Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 409: Qi Xue, Qi Xue!

Latest website: The fierce horse-detecting red cavalry continued to attack the Han cavalry, trying to delay the retreat of the Han cavalry. The horse-detecting red five tigers will approach Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun with different weapons.

They think that Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun are the greatest threat to the horse hunting red cavalry!

Stabbed with a long spear, the strength is far from comparable to that of the horse red cavalry!

This is a general of the Mongol Empire!

Xue Rengui returned the halberd to resist, and the spear was pressed on Fang Tian\'s painted halberd. One of the five tigers, one of the five tigers, tried hard, but could not shake Xue Rengui.

The tip of the spear was less than a foot away from Xue Rengui, and couldn\'t get any further.

As the pioneer of the Mongol empire, Jia Cha\'er explored the Five Tigers of the Horse and the Red Army. His force exceeded 90. During the national war, he had not yet encountered an enemy with such a high force.

Xue Rengui\'s force exceeded his imagination.

Xue Rengui was also a little surprised. Jiangchaer\'s force was stronger than most generals encountered in the war in other countries, and Jiangchaer was only one of the five pioneers.

"Press Chaer, I\'ll help you!"

A member of the Mongol Empire smashed his mace with his mace, and the strong wind roared, and the force was more powerful than Jianchaer!

Xue Rengui picked off the long spear of Jiachaer, then opened the mace, and took the throat of the second Mongol Empire general!

The general of the Mongol Empire subconsciously dumped backwards, worthy of avoiding Xue Rengui\'s Fang Tian painted halberd.

Xue Rengui changed his stabbing to a flat hook, intending to kill a Mongol empire!

A gourd hammer smashed, and there was a thunderous momentum!

The third military commander of the Mongol Empire strikes!

His hammer is stronger than Wu Anguo\'s hammer! If he was hit by his hammer, even if Xue Rengui killed a Mongol empire general, he would be hit hard by the Jingua hammer!

Chu Tian had instructed the generals to exchange one for one, which is really undesirable.

So Xue Rengui chose to avoid it.

"Xiao Naitai, Kuo Kuo is not flowery, without your help, I can kill him alone!"

Jiachaer complained dissatisfiedly to the other two Mongolian generals who had attacked Xue Rengui.

"According to Cha\'er, you are not his opponent at all. Without us, you would be killed by him!"

The two Mongolian generals, Xiao Naitai and Kuo Kuo, continued to attack Xue Rengui.

Together with the two of them and pressing Cha\'er, it is equivalent to three generals with 90+ military force besieging Xue Rengui!

Xue Rengui used one enemy and three, Fang Tian painted a halberd and smashed the golden melon hammer, and even made a scar on the armor of Cha\'er, and the leather between the armor was broken!

On the other side, Zhao Yunzhan, two members of the Mongolian empire’s Five Tigers, who have the upper hand!

The Mongolian empire explored the five tiger generals and five king-level generals. They were carried by Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun!

Wei Qing and Huo Qubing took this opportunity to counterattack. The retreating Han cavalry counterattacked, and the horse-detecting red cavalry suffered heavy losses and suffered heavy losses!

Xue Wanche, holding a horse, rushed back into the Mongolian empire’s horse-detecting cavalry, killing more than a dozen horse-detecting horses, and taking the enemy general Mu Huali!

Mu Huali faced Xue Wanche, who was charging, and as the four generals of the Qi Xue army, he was not afraid, and fought Xue Wanche with his spear!

The spear clashed with Ma Fu, Mu Huali pushed away Ma Fu and turned to stab Xue Wanche!

Xue Wanche avoided, and the two passed by in the chaos!

"Don\'t be greedy!"

Tai Shici saw Xue Wanche go deep, and Mu Huali was not a weak commander at all. He himself was a fierce general, facing Xue Wanche without fear!

In other words, even if Xue Wanche ventured deeper, it was impossible to kill Mu Huali!

Tai Shici shot arrows one after another to cover Xue Wanche\'s escape.

"My army, how come you come, and you leave!"

Mu Huali did not let Xue Wanche away easily, but ordered Tan Ma Chi to surround Xue Wanche.

Seeing that Xue Wanche was in a heavy siege, Tai Shici lowered his long bow, holding a short halberd in each hand, and marching into the enemy\'s formation, killing 20 or 30 to detect Ma Chi, and reunited with Xue Wanche.

Mu Huali knew that he had lost to the two fierce generals, and retreated before Tai Shici arrived.

With 20,000 cavalry fighting, Mongolia Tanmachi has never suffered such a heavy loss. The abilities of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing are not directly reflected in themselves, but in the combat effectiveness of their cavalry!

The more troops, the greater the role they play!

Mu Huali was astonished at Tan Ma Chi\'s loss.

The Han army did not have a complete cavalry unit. Wei Qing and Huo Qubing were just improvised cavalry, which could cause such a large casualty to Tan Ma Chi.

Joan of Arc led an army of 90,000 servants to come to support and fought against the servants of the Mongol Empire.

