Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 509: Southern Song Dynasty Zhao Gou

On the battlefield of the Battle of Jingkang, the decisive battle between the Han, Song and Jin soldiers has come to an end. There are corpses on the battlefield, making Song Huizong and Song Qinzong shocking.

In this battle, the casualties on both sides add up to one hundred thousand.

Some of the golden soldiers fled to the north of the Yellow River and fled all the way, but they were too late.

The Han army and Song army exhausted their strength because of the stubborn resistance of the Jin soldiers. The Kingdom of Jin was at its peak. The soldiers fought desperately. In order to annihilate the main force of the Kingdom of Jin, the Han and Song troops suffered extremely heavy casualties.

When any civilization or country is in a period of rising national power, it is extremely difficult to deal with. The Golden State at its peak and the Northern Song Dynasty at the end are naturally different.

The Golden Kingdom at its peak and the Northern Song Dynasty led by Zhao Kuangyin at the beginning of the founding of the country can actually fight together.

"Stop chasing."

Old Qin counted the troops and horses, and the 10,000 Guanzhong Corps lost more than half in the Battle of Jingkang.

The remaining Han princes lost at least 50%.

Among the soldiers that Chu Tian brought, there were only more than twenty of the Knights of the Round Table, and Le Yi\'s swallows almost lost their staff. Even the main general Joan of Arc was seriously injured.

The situation of the other princes would only be worse than those of Chu Tian and Lao Qin.

If they continue to pursue the Golden State’s sphere of influence, anger the Golden State Emperor, and the Golden State Emperor’s imperial conquest, they will face the nation’s power at that time.

Chu Tian, ​​Lao Qin, and others thought it was good to hit this level.

Of the 300,000 golden soldiers who attacked and opened the closed mansion, only a few tens of thousands escaped.

When Mingguan came back from the **** battle, the blood stained its armor. Among all the princes, Mingguan was the one who dared to fight hardest. It is said that he had led the cavalry to attack the army of Goryeo many times, and Goryeo was frightened to hear about it.

This is a powerful enemy.

Chutian secretly guarded against Mingguan.

Chu Tian himself is a cavalry commander, while Mingguan is more like a cavalry violent general, good at running and assaulting.

Mingguan threw the head of a golden general on the ground, and the **** scene made the two emperors Song Huizong and Song Qinzong subconsciously step back.

"This is the first level of Jin Guo coach Wanyan Zonghan. He fled to the north of the Yellow River and was overtaken by me and beheaded."

Mingguan seems to have done an ordinary thing.

The second Jin Guo coach died in action!

In this battle, apart from Jin Wushu\'s escape, the clan commander of the Wanyan family was almost wiped out!

"True Heavenly Soldier and General..."

Song Huizong and Song Qinzong\'s scalp numb, these heavenly soldiers and generals beheaded the head of the enemy generals, just like a common meal.

If the golden soldiers are wolves, then these Han princes are hunters.

"Clean the battlefield, and then class teacher."

Chu Tian planned to extort Song Huizong and Song Qinzong for a reward before the battle of Jingkang was over.

Song Dynasty veteran Zongze stood on the battlefield, his armor was stained red by the blood of the golden soldiers, and even his gray beard was covered with blood.

Behind him, the surviving soldiers of the Song Army crawled out of the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain and looked around and found that all the remaining golden soldiers had fled north.

They unexpectedly won a major battle that determined the national fortune and wiped out most of the main force of the Golden Soldiers!

"One day, Yan Yun will definitely be hit!"

Zongze was greatly inspired by winning this battle. Not only Zongze, but also the Song Army generals led by Zongze, their morale was greatly boosted, and they became veterans of the front and the main force of the golden army.

Zongze took off Tie Douyu, revealing his gray hair, and came to face Saint.

Song Huizong and Song Qinzong comforted Zongze who had come to King Qin, and gave an oral order on the spot to promote Zongze and Yue Fei.

Of course, Song Huizong and Song Qinzong are still under the surveillance of a group of heavenly soldiers. Zongze\'s soldiers and horses were not the opponents of the Han princes, and they could not **** the two emperors back.

The two superstitious emperors were convinced of the claim that the princes of the Han army claimed to be the generals of the heavenly soldiers. Otherwise, how could the princes of the Han army defeat the vicious golden soldiers?

Now even if the princes of the Han army want to let go of the two emperors, the two emperors are not necessarily willing to go, but find a way to win over this group of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, so that in the future, these heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals can help each other and protect the Great Song Dynasty.

The princes of the Han army began to clean the battlefield and seized the horses and armor of the Jin soldiers. The general principle of cleaning the battlefield is that whoever grabs something belongs to whom.

The princes of the Han army generally had unwritten rules. In the main world, you will not eat people, will not slaughter the city, and will not easily fight inwardly when the epic battle or national war is in the same camp, otherwise you will be accused by thousands of people.

Almost every prince won a batch of trophies.

