Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 436: Xuzhou-Xiliang League

Mobei prairie, strong wind and strong grass, hundreds of thousands of people who control strings.

   Temujin returned to Mobei and held a meeting of kings.

   In this battle, the Mongol Empire gained a population of tens of millions, which greatly supplemented the population of Mobei.

   But at the same time, it is a food crisis.

   "A lot of sweat, tens of millions of people, there will be a serious shortage of food. Mobei is not a land for farming. If you can\'t feed such a population, cattle and sheep will be eaten."

   A civil servant took the initiative to salute Temujin, with some worries in his words.

   The population brought back to Mobei by Tiemuzhen exceeds the environmental carrying capacity of Mobei. In short, the nomadic way of Mobei cannot feed such a large population.

   "Lead them to expand to Monan, the Western Regions, and Lake Baikal. How much they can live depends on their own good fortune."

   Temujin is also aware of the food problem, but he does not necessarily have to feed everyone, and the fittest survive.

   Temujin captured the northern main city and gained the hero of the northern main city.

   A Khitan general followed Temujin with sharp eyes. Temujin accepted him as a subordinate and entrusted him with important tasks.

   Iron hoof, the Mongol Empire began to expand to Monan, the Western Regions, and Siberia, and the gray wolves competed...

   Monan Dragon City, Chutian\'s allies, Prince Yan and Gongsun Zan, drove the population of Monan into this city. The population of Dragon City has reached an astonishing 500,000, and the number is still increasing.

  The nomadic tribes in Monan are dominated by nomadic tribes, and it is not easy for the prairie to gather 500,000 people.

   "It is said that the Mongol Empire captured tens of millions of people during the national war. Now Mobei may have more population than Monan. We will bear the brunt."

   Prince Yan, Gongsun Zan, Liu Hu, and other prominent figures in Monan have been developing in Monan, and they have felt the threat from Mobei.

   Because of the rise of Mobei, their goals have also undergone subtle changes.

   Originally, Chutian asked them to build a large city in Monan, with the purpose of transporting horses to the Central Plains, but this city began to become a bridgehead that prevented the Mongolian cavalry from going south.

   The prince Yan looked towards Mobei, where the north was full of dark clouds.

   "Send grain, grass, and weapons to Peiguo and Chenliu."

   Chutian returned to Xiacheng and transported the main forces, grain and weapons to several counties bordering Yuzhou.

   Yuzhou is a part of the Central Plains region. Only if Yuzhou is taken, the Central Plains can be considered complete.

   Under the mobilization of Chutian, the resources of various states and counties began to be transported to the above-mentioned places.

   Not only that, when Chutian returned from the National War, he had already allocated 3 million people and 200,000 troops from the National War to Yanzhou.

   His strategy is similar to that of Cao Cao in history, except that Yuzhou’s Tang is an enhanced version of Zhang Xiu, which requires Chutian to go all out.

   Cao Cao hit a Zhang Xiu, his son and Dianwei were killed because of this, so he must not be taken lightly.

   During the period when Chu Tian went to participate in the national war, the number of the Guards Corps and the ten main army groups gradually became full. There was a war on the other side of the National War, but Chutian\'s territory never stopped developing.

   "The Qingzhou Army guards the Gaotang area, and Li Li is the leader of the ban to prevent the plains soldiers from crossing the Yellow River."

   "The Iron Wall Legion guards the Hulao and Xingyang areas, and the full pet cooperates to block the old Qin from Guanzhong."

   "The defensive corps assembled in Dongjun, and Cheng Yu cooperated to defend Zhao Long and Yuan Shao from Hebei."

   "The offensive corps assembled in Chenliu, and the military army corps assembled in Qiao County, divided into two troops, and attacked Yuzhou."

  After all the generals rested for three days, Chutian called several commanders to discuss the annexation of Yuzhou and the dominance of the Central Plains.

  If Yuzhou is occupied, Chutian\'s territory will be about the same as Cao Cao\'s sphere of influence in the Battle of Guandu, but Guanzhong will be missing.

