Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 423: The Lost Dongying (Part 2)

"Cao Ren, a cavalry is coming! The number is about three thousand!"

Wang Yanzhang adjusted his breathing and tried his best to recover his strength.

He saw a cavalry armed with a torch in the darkness. He judged that there were three thousand cavalry on the other side based on the sound of horses\' hoofs.


Cao Ren separated a cavalry to block, and then retreated to the city with Wang Yanzhang.

The main force of the Han army was on the Eastern Expedition. Wang Yanzhang was facing the full name of the Eastern Warring States and the entire lineup of generals, and it was still a bit laborious under the surprise attack.

Two thousand cavalry stepped forward to block, a fierce general slew, and the dragonfly cut the oncoming Han cavalry under the horse!

Bendo Zhongsheng is extremely fierce. He is the first few fierce generals of Dongying\'s military force. He cut a dragonfly and cut dozens of cavalry under Cao Ren\'s command!

Two thousand cavalrymen were assaulted by three thousand cavalrymen led by Tada Honda, and they were quickly defeated!

Bendo loyalty wins the horse to kill and take Cao Ren straight!

Cao Ren fought with Honda Zhongsheng with a gun. The two fought for several rounds, but Cao Ren was completely suppressed.

The imperial weapon dragon lacewing cut away Cao Ren\'s armor, leaving a blood stain!

It is said that Tadakatsu Honda has followed Tokugawa Ieyasu since he was a child, and he was injured in 57 battles in his life. He has many records of beheading and siege.

Cao Ren was attacked by Honda Zhongsheng and was quickly injured.

Wang Yanzhang\'s physical strength recovered slightly and he supported Cao Ren with a gun.

If Wang Yanzhang\'s physical strength is completely restored, he can win the battle with Duo Zhong. At this time, teaming up with Cao Ren can also block the dragonfly cut.

The gun blade of the dragonfly cut towards Wang Yanzhang\'s right hand holding the gun, and the gun blade rubbed against the iron gun to produce sparks!

Wang Yanzhang let go of his right hand and shot at Honda Tadaka with only his left hand gun!

Tadatsu Honda took back the dragonfly cut and blocked the iron spear!

In the Eastern Warring States Warring States period, Honda was able to challenge almost any military commander on his own. Faced with Wang Yanzhang, he could not directly kill him, which was unexpected.

Wang Yanzhang\'s physical strength was consumed during the battle with the generals of the Takeda family. The current state of force is not as strong as Honda Zhongsheng, and he is not greedy for fighting, so he can cooperate with Cao Ren to block Honda Zhongsheng.

Wang Tieqiang, who was at the peak of his physical strength, wanted to fight against Honda Zhongsheng to the death and life, depending on his iron gun, or the dragon lacewing of Honda Zhongsheng.

Thirty thousand yellow turban troops came to support Wang Yanzhang and Cao Ren. Among them was the yellow turban leader. Ponto loyally cut hundreds of yellow turbans. When Wang Yanzhang and Cao Ren retreated into the city, they gave up the pursuit.

Even if he attacked the city with the force of the most powerful general in the Eastern Warring States and was besieged by a group of Han troops, he would be killed. Just as Wang Yanzhang was besieged by the Takeda family, his energy would be exhausted.

"My lord, beheading the enemy will fail, please be punished."

After Tadatsuhiro Honda injured Cao Ren, he returned to see Ieyasu Tokugawa and asked for his guilt.

At this time, the sky was faintly pale, and Tokugawa Ieyasu withdrew from the army ahead of schedule, and the loss was not heavy.

"You beheaded thousands of people in this battle.

Tokugawa Ieyasu\'s preference for Tadakatsu Honda, who grew up with him since childhood, is so unreasonable to punish him.

The battle between the Han army and the Dongying army lasted from night to early morning. After the Han army reached its combat goal, it retreated into the city like a tide.

