Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 54: Zhou Yafu

A king-level commander appeared in the lord\'s mansion. This man had good features and a sword at his waist.

   Zhou Yafu, the son of Zhou Bo, the founding general of the Western Han Dynasty, led the Han army to quell the civil war of the Han Dynasty in three months-the Seven Kingdoms Rebellion caused by the Wu Wang Liu Bi. The allusions of Xiliuying Many lords in the Eastern Han Dynasty know that Zhou Yafu\'s ruling of the army is fairly strict.

   It is generally believed that under the Western Han Dynasty Han Xin, Wei Qing, and Huo Qubing are the second batch of commanders represented by Zhou Yafu and others. After all, Han Xin and Wei Huo were too dazzling, which made other generals in the Western Han Dynasty less noticeable.

   Zhou Yafu was not good at politics, his own merit was high, and he often confronted Emperor Han Jing, so he didn\'t end well, he vomited blood and died.

   In short, this is a man who has the ability to lead a war, but has a bad temper. In history, there are not too few people who admit death, but not many people who can achieve success.

   [Name]: Zhou Yafu

   [Talent]: King (Commander)

  [Level]: 40


   [Identity]: Western Han Dynasty Riding General, Taiwei, Prime Minister, Tiaohou

  【Loyalty】: 80

   [Commander]: 87 (upper limit 94)

  【Force】: 57 (upper limit 69)

   [Intelligence]: 70 (upper limit 71)

   [Politics]: 31 (upper limit 39)

   [Charm]: 51

   [Phaseality]: 155 (stubborn)

  [Friendly Degree]: 50

   [Equipment]: Refined Han sword, sophisticated leather armor

   [Feature 1]: Govern the army (S-level feature, morale decline rate -50%, troops will not easily fall into chaos when encountering unfavorable situations such as ambush, fire attack, water attack, and siege)

   [Feature 2]: No food (S-level feature, the success rate of sending a surprise soldier to cut off the enemy\'s food passage is greatly improved)

   [Feature 3]: Persevere (A-level feature, self-armed attack power -10%, defense power +30%)

  【Special Arms】: Can recruit the Xiliuying Han Army (the sixth-order infantry of the Han Dynasty, the maximum number is 10,000)

   Chu Tian glanced at Zhou Yafu\'s initial attributes. The commander with a maximum of 94 was already close to the imperial commander, but it was still suppressed by the aura of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing.

   This is a general who is good at defensive and has no food. When the Seven Kingdoms Rebellion was put down, he used the tactics of clearing the wall and breaking the enemy\'s food road to win.

   If Zhou Yafu is given an elite infantry and lets him defend with all his strength, he can kill the opponent with disgust, contain the opponent\'s main force, and finally defend and counterattack.

   But Zhou Yafu seems a bit stubborn. Having such a subordinate does not know if it is good or not. Hua Mulan\'s personality is cold and cold, and she doesn\'t talk much, so it\'s better to get along with Zhou Yafu\'s stubborn personality.

   In Chutian\'s view, any hero, military commander, or civil servant has its own role, depending on how the lord uses people. From now on, let Zhou Yafu temporarily command the infantry in Xiazhen and prevent him from participating in any political affairs, lest he add to himself.

   In addition to the policy of "separation of soldiers and peasants", Chutian deliberately implemented "separation of soldiers and politics", and military commanders could not serve as ministers of the interior. The generals just took care of marching and fighting, and the logistics was handed over to the officials.

   "Meet the lord."

   After Zhou Yafu was recruited, he took the initiative to salute Chu Tian. This stranger will be his lord in the future.

"I will ask you to vacate a wooden house near the third-level school grounds. You are wronged to live there first. Xiazhen is recruiting a large number of elite light infantry. It is expected to have 600 elite light infantry by December. Training infantry I\'ll leave it to you."

   Chutian briefly introduced the situation, and then appointed Zhou Yafu as the infantry commander in Xia Town.

