Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 537: Sun Bin to vote

Guanzhong, Chang\'an City Barracks, a military commander wandered around the city after completing the task of training soldiers and horses.

He was stopped by a young doctor who was practicing medicine in the city.

"You...you are..."

"Don\'t the general remember?"

"Oh it\'s you!"

Tian Ji carefully looked at the You Fang doctor, and it took him a long time before he recognized him.

"Last time I asked the general, the chicken head or the phoenix tail, the general replied, I would rather be the phoenix tail. This time I took the general and went to seek refuge with the general."

"Can we really escape?"

"The princes work together to resist the nomadic tribe. Even if the general leaves the switch, the chariot generals in the gate will not say much."

"Is there a way to leave Chang\'an City?"


"There are also Gongsun Jie, Tian Kaijiang, Gu Yezi, the three, don\'t you take them away?"

"They lack strategy. Taking them away will easily expose their whereabouts."


Chutian forces were preparing for the imperial examination and recruiting talents. Many talents from Xuzhou, Yanzhou, Yuzhou, Qingzhou, Jizhou, Bingzhou, and Youzhou responded one after another, planning to enter the stage and squeeze into the top of the Chutian forces.

The imperial examination, only the applicants, as many as one million!

Among them, the number of applicants for the martial arts exercise is huge!

Unless you have a certain amount of force, you dare to take the initiative to sign up for martial arts.

Among the applicants, many are free players.

This group of free players knew that the northern princes were organizing troops to fight against Mobei and suppress the nomadic civilizations that appeared, so they responded actively and planned to use this rare opportunity to become a general.

Free players have fully adapted to the life of the lord world, and they see the army as a way to climb upward.

You will be successful!

Some players also fantasize that one day they will be able to seal the wolves to live in the clan, and glorify the lintel!

Many players chose to join the army, some became generals, while players with insufficient force were transferred to high-level arms.

For example, among the Xuanjia Army and Huben Army, a considerable number of soldiers are players.

They are proud of joining the legions of high-level arms, becoming part of the Xuanjia Army and the Tiger Armies, possessing the characteristics of high-level arms.

Some players who can\'t get along can also become low-level units.

And some players with opportunities, with a force of more than 60, can become middle and low-level officers, among which players with higher command value or force value may even become high-level generals.

"I don\'t know if historical figures will be recruited this time."

Chutian attached great importance to the purpose of this imperial examination. In addition to recruiting talents for the territory, as in the past, he also recruited a group of generals to conquer the Mongol Empire.

The scale of the fourth national war may be quite tragic, and there may even be soldiers killed in battle.

In the later stages, the scale of the war is larger, and the results are often more tragic.

In the battle of Fukouxing, Zhao Long, Wen Chou, Gao Lan and other generals were killed in battle, and Chu Tian had no chance to complete the achievement of "Hebei Four Tingzhu".

In the battle of Yecheng, the trial team was killed.

The war will only get worse.

"The Golden Horde has two elite cavalry, the eldest son army and the Yu Xue army...I suspect that there is the possibility of mutual reinforcement between the Mongol Empire in Mobei and the four khanates. You must be careful..."

Although Chutian took the initiative to inquire last time, Ekaterina did not admit that the child is Chutian, but recently resumed contact with Chutian, sharing information from time to time.

Ekaterina has a concern. The current rulers of the four khanates of the Mongol Empire are the four sons of Temujin. In other words, the Mongol Empire and the four khanates may support each other.

The existence of the teleportation array makes this idea possible.

The teleportation array is rarely used to teleport large legions because of the high price.

However, the Mongol Empire and the Four Khanates can plunder the wealth of other civilizations to pay for the use of the teleportation array.

*The cost of the teleportation array is actually one of the ways the system recovers gold and silver, and it will be re-excavated in the form of gold mines and silver mines to maintain balance.

It is really possible for the Mongol Empire and the Four Khanates to directly use the teleportation array to call the forces of the empire and the Khanate.

