Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 377: War ended

Latest website: To the south of the Yellow River, Tian Dan led the Dongpingling defenders and fled here, using a boat prepared by Sun Bin for them to cross the Yellow River north. Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses gathered in the Yellow River area.

If it weren\'t for the Dongping Mausoleum to be surrounded by Chutian\'s soldiers and horses, Tian Dan used the teleportation array to flee to Pingyuan County.

"The pontoon bridge was burned down, and Xuzhou Mu\'s cavalry was blocking it for Jishui. It shouldn\'t have time to pursue it."

Tian Dan calmly commanded the soldiers and horses to cross the river in batches, thinking that the cavalry at the rear had been thrown away.

The ground was trembling, and there were still 20,000 soldiers who had not crossed the river. They looked nervously at the source of the horseshoe. Tian Dan in Henan can\'t help but look around.

This is a movement caused by a large-scale cavalry force!

Dongpingling defenders scrambled for ships to avoid being killed by cavalry. Now that the Tiandan Army is half crossing, it is being assaulted by the cavalry. The consequences can be imagined!

"General, get on the boat!"

Tian Dan\'s soldiers looted a wooden boat and hurriedly called Tian Dan to board the boat.

Tian Dan looked a little desperate, but he didn\'t expect a cavalry to chase him down!

"Intercept them!"

Mi Fang pulled out a straight blade and screamed excitedly. Yueqiying and Changshuiying took another road, and they were not affected by the burning of the floating bridge.

Wu Anguo wielded an iron hammer and galloped forward. The heavy hammer smashed down, easily smashing a **** to death!

Lv Kuang rushed into the chaotic enemy army, the war horse knocked down the soldiers along the way, slashed with the first knife around, and took advantage of the speed brought by the war horse to easily kill the enemy!

Thousands of high-ranking cavalry drove 20,000 soldiers who had not crossed the river to the Yellow River. Many soldiers drowned and were swept away by the river!

"No surrender!"

Joan of Arc skillfully recruited soldiers who were besieged by the Yellow River.

Dongpingling, Chutian received Zhou Yafu\'s report, and Zhao Gongzi of Qi chose to surrender.

"Allow him to surrender."

Chu Tian and Zhao Gongzi once suppressed the Qingzhou Yellow Turban. Zhao Gongzi once sent the fierce general Xue Wanche to support him during the disaster in Langya State. Therefore, Chu Tian could accept Zhao Gongzi\'s surrender and obtain a strong general.

The cavalry who went to chase Tian Dan returned one after another, and many of them returned without success.

The fastest army was also burned down because of the pontoon bridge, unable to catch up with the field.

"It seems that Sun Bin has left behind. It would be uncomfortable to win against such a person."

Chu Tian estimated that in the battle against Jinan, thousands of beheaded and thousands of losses were lost. Sun Bin took away tens of thousands of soldiers and moved hundreds of thousands of people ahead of time, saving part of his master Tian Qi\'s strength.

However, Chu Tian is not without gains. The loyalty of Xia Houyuan, Zhang Liao, Yu Jin and others have increased, and they are more afraid of Chu Tian.

They were defeated by Sun Bin, but after Chu Tian personally supervised the army, Sun Bin did not gain much benefit. He chose to abandon the land south of the Yellow River, and Chu Tian\'s prestige was even greater.

Chutian plans to bring a group of survivors to participate in the national war and cultivate goodwill.

After the cavalry came back, they never saw a few generals from the fifth academy of the Northern Army. Chu Tian was not very relieved of them. If one is not good, he might be defeated by the other party. In addition to Sun Bin, Tian Dan is also a strategy general.

Finally, after waiting three more days in Dongpingling, Yueqiying and Changshuiying returned.

Mi Fang, Wu Anguo, and Lu Kuang escorted 20,000 soldiers to a triumphant triumph, and captured more than ten gold-level generals of Tian Qi. When all the cavalry generals returned without success, their record was very conspicuous, and even the generals such as Xu Rong, Xia Houyuan, and Zhang Liao were ashamed of themselves.

Yu Jin sighed: "As expected of the three generals of the Northern Army, it seems that I still need more experience."

Li Dian echoed: "How can you be a mediocre person if you are qualified to serve as a general in the fifth academy of the Northern Army."

