Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 366: Cao Cao who moved to Xiacheng

Latest URL: "General, the enemy has retreated!"

In the Beihai country, Zhou Yafu, who was attacked by the son of Zhao, insisted on ignoring him, and forcibly delayed the son of Zhao in the Beihai Guoju County. Zhao Gongzi learned that Cao Cao was annexed, and knew that the situation was over, so he ordered a retreat.

In Taishan County, Li Guang, Yang Ye, and Du Ruhui guarded the city to repel the invading Tian Ji and Tian Dan. Seeing the Qingzhou governor Tian Qi\'s army withdraw, the defenders of Taishan County breathed a sigh of relief.

In Chutian\'s sphere of influence, there were almost no enemy troops, and the surrounding princes shrank their troops.

Chutian dispatched Du Ruhui to Puyang to govern Yanzhou, and at the same time used a group of Yanzhou nobles, Cheng Yu, Man Chong, Xue Ti and others, to ensure the interests of the Yanzhou family. As a non-local family, Du Rumei is not easy to be biased when he manages the Yanzhou family. If a family of Xuzhou descends by air, it is estimated that there will be another fight between Yanzhou and Xuzhou.

"There are ten counties in Yanzhou, Dongjun, Chenliu, Jiyin, Shanyang, Rencheng, Dongping, Lu, Taishan, and Jibei... of which half of Chenliu is occupied by Tang, that is to say The lord has nine and a half prefectures. It is a small county such as Chengguo, Dongpingguo, Luguo, and Jibeiguo. Yanzhou is said to be ten prefectures, and the area is almost the same as that of Xuzhou\'s five prefectures. In addition to the Yanzhou war for many years, I am afraid The population is less than that of Xuzhou... Dongjun and Chenliu have only four million people."

On behalf of Yanzhou officials, Cheng Yu explained the situation in Yanzhou to Chutian and submitted the population account books of Dongjun and Chenliu. Obviously, Cao Cao conducted household registration statistics on the advice of a foreigner.

The successive years of war in Yanzhou reduced the population of the two big counties, Dongjun and Chenliu, and many people fled to Xuzhou. A large number of people from Qingzhou, Yanzhou, and Yuzhou have flooded into Xuzhou. Therefore, Cheng Yu believes that Xuzhou has more population than Yanzhou, which is not a fiction.

Chu Tian looked through two account books: "There should be a lot of people hiding in the docks, mountains, and manors because of the war, and the county magistrates in various places will include these refugees in the account books."

Chu Tian suspected that hundreds of thousands or millions of people were hidden. This is also very common. For example, the Wubao of the Xu Chu family has tens of thousands of refugees and does not pay taxes. For the hidden population, Chutian must try to bring them under the jurisdiction of the government.

Cheng Yu said: "Lead the order."

Cheng Yu was one of Cao Cao\'s most important advisers, and made a lot of credit for Cao Cao.

[Name]: Cheng Yu

[Commander]: 74 [Strength]: 49 [Intelligence]: 95 [Politics]: 84 [Charm]: 56

[Phaseality]: Hardy

[Characteristic 1]: Knowing about military planning (S-level characteristic, when serving in the military, the probability of providing military proposals increases, and the probability of success in inciting or suspecting soldiers increases)

[Feature 2]: Brave the cardinal education (S-level feature, when joining the army, the morale of the troops at the time of war +20%, the number of adults is related to the own commander, and does not conflict with the characteristics of the main general)

[Feature 3]: Yanzhou’s Hope (S-level feature, Yanzhou family’s satisfaction with power +5%, Yanzhou family’s satisfaction with power +20%; when Yanzhou family disciples are appointed as officials, the administrative efficiency will be improved; Yanzhou counties and counties will be popular Not easy to fall)

Cheng Yu was inconspicuous in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. In fact, he was a counselor who had made great contributions to Cao Cao\'s forces. If Cheng Yu did not guard Yanzhou, Cao Cao\'s Yanzhou would be completely occupied by Lu Bu, and there would be no later Wei Wudi.