   In fact, Xuzhou in Chutian is currently the fattest site in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   Xuzhou has been free from war for a long time, and it has absorbed the surrounding population. It can be said that it is rich and rich. So Chu Tian can let go of his hands and feet and take the initiative to pick things up.

   He deployed five infantry regiments in the Yellow River and Yuzhou area. Then came the main cavalry army.

   "The White Robe, Speedy, and Invincible Legion assembled in Chenliu; the Yulin Army and the Tiger and Leopard Army assembled in Peiguo."

   "The Guards, the Saints Corps (the First Servant Corps), and the Knights Corps (the Second Servant Corps) gathered in Chenliu."

   "Huainan\'s troops do not need to be moved, defending Huainan is the greatest contribution."

Chutian’s deployment was also very simple. The Guard Corps (subordinates of the Northern Army Fifth Academy, Huben, Xuanjia, Niangzi, and Scout Corps), two servant regiments, one main infantry regiment, and three main cavalry regiments were deployed in Chenliu. The front is one horse Pingchuan; a main infantry corps, two main cavalry corps, and Xuzhou defensive corps are deployed on the Peiguo front.

   Obviously, the Chen Liu front is the main attack on Yuzhou. Chu Tian personally served as the commander-in-chief, with Fang Xuanling and Xun You as the military commanders, and Du Ruhui sitting in the rear.

  The strategic goal of Chenliu\'s direction is to regain half of Chenliu County occupied by the Tang Dynasty and capture Xu County in Yingchuan.

   Chutian considered the issue of the aura of the whole army. A battlefield only eats three all-army auras. In order to ensure that both battlefields have all-army auras, Chu Tian will bring all talents with all-army auras, except Hua Mulan, who is currently inconvenient.

   Xia Xia Liang has the aura of the entire army that cooperates with Chu Tian, ​​so this time Chu Tian took Xia Liang to fight. This is also the first time that Chu Tian brought his eldest wife to fight...

In the direction of Chen Liu, Chutian, Xialiang, and Leyi provided the aura of the whole army.

   Chutian suspected that Joan of Arc, as the most popular hero in France, also has the aura of the whole army, but he could not see the panel of Joan of Arc.

In the direction of Peiguo, Wei Qing is the main commander, Cao Cao is the deputy commander, Guo Jia and Lu Su are the military divisions. The combat objective is relatively simple, to prevent Tang from splitting the army to attack Xuzhou, and at the same time attacking Liang and Chen in Yuzhou. Eventually, the two legions will join Yu Ru. Nanjun, attacking Runan County, which Tang has run the longest, will take the entire Yuzhou.

  The all-army aura in the direction of Peiguo was provided by Wei Qing and Cao Cao. The two all-army auras are not far from each other.

   Cao was operated as a surrender. With the great **** Wei Qing, he could not overcome any storms, and besides the Tiger and Leopard Army, Cao Cao could not command the other soldiers.

  The local army used to defend Xuzhou was transferred to Wei Qing by Chutian, mainly used to defend the city.

   Chutian estimated the number of people. Among them, Chen Liu\'s force used to attack is not much, only 300,000. Tang is already very kind...

  Peiguo\'s direction for the offensive regiment, up to 100,000...

   A total of 400,000 troops!

   I am afraid that not many princes in the Eastern Han Dynasty can spend such a large capital.

   Even in the Youzhou War, no one of the princes who participated in the war could come up with 400,000 troops.

   However, it takes time for the 400,000 army to assemble.

   An army of 400,000, with millions of pack horses, mules, and donkeys used to transport grain, and millions of civilians.

   So the battle competition is the overall strength.

   Wei Qing, Le Yi, Zhou Yafu, Cao Cao and other commanders listened to the strategy, added a little, and then proceeded to deploy.

   "Lord, Xu Feng from Longxi came to visit."

   Chutian was busy gathering troops in the Yuzhou area, and officials came to report to Chutian.

   "He is finally here, please come in."

   Soon the most powerful Xu Fengnian in Longxi arrived.