"At the end we will fulfill our mission!"

The three gods Mi Fang, Wu Anguo, and Lu Kuang will come back to ask Chu Tian for credit.

Chu Tian arranged for them to go another way to chase Tian Dan, but he didn\'t expect them to make merit.

Joan of Arc holds the helmet, but dare not take credit. Every time she asked for credit, she was detained by Chutian and extended her time limit for returning to France.

"Your credit, I will be remembered."

As a kind lord, Chu Tian never oppresses his subordinates.

Mi Fang said: "If it hadn\'t been for Tian Dan to escape quickly, I would have taken him down. As soon as the fifth school of the Northern Army arrived in Jinan, they would flee in sight!"

Wu Anguo took the words from the side: "Big Brother, in the chaos army, drove Tian Dan into the Yellow River with his hands on hundreds of enemies, and Tian Dan crossed the Yellow River with a single tree in his arms and escaped!"

Sword hundreds of enemies?

Chu Tian almost believed it.

Among the three great generals, only Lu Kuang was the only one. As Yuan Shao\'s subordinate, he inexplicably became a general of the Five Academy of the Northern Army and gained credit. This time, he was able to surrender to Xuzhou Mu. Even if he fled back to Hebei, Yuan Hao didn\'t necessarily trust him.

In Linzi City, Prince Zhao, the prince, heaved a sigh of relief when he learned that Chu Tian had accepted the surrender.

He originally planned to use the territory of a prefecture to watch the world change. However, as Chutian occupied Xuzhou and Yuzhou, the land of this prefecture could not be maintained anyway, so he simply gave up his defense and surrendered to Chutian.

"Ding! You give up your status as a lord, and the monarch characteristic of the "Han Army Eight Banners" disappears."

As Zhao Gongzi gave up his lord status, a characteristic of Huang Taiji was taken back by the system. Since it is no longer a monarch, naturally there is no monarch characteristic.

Zhao Gongzi was calm about losing this important characteristic. He has lost his qualification to compete in the Central Plains, this feature is not useful.

Xue Wanche was somewhat unwilling: "Lord, we still have tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. Should we just surrender like this?"

"Xue Wanche, if you don\'t want to surrender with me, you can leave Linzi like Dorgon, and I will never pursue it."

"No, it\'s not the intention in the end."

"Zhou Yafu\'s army has arrived."

As Sun Bin gave up the territory south of the Yellow River, the son of Zhao of Qi State surrendered. The six counties of Qingzhou, except for the plain county located north of the Yellow River, are still in Tian Qi\'s hands. The five counties south of the Yellow River, Beihai State and Donglai County , Qi Country, Jinan Country, Le\'an Country, all belong to Chutian!

Coupled with Peiguo in Yuzhou and Jiujiang County in Yangzhou, Chutian can claim to the outside world that it owns the land of three states!

In Chang\'an, the emperor came to the court, and the old Qin was Sikong, the general military, and the court was controlled.

But recently Chu Tian asked him for an official position.

"General Zhendong? He was named General Yanzhou Mu and Zhengdong, second only to San Gong, commanding the four states of Qing, Yan, Xu, and Yang, and stationed in Yangzhou."

"The bronze bird was named Yangzhou herd and stationed in Yangzhou."

In order to stimulate the bronze bird, Lao Qin involved the bronze bird in the war with Chutian, so that the two people\'s nominal residences overlapped. Chu Tian was General Zhengdong, and he nominally ruled Yangzhou, but Lujiang\'s prefect bronze bird was appointed as a herd of Yangzhou, and he was restrained by Chu Tian and would definitely be dissatisfied with it.

"Chu Zimou\'s expansion speed is too fast, and only the princes of Hebei can restrain him. In the battle of Youzhou, whoever can win, he will be supported."

Facing Chutian with three states, Old Qin tried his best to unite with other princes to contain Chutian.

The 200,000 soldiers and horses of the Guanzhong Army are ready to go. The old Qin Feng Mengtian is the general of Zhengxi, Lv Bu is the former general, Li Xin is the lieutenant general, Zhou Bo is the left general, and Li Wei is the right general. , Rush to Liangzhou.

The Youzhou War lasted 30 days. The four great Hebei princes fought fiercely. There were corpses on the battlefield, 800,000 main troops were invested, and millions of courageous people transported food.

