Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 59: Yellow Turban Hero Zhang Liang

"This is a unit that can only be recruited in the Western Regions Protectorate, Dawan Cavalry. Dawan knows that? There are good sweat horses there, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty wants to get Dawan’s sweat horses and get through silk On the road, he once ordered General Li Guang to pay tens of thousands of troops to seek the country of Dawan, which cost a lot of money."

   Huo An brought a few Dawan cavalry to the camp in Xiazhen to drink with Chutian.

  The distance between the Western Regions Duhufu and Xuzhou almost spans the entire Eastern Han Dynasty. The two have basically no conflict of interest, but they can speak freely.

   Huoan has 400 soldiers from the Western Regions, including 20 Dawan cavalry.

   The Dawan Cavalry is a Tier 3 Cavalry, and Huo An proudly sends the attributes of the Dawan Cavalry to Chu Tian.

   [arms]: Dawan light cavalry

   [Order]: Tier 3 Cavalry

   [attack power]: 14 [defense power]: 5 [speed]: 22

  【Skills】: Intermediate detection, intermediate shooting, low-level gallop

   [Characteristics]: Master of string control (D-level characteristics, riding and shooting damage slightly increased)

   Chutian first saw the cavalry of the Western Regions Protectorate.

   The army of the Western Regions Duhufu consists of the Han army of the Han court and the servant army of the 36 countries of the Western Regions, so it is not surprising that Huo An\'s army has Dawan light cavalry.

   "Can the Western Regions Protectorate buy sweaty horses?"

   What Chutian impressed the most with the Western Regions was the **** horse of Dawan. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty also initiated a war against Dawan because of his **** horse. If there is a cavalry equipped with sweaty horses...

   "Yes, but sweaty horses are worth 10,000 gold. When Li Guangli broke Dawan City, only dozens of good horses were obtained, which shows the rarity of sweaty horses."

   "Forget it."

   Chutian heard the tens of thousands of dollars worth of sweat and blood, and suddenly he was dull. Ten thousand taels of gold can feed an army. It is too extravagant to buy a BMW.

  Waiting for the last day of the battle, Chu Tian led the cavalry to explore the terrain nearby.

   Opposite the Han army’s barracks, there are two Yellow Turban army’s Muzhai. There is a small hill in the middle. The hillside is occupied by a small group of Yellow Turban army.

   The battlefield of Guangzong County was divided into several small battlefields. In different small battlefields, the Han army was either on the offensive or on the defensive. The battlefield is ever-changing, and offensive and defensive changes are also very common.

   Chutian brought Zhou Yafu, who was good at leading soldiers to fight, to observe the terrain and let Mulan protect herself.

   Sima Zhang Tie of the Han Army issued a parchment map to each lord. Chu Tian and Zhou Yafu can map the real terrain through the parchment map.

"Occupying the hillside can get a better view. The movement of the Han army camp is all in the eyes of the Yellow Turban Army. To cut off the Yellow Turban Army’s sight, you must eliminate the Yellow Turban Army scouts deployed on the hillside. If possible, fight for the hillside. Decoy, set up an ambush to attract the main force of the Yellow Turban army to go out of the camp. When the main force of the Yellow Turban army appears, the ambushes are everywhere, the overall situation can be determined."

   Zhou Yafu carefully compared the parchment map and expressed his own ideas.

   "Unfortunately, it is not us who is commanding this time, but the army Sima Zhang Tie."

   If Zhou Yafu is the commander of this Han army camp this time, it would be easy to defeat the Yellow Turban army on the opposite side, but Zhou Yafu only has 500 infantry in Xiazhen. The average level of Xiazhen\'s elite infantry is not high, only level 30.

   "Lord, we were found by the Yellow Turbans\' rangers. It\'s time to return to camp."

   Hua Mulan noticed dozens of black spots appearing on the horizon, and the sand was rolling. They were the yellow turban cavalry wielding a saber.

  The Yellow Turban Army in Guangzong County is the most powerful Yellow Turban Army. It has rich combat experience with officers and soldiers and has a higher level. It is not comparable to the Yellow Turban Army in Xuzhou.

   The decisive battle between the Han Army and the Yellow Turban Army will begin tomorrow, and there is no reward for shooting the Yellow Turban Army.

   Chutian just brought a dozen cavalry out to investigate, there is no need to fight alone with the Yellow Turbans outside.

In the Yellow Turban army barracks opposite   , a group of lords who joined the Yellow Turban camp are discussing how to deal with the Han army.

  The Han army is an elite division. The lord who joins the Yellow Turban camp wants to kill the officers and soldiers. It is much more difficult than killing the Yellow Turban army. Of course, the rewards are more generous.

"Han army officers and soldiers are an army of hundreds of battles, ranging from level 50 to 70. If we kill a Han army officer and soldier, we might have to sacrifice three, even five or ten ordinary soldiers brought in. Join the Han court. The average level of the Yellow Turban Army ranges from 10 to 70, but the low-level Yellow Turban soldiers account for the majority."

"Why do you want to be on the list this time. It is said that the lord player ranked first in the Yellow Turban army can get a feature of the corner, and the free player ranked first can get some of the skills of the corner. Only through the epic battle, the player can have It may reach the level of a special hero. Otherwise, we will never be able to catch up with a special hero."

"Although there are few players in the Yellow Turban army, it is not so easy to become the number one on the list. I heard that there was a lord from Hanzhong who brought three thousand soldiers to the Yellow Turban army and was valued by Tiangong General Zhang Jiao. , And met him personally. He is very likely to be the first in the Yellow Turban camp~www.novelhall.com~ When hundreds of lords were discussing in private, the burly yellow turban came here with a yellow turban leader. A barracks.

   "The sky is dead, and the yellow sky will stand! The age is in Jiazi, the world is prosperous!"

   "The sky is dead, and the yellow sky will stand! The age is in Jiazi, the world is prosperous!"

   The yellow turban leaders are extremely enthusiastic, they are the elite of the yellow turban army!

   The player lord couldn\'t help getting up and looking at the coming Yellow Turban general in awe. The yellow turban generals who are qualified to be guarded by a group of yellow turbans are definitely not waiting for leisure!

  The Yellow Turban is a Tier 3 arms, and this Yellow Turban general brought three thousand Yellow Turbans!

The Yellow Turban leader headed by    is holding a spear. This spear was engraved with dragon patterns on it, glowing with cold light, and looked like a magic weapon.

  The Yellow Turban general glanced at the player lord who joined the Yellow Turban camp: "The officers and soldiers are powerful, my general Zhang Liang, will personally lead you to destroy the left-wing Han army barracks!"

   General Zhang Liang!

   Hundreds of lords were shocked when they learned of the identity of the Yellow Turban leader.

   If Hua Mulan and Zhou Yafu are king-level heroes, then General Zhang Liang is a diamond-level special hero next to the king-level hero.

   One of the lord tried to check Zhang Liang\'s attributes, but only his level was seen.

   "A level 80 general! Worthy of being one of the bosses of the Yellow Turban War!"

   "Maybe the Yellow Turbans will lose on the entire battlefield, but we can win this battlefield! We just need to get as much combat exploits as possible!"

   The lords of the Yellow Turban Army camp could not help being overjoyed.

   Zhang Liang personally led three thousand yellow turban leaders to come to support, plus the tens of thousands of yellow turban soldiers, lords, and free players in the barracks, may not have the opportunity to break through the opposite Han army barracks!