Guild have already made Chu Tian have to fight.

   "Try to persuade the towns along the way to descend, and after a town is captured, merge with the soldiers of that town and grow your team."

   Before Zhou Yafu set off, Chu Tian told him to go down. He believed Zhou Yafu would make proper arrangements.

   Unless other lords also have historical military commanders or have much more troops than Zhou Yafu, it is possible to block Zhou Yafu\'s offensive.

   "In this battle, we must go ahead!"

   Zhou Yafu led five hundred light infantrymen out of town, followed by Liu Sandao led five hundred Xuzhou archers. Behind them is a group of courageous people, they are carrying simple ladders and food.

   Chutian witnessed Zhou Yafu leaving on the city wall, and continued to be busy building the town.

   Upgrade to a city, in addition to population requirements, there are also requirements for the prosperity of the main town.

   This means building more buildings or expanding the scale and level of existing buildings.

   "The spring offensive is about to begin so soon?"

   Xia Liang followed Chu Tian to inventory the buildings that needed to be built, expanded, and upgraded.

   "Time does not wait, everyone is now speculating about the time of the first national war, thinking that it is likely to be opened after the emergence of the world\'s first city. With a city, you can recruit more soldiers."

   "The first national war..."

"Our Eastern Han District is also the sovereign state of the Eastern Continent~www.novelhall.com~ If we lose even the national war, it will definitely hit the entire civilized area a great deal. Civilized areas such as Korea, Dongying, Annan, Tonggu, and Asan will be After the border is opened, it will definitely be ready to move."

   "Yes, it\'s only two or three months since the borders of different civilizations are opened."

   "In two or three months, there may be flames on the border... but I don\'t think there will be large-scale friction unless the lord of the border can gather tens of thousands of troops."

   The player lord entered the lord world in May of the first year of the lord calendar, and the civilization boundary was opened one year later, that is, on May 1, the second year of the lord’s calendar.

   Liaodong County will face the pressure of Wuhuan, Xianbei and the Goryeo Civilized Zone at the same time.

   Theoretically, the lord of the Goryeo Civilized District can attack the lord of the Eastern Han District across the Yalu River.

   But the theory belongs to the theory. In fact, they don\'t have the ability to aggressively attack across civilized areas. At most, they are making small noises on the border.

   However, after the civilized area was opened, goods began to circulate.

   "Dumping silk, porcelain, and tea to Dongying, Goryeo, and Annan, earning their money, and then using the earned money to beat them."

   She has cool eyes in summer and seems to be very keen on trade.

   Chutian heard this thought, and suddenly became interested: "What are you going to do?"

"Occupy Donglai County, which is adjacent to Jiaozhou Bay and corresponds to Qingdao Port. Or Xihai County of Langya Kingdom. You know Xihai County? The corresponding is Rizhao Port. Opposite these two harbors are the civilized areas of Bangzi and Japanese Kou. Players are not easy to deal with, but they can dump goods to their NPC forces. In addition, coastal areas can boil the sea for salt, making the country prosperous and strong. During the Warring States period, Qi was known for its salt production."

   "You really... are a talent."