Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 371: Youzhou War (Part 2)

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The foot soldiers and crossbowmen all over the mountains attacked Yuan Shao\'s camp like a tide, and the heavy infantry in Liaodong fired all arrows, specially using armor-piercing heavy arrows to give Yuan Shao\'s army a lot of damage!

The Fire Arrow team shot a dazzling rain of fire, covering the wooden fence and wooden arrow tower, nailed to the board, and burning! The black smoke billowed and choked people\'s noses. Even if the crossbowmen of both sides shoot aimlessly, they may still shoot the enemy, because both sides have too many troops to fight!

The Youzhou battlefield has become a meat grinder, the sky is cloudy, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses are fighting one after another, and the sky is dark!

For the Liaodong Prefect Mingguan, in recent years, there is only one chance to occupy Youzhou!

If he missed this opportunity, it may be difficult for him to have another chance to enter Youzhou!

Yuan Shao\'s army adopted Zhao Long\'s defensive tactics, relying on Jixian County, set up a camp, turned the field battle into a fortified battle, and delayed the Ming pass.

The fierce general Chang Yuchun dismounted, armed with a spear and a big shield, and led the heavy infantry of Liaodong to attack Yuan Shao\'s camp!

The Liaodong heavy infantry is well-equipped, and at the same time is good at using compound bows, heavy arrows, and cooperating with the carts that block arrow rain.

"The first deceased soldier, the euphorbia soldier sticks to the center!"

Ju Yi and Zhang Xi were ordered by Yuan Shao to sit in the middle camp. Among them, Ju Yi\'s Xianden dead soldiers used Jizhou strong crossbows to violently fire the heavy infantry led by Chang Yuchun. The sharp crossbow arrows were shot out, one by one Liaodong heavy infantry died under the strong crossbow! Flowing arrow splashes, corpses everywhere!

Chang Yuchun led the Liaodong heavy infantry to advance under the cover of the car. Lu Xiangsheng led the Tianxiong army, and Sun Chuanting led the Qin army at the end of the Ming Dynasty.

Chang Yuchun commander-in-chief cavalry has more powerful combat power, but facing Zhao Long\'s barrier tactics, he had to dismount and lead the heavy infantry in combat.

More than 60,000 infantrymen of the Eastern Liaoning Corps were engaged in a fierce assault. The Eastern Liaoning Cavalry looked forward to the battle. Once the defenders were out of the camp, the Eastern Liaoning Cavalry would immediately step forward and destroy them.

Probably because of the ferocity of the Liaodong Army, Yuan Shao\'s army chose to defend it.

"The opponent\'s car is approaching quickly!"

"Where is the Fire Arrow team?!"

"The euphorbia is ready to fight!"

"Yan Liang and Wen Chou led heavy infantry to prepare for battle, and the enemy is coming!"

In Yuan Shao\'s camp, the cavalry who sent the order quickly notified the entire army.

In the wild, the player\'s communication system is unusable, and can only use primitive methods such as cavalry, war drums, horns, and flags to transmit military orders.

The Liaodong Army\'s pallet is very effective. The so-called pallet is a cart made of thick wooden boards covered with cowhide and iron skin. It can block most arrows, rockets, and even falling rocks, and protect the pawns and crossbowmen from approaching the camp.

This time, using the limited time to compete for Youzhou, Mingguan made sufficient preparations. He brought a large number of carts to cover the heavy infantry of Liaodong, the Tianxiong army, and the Qin army at the end of the Ming Dynasty to attack Yuan Shao’s camp. He wanted to eliminate Yuan Shao at all costs. , Seize Youzhou!

The car was shot into a hedgehog by a strong crossbow from Jizhou, even so, the car was gradually approaching Yuan Shao\'s camp. All the soldiers of Yuan Shao\'s army, including Zhang Yun, Ju Yi, and Gao Lan, held their breaths-behind the car, there were teams of elite steppers and crossbowmen!

"Capture the camp!"

With an order from the fierce general Chang Yuchun, he took the lead in leading a team of elite soldiers to rush out from the back of the cart and head straight to the camp of Yuan Shao\'s army!

