Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 48: We surrender

Twice the strength of the troops surrounded the Allied Forces of Lingyan Town, and the free players of the Allied Forces of Lingyan Town were shocked. Xiangyong is also a first-tier arms, and the densely packed Xiangyong makes the scalp numb.

   "Except for the top lords in the Eastern Han District, no one can organize an army of thousands of people..."

   "President, what shall we do now?"

  The members of Lingyan Pavilion looked at Datang Li Er at the same time. Now they are struggling to ride a tiger. They are attacked by the defenders of Shangbi Village and the coalition forces of Xiazhen, and they are in danger.

   "Their eight cities are the courageous, we may not be defeated. As long as they defeat their small units, these courageous will be defeated without a fight!"

  Datang Li Er was also the lord who walked from a first-level village to a first-level town. He knew that Xiangyong could only fight a tailwind, and his morale could easily collapse due to changes in the situation.

   "But they are so many and powerful, brothers will inevitably be hurt. What kind of punishment will the ghost know after death?"

  The players of Lingyan Pavilion cherish their lives and dare not go into battle easily.

   "What are you afraid of, maybe you can return to the real world after death."

   "But it might actually die."

  Lingyan Pavilion players still dare not step forward, and they cannot let them cherish their lives in the resurrection of the game.

   Chutian asked a light cavalry forward to shout: "You have only two options to attack our territory, one is to surrender, and the other is to fight us!"

   All the coalition forces in Lingyan Town heard the call of the light cavalry, and became even more flustered.

   The opponent obviously wants to capture them.

   "Should we surrender?"

"Can’t surrender. My town still has a lot of courage. Our guild also has many lords who own villages. Just return to Lingyan Town and organize dozens of lords, and each lord can give out 100 courage. A coalition of thousands of people! We are fully capable of making a comeback! Don’t forget, we may be a prince in this world!"

   Datang Li Er is obviously not willing to surrender.

   The Allied Forces of Lingyan Town he brought with him are not yet Lingyan Pavilion\'s full strength. In order to let Lingyan Town monopolize the third-level gold mine, he did not summon other lord players in the guild, but only brought free players and gave them a sum of money to pass.

  The main reason is that he never thought that the lord who occupied Shangbi Village would have the strength to summon thousands of soldiers and courage. If he knew in advance that the opponent had such strength, he would not just bring 500 people to attack Shangbi Village, he would even give up the idea of ​​attacking Shangbi Village.

   "Will the opponent be the coalition of other guilds in Langya Kingdom? Maybe several high lords in their guild will join forces to send troops."

   "This is unlikely. Several high lords jointly send troops, the efficiency is not so high at all, and it is impossible to be near here!"

   "You only have 15 minutes to think about it. Over time, we will attack! All free players who surrender can forget the blame!"

   When everyone in Lingyan Pavilion hesitated, Chutian gave the final confession.

   There will be more and more conflicts with other lords in the future, Chu Tian must be cruel, or he will only be restrained.

   He also gave free players a way out.

   "Our reinforcements have arrived!"

   Compared with the panic of the Lingyan Pavilion coalition forces, Shangbi Village\'s morale was greatly boosted, guarding the entrance of the village, ready to attack the army in Lingyan Town with reinforcements at any time.

   The time for the coalition forces in Lingyan Town is running out.

  The players of Lingyange Guild were in disaster, and internal disputes broke out. They were divided into the main battle group and the surrender group. The two sides were in a stalemate.

"If you want to leave, you won\'t be from Lingyan Pavilion in the future!" Datang Li Er was angered, his eyes were a bit fierce, "Others wait to follow me to break through! As long as we return to Lingyan Town safely, we can counterattack. !"

   Tang Li Er still didn\'t want to give up his qualifications as a lord.

   "My lord, some of them seem unwilling to surrender."

   Liu Sandao was observing the movement of the Allied Forces in Lingyan Town, and when he saw a small group of cavalry assembled, he knew that the Allied Army in Lingyan Town would not be reconciled.

   "Listen to my orders, the archers are ready to release arrows! The infantry assembles into a spear formation to block their retreat, and the cavalry is responsible for the pursuit!"

   Chutian gritted his teeth, as long as a war starts, he will be involved in the battle with other lords in the future, life and death are unknown. There are already some neighboring lords in various counties and counties. After all, everyone wants to annex each other and climb up.