Chutian checks the ranking list. He killed many generals of the Kingdom of Jin. One of them was Wan Yan Zongwang, the coach of the Kingdom of Jin, who brought him 30,000 points. The two hypocrite generals and the commander of the Sixth Route Army of Jin Kingdom, Wan Yanchang, each had 10,000 heads. integral. Just kill four Golden Heroes, you will have 60,000 points in total.

In addition to the four main Golden State heroes, there are also some other Golden State generals, as well as the killed Tiefutu, other pseudo-Royal and pseudo-king-level Golden Generals.

First place, I just want to farm well, second place in points, a small soldier at the border of the Ming Dynasty, third place in points, Lao Qin, fourth in points, Tongque, fifth in points, Yang Shilang, points to Zhao Long and others, because they were destroyed by the Iron Buddha, they got limited points.

In general, all the princes can only bring 10,000 soldiers at most, and the gap is not as obvious as during the National War, but Chutian\'s power has several important heads, and the points are still ranked first.

"There is an army coming from the northeast!"

An iron eagle scout urgently reported to Chu Tian.

"Ready to fight!"

All the princes of the Han army, including Chu Tian, ​​were on alert immediately.

At this time, the Jin Bing was defeated, and the physical strength of the Han army was generally exhausted. If there is another big battle, it will be completely defeated.

At this time, even Song Huizong and Song Qinzong were all alarmed. They looked to the northeast with anxiety, where Puyang and Daming Mansion were located.

Under everyone\'s gaze, a banner appeared from the horizon, and an army of different armors and banner systems was overwhelming.

Veteran Zongze was the first to react: "This should be the reinforcements of Marshal Marshal of the World Army."

Zongze\'s words made all the princes of the Han army react. Good fellow, the reinforcements of the Southern Song Emperor Zhao Gou finally came.

However, Zhao Gou\'s army was long overdue, and the battle of the three armies ended, Zhao Gou came over, and it was no longer hot.

This Song army is composed of rebels from all over the world, jealous of the spoils that can be seen everywhere on the battlefield, some of the Song army actually stepped forward to grab the spoils.

Chu Tian, ​​Lao Qin, Ming Guan and others frowned.

The main force of this battle was the Han army, followed by Zongze\'s fifty thousand Song army, who traded their lives for victory, while Zhao Gou\'s Song army did not even catch up with the battle, so why did it divide the spoils?

"Those who dared to **** our spoils were killed."

A group of Han princes reached a consensus almost at the same time.

This group of Han princes killed a lot of Song troops in Kaifeng. They were really crazy, no matter whether he was a golden soldier or a Song army, as long as he did not follow the rules, he would kill them all!

Lu Bu was unrelenting, Fang Tian painted a halberd and killed dozens of Song troops, making the Song troops brought by Zhao Gou frightened.

Xue Rengui picked up a Song Army general in one hand. The latter did not even have the strength to resist. Xue Rengui threw it out lightly, knocking down several Song Army soldiers.

Li Guang was more irritable than Xue Rengui, and slashed with the first knife out of the ring.

Because of the strength of the Han army, the Song army brought by Zhao Gou finally didn\'t dare to go off to grab the spoils, and could only watch the Han army and the Song army brought by Zongze divisively divide the spoils.

"The winner is qualified to eat meat, and whether the loser can drink soup depends on the mood of the winner."

Chu Tian once again instilled the thought of the weak and the strong in the two Song emperors.

The law of the jungle applies not only to forces, but also to friendly forces.

Zhao Gou\'s Song army came from various places, and some of them were gangsters, so the military discipline was scattered. They were taught a lesson by the Han army, and they were a little at ease.

Zhao Gou came to meet his father and elder brother. The three met and wept pretendingly.

According to Chu Tian\'s view, if this is true history, when Chu Tian and the group of Eastern Han princes leave, these three people will definitely fight for power. The result is likely to be the surviving Golden Soldier going south and destroying the Song State again.

The end of a dynasty, coupled with power struggles, is powerless.

"Ding! The battle of Jingkang is over, you can choose to return to the main world within 15 days. After 15 days, the dungeon will be forced to end."

"Ding! Do not wash the people and officials of the Song Dynasty, do not kill Emperor Song, otherwise you will be judged by the system as a failure."

"Ding! Can\'t take away the people in Kaifeng city."

The system prompt sounded.

But Chu Tian and his party didn\'t plan to return to the main world so soon, they wanted to extort money from the two Song Emperors.

Although the system stipulates that one\'s own civilized people cannot be laundered, it shouldn\'t be a problem to use blackmail to search for a little money from the Song Dynasty civil servants and relatives of the emperor.

There is a batch of weapons they hoarded in Kaifeng city, which can be taken away directly.

Zhao Gou met the two emperors, and he keenly discovered that the two emperors were under house arrest by the heavenly soldiers.

Zhao Gou himself didn\'t want to believe the statement of the Heavenly Soldier and General, and he was quite defensive against Chu Tian and his party, realizing that he could not continue to stay with the two emperors.