The Han army only used its standby force to face the full name and military lineup in the middle and late stages of the Warring States Period. It could not be completely annihilated, as long as it severely damaged the army.

The Han army in the city is dominated by low-level arms, and the main force of high-level troops is east, while Oda Nobunaga and the others are mainly high-level arms brought from the mainland. Guo Ziyi and others have achieved considerable results, and the flames burned most of the Eastern Army. In this camp, siege equipment suffered heavy losses. The Eastern Army was unable to organize a siege in a short time.

Every big name counted his own losses, and even more than a thousand people were trampled to death by their own people in the chaos.

The Takeda family suffered the most. Five important historical generals were killed in battle. Among them, the leader of the red cavalry who died in the battle, the elderly Iifumi Tomoshang, was killed by Wang Tieqiang with three shots. Nobutsuna Sanada, the eldest son of the Sanada family, was killed by Cao Ren, and the Sanada family became enemies with the Han Empire.

Two important figures of the Maori family died in battle. Among them, Maori Yuan’s fourth son, Maori Yuanqing, died in battle, and Maori Yuan became ill.

Nobunaga Oda, Kenshin Uesugi, Yasushi Hojo, Takahisa Shimadzu and other dais had their losses, and their retainers were killed and wounded here.

The great names of Dongying backed away.

In the melee last night, the Persian army was unable to distinguish the situation, so it stood still. The next day the Persian Army learned that the Eastern Army had been severely damaged, with dozens of generals and 50,000 casualties.

The stubbornness of the Han army surpassed their imagination.

No one thought that there was an ambush of the Han army outside the city, waiting patiently until ten days after the siege before launching a surprise attack.

Most of the siege equipment of the Eastern Army Corps was burned, and the siege equipment had to be rebuilt.

And there is even more unfavorable news.

"A ninja inquired about the situation in the eastern battlefield. The Han Empire defeated the Mongol Empire and occupied the main eastern city. Staying here, I am afraid that the entire army will be wiped out."

In Oda Nobunaga\'s camp, the counselor Hanbei Takenaka sensed that the Han army in the eastern battlefield might return to the western main city.

"Does our martial arts end here? With the power of the world, it is impossible to win a major city?"

Oda Nobunaga is already in the main world. He has a lot of popularity and he has gained the support of players. The expansion speed is much faster than expected. Kinoshita Hideyoshi (Tootomi Hideyoshi), Takenaka Hanbei and others are under his command, Tokugawa Ieyasu Is his ally. Except for Shingen Takeda, Kenshin Uesugi, and Moto Rimoto in the vicinity, no one can stop Oda Nobunaga\'s determination to fight the world.

As for the wise Mitsuhide who betrayed Oda Nobunaga at the Honnoji Change, Oda Nobunaga has taken power. Oda Nobunaga got a lot of help from foreigners and avoided many twists and turns, so the expansion speed can be very fast!

Even so, Oda Nobunaga, who planned to seize a major city before the start of the national war, realized that he had assembled all the names of Toyo, and even a major city could not be captured.

It is extremely difficult to capture any major city. After the powerful Mongol Empire captured a major city, it was defeated by three major civilizations when it attacked the second major city.

The great names of Dongying could not compete with the Mongol Empire, and even a major city could not be captured.

"Hideyoshi, shall we fight or retreat?"

Oda Nobunaga looked at Hideyoshi Kinoshita who trusted him.

"We should retreat, otherwise we will suffer greater losses."

"Notify the other daimyo, clear the siege and return to the city."

After losing confidence, Oda Nobunaga began to withdraw his troops.

Other daimyo heard that they wanted to withdraw to the original city. Although they were unwilling, the western main city could not be captured for a long time. More and more defenders would be recruited in the city, making the Eastern Army more dangerous.

The great names of Dongying withdrew their troops, and the Persian nobles heard that the temporary allies had retreated, so they disbanded and returned to their own cities in Persia. Without the main city, they have other spoils-population and points obtained in the battlefield of national warfare.