Chu Tian remembered this to himself.

If Temujin and the Four Great Khanates used the teleportation array, the threat would be a bit bigger.

Of course, correspondingly, the princes of the Han Empire can also use the teleportation array to support each other, as long as they can afford the expensive price.

"My lord, there are two people who ask to see them, claiming to be Sun Bin and Tian Ji."

Chu Tian was waiting for the result of the imperial examination, but learned that two people had taken the initiative to send it to the door.

Hearing the name of the pair, Chu Tian couldn\'t help being moved.

Sun Bin and Tian Ji, this pair easily crushed the then Prince Wei and Pang Juan.

Qi martial arts in Tian Ji period is the peak period of Qi martial arts!

"Let them come to see me, no, I will go out to meet me personally!"

When Chu Tian learned that Sun Bin and Tian Ji had no choice but to recommend themselves, he didn\'t take much care of them, but went out to meet them in person.

Even though Chutian possesses a lot of talents, the opponent is superb Sun Bin.

After Tian Qi was killed in battle, Sun Bin and Tian Ji were divided between Mingguan and Lao Qin, but they did not expect to run to their own territory.

Good birds fold trees to inhabit, and some talents are also waiting for opportunities. Yang Su would rather flee to the south for revenge, and smart people like Sun Bin are also looking for the lord.

This time, he also brought his good friend Tian Ji.

When Chu Tian arrived outside the mansion, Sun Bin and Tian Ji were waiting.

"I never thought that two of you would come to seek refuge, and it would be easy for two of you to help each other and take the world!"

In accordance with the usual practice, Chutian highly praised every talent.

The two of Sun Bin and Tian Ji were immediately in favor.

Chu Tian invited the two into the mansion and asked them in detail about their experiences. He was surprised to hear that Sun Bin not only escaped from the city of Mingguan, but also rescued Tian Ji from Chang\'an.

Sun Bin\'s ability is indeed a bit terrifying.

"Ding! Sun Bin, an imperial adviser, is loyal to you."

"Ding! Diamond Commander Tian Ji is loyal to you."

Sun Bin and Tian Ji took the initiative to come to Xiacheng. Before they arrived, they had been prepared for their allegiance. As long as Chu Tian\'s performance did not make them dissatisfied, they would soon be loyal to Chu Tian.

Chu Tian can also view the panel of Sun Bin in the legend.

[Name]: Sun Bin

[Talent]: Emperor-level adviser

[Identity]: Guiguzi apprentice

【Loyalty】: 76

[Commander]: 96 (Set Sun Bin as an auxiliary military division, unable to lead troops alone, depending on characteristics)

【Force】: 15

【Intelligence】: 99

[Politics]: 74

[Charm]: 70

[Phase]: Calm

[Favorite degree]: 50

[Feature 1]: Divine calculation (SSS-level features, all strategies are strengthened, such as seeing through, turning back, fire attack, water attack, etc.; special effects, watching the sky at night, can roughly predict the danger, and the life and death of the characters)

[Feature 2]: Military Division-Guigu Art of War (SS-class military division characteristics, under the guidance of Guiguzi, assisting the main general. When the commander value of the main general is lower than the commander of Sun Bin, the legion applies the commander value of Sun Bin, and the legion attack power +10%, defense Strength +10%, morale recovery +10%, does not conflict with the main characteristics)

[Characteristic 3]: Military Division-Ten Formation (SS-class military division characteristics, according to different formations, additional enhancements to the corps will not conflict with the characteristics of the coach, conflict with the characteristics of the division, but not with characteristics 2, characteristics 4 . For example, the phalanx, the legion’s all attributes are extra +5%; the round array, the legion’s defense power is extra +10%; the cone array, the legion’s attack power is extra +10%)

[Feature 4]: Military Division-Ambition (SS-class military division characteristics, when the ambush is successful, the damage of the corps will increase by 15%, and it will not conflict with the main general characteristics)

[Feature 5]: Destiny (negative feature, can not lead troops alone, when leading troops alone, no bonus to the legion)



Although there is only one SSS-level feature, the three SS-level military division features are all features that assist the main general, and are extremely practical...

