Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 50: Predatory population

"The village chief, a team of cavalry has come in, you run away!"

   The people in a second-level village were panicking. The light cavalry in Xia Town had already forcibly breached the village gate, and the silver-level generals fell under the opponent\'s sword.

   The light cavalry in Xia Town drove directly to the lord\'s mansion of the second-level village, and the opposing village chief had already taken advantage of the chaos to escape.

   Hua Mulan dismounted and led the soldiers to destroy the stele of the second-level village.

   The destruction of the stele means that the village will soon be deserted.

   "Drive all the population back to Xiazhen."

   Hua Mulan led the cavalry to drive hundreds of villagers in the village to Xia Town.

   The population of Xia Town is upgraded. Hua Mulan’s mission is to plunder the population and increase the population of Xia Town quickly.

  Before lacking troops, Chu Tian could only wait slowly for the refugees to enter the village. After reaching the town level, the default rules of the game have been changed, and plundering the surrounding population is obviously much faster than passively waiting for the refugees to appear.

   is not only the Eastern Han District, but the big lords of other civilized areas also swallow the surrounding little lord whales.

   The weak eats the strong, the rule of "Lord".

   The village chief, who escaped from the village by jumping over the wooden fence, was untidy, and watched embarrassedly as the cavalry who suddenly entered the village plundered all the population and left.

   "The village that I finally developed was destroyed. Who are these cavalry?"

   The village chief shuddered at the thought that his hero would be killed by the opponent\'s hero in a few strokes.

   The other party is obviously not merciful, and the purpose is very clear-destroying the village and plundering the population.

  The average horse thief would not take away the villagers, so there is only one explanation, behind Hua Mulan there is a high lord who is controlling everything.

   Xia Town is only 50 kilometers away from Langya City, and the looted villages are also near Langya City.

   So the legend of a cold and ruthless female butcher spread in Langya City.

   It is said that this female butcher led a team of vicious cavalry active in the south of Langya City and destroyed 81 villages. Free players in Langya City dare not venture to the south of Langya City.

   Actually Hua Mulan didn\'t destroy 81 villages, because there were not so many villages around Xiazhen. Hua Mulan destroyed eight villages and captured a total of 916 households with 4,713 people, and moved the population of the eight villages to Xia Town. The unprepared population in Xia Town moved to Yunlai Village, Xiaozhu Village, and Shangbi Village.

   The 4,000 population conditions required to upgrade Xia Town to a secondary town will soon be reached.

   "Mulan is really capable."

   Chutian just gave an order to Mulan, and Hua Mulan completed the task neatly.

   Population conditions are met, and there are requirements for prosperity.

   Prosperity is divided into the overall prosperity of the territory. A first-level town plus four vassal villages requires 3000 prosperity. There is also the prosperity of the town itself, which needs 1200 prosperity.

   There are many ways to increase prosperity. Increasing population can obviously increase prosperity. In addition to this, it is to develop the economy, build as many buildings as possible, or increase the level of buildings in the town.

   Chutian took out the gold and silver looted from Lingyan Town and the eight villages, purchased all the architectural drawings and resources, and started construction in Xia Town.

   In order to personally supervise the construction work in Xiazhen, Chu Tian asked Liu Sandao to lead a small team to suppress Lingyan Town, and then took the prisoners back to Xiazhen and put them under house arrest.

   The large-scale construction of civil engineering is not only to increase prosperity, but also to increase the employment rate of the residents of Xia Town. The population of Xia Town suddenly rose from more than 2,000 to 5,000. Elder Li was in a hurry just to relocate new residents, let alone solve the employment problem of these residents.

   In the past, Xia Town relied on absorbing small-scale refugees to increase the population, and the number of new residents was small, so it was easy to arrange housing and work for them. But now the population of Xia Town has suddenly doubled, which means doubling the number of houses and jobs.

   The looting of the population also has a negative effect-people’s sentiment and public security have dropped drastically.

   These new townspeople were displaced because Hua Mulan led the cavalry to destroy their villages. They naturally had opinions on integrating into the big collective of Xia Town. Imagine that you are living well, but as a result, a team of cavalry forces you to move to a new place. Everything has to start from the beginning. You are naturally unhappy.

   The public sentiment in Xia Town fell to 55, and the public security fell to 51, which means that an uprising may occur at any time.

   The reason why there has not been a riot is probably because of the fear of Hua Mulan’s force and the military force of Xiazhen, as well as the supervision of the original townspeople.

   However, if Xia Town is surrounded by enemies, Chu Tian believes that these new townspeople will have a 90% chance of uprising.

   The way to improve people’s sentiment is also very simple. First, provide shelter and work, secondly implement policies that are conducive to the restoration of people’s sentiment, and finally recover slowly over time. After all, people, most of them are healed and forgot to hurt.

   Xiaozhu Village’s commercial firm has set up a branch in Xia Town to enhance the prosperity of Xia Town. Chutian can directly go to the firm to entrust them to Langya City to purchase architectural drawings.

He upgraded farmland, mines, quarries, logging yards and other resource bonus buildings to level three, and then upgraded economic buildings such as celadon factory, orchard, pig farm, chicken farm, fish pond, and arsenal, level three Several military buildings such as the school field (plus soldier training experience), the third-level infantry battalion, the second-level naval battalion, etc.~www.novelhall.com~ Finally, there are cultural buildings such as private schools and earth temples...

   The entire Xia Town has become a large construction site inside and outside.

   Hundreds of private houses and dozens of large-scale buildings have expanded, and there are carpenters, masons, and refugees everywhere.

   The only Minister of the Interior, Li Li, has been very busy recently, busy allocating the newly reclaimed land to the new townspeople.

   The policy of "farmers have their land" has played a big role in restoring popular sentiment, which rose from 55 to 61.

   During the construction of civil engineering in Xia Town, it happened to be the busy season of planting in early October. The farmers who participated in the construction of civil engineering were forced to leave the construction site and return to the farmland to plant seeds.

   Chutian was so devastated, there were too many things to do. Controlling Lingyan Town, upgrading buildings, constructing new buildings, urging farmers to plant seeds, and managing vassal villages...

   The vassal villages are also facing a decline in popular sentiment due to the influx of population.

   If it is not handled properly, the villagers of the vassal village will hold the village chief and shout that the princes will be kind to each other.

   These belong to the construction of internal affairs. In order to prepare for the first epic battle, Chutian also considers training of troops.

   Recruiting soldiers and training soldiers are two different concepts.

   The initial level of recruited soldiers is 10, and they can be trained up to level 100. This is the difference between recruits and elite soldiers.

   Chutian came to the residence of Hua Mulan next door, and there was the sound of scooping water. When Hua Mulan came out, her hair was wet, and she was obviously taking a shower.

   When she saw Chu Tian\'s arrival, she quickly wiped her long hair with a towel, and looked a little flustered: "The lord has something to do with someone calling me over."

   "I will form a squad of 100-man light cavalry, and leave the task of training the light cavalry to you. After two months, the average level of these light cavalry will reach level 35."