Among the 90,000 servants, 20,000 were regular soldiers of the Ottoman Empire, and 70,000 were tribal soldiers and imitation European soldiers from the Inca Empire. The priests of the Inca Empire chanted spells, and the warriors of the Inca tribe grew physically, panting like a cow, and attacked the servant army of the Mongol Empire!

Joan of Arc waved the battle flag to provide a morale boost for the servants!

"The minion legion flanks flanking!"

Catherine sent her army of servants!

Her servant army exceeds one hundred thousand, and the servant army of the Han army join forces to attack the servant army of the Mongol Empire!

The three parties are all servants, and the Mongols have the most servants!

The Mongolian cavalry swept the northern battlefield and obtained a large number of servants.

This is a battle between the servant armies. All three parties use the servant armies as cannon fodder to fight, and they are still reluctant to use their own core army.

For the three parties, even if the servant army is wiped out, it will not feel distressed!

Mu Guiying, dressed in iron armor and armed with a pear flower gun, came to death, personally fell into battle, and fought alongside Joan of Arc!

Generals such as Cao Ren, Xia Houyuan and others have also entered the battlefield to strengthen the combat capability of the servants, or boost morale and maintain the front!

Chutian and Ekaterina found that their own characteristics were ineffective. This situation shows that the other side\'s emperor, Genghis Khan, is here!

Sulaiman the Great, who was killed by Huo Qubing, was far less famous than Genghis Khan.

All generals do not have a God\'s perspective, and can only judge the Mongols\' offensive direction based on experience.

Dust was rolling in all directions, and there were cavalry and infantry fighting everywhere. It was difficult to tell which direction the Mongols would attack from. The Mongolian cavalry is now on the active offensive side, and the attacked Han army and the Army of the Grand Duchy of Moscow are quite passive.

Le Yi, Cao Cao, Fang Xuanling, Xun You, Guo Jia and others could not wait to climb high and look at them, but there were no nest carts or arrow towers present. Their vision is severely restricted.

With more than 300,000 servants fighting in a melee, Ekaterina is also trying his best to judge where the main force of the Mongolian cavalry is, and at the same time mobilizing his own troops for defense.

The Mongol Empire had great ambitions. After using the servant army to capture the northern main city, it still wanted to capture the western main city.

At the rear of the Mongol servant army, Temujin led a group of Mongolian generals. This group of generals has no shortage of king-level and even imperial-level heroes. They have followed Temujin or the descendants of Temujin in history to fight in all directions, and have made great achievements!

"The first time I saw Muhuali frustrated, this group of people is stronger than other civilizations we have encountered. Sure enough, there are powerful civilizations in Monan and south of the Great Wall. Maybe our strategy of attacking south of the Great Wall needs to be changed. changed."

Temuzhen had his war eagle on his shoulders. The intelligence advantage of the Iron Eagle Scout was not worth mentioning in front of Temujin.

A Mongolian general said: "Da Khan, the Ottoman prisoners claimed that the western main city has been captured by the Han Empire. To seize the western main city, the Han Empire must be defeated."

Temujin\'s eyes reflected countless servants fighting fiercely: "Not only the Han Empire, but another empire."

The general of Mongolia replied: "Yes, there is another Grand Duchy of Moscow from the Eastern European Plain."

"Order Qi Xue Jun to prepare."

"Do you want to use Yu Xuejun?"

The four masters of Mongolia, in addition to Mu Huali as the vanguard and Borshu staying in the country, Borhu and Chilaowen, according to Temujin\'s order, summoned the Qi Xue army!

Qi Xue Jun is the imperial guard of Genghis Khan, an ordinary Qi Xue soldier, the status is even higher than a thousand families!

In this national war, Temujin had only three thousand Yuxue. After many battles, he was less than three thousand, but he was extremely brave and good at fighting!

"Behead the enemy general and come to see me at the first level."


Bolhu and Chilaowen, the two commanders of the Xue Xue army, are ready to lead the extremely elite Xue Xue army to launch an offensive.

The war eagle on Temujin\'s shoulder flew up and dropped a few wings.

With sharp eagle eyes looking down below, Ekaterina gathered a group of elite Boyer cavalry lords of the Grand Duchy of Moscow.

Ekaterina is deploying troops and commanding the servants to fight.

On the vast battlefield, the Mongol Empire servant army gave up a passage, and a group of Mongol Empire light cavalry galloped out and went straight to Ekaterina!

"Protect Lord Duke!"

Well-equipped Boye cavalry and Cossack cavalry intercept Mongolian light cavalry!

The Mongolian light cavalry roared in, then turned the horse\'s head, turned around and shot, and took away some Boye cavalry and Cossack cavalry!

Boye cavalry and Cossack cavalry shot arrows at the same time, and the Mongolian light cavalry also fell a lot.

Although the Mongolian light cavalry\'s cavalry shooting is very superb, but the Boye cavalry and Cossack cavalry shooting arrows from the front are not inferior.

The Mongolian light cavalry separated, and the Qi Xue army behind the light cavalry was approaching!