   A big man\'s chariot general trains six hundred infantrymen with ease.

   The recruitment of Zhou Yafu was outside of Chutian’s plan. With Zhou Yafu, a general of the infantry system, he would of course incorporate Zhou Yafu into the organization to participate in the "Yellow Turban Rebellion."

   The commander-in-chief of the Western Han Dynasty fought the Yellow Turban Army at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Chu Tian felt a little bit interesting.

   is only a level 40 Zhou Yafu, 87 points may have surpassed all the heroes of the Yellow Turban camp. Zhou Yafu\'s disadvantage is that the force is not high, and Xia Zhen can give him very little command.

   "We don\'t need to be in the forefront. The main force of the Han court is at the forefront, so the problem is not big."

   Chutian is waiting for the arrival of December, and at the same time developing territories and attacking third-tier towns. Hua Mulan\'s hussars were still raiding nearby villages outside.

   "The other villages around our village are either occupied or destroyed! To stay here is to die!"

   The lord of a third-level village led a few players to search the warehouses in the village, washed his own village, and fled to the neutral Langya city overnight.

   The little lords near Xia Town and Lingyan Town were frightened by the cavalry of Hua Mulan. They had no room to survive and could not resist the cavalry, so they could only choose to escape.

   Yunlai Village is the third vassal village of Xia Town. After Hua Mulan migrated a large number of people to this third-level village, Yunlai Village was officially upgraded to a first-level town.

After    Yunlai Village was upgraded to a first-level town, there were four more vassal villages.

The small lords around    were cleaned up. The current Xiazhen controls the territory of two towns and ten villages, two of which are directly under the jurisdiction of Xiazhen, and Chutian became the lord of the Kaiyang County of Langya State.

   When Hua Mulan led the cavalry to calm down the surrounding villages and returned to Xiazhen, Chu Tian specially set up a celebration banquet for her, inviting officials, large businessmen in the town to attend the meeting, inspiring morale and encouraging people\'s hearts.

   The population directly or indirectly controlled by Xia Town has reached 5,000 households with more than 20,000 people.

  As a big lord ~www.novelhall.com~, if you want to conquer some small lord, you can send a general and a small army.

  "General Hua Mulan worked hard and made great achievements. He paid five taels a month and gave him 30 acres of fertile land."

   Chutian knows that he must be rewarded for his merits and punished for his demerits in order to win people\'s hearts.

   Mulan shook her head: "Subordinates don\'t have the energy to take care of 30 acres of land."

   "Then add five taels of salary."

   Chutian couldn\'t produce more silver coins at this time. Increasing salary was just a way to express trust.

   Mulan’s salary now received is five taels of silver a month, plus ten taels of silver, for a total of fifteen taels of silver, which is equivalent to the salary of fifteen first-order infantry.

   Using fifteen taels of silver to enshrine a king-level general is actually very cost-effective. If possible, other lords can\'t wait to dig Mulan over with fifteen taels of gold. Especially the role of special heroes in "Lord" is greater than in reality.

   Hua Mulan has been working for Xia Zhen for this period of time, her loyalty has become 90, and her favorability towards Chutian is 65.

   Except for Zhou Yafu\'s calmness, the eyes of the other Xia Zhen generals showed enthusiasm. After all, it is the dream of every military commander who fights on the battlefield to make meritorious deeds.

   Chutian made a toast to Hua Mulan: "Let’s keep working hard."

   Hua Mulan has powerful eyes: "As long as the sword is pointed, Mulan will definitely regard death as home!"

   Chutian was still waiting to say something, the announcement of the Eastern Han District suddenly exploded.

   "Ding! All players in the Eastern Han District, please note that the first epic battle-the Yellow Turban Rebellion will officially begin in seven days. All players participating in the epic battle are asked to register and choose the camp and battlefield."

   "Players, please choose your camp. Join the Han court camp, help the Han room, or join the Yellow Turban army camp, what kind of prince will Xiangning?"