However, one step later, a group of Chutian princes took the opportunity to put Zhao Gou under house arrest together, and firmly controlled the three most powerful people in the Song State, so as to blackmail hundreds of civil and military officials.

Song Qinzong had to give an oral order to let Song Jiang Zongze temporarily serve as the general of the world\'s soldiers and horses to replace Zhao Gou. It is estimated that Song Qinzong is also willing to lift Zhao Gou\'s military power. He was very wary of his brother\'s control of the military.

"Unfortunately failed to kill Jin Wushu."

Seeing Jin Wushu escape, Yue Fei returned to report to Chu Tian, ​​greatly regretting.

Jin Wushu was a military commander who was good at escaping. He was stuck in Huang Tiandang for 48 days by Han Shizhong, and he just escaped.

After repeated defeats, Jin Wushu was not captured or killed.

Its ability to escape is far better than its commanding ability.

"Ding! Yue Fei\'s favorability for you has increased by 4, and the current favorability is 85."

Chu Tian and his party held two Emperors of Song and Zhao Gou back to Kaifeng, behind them were the Han army and the mighty Song army.

Although the veteran Zongze was puzzled by Chu Tian and others about the hijacking of Emperor Song, Chu Tian and others promised him that they would release Emperor Song within half a month, and Zong Ze did not attack him.

After all, if Chu Tian and his party hadn\'t appeared, Emperor Song would have become a prisoner of the Jin Bing. That kind of shame, even Song General, could not bear.

Kaifeng City heard that the two Majesty\'s imperial drivers returned triumphantly after their personal conquests, and they called for long live in Xuanhuamen Mountain.

Yao Youzhong, Zhang Shuye and other generals of Song State who were defending Kaifeng City burst into tears. Their majesty finally became sensible.

Most of the main forces of the Golden Soldiers were annihilated, and the foundation of the Golden Kingdom\'s rule was shaken. The Golden Soldiers will not go south in a few years, and the Song Dynasty can enjoy several years of stability.

Too many things have happened in the past few years. The Songjiang Uprising and the Fangla Uprising one after another, the Song Huizong failed to conquer the Liao State twice, the Jin Soldiers went south twice, and the soldiers of the Northern Song Dynasty were exhausted by wars and had misery.

The civil and military officials in Kaifeng wanted to welcome the two majesty to return to the palace, but they were rejected by the Han princes.

This group of vassals who claim to be heavenly soldiers and generals wants to get a bunch of extra rewards.

Such a request seems reasonable, because the Han princes killed more than half of the gold soldiers in order to annihilate the main force.

However, the treasury of Kaifeng City has been looted, and the tax revenues from various places have not been shipped due to the besieged city of Kaifeng, and it is difficult to reward the Han princes with public money.

At this time, Song Huizong and Song Qinzong proposed to raise hundreds of thousands of liang of "incense money" from hundreds of officials and civilians in order to thank the heavenly soldiers.

Hundreds of thousands of taels is not a small amount. If it is shared equally with each prince, it is equivalent to only tens of thousands of taels of silver for each prince, and each prince may not be able to see it.

Of course, even though tens of thousands of taels of silver is not too much, Chu Tian still wants to win it.

Chutian\'s territory has a larger population than the Northern Song Dynasty, and its economy is prosperous, and wars took place outside the territory. Therefore, it is really better than Song Huizong and Song Qinzong who have experienced two large-scale peasant uprisings, two conquests of the Liao Dynasty, and two golden soldiers went south. Rich in countless times.

The Fangla uprising alone greatly consumed the national power of Song State.

In the battle of Jin Bing against Taiyuan, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses of Song State suffered a lot of damages, the major generals suffered heavy casualties, and the military expenses were countless.

At least the war launched by Chutian can basically be won, and military expenditures can be made up through war dividends.

In the last ten years of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Song Army failed most of the battles, and the cession of land and compensation would only get worse and worse.

Kaifeng City raised hundreds of thousands of taels of silver~www.novelhall.com~ Due to fear that the heavenly soldiers and generals were not satisfied, Song Qinzong planned to convert the Emperor Ji into gold and silver as a reward to the heavenly generals. Da Song Zhao\'s family worked hard.


Chu Tian was amazed at Song Qinzong\'s idea of ​​being unreasonable. It is estimated that in Song Qinzong\'s opinion, sending a group of women out would not lose much.

Unlike dedicated to the golden soldiers, Song Qinzong believed that the heavenly soldiers and generals should be relatively civilized and civilized people, so he only surrendered the emperors who had not left the pavilion to the heavenly generals, and recruited the heavenly generals as consorts.

Di Ji, also the princess of Song Dynasty.

The Emperor Ji who can get married at this time is Song Huizong\'s daughter and Song Qinzong\'s sisters.

All the princes looked at each other, facing Song Qinzong\'s generous reward, they didn\'t know whether they should accept it or not.

Mingguan mumbled: "Don\'t do it for nothing."

The other Eastern Han vassals also nodded, and they wanted to see what the legendary Emperor Ji looked like.