Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 385: The civilized war begins!

The latest website: "You are wrong. The number of cities in the national war is far more than one hundred. We have many princes with a population of tens of millions in the Eastern Han Dynasty. On the contrary, it reduces the number of princes participating in the national war. This is our advantage and disadvantage. Those civilizations with a large number of princes at the level of a million people can have more initial cities and soldiers."

Old Qin corrected Chutian\'s calculations.

Chu Tian changed his mind and immediately understood. For example, two civilizations with a population of 10 million, one civilization has only one prince with a population of tens of millions, then there is only one initial city during a national war; another civilization has ten princes with a population of one million, then there are ten initial cities .

Chutian alone occupied tens of millions of people in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the Eastern Han Dynasty tended to be unified, so the initial number of cities was small. On the other side of Europe, there are many civilizations, there are many lords with a population of one million, and the initial number of cities is more.

"If we calculate this way, our pressure will be even greater."

Chutian patrolled the generals. In just one national war, there were thirty or forty military generals sent by Chutian, with an unprecedented luxurious lineup. This group of military generals are high-spirited and ready to go.

The four tigers Mi Fang, Wu Anguo, Lu Kuang, and Xing Daorong will raise their heads and stand tall. This time Chu Tian rarely sends them to battle, and they are ready to make a battle.

Joan of Arc was deeply surprised that Chu Tian included her on the list of expeditions, but she was thinking about how to escape back to France.

Chu Tian arranged for her to participate in the national war, and he also had his own ideas.

Joan of Arc wants to return to France, but France may not accept her again. Chu Tian has learned that Joan of Arc\'s style is very bad in France.

Since Joan of Arc was seen playing for Chu Tian, ​​French players believed that Joan had betrayed France and was called "the fallen saint" by French players, and even thought that Joan had been given to Chu Tian...

Let Joan realize that it is difficult for her to return to France, and she will stay in the Eastern Han with all her heart.

"Please be careful, my husband. I will take care of Mulan, and I will never let her go wrong."

Xia Liang and Hua Mulan and others bid farewell to Chutian.

In the next half year, Chu Tian and a group of civil servants and generals will fight in the most extensive battlefield of the national war so far, which means that they cannot contact for half a year.

"The rear business is left to you."

Although Chu Tian closed the summer cool as his main room, he was a little bit ashamed to gather little and leave more, and he would stay at home in the summer for several months every year. Because of the cold summer, Chu Tian could go to the war with confidence.

The territory of the national war was protected by the system, but the internal affairs of Xuzhou, Yanzhou, and Qingzhou still need someone to handle.

"Little don\'t win the newlyweds, I hope the father-in-law will always remember us. Xiu Ning and Joan of Arc, protect the safety of the lord."

Xia Xia Liang saw that Hua Mulan couldn\'t follow Chu Tian to participate in the national war, and Mu Guiying and Liang Hongyu were not familiar with Xia Liang, so they told Li Xiuning and Joan of Arc to protect Chu Tian. Li Xiuning\'s words are not many, but very reliable.

Joan of Arc\'s heart is shaking violently. If she promises Xia Liang, will she protect Chu Tian until the end of the war? How did you escape back to France?

Mu Guiying and Liang Hongyu wore cloaks and rode the Dawan horses that Chutian rewarded them. On the same front with Mu Guiying and Liang Hongyu, there are also generals Wei Qing, Chen Qingzhi, Le Yi, Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, and Dian Wei.

In Korea, the first lord Choi Jae-sun occupied four-fifths of the land, while the second lord Lee Min-chul only had one-fifth of the land. In addition, other lords have no living space. In other words, there were only two lords participating in the war in Korea, and they only had two initial cities on the battlefield of the country.

"As long as I encounter other civilizations that have hatred with the Eastern Han Dynasty, I can form an alliance with them."

Choi Jae-sun was not afraid to face the Eastern Han Dynasty, which had 22 initial cities. Around the Eastern Han Dynasty, there are many civilizations that have enemies with the Eastern Han Dynasty. However, all the civilizations surrounding the Eastern Han Dynasty had wars with the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Choi Jae-sun and Lee Min-chul are feuding because of the war within Korea, and Yoo Min-chul may not cooperate with Choi Jae-sun. Cui Zaishan could only turn to the princes of civilizations such as the Mughal Empire and the Great Vietnam for help.

The countries in Southeast Asia, such as the Great Vietnam and Toungoo, especially had deep grievances with the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Toyo, Kyoto, after more than five years of business, Oda Nobunaga successfully went to Los Angeles and controlled Kyoto. There are almost no big names with a population of tens of millions in Toei, but there are many big names with a population of one million. Oda Nobunaga, Takeda Shingen, Uesugi Kenshin, Date family, Hojo family, Shimadzu family, Miyoshi family...

