Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 88: Vicious water bandit

Fang Xuanling hurriedly walked into the backyard of the lord’s mansion and found Chutian who was giving instructions on the construction plans of various villages and towns.

   "What is the panic of the military division?"

   Chu Tian rarely saw Fang Xuanling so anxious. In the cold winter, the lords should not want to fight.

"The water bandits ransacked Xiaoshi Village under the jurisdiction of Yunlai Town. Two hundred villagers in Xiaoshi Village only survived less than 80 households. The area around Yunlai Town was panicked. The town and village gates were closed and the materials were blocked. Greatly affected!"

   Fang Xuanling submitted an urgent report to Chu Tian.

   When Chutian heard the news, his face suddenly turned black.

   The water bandits dare to destroy the village, this is a provocation to Xia Zhen!

   If it weren\'t for 80 households to escape quickly, maybe Xiaoshi Village would not have a living.

   Besides, it was not long before Tiancai became Kaiyang County Lieutenant, he was slapped severely by the water bandits.

  Xia Town’s prosperity has dropped by several hundred points due to the loss of a secondary village.

   This is still the critical time when Xiazhen hits the city.

   "It is tolerable or unbearable, summon Zhou Yafu, Hua Mulan, and Liu Sandao! Fuck him!"

   Chutian thought he had a good temper, but this time he was completely offended.

   Fang Xuanling did not persuade Chutian, because this vicious water bandit had already affected the development of Xiazhen.

   Two ordinary bronze heroes who served as personal soldiers went to the school ground to inform several generals to rectify their troops.

   The teaching field of Xia Town, the three most loyal troops are displayed, and the battle flag of Xia Town is displayed with the north wind.

   At the forefront are Zhou Yafu, Hua Mulan and Liu Sandao.

   There are two hundred light cavalry, three hundred Xuzhou archers, and five hundred light infantry in Xiazhen, a total of 1,000 men.

   Lingyan Town, Yunlai Town, and Shangbi Town each have one or two hundred professional soldiers. There is also a small water village controlled by Xia Town, which also has a little soldiers.

"Water bandits have invaded our territory, burned, killed, and looted. There are only 80 households left in the 200 households in Xiaoshi Village! Although it is a cold winter, you are working hard, but if you don’t wipe out this water bandit, I don’t know where the next one will be wiped out. A village!"

   "I have one of the most basic principles. If anyone offends me, I will be a criminal! Those who provoke us in Xia Town will be killed even if they are far away!"

   Chutian glanced at this group of soldiers. Before they became professional soldiers, they were not necessarily the townspeople of Xia Town, but they might also be Xiangyong from the villages and towns below Xia Town.

   Among them was Xiangyong from Xiaoshi Village, gritted his teeth about the destruction of his village.

   After Chu Tian\'s instigation, a thousand soldiers were filled with righteous indignation, and their morale exceeded 90. I wish I could destroy this water bandit immediately!

   Fang Xuanling hurried over with a cloak. If Chu Tian wanted to personally lead his troops to conquer the water bandits, he would also be by his side.

   Chutian only serves as the commander-in-chief and does not direct the battle. He is no longer a mascot, but a tool man. He has an aura of the whole army-the Great Han Army Soul (Great), which can bring 3% bonus to all three troops. The premise is that he appears on the battlefield.

   Chutian followed Hua Mulan\'s cavalry. Cavalry tends to flee for their lives when the battle is unfavorable. The Lord\'s death is no joke. As long as there is territory, he can pull out another army at any time.

   Chutian left a hundred archers and two hundred light infantry to defend the city. There is a rammed-earth city wall in Xia Town, and it is basically impossible for water bandits to conquer a city wall guarded by three hundred professional soldiers and thousands of courageous villagers.

   Qibaixia Town soldiers marched towards Xiaoshi Village under the banner of Xia Town.

   Zhou Yafu looked calm, and a group of steppers followed him.

   Before sunset, the troops of Xiazhen moved to Xiaoshi Village.