There were only 300,000 people left in Dongying and withdrew to the back of the eastern battlefield.

Cavalry generals such as Wei Qing, Zhang Liao, Yang Ye, Lanling King and other cavalry generals led 50,000 cavalry troops to come swiftly, and when they encountered the retreating army, they immediately attacked!

The two legions encountered on the plain, and the Takeda Cavalry, who served as the vanguard of the Eastern Army, was hit hard again! Takeda\'s cavalry has less than 20,000, and fifty thousand Han cavalry galloped past, and the high-ranking red cavalry was killed and injured!

"The Takeda Corps was assaulted!"

The cavalry in front told back.

"If we don\'t fight hard, we will be wiped out. Only by joining forces can we survive!"

Oda Nobunaga, Uesugi Kenshin, Tokugawa Ieyasu and others understand that their lips are dead and their teeth are cold, and only by fighting hard can they avoid being defeated!

Each elite team is engaged in a melee with the cavalry of Wei Qing and others, and the Oda and Shimadzu families are involved in their own iron cannon team!

The sound of dense iron cannons sounded, and matchlock guns fired at the Han cavalry, shocking the horses, and hundreds of Han cavalry were shot to death.

This is not the first time that Han cavalry has encountered matchlockers.

Facing the iron artillery team of Oda and Shimadzu, only by stepping forward and beheading the group of matchlockers with a saber can they defeat them.

"You go kill the matchlocker!"

Two fierce generals Yang Ye and Zhang Liao were ordered by Wei Qing to wipe out the iron cannon teams from the Oda family and Shimadzu family.

The iron artillery team can cause casualties to heavy cavalry. Ordinary armor cannot withstand the penetrating power of the matchlock gun. Their iron artillery team must be wiped out!

A group of Satsuma warriors protect the iron artillery team of the Shimadzu family. Shimazu Iejiu, who had quarreled with Mi Zhu, personally led the Satsuma warriors, using dense spears and naginata to block the cavalry of Yang Ye and Zhang Liao.

The battlefield was very chaotic, and the big names bite the bullet and went into the war.

Honda Tadakatsu was once again thrown into the battlefield by Tokugawa Ieyasu, and the dragonfly cut fiercely against the Lanling King and fought against the Lanling King!

Seeing that the Lanling King was in a bitter battle, Zhang Yun came to help the Lanling King with a gun, and together dealt with the current Dongying\'s first warrior.

"Take your first level!"

Honda Zhongsheng\'s dragonfly cut with cold light, and slashed towards Zhang Yun!

Zhang Yun\'s spear was cut off, and the spear blade tore the armor!

King Lanling hurried to rescue him, blocking the cutting of the dragonfly, his arms trembling.

The gunpowder was full of smoke, and the cavalry, archers, and iron artillery squad fought. The two sides continued to fight for a long time, and each suffered damage. The eastern army was attacked on the way to retreat and temporarily assembled to fight, so the loss was even greater.

Weakened by Wei Qing, there are only less than 300,000 people left in the Eastern Army. The great names of the Eastern Army have joined forces, Oda Nobunaga, Takeda Shingen, Uesugi Kenshin, Kinoshita Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu all have the aura of the whole army. Covering 300,000 troops.

They alternated with each other, leaving cautiously under the peep of the Han cavalry.

Wei Qing did not order the pursuit, and the Eastern Army Corps can survive to the present, most of which are high-ranking troops that have experienced many battles, and there are not many high-ranking cavalry under Wei Qing\'s command.

The high-ranking cavalry of the Han army successively dealt with the Mughal, Persia, Ottoman, Mongolia, and Germany, losing more than half of them. The cavalry that Wei Qing brought to support the western main city was mostly low-ranking cavalry.

Even so, Wei Qing attacked the Eastern Army Corps, reducing its strength to less than 300,000.

