Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 353: From the Great War (Part 2)

The wind was bleak, the North China Plain was stern, and Joan of Arc clenched the battle flag in her hand. She was already familiar with everything around her and fought for the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty more than once.

With the first time, there will be a second, third...

She stared at the end of the wilderness, and the front of the Yuzhou Army was on the opposite side.

The Xuzhou Army Corps has not been lined up for a large-scale battle of more than 100,000 people for a long time. The weapon was out of its sheath, and the clash of armor-piercing sounded from time to time.

The Hercules from the two armies stood in front of the huge cowhide war drum, holding drumsticks in both hands. As long as the coach ordered the battle, the earth-shaking war drums would reverberate over the battlefield.

The left-wing white-robed army, Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun were in front of the line, and Chen Qingzhi\'s white-robed army was the rear army. The two fighters each held a spear as one of the breakthrough points in this battle.

On the right-wing reconnaissance corps, Hua Mulan is equipped with equipment from the Northern and Southern Dynasties, holding a horse, and leading the light cavalry against Cheng Yaojin. Although the main task of the reconnaissance corps is reconnaissance, the reconnaissance cavalry who can\'t fight melee is not a good reconnaissance cavalry.

Saint Joan of Arc and Tai Shi Ci led the Servants Corps and the infantry and crossbowmen of the North Army\'s five schools respectively. They were in the Central Army, including a group of alien cavalry.

As cannon fodder, the alien cavalry has almost been consumed, but there are still many infantry and crossbowmen. The servant regiment was squeezed by Chu Tian again and served as cannon fodder in this battle.

In the rear, Chu Tian, ​​Wei Qing, and Gongsun Ao led thousands of cavalry behind the palace. Although it was only a few thousand cavalry, this was Chutian\'s trump card.

Li Daozong suggested to Tang: "Our army is prosperous and the offensive can be won."

"Across the board!!"

As soon as Tang gave an order, dozens of strong men in the army sweated like rain, drumsticks slammed the cowhide war drums violently, and the war drums rang like thunder, echoing the whole army!

The 130,000 Yuzhou Legion, under the command of Guo Ziyi, Qin Shubao, and Cheng Yaojin, launched a fierce offensive against the Xuzhou Legion. The black army turned into a surging black huge wave, swept in.

Guo Ziyi, the commander of the Yuzhou Army, rode a war horse, drew the Tang sword, and urged the Ten Thousand Shuo Fang Army as the vanguard. By his side, there was a military commander in command of heavy infantry with spear and shield, which Tang used to deal with heavy cavalry.

Qin Qiong led thirty thousand cavalry to deal with the White Robe Corps. The opposite was a white wave, in sharp contrast with the black Yuzhou Corps. It is said that there are two fierce generals commanding the White Robe Legion.

In order to deal with Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun of the White Robe Corps, it is said that Tang sent Xu Chu to help Qin Qiong.

Cheng Yaojin had better luck, and only Hua Mulan was a military commander opposite.

"The Yuzhou Army has moved!"

Chu Tian, ​​Fang Xuanling, Lu Su, and Cao Xu were watching the battle from the rear, and they saw that the Yuzhou Army had moved, but they still stood still.

The victory or defeat was instant.

"The heavy cavalry of the Tunqi Camp, ready to attack the enemy frontally. Gongsun Ao, you will attack with the Tunqi Camp."

Tunqiying still benefits from Chutian and Weiqing\'s bonus, Gongsun Ao just followed Tunqiying to march.

Guo Ziyi has a large number of crossbowmen, and the Chinese army cannot consume Guo Ziyi. Only heavy cavalry can defeat Guo Ziyi.

Gongsun Ao left and came to the rear army, commanding the 1000-tun cavalry heavy cavalry, ready to attack.

The heavy cavalry of the Tun Cavalry Camp was disguised by Chutian as the tiger and ben heavy cavalry, the real tiger and ben heavy cavalry, Chutian plans to personally lead the tiger and ben troops to destroy the enemy when it is critical.