Moreover, if the commander of the main general is not high enough, you can directly use Sun Bin’s 96-point command...

Chu Tian discovered that Sun Bin was simply the strongest support he had ever seen!

No wonder Tian Ji, with Sun Bin as his military commander, can play Pang Juan and a group of generals from the State of Wei.

Even though Sun Bin has the characteristic of not being able to lead troops alone, the assistance of its three SS-level characteristics, coupled with the SSS-level characteristics of magic calculation, practical value, is no less than an imperial commander.

If Fang Xuanling, Guo Jia, Xun You and others are complete counselors, then Sun Bin is a combination of counselors and commanders, similar to Wang Meng.

There are still differences between Wang Meng and Sun Bin. Wang Meng can lead troops alone, not as an aid.

Sending Sun Bin to any legion will increase the combat power of any legion by at least 15%-30%. This does not include the bonus of the strategy, because the strategy cannot be estimated.

"I wonder if there is a military book?"

Chu Tian remembered that Sun Bin seemed to have compiled a copy of The Art of War by Sun Bin.

If you can get the "Sun Bin Art of War", you can strengthen a commander and the army under his command.

Sun Bin shook his head: "The subordinates have not yet summarized the art of war."

"So... please don\'t worry, sir, live in Xiacheng with peace of mind and follow me for the time being."

Chu Tian worshipped Sun Bin as one of the masterminds, so he could use Sun Bin’s 96 command...

As for "The Art of War by Sun Bin", I will try to squeeze Sun Bin in the future so that Sun Bin can finish the book as soon as possible.

Also in need of oppression was Cao Mengde. Chutian urged Cao Cao to complete the "Meng De New Book" as soon as possible, but Cao Cao insisted that he could not write it.

Maybe he hasn\'t reached his age yet and has insufficient qualifications, so he can\'t create a military book.

Chu Tian looked at Tian Ji again. Tian Ji\'s attributes are much worse than Sun Bin, so Sun Bin almost robbed the limelight.

[Name]: Tian Ji

[Talent]: Diamond Commander (Infantry/Bow and Crossbow)

【Level】: 69

[Identity]: During the Warring States Period, a famous general in Qi

[Commander]: 87

【Strength】: 79

【Intelligence】: 73

[Politics]: 49

[Charm]: 87

[Phaseality]: Chivalrous

[Favorite degree]: 50

[Characteristic 1]: Qi Kingdom\'s main general (S-level exclusive feature, when serving as Qi attack main general, all corps attributes +10%)

[Feature 2]: Military Division-Sun Bin (A-level exclusive feature, when Sun Bin is a military division, all stats of the legion are extra +10%)

[Special arms]: Qi martial arts (6th-order infantry/bowman/cavalry, good at individual combat, the upper limit is 10,000)

Tian Ji and Pang Juan were bleak in front of Sun Bin.

But there is one thing to say, Tian Ji\'s attributes are quite satisfactory and he is still a qualified main player. He is also a charming person in his own right, and is valued by Sun Bin.

No wonder that when Chu Tian attacked Jinan, the combination of Sun Bin and Tian Ji caused Yu Jin to suffer.

Although Tian Ji\'s abilities were quite satisfactory, he was superimposed with Sun Bin\'s fetters, coupled with Sun Bin\'s super support, the Tian Ji Legion that Yu Jin faced at that time was equivalent to an imperial commander.

Yu Ban lose is not injustice.

"Your legion, temporarily serving as the reserve of the Guard Corps."

Chu Tian had just reorganized the army, and at this time there was an extra Tian Ji, so Tian Ji was incorporated into the reserve team, and then we will see how to arrange it.