   Before attacking Yuzhou, Chutian needed someone to contain Lao Qin.

  赳赳 Lao Qin is the second prince, and his subordinates are like clouds. Only Xu Fengnian, who is comparable to the Xiliang King, can contain Lao Qin.

   The relationship between Xu Fengnian and Chutian is said to be close, but it is not close. It is not accurate to say that it is not close. It is more like a mutual market partner.

   If you have common interests, you can cooperate.

   Xu Fengnian came to the Lord’s Mansion, seemingly in a heavy heart.

"The generals of Old Qin destroyed the stone monuments of the eastern main city and got the Qin general Wang Jian. Shi, who would have thought that breaking the stone monuments would get a powerful general. Before the war, he had recruited 200,000 soldiers and horses. Set up troops on the right to help the wind and prepare to attack Longxi."

   Xu Fengnian took the hot tea and vomited bitter water as soon as he sat down.

   He was ready to deal with the Guanzhong Legion, and as a result, Lao Qin won Wang Jian, one of the four famous generals in the Warring States Period, and suddenly disrupted Xu Fengnian\'s plan.

   Chutian asked: "What generals did you get from the national war?"

   "The military commander of the Northern Zhou Dynasty Du Guxin."

   "Duguxin? Not the emperor?"

   Chutian remembers this man, a handsome man from the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and Li Shimin’s ancestor Li Hu, who was the Eight Pillar Kingdom of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Because Duguxin’s genes are so good, he has three daughters who are queens... Among them, his seventh daughter, Dugu Jialuo, is even married to Sui Wendi Yang Jian. Li Shimin has the genes of Duguxin’s fourth daughter...

   In addition to being handsome, Du Guxin is also a good hand at war.

   But Du Guxin is not Wang Jian’s opponent, unless Xu Fengnian’s national power is stronger than Ji’s Lao Qin. The old Qin had been in Guanzhong for many years, and the population and resources that occupied Qinchuan and Longxi really couldn\'t compete with Guanzhong, otherwise the Han Dynasty would not regard Chang\'an and Luoyang as their capitals.

   "My ranking is not an imperial general. Liangzhou has not been completely settled, Qiang, horse thieves, my pressure is not small, I need a lot of gold and silver. To put it bluntly, I need your support."

   Xu Fengnian is straight to the point. He needs Chutian\'s support to stop Old Qin.

   "Yes, I need more premium war horses here."

   Chutian took this opportunity to buy a batch of war horses from Xu Fengnian.

   Liangzhou is one of the best war horse producing areas in the Han Empire. Chutian coveted Liangzhou\'s tall horse.

   Xu Fengnian needs money to fight, and Chu Tian needs horses.

   Xu Fengnian sold the horse to Chutian at a lower price.

   Chutian ate 20,000 war horses in one breath, plus 50,000 war horses from Yekaterina, plus war horses bred locally in Xuzhou and Yanzhou. Chutian believes that there will be no shortage of war horses in two to three years.

   Chutian conspired with Xu Fengnian and finally signed the Xuzhou-Xiliang Alliance.

   When necessary, Chu Tian could even send his troops to Longxi through the teleportation formation to help Xu Fengnian fight.

   To send from Xuzhou to Longxi, each soldier needs 15 taels of silver, and 10,000 elites need 150,000 taels of silver. If Xu Fengnian pays the expenses of the teleportation formation every month, Chu Tian can consider sending an expeditionary army to stop Lao Qin for Xu Fengnian.

   To pin down Lao Qin is actually for Chu Tian himself, after all, Lao Qin is Chu Tian\'s greatest enemy so far. As for Mingguan, which is almost the same as Old Qin\'s strength, he is preparing to crusade against Goryeo and cannot threaten Chutian.

   "If you can\'t stop Lao Qin\'s offensive, I will ask you for another army."

   Xu Fengnian did not dare to directly ask Chutian for reinforcements.

   Ten thousand people, the cost of the teleportation array is 150,000 taels of silver. For Xu Fengnian, it is possible to form an army of tens of thousands in Longxi.