The national war was over in less than two months, and the Eastern Army did not have much time to replenish its forces, and there was almost no threat to the main Han army.

"General Zhang Yun was injured!"

In the army of the temporary commander of Wei Qing, Zhang Yun was wounded by Honda Zhongsheng\'s imperial weapon, and King Lanling, who also belonged to Yuan Shao\'s camp, looked solemn.

Ponto Zhongsheng\'s force was obviously superior to Zhang Yun, and King Lanling could not stop Ponto Zhongsheng from injuring Zhang Yun.

Physician Wei Qingling healed Zhang Xi\'s injuries and then entered the main western city.

So far, all the threats facing the western main city were relieved. In order to attack the western main city, the Eastern Army Corps suffered more than 100,000 casualties. It did not achieve any results, but only gained a batch of points.

Dongying was not without gains. The national warfare taught the great names of Dongying. The loss of the Takeda family also broke the pattern of the main world.

The third national war had an unprecedented impact on the main world. The Mongol Empire in Mobei had a chance to rise. The Ottoman Empire\'s Suleiman the Great was killed, the Ottoman Empire was torn apart, the Takeda family of Dongying was weakened, and the red cavalry suffered heavy losses.

"They can leave, and they are not weak. Then we just have to stick to the end of the national war."

Guo Ziyi heard that the Eastern Army Corps had left without annihilation. As a civilization of tens of millions of people in "Lord", the other party was also a bit capable.

The Han Empire captured the two main cities and achieved the most ideal situation.

The Han Empire no longer coveted the third main city.

The Han army will attack the northern main city and will fight a decisive battle with the Mongolian army in the northern grasslands. The terrain in the north is grassland. For the Mongolian cavalry who are good at roundabout, rushing, and lure the enemy, they are eager for the Han army to come to the grassland.

Attacking the southern city will offend Ekaterina, the only ally. The Grand Duchy of Moscow is plotting the southern capital, and the Han army intervenes, and Ekaterina will definitely turn her face.

More than that, civilizations such as the United States, Switzerland, the Kushan Empire, Amazon, Maya, and Toungoo in the south will also avenge the Han army.

In short, the more major cities attacked, the more civilizations offended.

If the Han army attacked the third main city, some civilizations that have not yet withdrawn from the battlefield, such as Persia, Arabia, Dongying, Goryeo, Rome, Macedonia, Germany, and Mughal, might also attack the Han army’s western and eastern cities. The main city will not be worth the loss.

The two main cities are the current limit.

In the fifth main city, the Han navy battled with ships from England, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, the Allied Forces of the Nordic countries, and the United States. No one had a chance to attack the fifth main city.

The fifth main city is located on the island, with only 50,000 NPC defenders.

But this legendary hero is a bit depressed.

The navy masters of various civilizations fought ~www.novelhall.com~ but there was no civilization to attack the fifth main city.

The Han navy wanted to attack the city, but was intercepted by the Western navy. There are many marine civilizations in the West, and they have many masters and heroes of navigation, Columbus (Master of Navigation), Francis Drake (Captain of England privately, repelling the Spanish Invincible Fleet), Don Juan (Spanish General, Naval heroes such as Lepanto naval battle commander) are among them. Marine civilization is easy to give birth to navigation masters and heroes, and mainland civilization suffers in this respect.

Similarly, the allied forces of the Nordic countries wanted to send the heroic Viking fighters to the island to seize the city, but they were blocked by the Han navy.

Both sides are caught in a prisoner\'s dilemma, and neither is willing to put the other side on the island to attack the city.

This kind of dilemma, even if Tongque brought Chen Ping, it is difficult to solve, and the two sides have reached a deadlock.

In the southern battlefield, various civilizations are still robbing the southern main city.

The militia musketeers and Amazon warriors of the United States fought and suffered heavy casualties, while the cavalry of Ekaterina appeared on the horizon when the American civilizations fought, and the Cossacks held up sharp sabers...