At present, Chu Tian’s advisors include Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Xun You, Guo Jia, Cheng Yu, Lu Su, Cao Ku and others. This lineup is quite impressive.

"Du Ruhui will come to Dongjun from Mount Tai. You will help him govern Yanzhou."

Chu Tian saw that Cheng Yu had the characteristic of "Hope of Yanzhou", which could be used to comfort the people of Yanzhou.

Du Ruhui was an outsider to the Yanzhou gentry.

Chu Tian asked Wei Qing to serve as the military governor of Yanzhou, Du Ruhui as the long history, Cheng Yu as the prefect of East County, Manchu as the prefect of Chenliu, and Gongziwen as the prefect of Jiyin, together defending Yuzhou\'s Tang Dynasty.

At the same time, Wei Qing\'s Yulin Legion occupied Xingyang and Hulao, while Pang Juan\'s Army Soldiers occupied Fengqiu and defended together with Manchu. The army of soldiers is the main army, and the most favored are the ordinary defensive army.

Cao Cao\'s troops were disrupted by Chutian and were incorporated into the main army to prevent Yanzhou soldiers from mutiny.

This time he attacked Yanzhou and obtained too many good generals, and Chutian needed time to reorganize his army.

All counties have defensive corps. In fact, many counties no longer need to establish defensive corps. For example, Pengchengguo, surrounded by Chutian territory, can completely abolish the local defensive corps, and the saved military salary can be used to increase the number of soldiers in the main army.

Regarding the reorganization of the legion, Chu Tian had to return to the lord\'s mansion to consider in detail.

He needs to know the annual financial income from Xuzhou, Yanzhou, Qingzhou, Yuzhou, Yangzhou and other places, as well as the inventory of war horses and equipment, in order to re-plan the army.

There were about 60,000 or 70,000 soldiers who surrendered in the Dongjun and Chenliu areas. With these people, one or two legions could be expanded.

After leaving some people to defend Yanzhou, Chu Tian took Cao Cao and many generals back to Xiacheng, and placed their family in Xiacheng for surveillance. If the Cao clan and Xiahou clan betrayed, the Cao clan and Xiahou clan in Qiao County will all be killed.

Cao Song’s little life in Xuzhou was nourished. Although he also knew that he was being monitored by Xuzhou Mu, Cao Song had no restrictions except not being able to leave Xiacheng. In addition, Langya country has not been at war for a long time, and the people have settled down. Cao Song brought a lot of gold and silver treasures and lived a rich life, so Cao Song did not complain.

Recently, Cao Song has become obsessed with land speculation.

Xiacheng is about to be upgraded to a large city, and the land price is getting higher and higher. If you buy a house in advance, you can make a big profit. The control of the land by the Lord\'s Mansion also caused the land price in Xiacheng to soar. Using real estate to obtain additional financial revenue and support Chutian to launch a war is what Xia Liang has been doing.

Although the increase in land prices in the counties is unethical for the common people, it can indeed bring a lot of fiscal revenue.

When Cao Song and Cao Cao\'s younger brother Cao De saw Cao Cao, they were shocked, and then they told their parents that they were short in their parents.

"I said, don’t raise soldiers, don’t raise soldiers, what are you capable of? Can you achieve higher achievements than your dad who served as a lieutenant? This is good, you and your father are both prisoners. The Cao family is unfortunate, the Xiahou family Unfortunately."

When Cao Song saw Cao Cao, he immediately assumed the posture of the chief and blamed Cao Cao.

Cao Song fled to Xuzhou not only because of the chaos in Qiaoxian, but also because he was worried that his son Cao Cao would fail in raising his troops and become a prisoner.

Cao Cao smiled bitterly: "Father, what you said is that if you knew you hadn\'t been a dutiful son, you wouldn\'t have a soldier. In the end, it\'s still the clothes of others."