   Xiaoshi Village was in a mess, the village gate was destroyed, and many wooden gates showed signs of being kicked open or cut with swords.

   Yunlai Town has sent a small group of soldiers in advance to bury the corpses of the villagers in Xiaoshi Village to prevent a plague from erupting in the territory, otherwise a plague will come down and ten rooms will be empty.

   "The group of water bandits is too ruthless. They must not have enough food for the winter, so they came to rob our food."

   Yunlai Town’s team saw their lord coming and reported to Chu Tian with grief and anger.

   "They did it so terribly, I will flatten them."

   When Chutian saw the dilapidated Xiaoshi Village, the village was half ruined.

   The development of Xia Town went smoothly, and when it was not so embarrassing, it seemed to use this water bandit to establish its reputation in Kaiyang County.

   "Send a light cavalry to track down the location of the water bandits and investigate intelligence."

   Soldiers and horses do not move food and grass first. It is not only food and grass, but investigation is also very important. It is definitely not a brainless killing.

   The opponent\'s power is not small, and it may overturn if accidentally.

   The next day, Chutian dispatched Hua Mulan to lead fifty cavalry soldiers to investigate.

   Before waiting for the cavalry investigation results to come back, Chu Tian moved his troops to the town to supply grain and grass.

  The townspeople of Yunlai Town learned that the lord led a brigade of soldiers to help them, and they all greeted each other with pots of milk.

   They pay taxes and food to the lord\'s mansion every year, isn\'t it just for the protection of the lord\'s mansion in troubled times?

   "Guys and elders, I will come with my troops this time, and I will definitely bring the water bandits who attacked Xiaoshi Village to justice!"

   Chutian used this opportunity to unite the hearts of the people, and the townspeople of Yunlai Town, who were promised, had unprecedented support for the Lord’s Mansion, and the hearts of the people rose greatly.

   "This is the lost weapon of the water bandit we found in Xiaoshi Village. It is a sophisticated ring-head knife and of good quality."

  The soldiers of Yunlai Town presented the weapons used by the water bandits.

   Chu Tian picked up the ring head knife and weighed it~www.novelhall.com~ it turned out to be a silver-level weapon. The vast majority of soldiers in the Eastern Han Dynasty were using the ring sword of the Han Dynasty.

  The soldier from Yunlai Town added: "The owner of this weapon is just an ordinary water bandit."

   "Ordinary water bandits can use the silver-level refined ring first sword...Military, what did you think of?"

   Chutian looked at Fang Xuanling.

   Fang Xuanling lived up to expectations: "This water bandit does not lack iron, and there is a good blacksmith. Or, this is the refined weapon they seized by looting the Mijia fleet."

   "No matter what is possible, we can get a batch of sophisticated weapons by eliminating this water bandit."

   Chutian was stationed in Yunlai Town, and by the way, he checked the development of Yunlai Town. The development direction of Yunlai Town is mainly on farmland, providing food as much as possible for the main town.

   At this time, Hua Mulan followed the horseshoe prints left by the water bandits and other traces, chasing all the way.

   The water bandit was obviously very confident in himself and did not deliberately hide his whereabouts.

   At the riverside 20 kilometers away from Xiaoshi Village, Hua Mulan finally traced the camp of the water bandits.

   This is a stockade facing the river and backing the mountain. It is huge in scale, comparable to a first-class town. There are also a large number of residential buildings, economic buildings, barracks buildings, and dozens of wooden arrow towers. It is much stronger than the water bandits that were suppressed in Xia Town.

   "The territory of other lords?"

   Hua Mulan and the cavalry she brought were stunned.

   I have never seen such a water bandit. There are economic buildings in the camp...

   "General, there is a water bandit approaching from the west."

   Hua Mulan looked to the west. Sure enough, there was a small group of water bandits on the way back from looting other villages and towns. The number was about 30 people. A group of captured village girls were still being held behind.

   Hua Mulan has a cruel look in her eyes: "Capture them, catch them, and ask for information!"