   "If you can\'t keep it, you don\'t have to keep it, you just need to drag Lao Qin. If you can dominate the Eastern Han Dynasty in the future, the lord of Longxi will still enjoy the glory and wealth, and you can even make you the king of Xiliang."

   Chutian made a promise.

   In order to contain Lao Qin, he can give some privileges to the lords of Longxi.

   For players in the Eastern Han Dynasty, even if they fail to compete in the Central Plains, it is already a great deal if they are conferred upon the king.

   "It\'s enough to be a prince, even if you are a king, I want to live a few more years..."

   Xu Fengnian is blunt.

   Every player knows that entrusting a king means that he will die soon.

  Wang with a different surname is a high-risk occupation.

   After Liu Bang became emperor, Yan Wang Zang Tu, Chu Wang Han Xin, Zhao Wang Zhang Ao, Liang Wang Peng Yue, Huainan Wang Yingbo, and Han Wang Xin were all liquidated...

   To be a king, every day is like a year, where is the nourishment of the lords.

   "If it can be done, all the lords of Longxi will be Liehou."

   Chutian knew that Xu Fengnian had many lords under his command. He needed not only Xu Fengnian, but also dozens of lords in Longxi.

   The verbal promise did not cost money anyway, Chu Tian first stabilized the Liangzhou Lord Group and worked for himself.

   The lords of Longxi are probably also watching Chutian\'s attitude.

   The two people joined forces to form the Xuzhou-Xiliang Alliance to deal with Lao Qin, and then Xu Fengnian hurriedly left the Lord’s Mansion.

  The fierce general Wang Yanzhang protects Xu Feng. When he came years ago, Chu Tian had seen Wang Yanzhang more than once.

  Wang Yanzhang, like Zhao Yun, Guan Yu and others, is known for his loyalty. Wang Tie shot several of Takeda Shingen\'s men, which has already powerfully shocked the Eastern Han Dynasty and made the people of Dongying frightened.

   If you want to recruit Wang Yanzhang~www.novelhall.com~, you must also take down Xu Fengnian.

   "Old Qin has Lu Bu and Yang Dayan as minions, and Wang Jiang and Meng Tian as generals. You have to be careful."

   Chu Tian pondered, Wang Yanzhang might not be Lu Bu\'s opponent.

   Wang Yanzhang is not afraid: "That Lu Bu, I want to see what he has."

  Xu Fengnian shook his head: "In the battle of Longxi, you can\'t fight head-on. You can only clear the fields and strong walls, and use cavalry to cut off the food way and bring down Lao Qin."

   Chutian also held a pessimistic attitude towards the Liangzhou Army\'s frontal engagement with the Guanzhong Army. Only by Xu Fengnian\'s sticking tactics can he hold back Old Qin.

  Xu Fengnian came to Xuzhou secretly, and Tang, from Yuzhou, was visiting Old Qin in Xianyang City at this time.

   "I want to borrow Guanzhong troops, otherwise I can\'t fight against Chu Zi."

   "The Guanzhong Army is about to attack Liangzhou. I can only use a partial division to help and delay the Hulao Pass. You can go to Liu Biao for help."

   "Liu Biaotu has a false name. Even if he has an army of 500,000, he is not an opponent of Chu Zimou."

   "Liu Biao has been emptied by the family. The man who really took charge of Jingzhou\'s army was Yang Shilang, the prefect of Nanjun. Nanyang County was the gateway to the north of Jingzhou. If Chu Zi seeks to capture Yuzhou, he must be greedy for Nanyang. Yang Shilang will not sit idly by."

   "It makes sense, it seems that I am going to Xiangyang."

   Said that Tang discussed with Lao Qin and went to Jingzhou again.

   Old Qin watched Tang leave, and said to Jia Xu: "Liangzhou is not flat. We intervene in Guandong and we will lose Guanzhong. This time, Chu Zimou has the upper hand. Wenhe, how can we win Liangzhou as soon as possible?"

   Jia Xu squinted: "There are many powerful and powerful people in Longxi, and they can be separated."