Because of the great influence of the Samurai Group during the Warring States Period in the East, many players chose to become the vassals of the daimyos, leading to the rise of local daimyos.

Oda Nobunaga, Takeda Shingen, Uesugi Kenshin, Shimazu Takahisa, Morimoto, and other big names, they can also participate in the national war!

"Divided into six legions, each with 5,000 troops, led by Takigawa Kazuka, Shibata Masaika, Niwa Nagahide, Hashiba Hideyoshi, Akechi Mitsuhide, and Oda Hidetada (foreign people), respectively, and I will march together. Tokugawa Ieyasu That guy doesn’t plan to surrender to me yet. He goes to participate in the national war alone. One day, I will erase him from the map."

At present, Nobunaga Oda, the best name of the East Asia, is divided into six armies and participated in the national war.

"Let all civilizations see the power of Fenglinshan Mountain\'s art of war! Shan County, last time you led the red cavalry, and Takeda Zhongyi, lost to the princes of the Han Empire, this time you have to wash away your shame!"

Takeda Shingen was somewhat dissatisfied with the defeat of the princes of the Eastern Han Dynasty in the last national war of Dajiangshan County Changjing.

Shanxian Changjing defended: "I never lost to the Eastern Han vassals. At that time, Tadashi Tadashi evaded the battle, and the red cavalry never fought head-on with the enemy. If confronted head-on, the red cavalry must win in the end!"

Takeda Shingen said indifferently: "Regardless of the time, I hope you can prove to me your bravery in this crusade."

In the Eastern Kingdom of Echigo, behind the shoji paper door, Kenshin Uesugi, the **** of the Eastern Army and the dragon of Echigo, shook his army fan lightly. The Jing family, Naoe Keizuna, Hojo Kehiro and others, came to see me."

Kyushu Island, the Shimadzu family that unified the island has a population of millions of people and is qualified to participate in the national war.

All the retainers of the Shimadzu family, as well as the defeated Hirado castle lord Hirayoshimori, Otomo Patriarch Otomo Sorin, and Tachibana Patriarch Takahisa Tachibana were all summoned to the country of Satsuma.

Shimadzu Kajiu, who faced Mi Zhu that day, was the fourth son of the Shimadzu Patriarch, and he was also here.

The Shimadzu family is full of talents, and many foreigners support it, so that Kyushu can be unified.

"Let the world know about the power of Tsano Fushi and Tanegashima Fire Guns!"

"It would be great if we could use this opportunity to eradicate Oda Nobunaga. When the national war is over, we will fight against the Maori and Shikoku Island. Oda Nobunaga, who has already gone to Los Angeles, will become our biggest enemy!"

After the Shimadzu family unified Kyushu, their ambitions began to expand.

Hirado Castle Lord Hiei Yoshimori, as the Shimadzu family\'s retainer, participated in the Shimadzu family\'s secret meeting, but his heart was a little disturbed. The Shimadzu family provoked the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty because of the Shimadzu family. In this national war, the Eastern civilization has a certain probability of being born near the Eastern Han civilization.

The Satsuma warriors of the Shimadzu family are very aggressive, and they are likely to bring disaster to the Shimadzu family.

However, the Shimadzu family also has a high-level troop as a trump card-Tanegashima Firecamp!

Everyone pays attention to East Asia and Europe, but in West Asia, there are also three terrifying civilizations-the Ottoman Turk Empire, the Persian Empire, and the Arab Empire.

"The Undead Army, the Sassanid Guard Cavalry... the world should not forget the King of Kings in West Asia, the Persian Empire."

With a thousand years of history in the Persian Empire, a large number of heavy infantry and iron cavalry assembled. The Persian lords possessed terrible arms that fought bravely.

In the Arabian Peninsula, the Mamluk cavalry, camel cavalry, imperial guards, imperial believer soldiers and other arms are assembled...The arms of the Arab Empire are generally fanatical, and the fanaticism of faith allows their arms to have the ability to fight higher-level arms. Enemies at war with the Arab Empire will be extremely painful. Chu Tian once captured a group of soldiers from the Arab Empire and knew how terrible they were.

In the Ottoman Empire of Asia Minor, the Yeniceri Army (New Turkish Army), Sipahi Cavalry (Military Feudal Landlord Cavalry) and other elite groups gathered.

In Paris of France, the new first lord Louis summoned the noble lords of France to participate in the national war. He created more full body armors to equip knights.

"Jan of Arc betrayed our France. I must capture her back so that I can gain the support of all players. If Joan of Arc falls, it would be good to be my slave. Your failure is really a shame."