   Datang Li Erxian let the light infantry and the courage of Lingyan Town act as cannon fodder, and the light cavalry and the main combat players are ready to go. If the cannon fodder between Xia Town and Lingyan Town is in a melee, they can use their horses to initiate a charge and easily break through the Xia Town coalition forces.

   Datang Li Er\'s idea is very good, but he didn\'t know that Xia Zhen\'s archer was a Tier 3 arm, and there was also Liu Sandao, a gold-level bow and arrow general.

   [arms]: Xuzhou Archer

   [Order]: Tier 3 Archers

  【Number of people】: 40

   [Average level]: Level 25

   [attack power]: 13+1 (longbow bonus) + 2 (arms feature bonus) +1 (liu three sword bonus) = 17

  【Defensive power】: 5+1 (leather armor bonus) +1 (arms feature bonus) +1 (Liu Sandao bonus) + 0.5 (Mulan friendly army bonus) = 8.5

  [Speed]: 6+1 (Liu Sandao bonus) [Morale]: 85/100

  【Skills】: Intermediate hit, Intermediate armor-breaking, Intermediate arrow rain

   [Characteristics]: Wind horns and bow sound (D-level characteristic, when the bow and arrow hero is the main general, attack +2, defense +1)

   Chutian briefly glanced at the attributes of Liu Sandao\'s troops. As the player commander, his advantage is that he can see the panels of each unit. But seeing the panel is one thing, and how to direct it is another.

   A good commander can make the most of his army, and a bad commander may lose even if he gives him the best army. For example, Wei Wuzu\'s attributes are very high, but in the hands of Wu Qi and Pang Juan, they are not at all a level of army.

   Chutian hurriedly glanced at Hua Mulan\'s light cavalry. The light cavalry led by Hua Mulan has an attack power of 14.5 (10+1+1+2.5) and a defense power of 8.25 (5+1+1+1.25).

   Hua Mulan led only Tier 1 light cavalry, but the attributes were close to Tier 3 archers.

  The second-tier elite light infantry led by Chutian himself has an attack power of 10 (9+1) and a defense power of 7.6 (6+1+0.6). The attributes are lower than that of Hua Mulan\'s first-tier light cavalry.

  Sure enough, a good commander is very important. Qin general Zhang Han and Lishan criminals can defeat the end of Qin rebellion in a row and kill Chu general Xiangliang.

   "Archer, let go!"

   Forty Xuzhou archers fired a volley, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com rushed to the front of Lingyan Town and fell down.

   The first-tier Xiangyong Baojing Anmin was okay, and it was completely cannon fodder in front of the Xuzhou archers led by Liu Sandao.

   Even the light infantry fell to the ground after the arrow was hit.

Datang Li Er witnessed the death of soldiers in Lingyan Town under the attack of archers, and his heart bleeds. These are the troops he brought out with great difficulty, and these are the most important labor in Lingyan Town. They are meaningless. During the battle, Ling Yanzhen\'s vitality was greatly injured.

   "Brothers, kill it!"

   Datang Li Er led fifty hussars and dozens of free players to charge, and the remaining players of the surrender faction stayed in place and dared not move.

   In order to reduce his own losses, Datang Li Er let the light cavalry stand in front.

   The light cavalry faced the long spear phalanx in Xia Town. The second-tier elite light infantry formed the long spear phalanx to have additional bonuses, and the light cavalry turned their backs on their backs.

  The light cavalry led by Hua Mulan hasn\'t attacked yet. After she smashed the opposing light cavalry in the long spear formation, she led her own cavalry to attack from the side, killing the free players.

   In her eyes, Yiren is not much different from other soldiers, and will not show mercy.

   The loyalty of the silver rank generals in Lingyan Town was not low, and they tried to stop Mulan who had been killed in a critical moment.

   Hongying spear stabbed at Hua Mulan, Hua Mulan grabbed the red spear with her bare hands, and directly tore the silver rank generals off the horse.

   Silver rank generals fell off their horses before they could react!

   "Don\'t fight, I surrender, we surrender!"

  The mental endurance of the main battle group players has reached its limit. At least hundreds of soldiers and courageous soldiers from Lingyan Town were killed in battle, and there are a thousand courageous courageous soldiers in Xiazhen who have not entered the battlefield.

   This is not a fair duel at all, but a one-sided killing!