Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 6: The Yellow Turban Bandits are here

When Chutian was patrolling the village, he met Li Ergou, the elder of the village, and asked him earnestly: "Elder Li, do we have any skill books or magical weapons in our village?"

   Elder Li frowned for a long time, and finally replied slowly: "There is a magic weapon in our village."

   Chutian\'s eyes lit up: "Fetch it!"

   He just asked casually. Didn’t expect that there are really magic weapons in the village?

   The current Chutian does not have any skills. As for his equipment, he only has a bronze iron sword. If there are magical soldiers in the village, he can increase his force if he says no!

   After a while, Elder Li dragged a rusty iron sword over. With a force of only 5, he panted, "This is the best sword in our village!"

   "The best sword in the village, this is it?"

   Chutian checked the quality of the iron sword.

   [Weapon]: Rusty iron sword (silver level)

   [Status]: Damaged

   Forget about only the Silver level, it turned out to be a useless sword!

   "Elder Li, keep the best sword in our village as it is the treasure of the town."

   Chu Tianyu patted Elder Li\'s shoulder earnestly, and let the poor Elder Li drag the iron sword back to the place.

   Xia Village is under construction to build thatched huts or wooden houses for the new refugees.

   Not only the refugees, but also the recruited Hua Mulan also owns a residence in Xia Village. Hua Mulan\'s residence is close to the Lord\'s Mansion, so as not to damage the stone monument of the Lord\'s Mansion.

  The type of house built for Hua Mulan is a wooden house. You can\'t let a king-level general live in a thatched house...

   It takes wood to build wooden houses. Villagers volunteer to help Hua Mulan, who is guarding the village, build wooden houses, so there is no need to pay for wages.

   This is the fifth day. There are 200 villagers in Xia Village, which is 40 people short.

   After the village was upgraded to a second-level village, Chu Tian considered going to the nearby Langya City.

   Langya City is a large city. At present, it is still a neutral area. The army of Xuzhou Governor Tao Qian maintains order. If you want to buy supplies, you have to go to Langya City. Chu Tian also wanted to know how the other players were doing.

   "My lord, the big thing is bad! The big thing is bad!"

   Elder Li hurriedly ran into the lord’s mansion and awakened Chu Tian, ​​who was lying on the bed thinking about life.

   "Elder Li, why is it so alarmed?"

   "The Yellow Turban Soldiers and Yellow Turban Soldiers are here, there are sixty people!"

   "Sixty Yellow Turban soldiers?!"

   Chutian grabbed the iron sword beside the bed and hurriedly followed Elder Li to the entrance of the village.

The wooden fence gate at the entrance of    village was closed, and eighty courageous people gathered behind the wooden fence. Hua Mulan, who temporarily replaced the Bronze hero Zhao Qi as the head of the Xiangyong, arranged eighty Xiangyongs in a line, with the Orion as the flanks and armed with a spear, sickle, and **** as the army.

   Although the wooden fence is a first-level fortification, it is still a fortification in the end. Heroes and soldiers hiding behind the wooden fence can increase their defense by 1 point.

   [Commander]: Hua Mulan

   [Unit]: Xia Cun Xiangyong

   [Order]: First-order infantry

  【Number of people】: 80

   [Average Proficiency]: Recruit (LV1)

  [Morale]: 71/100

   [Attack power]: 5+1.25 [Defense power]: 5+1.25+1 [Speed]: 5+0 [Special effects]: Morale decline rate -50%.

   [Feature]: Those who win the hearts of the people win the world

   Thanks to the bonus of Mulan and the wooden fence, Xia Cun Xiangyong\'s defense power reached an astonishing 7.25, and he could maintain high morale for a long time.

   At the entrance of the village, there are sixty yellow turban soldiers!

   These rogues have yellow turbans tied on their heads or shoulders, and they have fierce faces. They probably looted the surrounding villages, so the yellow turban soldiers who have been supplied are not yellowish and thin.

   The yellow turban soldiers at the front are still riding their horses.

   war horse, the price is high.

  The reason why there are so few cavalry in the Central Plains is because of the high cost of training cavalry.

   Chutian saw the war horse and showed greedy eyes. If you can capture these horses, whether you use them to form cavalry in the future, or sell them for a lot of money, it is a good choice.

  The little yellow turban leader is carrying a big sword with a ghost head, and he is less than a hundred steps away from the village gate: "Open the village gate and let us enter the village, otherwise the village will be broken, and the chickens and dogs will not stay!"

   Sixty yellow turban soldiers held up a variety of weapons and shouted: "Crack the village, no chickens or dogs!"

  The braves of Xia Village are sweating.

   They are just peasants, let alone sixty fierce robbers, even if only a few Yellow Turban soldiers come, it is enough to scare them.

   "Don\'t be afraid, we can stop them!"

  Chutian encouraged these courageous folks because he found that after the Yellow Turban soldiers showed off their strength, their morale dropped from 71 to 67.

   This is still the blessing of Mulan\'s S-class feature "heroine heroes", which reduces the morale drop by 50%, otherwise the morale of the Xiangyong will drop to 63 points.

   As a first-order infantryman, his morale dropped so quickly, he was really unreliable...

   Chu Tian looked at the bronze hero: "Zhao Qi, didn\'t you mean that your Ueda Village killed more than a dozen Yellow Turban soldiers, and there are only more than 40 Yellow Turban soldiers left?"

   "The villain doesn\'t know what\'s going on, maybe there are other yellow turban bandits nearby. The little yellow turban leader is the one who destroyed our Utamura!"

   Zhao Qi\'s palms were sweaty, and his force was not as powerful as the little yellow turban leader. Finally settled in Xia Village, but the yellow turban bandits came to attack Xia Village again.

   Chutian looked at the little yellow turban leader again, UU reading www.uukanshu.com didn\'t know if this was a special hero, or just a random ordinary hero with a system refresh.

  Before the "Lord" public beta, Chutian had seen the information of the NPC force Yellow Turban Army on the official forum. The Yellow Turban Army has many special heroes.

  The most famous heroes of the Yellow Turban Army are of course the three brothers, Tiangong General Zhang Jiao, Digong General Zhang Bao, Ren Gong General Zhang Liang, and Guan Hai, Zhou Cang, Liao Hua, Pei Yuanshao and others.

   If the opponent is a special hero, that would be great.

   Chutian asked, "Who came from?"

   "Lao Tzu is Xie Lao San of the Yellow Turban Army. If you are interested, please hand over your food and women, otherwise Lao Tzu will tie you up and drag you with a war horse!"

  The little yellow turban boss cursed and saw Mulan behind the wooden fence. He suddenly became greedy: "That little girl has a good skin. Brothers, break the village, and the other ladies give it to you, just give me this!"

   "Snatch money, money, and women!"

  The Yellow Turban soldiers shouted some old-fashioned slogans, but their morale was rising!

   Nothing can improve the morale of the Yellow Turban soldiers more than money, food and women.

  The little yellow turban leader raised the ghost head sword high, and sixty yellow turban soldiers attacked the village noisily.

   They don\'t have any formations, and they don\'t need formations. It\'s enough to deal with Xiangyong with their own combat power.

   "This woman is not something you can handle."

   Chutian shook his head.

   Wang-level general Hua Mulan held a hunting bow and pointed it at the little yellow turban leader.

   She has 81 points of force, the bow is like a full string, and the ordinary hunting bow is trembling violently. Because Mulan\'s strength was too great, the hunting bow was almost on the verge of destruction.

   was shot by a military commander of 81 force, which is not fun.