"Your father, I have eaten more salt than you have eaten. Don\'t mess around next time."

When Cao Song saw Cao Cao admit his mistake, he was happy.

He didn\'t realize that without Chu Tian\'s efforts to suppress Cao Cao, Cao Cao\'s territory would not have been so small, let alone defeated so easily.

Cao De said: "Brother, Xuzhou Animal Husbandry governs Xuzhou well, the country is peaceful, the chickens and dogs are familiar with each other, and the road is not in the past, why would you not want to be an enemy of Xuzhou Animal Husbandry? Xuzhou Animal Husbandry is a benevolent teacher against you, how can you be undefeated? Many injustices will kill themselves."

Cao Song said: "Your brother said that if you do more unrighteousness, you will die, Meng De, this time you come to Xiacheng, you must do more good deeds, and you can\'t fight and kill again. You think you are the one. Material?"


Cao Cao was speechless. There is a normal struggle for hegemony between the princes, and in the end only one force can survive, so why did Cao Cao become the unjust party?

It seems that Cao Song and Cao De have integrated into Langya country and regard themselves as spiritual Xuzhou people.

I thought that Cao Song would be a prisoner in Xiacheng, but Cao Cao was completely wrong. Cao Song became a wealthy businessman in Langya because of his involvement in high land prices. Cao De helped Cao Song manage his business.

In terms of Xiacheng\'s influence, Cao Cao is not as good as his brother Cao De.

Cao Cao, the Ding family, Bian family, Cao Ang and others were supported by Cao Song and Cao De and lived in Xiacheng.

Cao Cao heard that a group of great scholars such as Lu Zhi, Zheng Xuan, and Cai Yong lived in Xiacheng, so he came to visit. In front of Lu Zhi and others, Cao Cao was still a junior.

"Xuzhou Mu has the ambition to calm the world, how many years can we old men live? We will rely on you to calm the troubled times in the future."

When Lu Zhi saw Cao Cao, he told Cao Cao, and Cao Cao was on his own. The other party\'s reputation was too high, and Cao Cao spent another year as a famous Yanzhou provincial governor, which was far behind Lu Zhi and others.

The aristocratic families, big households, and wealthy merchants in Xuzhou knew that Cao Cao and a group of military generals lived in Xiacheng. They waited and watched the lord’s mansion and did not dare to come personally to interact with Cao Cao, otherwise they might involve the families.

The generals of the Cao and Xiahou families also temporarily resided in Xiacheng, waiting for appointment.

Every move of Cao Cao and others was monitored.

Chu Tian returned to the lord\'s mansion and considered reorganizing the legion.

The current Xuzhou forces have three guards, the Five Northern Army, the Detachment Army, and the Scout Corps, as well as the special Tiger Ben Army and Servant Corps.

The main army has three infantry and four cavalry regiments. The infantry regiments are offensive, defensive, and military soldiers, and the cavalry regiments are Baipao, Invincible, Xiliang, and Yulin.

After obtaining a group of military commanders from Cao Cao, Chu Tian can incorporate these generals into various main army groups or form new ones.

"The Xiliang Army can be withdrawn, because Xu Rong is not a general of the Xiliang faction either..."

Chu Tian considered canceling the establishment of the Xiliang Army, or giving a new designation.

The reason why it was named the Xiliang Army in the past was that Xu Rong and Hua Xiong were both generals captured by Chu Tian from Dong Zhuo, and they also had Xiliang Iron Cavalry. Now the Xiliang Army needs to be reorganized.

Chu Tian originally planned to set up a group of five good generals and appoint Cao Cao as the coach, but thought that Xu Huang and Zhang Xi were not in his hands and Cao Cao\'s loyalty was not high enough, so he gave up.

"What is Xiang Gong thinking?"

Xia Xia Liang brought his son to the door to greet him, resenting Chu Tian for running to Yanzhou midway.

"The legions need to be reorganized. I am considering this."

