Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 83: World pattern

When the lords of the Eastern Han Dynasty returned to their own territory to deal with the accumulated internal affairs, the first epic battle in other civilized areas also ended, and some lords stood out.

   Chutian didn\'t pay much attention to the world situation, but the members of the guild were discussing the hero who ranked first in the world.

   Chutian opened the world hero rankings and found that after the first epic battle, Li Li, who ranked first with the upper limit of 97 political attributes, had fallen to third place.

   The second is Chutian’s hero, Fang Xuanling, the newly recruited Fang Xuanling, and the first is the hero of the Holy See, the African conqueror Scipia!

  The lord of the Holy See recruited a famous general from the Roman Republic period, defeated another legendary Carthage star Hannibal in the Battle of Zama, and expedition to North Africa to win the Great Scipia!

   Chu Tian still knew this ancient Roman star.

  The Italian peninsula of the Holy See is now at the end of the former Big Three alliance era of Ancient Rome, Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus, and is about to enter the post Big Three alliance era of Octavian, Anthony, and Lepida.

   Scipio was the Roman commander-in-chief a hundred years earlier than Caesar, and was about the same era as Han Xin and Xiang Yu. At that time, there was the Chu-Han War in the East and the Punic War in the West.

   No wonder the members of the wolves guild suddenly discussed the world situation, so that Chu Tian also noticed Scipia, who ranked first in the world hero list.

   I don’t know which lord of the Holy See is so lucky.

   Among the top ten heroes on the ranking list, four are in the Eastern Han District, two in the Holy See, one in the Dongying District, one in the Arab Empire District, one in the Egyptian District, and one in the Eastern European Plain District.

   Although there are only two of the top ten heroes in the Holy See, they are of high quality. One is the African conqueror Scipio, and the other is the black prince Edward.

  The strength of the civilization zone is directly related to the development of each lord and the heroes possessed.

   Chutian noticed the heroes of Dongying District in front of Donghan District.

  The Holy See is too far away from the Eastern Han District. It is also separated from the Persian District, the Arab Empire District, and many Western Regions and grassland forces. The middle and early stages will basically not pose a threat to the Eastern Han District. If there is a competitive relationship, then it is also a national war between different civilizations.

   In contrast, the surrounding civilized areas pose a more direct threat to the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   The first epic battle of Toyo Ward, "Tokyo Hazama Battle" ends. Oda Nobunaga, sought after by the zealous lord of Toyo, defeated Imagawa Yoshimoto in the battle of Ozazama, and Oda Nobunaga\'s forces rose in Toyo.

  The Toyo hero who ranks among the top ten in the world is the famous military commander of the late Heian period in Japan-Asahi General Kiso Yoshinaka.

   Probably during the Southern Song Dynasty, when the Hei clan and Genji fought for power in Japan, Kiso Yoshinaka broke through the 100,000 flat army in Tonami Mountain, Etchu. After the Yuan clan fights inwardly, Kiso Yoshinaka is defeated by the Kamakura army led by Gen Fan Rai and Gen Yoshitsune and killed in action.

   Due to the need for checks and balances in different civilizations, the panels of some heroes in the Dongying area may be falsely high, which gives the Dongying area a certain threat to the Donghan area.

   Chutian also pays attention to the Goryeo area. There is a top 30 hero in the Goryeo area. There are top fifty heroes in Annan District. There are top twenty heroes in India.

   These are all civilized areas near the Eastern Han District.

  The Eastern Han District is actually the overlord of the Eastern Continent. If the surrounding civilized areas want to defeat the Eastern Han District, they can only choose to unite, or use the NPC forces in the grassland (Hun, Xianbei, Wuhuan) to harass the Eastern Han District and interfere with the development of the Eastern Han District.

   There is another way to defeat the Eastern Han District. That was the civil war in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   The Eastern Han Dynasty was divided into thirteen prefectures, as well as remote places such as the Western Regions Duhufu and Yizhou. The civil war may be more fierce than the foreign war.

   During the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao also slammed Wuhuan, but more people were concerned about the struggle between Wei, Shu and Wu, and did not see the style of Cao boss fighting Wuhuan.

   In the Tang Dynasty, he attacked the Quartet, the Arab Empire to the west, and Goguryeo to the east, but the popularity was still not as great as the Anshi chaos.

   "There will be a national war in the future. I don\'t know which civilized area the first national war in the Eastern Han Dynasty is aimed at."

   Chutian didn\'t know the content of the national war, and no players in the Eastern Han Dynasty knew. No official intelligence was released during the National Warfare internal test.

  According to the historical intersection, the Eastern Han Dynasty has grievances with the nearby civilized areas, and it may even fight the Arab empire.

   Chutian set his sights on the Eastern Han District, and there are special heroes on the list in the Eastern Han District.

   "Liu Zongmin, the general who broke into King Li Zicheng."

   Chutian found some familiar names on the hero list in the Eastern Han District.

   Apparently, many lords in the Eastern Han Dynasty also paid off in the first epic battle and recruited historical heroes.

   "There is also Pan Mei, a famous general in the Northern Song Dynasty."

   Chutian was a little shocked.

   Pan Mei was a famous general in the early Song Dynasty, conquering the Southern Han Dynasty, from the Pingnan Tang, from the Northern Han Dynasty, and captured Taiyuan. The black spot of a lifetime commanded a mistake when regaining the sixteen states of Yanyun, causing Yang Ye to die in battle. Probably for this reason, Pan Mei was completely discredited in "The Generals of Yang". But in all fairness, as the founding general, Pan Mei was regarded as a loyal minister by the Song court, and his military exploits were greater than Yang Ye.

   It was not just the Song army of Pan Mei that was defeated. Most of the time was not ripe for the Northern Expedition. At that time, the national power of the Liao Kingdom was on the rise, and there were also big figures such as Empress Dowager Xiao and Brother Yeluxiu.

   In short, in "Lord", Pan Mei\'s ability will not be too high or too low, and she is definitely a Titan in the early and mid-term.

   In addition to Liu Zongmin and Pan Mei, there are several heroes from other dynasties. Not only military commanders, but also counsellors, or heroes of the three schools and nine classes.

   The lords who have obtained historical heroes are bound to rise.

   This is also in line with the process of the Eastern Han Dynasty. After the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the Han court lost control of the counties and counties, and the princes everywhere used the excuse to wipe out the remnants of the Yellow Turban.

   Player lords began to rise, and the desire for expansion of various NPC princes further increased.

   After Chutian judged the crusade against Dong Zhuo, the state herdsmen and county guards began to annex each other. At that time, the player lord will also be hated by nearby princes.

   There are many vassals near Xia Town.

   Chutian finds time to discuss the general trend of the world with Fang Xuanling and the development direction of Xia Zhen, so that he can propose a long-term right for himself. No, this is not Longzhong, maybe it can be called Langya pair, or Kaiyang pair.

   "My lord mayor, the imperial court has sent a special envoy and canonized the lord as Kaiyang County Lieutenant!"

   Elder Li walked into the lord\'s mansion excitedly and reported the good news to Chu Tian.

   The Kaiyang county lieutenant who exchanged his military merits has a process of canonization.

   "I finally became an official...a banquet was held for the special envoy of the court."

   Chutian is honored to be the lieutenant of Kaiyang County of Langya State in Xuzhou, Eastern Han District, and holds the power of protecting the environment and people in Kaiyang County.

   Although the county lieutenant is not a high official, he can bring some fame to Chu Tian. In the future, he can annex villages and towns around Kaiyang County and encircle Langya City.