Lu Xiangsheng and Sun Chuanting saw that Chang Yuchun was the first to take the lead, so they immediately ordered all the pawns to fight out from the back of the car, and force a crossbow to cover Yuan Shao\'s camp!

Ju Yi’s Xiandeng dying soldier and Zhang Yun’s Euphorbia sergeant met the Tianxiong Army, who was also an elite unit, fired at infantry, and began to suffer large-scale casualties!

The Liaodong Army came prepared, not easy to mess with!

"Take this opportunity to win the camp!"

Mingguan saw that Chang Yuchun and other generals had already fought close to the opponent\'s Euphorbia, so he urged the remaining pawns and crossbowmen to swarm.

He also kept cavalry to guard against Zhao Long.

"Cui Jae-sun of Goryeo is about to reunify Goryeo. I only have one month. If I sit back and watch the reunification of Goryeo, I am not afraid, but it will be a problem after all. After a month, regardless of whether Youju can be captured, he must return to Liaodong. .Otherwise, Choi Jae Sun will never die."

Naturally there are spies in Mingguan in Korea. On one side is the country of Korea that is about to be reunified, and on the other side is one of the few opportunities to compete for Youzhou. He must abandon one.

Lee Min-chul, the lord of southern Korea, failed too quickly. Mingguan originally judged that the confrontation between the north and the south of Korea would last for several years. Only then did he aggressively attack Youju. However, under the attack of the northern lord Choi Jae-sun, Li Minzhe was defeated by a single blow.

A fierce general shot arrows one after another in Yuan Shao\'s army, with no arrows, thirty arrows, and thirty enemy troops!

Seeing that the arrows in the quiver were exhausted, he abandoned his quiver, seized the quiver of a soldier, and shot the Liaodong Army on the front line of the camp.

His strength is so great that even the heavily armored Liaodong heavy infantry can\'t resist his shot!

"Hulu Mingyue is really a carver archer!"

Yuan Shao tensely commanded the army in front. He saw the fierce general Hu Luguang piercing Yang with a hundred steps after he returned from Mobei, and he couldn\'t help but praise Hu Luguang\'s archery skills. Hu Luguang, with the word Mingyue, is a mighty general in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. He governed the army well, courageously and strategically. He was selected as a famous general in the past dynasties, and he must be above the Lanling King.

Hu Luguang shot and killed the enemy one after another in the Rebellion Army, especially the officers of the Liaodong Army, causing heavy losses for the Liaodong Army. There were shouts and killings on the battlefield. The eucalyptus was assassinated with the long spear of the Liaodong heavy infantry with the iron halberd. The shield and the iron armor collided, but it did not affect the performance of Hu Luguang. His tribe persisted, and he used it even more. The compound bow was aimed at Chang Yuchun, the number one general at Mingguan Pass, the prefect of Liaodong!

The compound bow was shaking violently, and it seemed that it was about to be unable to withstand the strength of Hu Luguang.

If Chang Yuchun can be shot, the loss of the Liaodong Prefect Mingguan will be unimaginable!

One is the three generals of the Northern Qi Dynasty in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and the second general in the early Ming Dynasty. They are less than a hundred meters apart in the Youzhou battlefield!

Chang Yuchun seemed to feel the danger and used a shield to block the direction of the danger!

A piercing arrow pierced through the leather shield, and huge power penetrated!

After all, the cowhide shield affected the speed and accuracy of the armor-piercing arrows. Chang Yuchun dodged to one side, and the armor-piercing arrows passed by less than a foot from Chang Yuchun, and plunged in with a cluster of arrows with a gust of wind. ground! Because the arrow shaft could not withstand a violent impact, it broke when the arrow cluster sank into the ground!

"What a terrible archery!"

Chang Yuchun has rarely encountered such a powerful enemy. For a long time, only Murong Xianbei\'s fierce general Murongba can put Chang Yuchun a little pressure. This is the first time he has encountered such a terrible marksman!