When Chu Tian saw his son, he no longer looked like he was wrinkled when he was just born.

Xia Xia Liang said: "I have heard that Cao Cao is under house arrest in Xiacheng. Cao Cao is a hero. Few people can stop him."

"This is what I worry about. I can only use my loyalty to judge whether Cao Cao is rebellious. In addition, I can always ask Cao Cao to come back and report to me. Once his loyalty drops, he will send Wei Qing to replace it. Cao Cao is in front of Wei Qing. Don\'t dare to be presumptuous."

Chutian has a way to monitor Cao Cao.

Chu Tian returned to the Lord\'s Mansion. The Lord\'s Mansion originally had not many maids, but in order to take care of the born young masters, the Lord\'s Mansion now employs as many as dozens of maids.

"Why is she in the backyard?"

When Chu Tian saw Joan of Arc coming to visit, he couldn\'t help frowning.

"Only when she is concerned, will she temporarily give up thinking about returning to France."

It makes sense if it is cold in the summer.

"I plan to reorganize the army and march into Qingzhou. Except for the Pingyuan County to the north of the Yellow River, Jinan, Qi, and Le\'an, which are south of the Yellow River, will all be taken. Then, please make a list of the imperial court. , And then promote everyone. How about you serving as Xuzhou Shepherd?"

"Xuzhou Mu? How about you?"

Xia Liang saw that Chutian gave himself the position of Xuzhou Mu, and he couldn\'t help being surprised. You must know that Xuzhou is the core site of Chutian and has the largest population.

"I took up the post of Yanzhou Mu and personally suppressed Yanzhou\'s aristocratic family. In the future, no matter if I fight Yuzhou, Guanzhong or Hebei, I will need to place the main army in Yanzhou, so I have to focus on Yanzhou."

Chu Tian believed that he needed to serve as a Yanzhou pastoralist, to completely eliminate Cao Cao\'s influence in Yanzhou and digest Yanzhou\'s territory. If most of the territory of Qingzhou is captured, a Qingzhou provincial governor will be established. Chutian also has the staff of Qingzhou Governor.

"Li Miao has worked hard and can serve as the governor of Qingzhou. Once Qingzhou is taken, Qingzhou will be less important than Yanzhou and Xuzhou, so there will be no state animal husbandry and a corps will be deployed along the Yellow River."

Chu Tian thought of the low-key Li Li.

As an imperial civil servant, Li Di was naturally handy in governing Qingzhou.

Qingzhou suffered more damage than Xuzhou and Yanzhou. The Yellow Turban catastrophe of Qingzhou broke out successively, and there were also a series of battles in which Chutian attacked Qingzhou.

"Are you going to Yanzhou to handle internal affairs?"

Xia Liang sighed slightly. If Chu Tian took the post of Yanzhou pastoralist, he might stay in Yanzhou for a long time.

"Who said that Yanzhou Mu must be in Yanzhou? There are Du Ruhui, Cheng Yu, Man Chong, Wei Qing and others in Yanzhou, so why bother. If they are in a hurry, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can also use the Teleportation Array to send them to the Lord\'s Mansion for processing. I became a Yanzhou pastoralist just to appease the local people. After all, I want to let the civilians in Yanzhou know that their pastoralist is my Chu Zimou."

"In that case, I also want to thank the existence of the teleportation array." Xia Liang asked again, "but what name should our son be?"

Upon hearing the name, all the women who visited the Lord\'s Mansion rushed over.

Joan of Arc said solemnly: "I think it should be called Henry De Chu of Langya Kingdom."

Chu Tian directly ignored the serious Joan, this was not an Eastern name at all.

"Chu Zheng? Chu Zhao?"

Hua Mulan and Li Xiuning also participated in the discussion.

Facing the matter of naming, Chu Tian felt a headache. Chu Tian didn\'t pay much attention to it.

Xia Liang understood Chu Tian\'s character and thought, maybe Chu Tian would give his son a name casually.