Louis is now the uncrowned king of France. He overthrew the rule of the original king and looked at the previous lord of Joan with contempt. The incompetence of the last French lord caused the legendary hero Joan of Arc to be captured alive by the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Faced with Louis\' ridicule, the last lord of Joan could not refute, because the saint was captured, he was discredited in France, defeated and surrendered.

"I hope I don\'t encounter the Eastern Han Dynasty. If I can find an opportunity to kill Louis of France, maybe I can occupy France in the main world."

The German lord Hohenzollern was attacked by the Chutian cavalry in the last national war, fearing the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The English longbowman is ready to go, the Vikings look fierce, the Spanish fleet returns to the port, and the Kingdom of Macedonia sweeps the Balkans...

In Athens, Greece, the great Alexander the Great made an emergency landing on this ancient city. In the face of absolute force, Athens, which is prosperous in culture and thought, chose to yield.

Even the martial Spartan warriors had to surrender under the intensive offensive of the Kingdom of Macedonia.

Alexander the Great is not a hero recruited by players from the Kingdom of Macedonia, but a local power, and he is on the Balkan Peninsula!

The third national war allowed NPC forces to participate in the war, resulting in this terrible force also being involved in the national war!

"Partner cavalry, let\'s conquer the world!"

Alexander the Great was ambitious and used his troop "partner cavalry".

In the Roman Republic, the three Roman giants Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus joined Roman players to participate in the third national war.

The Roman legions had already conquered half of North Africa that had not yet been recruited to Hannibal.

In order to avoid confrontation with Alexander the Great’s Kingdom of Macedonia, Rome and Macedonia divided the Mediterranean, and one person occupied half of it.

Rome and Macedonia became extremely terrifying forces.

America, the Aztec Empire, thousands of leopard warriors and eagle warriors marched in the jungle, they have the most powerful jungle combat capabilities of all civilizations.

The Americas also have civilizations such as the Apache tribe, the Mayan civilization, and the Inca Empire, with all kinds of strange arms.

Compared with the ancient civilizations of other continents, America\'s advantage lies in its uniqueness of arms.

Africa also has a number of special civilizations, empires and tribes.

In the Indus Plain, the Brahmin, the current first lord of the Mughal civilization, once again formed a war elephant to participate in this national war.

The original first lord Kshatriya was killed by Chutian\'s men. The lords of the entire Mughal Empire were very jealous of Chutian, and at the same time held hatred for the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The population of the Mughal Empire is almost the same as that of the Han Empire, and the number of lords is almost the same. There can only be one overlord in the East, either the Han Empire or the Mughal Empire!

"Kshatriya, next, I will avenge you. Our Mughal Empire now has hundreds of princes. There are more than 30 princes with a population of more than one million, enough to defeat the Han Empire."

As the first prince of the Mughal Empire in India, Brahman must show his attitude during the national war. If Chu Tian can be killed, his prestige in the Mughal Empire will reach its peak!

In the Great Plains of Eastern Europe, Ekaterina assembled 30,000 high-ranking cavalry. In her legion, there was even the Polish winged cavalry as a mortal enemy.

"Chu Zimou, this time we turned out to be allies, not enemies. But I will definitely not let you go."

Ekaterina gritted her teeth.

Adjutant Sophia calmly followed Ekaterina. Recently, she heard the name of the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and her ears had become calluses.

In Xuzhou, Chutian didn\'t know that he was being spotted by Ekaterina again.

Civil officials, Li Li, Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong, Wang Lang, Chen Deng, Liu Fu, Cheng Yu and others are sending it off.

"Countdown to the national war, ten minutes."

"Countdown to the national war, five minutes."

Before the start of the national war, Xia Liang took the initiative to hug Chu Tian and rubbed his body hard, making it difficult for Chu Tian to control it for a while.

Xia Liang seems to want to remember the smell of Chutian~www.novelhall.com~ and finally separated: "Come back alive."

Hua Mulan couldn\'t let it go like Xia Liang, so she whispered: "Mulan is waiting for the lord at home."

"Naturally, you are coming back. You and your sister Xia are waiting."

Chu Tian held Mulan\'s hand, Hua Mulan couldn\'t help but blushed, this was a show of affection in full view.

"All the soldiers, go with me!"

Chu Tian only delayed for a while, resolutely led the army out.

The love of the sons and daughters stayed aside for the time being, and the Huns were still alive.

Jin Ge and iron horses, one by one with persevering soldiers lined up outside the city, and many generals had high fighting spirits.

"Countdown to the national war, one minute."

Chu Tian took a deep breath, the scene in front of him changed, and he officially landed on the battlefield of the third national war!