Seeing that he couldn\'t kill Chang Yuchun with one arrow, Hu Luguang immediately shot a second arrow! The arrow is like a shooting star, shooting a soldier next to Chang Yuchun!

Chang Yuchun is also a fierce general. When he was prepared, he was not embarrassed when he was sniped just now. Instead, he organized troops to attack Hu Luguang and wanted to kill Hu Luguang!

Hu Luguang wanted to kill a general of the prefect of Liaodong, and likewise, Chang Yuchun wanted to kill a general of Jizhou Mu\'s army to break the current deadlock!

"I\'ll help you!"

King Lanling, with a disheveled hair and a bronze mask, came to kill Chang Yuchun with Hu Luguang!

The relationship between King Lanling and Hu Luguang is close, and they cooperate with each other, and they can exert a powerful combat effectiveness!

The two sides fought fiercely. Faced with such a dangerous situation, counselors such as Tian Feng, Jushou, Xu You, Guo Tu, and Interrogation did not continue to fight internally. They rarely cooperated with each other and assisted Yuan Shao in deploying troops and generals to block the fierce attack by the Liaodong Army.

Fortunately, Yuan Shao has Dendrobium Mingyue and King Lanling, as well as the fortifications of the camp, which can withstand Chang Yuchun\'s fierce attack. The other soldiers, horses and generals cooperated to resist Sun Chuanting and Lu Xiangsheng.

Mingguan looked at a member of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army who had taken refuge in the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army and was defeated by Cao Cao in Jinan: "Aobai, you led a group of heavy infantry in a raid and assisted Chang Yuchun in breaking the enemy camp!"

The majestic Obai replied: "Yes!"

Mingguan is still continuously putting in other generals and troops, trying to completely razing Yuan Shao\'s camp.

With generals such as Obai, who are good at commanding cavalry and heavy infantry, went into battle, Yuan Shao\'s camp was in jeopardy.

Yuan Shao\'s army was struggling to support, black smoke everywhere, and heavy casualties.

"All the soldiers must stick to it! Where is Zhao Long?! He won\'t betray me?!"

Although Yuan Shao was worried about Zhao Long\'s seizure of power, if he is defeated by Mingguan, his power is likely to fall apart. It is not the time to worry about Zhao Long\'s seizure of power. At this time, winning is the most important thing!

Tian Feng and Jushou said to Yuan Shao: "He will never abandon the lord."

"Zhao Long\'s cavalry is here!"

When Yuan Shao\'s army was in desperation, Zhao Long, stationed in another camp, led his cavalry to arrive in time!

Han Qinhu, Shi Wansui and other military will lead the cavalry to Zhao Long\'s eagle dog and attack the flank of Mingguan!

Mingguan dispatched Murongba, Li Chengliang, Zu Dashou and other generals to lead cavalry to fight against Zhao Long. The two sides struggled hard, affecting Mingguan to attack Yuan Shao with all his strength!

"General Zhao Long saves me like fire and water!"

Yuan Shao\'s army sees it in his eyes, and he has a higher evaluation of Zhao Long, who supports Yuan Shao in time, and Zhao Long\'s soldiers placed in Yuan Shao\'s army deliberately build a momentum for Zhao Long.

Yuan Shao is even more annoyed, he has vaguely felt the changes in the military\'s spirit.

On the other side, Huma ordered the Lian Po Army as the main force to storm Liu Bei\'s camp, hoping to attack Liu Bei\'s camp as soon as possible and seize Youzhou.

Liu Bei fought against Huma outside the camp and formed the first line of defense, with the camp as the second line of defense.

Lian Po commanded the heavy infantry to fight, but was blocked by Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. The Turkic Prince Ashinasheer and Zhou Dewei’s cavalry were competing...

Both sides put in their troops and horses, and Huma dealt with Liu Bei alone, temporarily unable to get any benefits. But Liu Bei was also uncomfortable. In order to induce Yuan Shao to share the pressure, only Zhuojun was left in his territory. Once the soldiers and horses were consumed, they might be annexed by Yuan Shao in the future.