The commanders who participated in the Youzhou War included Chang Yuchun, Murongba, Li Chengliang, Li Mu, Lian Po, Zhou Dewei, Hu Lu Mingyue, Han Qinhu and others.

On the 30th, two or three hundred thousand soldiers and horses were killed and injured in Youzhou, Jizhou, and Binzhou, and more than ten camps were destroyed!

In the Liaodong Army Corps, there were wounded soldiers everywhere in the camp. Mingguan, accompanied by Chang Yuchun, patrolled the camp, frowning.

The two princes, Yuan Shao and Zhao Long, were not easy to provoke. If there is only Yuan Shao a prince, Mingguan can defeat him, but with a Zhao Long, he is on the defensive, defending Jixian, Mingguan will not be able to attack for a long time, and gradually become irritable.

Goryeo is about to be reunified. He and Choi Jae-sun, the prince of Goryeo, are enemies. Once his Liaodong army suffered heavy losses, Cui Zaishan would use the victorious division of the Goryeo Kingdom to expedite Liaodong to the north, and Liaodong would be in danger.

"I have 200,000 elite, and now there are only more than 100,000. Zhao Long sticks to it, and the cavalry advantage is difficult to use. If it is consumed like this, I will lack elite troops to defend Liaodong. Wuhuan and Xianbei tribes may see that our military has suffered heavy losses. There will be two hearts. Military division, I plan to return to Liaodong, occupy Korea, and completely put down the Xianbei and Wuhuan tribes. What do you think?"

Seeing that Mingguan could not be defeated for a long time, his heart retreated.

Yao Guangxiao meditated and said, "Perhaps, this is not a good opportunity to occupy Youzhou. Wait until the rear is settled, and then wait for an opportunity to enter the customs. Yuyang County and Youbeiping County are already owned by us. Zhugong troops stationed in Youbeiping, you can always look at Youzhou. The strategy is already there. It’s not a loss to get half done."

"That\'s it, we will withdraw in three days. Goryeo, I must destroy it, and put all the young men of Goryeo into the army to fight Youzhou again."

Mingguan hated Choi Jae, the lord of Korea, who was like a maggot of tarsus.

"But we can\'t leave so easily. Before we leave, we robbed hundreds of thousands of people in Ji County to make up for the loss."

On the thirty-third day of the Youzhou War, the Liaodong Army announced its withdrawal from the war and dispatched Murong Ba and Chang Yuchun to the palace. Yuan Shao sent generals Yan Liang and Wen Chou to pursue them. They were defeated by Murong Ba and Chang Yuchun, losing 30,000 soldiers, and Yan Liang Wen Chou was seriously injured!

Yuan Shao became frightened and became more and more afraid of Mingguan, allowing the Liaodong Army to plunder 300,000 households in Jixian County to Youbeiping, with heavy losses.

Only now did Yuan Shao understand why Zhao Long would choose to stick to tactics. In a field battle, he is not an opponent of Mingguan at all. The Liaodong cavalry in Mingguan is invincible in the wild!

After the Liaodong Army retired, he was in a passive position with Zhou Mu Huma. He alone had to deal with the combined attack of Liu Bei, Yuan Shao, and Zhao Long.

"Koryoguk threatened Mingguan, but he couldn\'t leave it like this. For me, it would be a fatal blow!"

With Lian Po and Li Mu, Huma barely blocked the counterattacks of the Jizhou and Youzhou army, the situation is still not good for him.

"Urgent report, Zhao Long dispatched a surprise attack on the well track, with an elite team around the back, defeated the defender Sima Shang, occupy the well track, and approach Taiyuan!"

"Emergency report, in the Heshuo area, the Huns have rebelled!"

When Huma was in a dilemma, the minister of Taiyuan used the teleportation array to arrive at the Shanggu County Office. He rushed 800 miles to the Huma army and complained to Huma.

"That fellow Zhao Long, he calculated me!"

Huma’s main city is Taiyuan, and all high-level barracks and special buildings are in Taiyuan. If Taiyuan is lost, Huma’s strength will be impaired, and it will also cause panic among the forces.

The Huns rebellion in the Heshuo area was probably initiated by Zhao Long!

