Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 90: Raid on Liangshanpo

The fog in the early morning has not yet receded, a small group of soldiers have already rushed into the town along the trails of the back mountain of Liangshanpo, shouting and killing all at once!

   Many water bandits who were still sleeping with the woman in their arms hurriedly took up the ring head knife to go out, waiting for them are the sharp arrows shot by the Xuzhou archers.

   "The Kaiyang county lieutenant led his troops to come to ask the thief!"

   More and more soldiers entered Liangshanpo under the banner of officers and soldiers.

   No matter how many water bandits, they are only thieves. I heard that officers and soldiers came to beg the thieves, and they were so scared.

  Because it was a sneak attack, the city walls and wooden arrow towers of the first-level towns were in vain.

   Zhou Yafu commanded the infantry to block off the roads of the town and try to wipe out this vicious water bandit.

   "Big Master, officers and soldiers are here!"

   "When you come out, you will have to pay it back sooner or later. What are you afraid of! Grab a few live mouths to block arrows and kill!"

   The big water bandit with a scar on his face was guilty of being guilty, and he took another gold or two in his arms, and took a few cronies and prisoners, trying to escape from the chaotic battlefield.

   The water near the shore of the Yi River has frozen, and the advantages of the water bandits cannot be brought into play. They can only engage in land warfare.

   As long as Zhou Yafu has enough troops, it is still easy to bully the water bandits.

   A line of light infantry held their long guns to block the intersection, using wooden boards and other obstacles to block off. Behind is the Xuzhou archer holding a longbow, using the gap between the light infantry to shoot and kill the water bandits who are trying to break through.

   The light infantry raised their spears and advanced step by step, compressing the living space of the water bandits.

   The water bandits blocked in the center of the town became more and more panic. They fell into Zhou Yafu\'s ambush and couldn\'t escape at all.

   Zhou Yafu was the main force in the attack on Liang Shanbo. When Chu Tian led the reserve team, Zhou Yafu had successfully besieged most of the water bandits.

   As for the water bandits patrolling the city wall, seeing the situation is not good, they abandoned the city and fled.

   There are light cavalry from Xia Town in ambush outside, intercepting the escaped water bandits.

   "The officers and soldiers blocked all the streets. They seemed to know the layout of the entire town in advance!"

   "There must be a ghost among us, colluding with the government!"

   The water bandits became more and more nervous, holding more than a dozen townspeople, trying to negotiate with the officers and soldiers.

   "Master, the water bandits want to negotiate with us with the townspeople in their hands as hostages. Are we negotiating or attacking?"

   Zhou Yafu faced this difficult situation and handed it to Chu Tian to make a decision.

   seems to be a dozen lives, but it is actually an important choice, because it determines the plan that Chu Tian and his subordinates will first consider when dealing with similar situations in the future.

   Chutian knew that he could not be soft, otherwise, how would he defend the city if the enemy held the people and captured the city in the future?

   "This is no longer a security incident in the town. It is a war. I am not threatened and attacked immediately."

   Chutian\'s decision will prevent any future military operations in Xia Town from the enemy\'s use of civilians.


   Zhou Yafu has seen too many lives and deaths on the battlefield after all, Liang Shanbo has become a battlefield, in order to cut the grass and root, it is impossible to let go of the main thieves.

   Under the command of Zhou Yafu, the soldiers and horses of Xia Town successfully suppressed the water bandits, and half of the townspeople held by the water bandits survived.

   "A general was held hostage before, and the lieutenant did not want to compromise. He attacked the assassin, and the assassin gave up his weapon and surrendered. Later, the monarch heard about this and ordered the army not to worry about the safety of the hostages, so nothing similar happened."

   In order to appease Hua Mulan and others, Chutian gave an allusion.

   This allusion was really not made up by him, but a real historical allusion, which occurred in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

   The general who was held hostage was Xiahou Dun, the assassin was a general sent by Lu Bu to surrender, and the deputy was Han Hao, and the monarch was Cao Cao.