Yu Xuejun rushed out from behind the Mongolian light cavalry. They are the best source of troops from the Mongolian Empire and possess the best quality weapons!

Three thousand Mongolian bows were tight, and a violent rain of arrows fell, and a large number of Boyer and Cossack cavalry were shot and killed by random arrows!

Qi Xue Jun has Genghis Khan\'s personal bonus, plus his own rank is not low, his combat power is so powerful, incredible!

"Tu Guang all enemies!"

Bolhu and Chi Laowen led the Xue Jun to defeat the Cossack cavalry!

The mobility of the Cossack cavalry was not bad, but in front of the elite Yu Xuejun, thousands of Cossack cavalry collapsed instantly!

Chi Lao Wen held a spear and assassinated dozens of Cossack cavalry. Xue Jun was worth ten or three thousand horses, which could break thirty thousand horses. He was truly a gray wolf and white deer!

The heavily armored Boyer heavy cavalry confronted Qi Xuejun, trying to block Qi Xuejun\'s front and protect the lord!

Qi Xue Jun fought with Boye heavy cavalry, Qi Xue Jun broke the Boye cavalry again, and the noble cavalry of the Grand Duchy of Moscow was defeated!

Xue Jun is brave enough to be cowardly. In field battles, as long as the timing is right, the momentum is like a broken bamboo!

"This is Xue Jun of the Mongolian Empire..."

"My lord, please retreat immediately!"

Sophia and other guard officers protected Ekaterina from evacuation, they were afraid of Xue Jun\'s army!

"Kill her!"

Under the command of Borhu and Chilaowen, Xue Jun attacked and killed thousands of cavalry, and pursued Ekaterina!

There are twenty thousand cavalry around Ekaterina, but they can\'t stop the three thousand coward Xue Jun!

Their profuse sweat has pointed out the location of Ekaterina, as long as you kill Ekaterina, you can disintegrate the only ally of the Han Empire!

A general of the Grand Duchy of Moscow led a team of heavy infantry to support, and was killed by the Mongolian general Borsud!

The chaotic Army of the Grand Duchy of Moscow could not stop the aggressive Qi Xue Jun, and Yekaterina was gradually overtaken by Qi Xue Jun!

The tactics of the Mongol Empire are changeable, and she may be killed by the Mongols\' decapitation tactics!

Yu Xuejun was less than fifty meters away from Yekaterina and the others, Borhu, Chi Lao Wenzong horses to Yekaterina, only a few minutes away from killing the enemy!

Suddenly, a heavy cavalry assaulted Xue Jun from the side!

The remaining high-ranking heavy cavalry, such as the Tiger Ben Army, Xiliang Iron Cavalry, Tiger Leopard Cavalry, and Kapikulu Cavalry, improvised to form a heavy cavalry corps of less than three thousand people. Killing Ekaterina, violently hit Yu Xuejun!

Dianwei was even more aggressive, his horse directly ran into the horse of Mongolian military commander Chi Laowen, and the two horses died almost at the same time!

Dianwei walked, grabbed a Qi Xuejun cavalry who stabbed him with a spear, used great force to pull him off the horse, and then turned to grab the horse!

Chi Lao Wen was also a fierce general. He fell from his horse because of Dian Wei\'s savage impact, a little confused.

The Tiger and Leopard Cavalier tried to assassinate Chi Lao Wen, and Chi Lao Wen, like Dian Wei, seized the Tiger and Leopard Riding a spear and a war horse to kill the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry!

"Destroy this cowardly Xue army for me!"

Chu Tian personally commanded a group of heavy cavalry and a large number of light cavalry and warriors to support Ekaterina.

His bonus to the cavalry is not only the "Blue Wolf and White Deer", but also the "Seal Wolf"!

He has the abilities that the Mongolian cavalry has, and he has the abilities that the Mongolian cavalry does not!

In the face of high-level cavalry like Yu Xue Jun, ordinary units can hardly contend with it, unless it is Tang Taizong Li Shimin\'s Xuan Jia army, or... use fierce generals!

General Li Guang, Zhang Liao, Yang Ye, Xiahou Dun, Hua Xiong and other generals attacked Yu Xue Jun~www.novelhall.com~ The parachutist Li Guang faced a foreign race, as if he had changed a person. His strong bow can directly shoot Yu Xue. Xue Jun!

"The strength of these soldiers is not low!"

Mi Fang was also among the generals. He fought a Yu Xuejun soldier and found it extremely difficult. The force of every cavalry of Yu Xuejun made Mi Fang feel pressured.


Xing Daorong, the enemy of Lingling 10,000 people, fought with an axe for several rounds before beheading a soldier of the Qixue Army, which shows the strength of each cavalry of the Qixue Army.

Zhang Liao and Yang Ye were relatively relaxed, and both of them could quickly kill the Qi Xuejun cavalry.

"Are you okay?"

Chu Tian was worried that his only ally would be killed. In case Temujin controlled Yekaterina\'s hundreds of thousands of troops, then the main western city could not stop Genghis Khan.

Ekaterina pretended to be tough: "You don\'t need to care."