Huma and Zhao Long joined forces in the National War and the Mobei War, and Zhao Long could not help but become angry.

"Lord, Zhao Long, the prefect of Weijun, sent an envoy!"

When Huma was angry, Zhao Long\'s envoy came to the camp. The envoy came from the "Hebei Tingzhu", a free player guild supporting Zhao Long.

"Zhao Long sneaked into my rear and dared to send you here. Does he want to die?"

"Huma, everyone is a player, and Zhao Long will not embarrass you. As long as you choose to rely on and help Zhao Long complete one thing, he can order the troops to give up attacking Taiyuan. You are still Binzhou Mu."

"What\'s the matter?"

"Attack Liu Bei."

On the thirty-fifth day of the Youzhou War, the Bingzhou Army, which was retreating from Shanggu County Canghuang, suddenly counterattacked and pursued the Liu Bei Army. The Liu Bei Army was attacked by Li Mu, Lian Po, Zhou Dewei and others, and suffered heavy losses!

The Zhao Long Corps watched from the sidelines and watched as the Liu Bei Corps was hit hard by the Binzhou Corps again.

Liu Bei gathered the remnants, even Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were shot in the battle, which shows the fierce battle.

After the Binzhou Army counterattacked according to Zhao Long\'s request, it continued to retreat to Shanggu County.

Zhao Long fulfilled the agreement and did not pursue the Bingzhou Army. His goal has been achieved. The Liu Bei Army was defeated by two famous generals in the Warring States Period, and Zhuojun was occupied by Zhao Long.

The Battle of Youzhou ended with a dramatic result. Mingguan and Huma withdrew from the fight for Youzhou, while Liu Bei was severely injured by Huma. The only standing Zhuojun was occupied by Zhao Long and Yuan Shao. Liu Bei now has less than 70,000 soldiers left, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are injured and have no territory.

"Lord, Zhao Long invites you to move to Bohai County."

Now Liu Bei still has negotiating capital. In order to prevent Huma from taking advantage of the contradiction between him and Liu Bei and making a comeback, Zhao Long cede Bohai County to Liu Bei\'s garrison.

"Zhao Long, he calculated us."

Liu Bei saw the injured Guan Yu and Zhang Fei with a solemn expression.

It can be said that Liu Bei, who provoked the Youzhou War, was also a loser. In the state of Muhu, the horse did not sound, it was a blockbuster. The military commanders Li Mu and Lian Po inflicted heavy injuries on Liu Bei, and Liu Bei lost the initiative. If he opposed Yuan Shao and Zhao Long, he would be destroyed by Yuan Shao and Zhao Long.

"Please tolerate the lord for the time being. Bohai County is no worse than Zhuo County. It is obvious that Zhao Long is afraid of the lord and dare not do too much, and he needs the lord."

Chen Xi, Liu Bei\'s strategist, was calculated by Zhao Long and still saw Zhao Long\'s intentions.

"He keeps me, what is his intention?"

"He needs the lord, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei, to deal with Chu Zimou in Henan. At that time, the lord can wait for the opportunity."

Liu Bei was silent. After thinking about it for a day, Liu Bei chose to accept Zhao Long\'s arrangement~www.novelhall.com~ to admit that Zhuo County was occupied by Zhao Long and moved to Bohai County.

After the Youzhou War, Yuan Shao\'s forces acquired Zhuo County and Guangyang County, and divided Youzhou with Huma and Mingguan.

But Mingguan and Huma were passive when the backyard was on fire, and Zhao Long\'s forces were still expanding, attacking Yuyang County and Shanggu County.

After this battle, Zhao Long\'s reputation rose greatly in Yuan Shao\'s influence, and his position surpassed all the civil servants and generals of Yuan Shao. Even if Tian Feng, Jushou, and the judges saw Zhao Long, they would all be arrogant.

Without Zhao Long, the Youzhou War would not have ended with Yuan Shao\'s forces.

"Zhao Long, Zhao Long."

Yuan Shao found that he could no longer control this stranger.

As long as the military merit is high enough, it can threaten the position of the monarch.

It is for this reason that Chu Tian often personally directs major decisive battles, and Yuan Shao is facing a powerful alien hero this time. If it is not handled well, he will be bitten by Zhao Long.