"Zhao Long\'s layout pushed us in front of Huma. Although our pressure is reduced, but with Huma consumed, we are one of the few hundred thousand soldiers and horses, I am afraid we will be killed and injured."

Chen Xi deliberately involved Yuan Shao in the Youzhou War, but Zhao Long was not completely fooled. If Liu Bei wants to continue to have military power, he must at least block Huma\'s offensive so that Yuan Shao and Zhao Long can deal with Mingguan.

Liu Bei observed the situation: "Please rest assured that the military division, we can hold. The battle of Mobei, we have the famous general Wu Han, we can be alone."

Chen Xi nodded.

Liu Bei had many generals under his command. In the Battle of Mobei, Wu Han, one of the twenty-eight generals in Yuntai of the Eastern Han Dynasty, was acquired. There were also several other generals, as well as a group of Youzhou generals. How could they also block those from the Bingzhou Army? offensive.

"According to intelligence, Huma\'s famous generals Zhao She, Zhao Kuo and his son, Wu Han can deal with them. It is difficult to find out what generals Huma got in the battle of Mobei, it may be Zhao Kuo, or it may be someone else. It\'s Zhao Kuo, then Huma is unlucky."

Chen Xi weighed the generals of the two sides and believed that Liu Bei had no problem blocking Huma by virtue of his camp.

Huma won a group of historical military commanders from other dynasties when he unified the state, and Liu Bei also had a group. The two sides should be the same.

Huma\'s Lian Po is more difficult to deal with.

But Liu Bei is about Yu and Zhang Fei.

"Master, the big matter is not good, the Tianyu Army is in a hurry! The Wuhan Army is in a hurry!"

Just when Liu Bei and Chen Xi thought they could hold the camp, the two legions of Tian Yu and Wu Han were defeated!

"how is this possible!"

Liu Bei and Chen Xi looked at the Wu Han regiment at almost the same time.

"Lian Po has been postponed by the two generals and General Zhang. Could it be that the Zhao She Army defeated the Wu Han Army?!"

Chen Xi did not believe that Zhao She, who was Zhao Kuo\'s father, could defeat Wu Han, one of the twenty-eight generals of Yuntai.

But the scene before him made Liu Bei and Chen Xi have to believe that the Wu Han regiment was being defeated.

"Order Wu Han and Tian Yu to return to the camp and defend, the other party may not be able to step through our camp!"

"The other generals, assist Wu Han and Tian Yu in camping!"

Under Liu Bei\'s command there are generals from other dynasties, which are worthy of use and may not fail!

Chen Xi seemed to have thought of something, he immediately opened the hero rankings, glanced at the hero rankings, and swept the front batch of commanders.

Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, Lian Po, Le Yi, Chen Qingzhi, Zhou Yafu, Cao Cao, Meng Tian, ​​Xie Xuan, Chang Yuchun, Li Chengliang and other commanders are on the list.

As a qualified military adviser, Chen Xi\'s strategy is no less than that of a first-class adviser~www.novelhall.com~ Otherwise, he would not assist Liu Bei to enter Youzhou.

Chen Xi knew the heroes on the leaderboard.

But at this time there is a new imperial commander, Li Mu, one of the four warring states generals!

"Do not!"

Chen Xi was placed by Huma. The recruitment order Huma got in Mobei was only recently used, and it is very likely that he got Li Mu!

The generals recruited in the Battle of Mobei have an initial level of 50, and Li Mu\'s attributes have reached the peak!

"Unexpectedly, I won the bet. Zhao Kuo is just a vagrant general I recruited after I was in Mobei. Liu Bei and Chen Xi, you didn\'t expect it."

Huma saw that the Li Mu Army defeated the Wu Han Army and the Zhao She Army defeated the Tian Yu Army, and couldn\'t help being proud. The recruitment order for the Battle of Mobei may not necessarily be able to recruit an imperial commander, and Huma is just a gamble on luck.

Even if he loses the bet, he still has a way of losing the bet. If the bet is won, the winner takes all!