   Hua Mulan nodded: "The master\'s approach is definitely correct."

   "No, this is not the right approach, it can only be said that it is the only choice. This can be the case in the military. If it is a security incident in the town, I still try to persuade you to surrender."

   Chutian clearly distinguishes between war and public security.

Liangshanbo is a first-class town, but Chutian found that the resource buildings here only have second-class farmland, second-class mining farm, and second-class logging farm. The water bandits have embarked on a deformed development path, relying on looting other villages and towns to obtain resources, and then constructing wildly. Shipyards, barracks, wharves, brothels and taverns.

   He brought Liang Shanbo’s lord Song Chin to the lord’s mansion, and asked Song Chin to surrender the ownership of this first-level town, making Liang Shanbo a vassal town of Xiazhen. Chutian renamed it Liangshan Town.

   Song wanted to get rid of the control of the water bandits long ago. Now that the water bandits have been wiped out, he is relaxed and easily handed the first-level town to Chu Tian unconditionally.

   Liangshan Park has many buildings that Chutian covets. Of course, it is not a brothel, but a four-level wharf and a third-level shipyard. This is a building that Xiazhen doesn\'t have.

   Three-level shipyards can already produce warships in the true sense-walking boats.

   "The property seized by the water bandits was piled up in the town\'s silver vault. They also captured a group of blacksmiths, one of whom was a senior blacksmith."

   Song in time, as the original lord of Liang Shanbo, knew everything about the situation here.

   Now he is no longer the lord, Chu Tian will know these things sooner or later, it is better to come out from the tray, maybe Chutian will have a reward.

   "Senior blacksmith?"

   The special talents in Xia Town are basically intermediate or low-level talents, and senior blacksmiths are very rare.

   No wonder this group of water bandits use sophisticated ring-head swords.

   "Did these water bandits hijack the ships passing by on the Yi River?"

   "They make a living by looting ships, but recently a river in the Yi River has started to freeze, and they have spent too much money, and the money and food they looted are not enough to use, so they went to rob surrounding villages and towns."

   It seems that this group of water bandits is the headache of Mi\'s family~www.novelhall.com~ This group of water bandits is really bold, and even the merchant ships of Xuzhou\'s wealthy dared to plunder.

   This time he helped the Mi family eradicate a threat, and the Mi family will definitely sell him a favor in the future.

   Liangshanbo, as a first-class town, is not so easy to conquer. If it weren\'t for Song and Time who knew the reality of the town, Chutian would not have been able to conquer Liangshanbo, which has a dozen arrow towers and a four-meter wall.

   There are two walking warships by the river. There is a female wall on the side of the boat, which has a certain defensive ability. The crew is dominated by paddlers who can carry a small number of pawns and are fast.

   It was precisely with two walking boats and dozens of sentry boats that Liang Shanbo\'s water bandits successfully looted Mi\'s merchant ship. The Mi family will still be helpless with this water bandit for a while.

   "All captive water bandits, above the small boss, are put to death. The rest are slaves forever, no wives, no amnesty, and atonement in the mines where the sun is not visible. Only work can have food."

   Chutian used the most severe punishment. The executed water bandits might be more fortunate than the living water bandits. They don\'t have to endure decades of hard labor.

   "This place can be used as a navy stronghold, connecting with the former water village and Xiazhen in a straight line. The only thing wrong is that the town\'s labor resources are insufficient.

   Fang Xuanling observes the nearby terrain. Liangshan Town is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The water bandits are trying their best to pile up buildings related to the navy. The fourth-level wharf makes Xia Town even worse, suitable for becoming a town for the development of water transportation.

   Chutian annexed Liangshanpo and returned to Xiazhen with gold and silver and senior blacksmiths.

   "Notify Mi\'s family that this group of water bandits has been wiped out by us, and they don\'t need to negotiate with Zangba."

   Chutian is not someone who does good deeds without leaving a name. The favor of the Mi family is definitely needed.