"The Chinese army will stand firm and attack on both wings!"

After Chutian was deployed, he ordered to meet the Yuzhou Army. His strategy is also very simple, adopting a two-wing breakthrough tactic.

The rapid sound of war drums echoed, this is the signal of the Xuzhou Army\'s offensive!


The cavalry of the White Robe Corps and the Scout Corps launched their horses, and their hoofs sounded like thunder. The left and right wing cavalry shot out like sharp arrows, attacking the cavalry of Yuzhou Army!

"Chu Zimou\'s tactics are really flanking breakthroughs. His tactics are already clear to me. I have ordered Guo Ziyi to lead the rush to attack. As long as he penetrates Chu Zimou\'s army, he will definitely be able to capture Chu Zimou alive!"

Said Tang supervised Guo Ziyi\'s Chinese army to attack forward.

Guo Ziyi got the order, fifty thousand Yuzhou cavalry approached the opponent\'s army!

The archers and crossbowmen on both sides sent out a thousand arrows, the rain of arrows weaved a net in the air, and it fell down, the sharp arrows shot through the pawns\' throats, and hundreds of pawns were killed!

The infantry battalion and the shooting battalion each have three thousand soldiers, as the backbone of the Chinese army.

Crossbowmen and English longbowmen from the Servants Corps joined the Chinese Army and violently shot the Shufang Army.

A group of alien infantry, including the Arab Empire infantry, Dongying warriors, and Dongyu sword players, lined up. Chu Tian would use them as cannon fodder to win this battle.

"All the soldiers listened to the order, for the glory and Lord Lord, for the country, only death!"

Joan of Arc\'s shoulder stabbed, but she still waved the battle flag forcefully, triggering the enthusiasm of the soldiers, and the army of servants fell into madness. For the faith and the country, they can do their best!


Joan of Arc knew that the position of the Servant Legion was cannon fodder, at this time she was indifferent, and commanded the Servant Legion forward!

The fanatical servant sergeant rushed to Guo Ziyi\'s Shuofang army!

The servants are constantly being shot by Liuya, but there are still servants who break through the arrow rain and fight with the soldiers of Shuofang! The fanatical servant army, regardless of the cost, still did its best to fight the Shuo Fang army before dying!

A samurai was beheaded by the Tang sword of Shuo Fang\'s army, and the samurai sword also penetrated through the abdomen of Shuo Fang\'s army, and the blood stained Xiaopei\'s soil. The soldiers of the Arab Empire are even more crazy, they have their own fanaticism, coupled with the characteristics of Joan of Arc, the two overlap each other, and the soldiers of the Arab Empire lose their humanity and are more like machines that only know how to kill!

The two sides fought fiercely, causing hundreds of deaths and injuries!

Guo Ziyi\'s Shuofang army has never encountered such a terrible opponent. The army of servants went forward and succeeded, ignoring the pain, and would only attack like wild beasts.

The servant regiment suffered heavy casualties, and the Shufang regiment suffered a lot of impact.

"Leave it to me next!"

Gongsun Ao and a thousand full-armed Tun Cavalry heavy cavalry replaced Joan of Arc.

In order to consume Guo Ziyi\'s Shufang army, Joan of Arc\'s servant army has almost all the soldiers. Next is the end of the heavy cavalry!

The light cavalry on the two wings are already at war!

Zhao Yun\'s gentian silver spear and Qin Qiong\'s tiger-headed golden spear clashed with each other. Two horses passed by, two imperial weapons collided, and the harsh sound made the scalp numb!

"It\'s amazing!"

Zhao Yun and Qin Qiong were surprised at each other\'s opponents when they were confronting each other. In a round of confrontation between the two sides, no one had the upper hand.

The Fang Tian painting halberd in Xue Rengui\'s hand moved and slashed at the tiger idiot Xu Chu. Xu Chu blocked it with a big knife, yelled, and hit Fang Tian\'s painting halberd!

Said that Tang had already figured out the fierce generals of the White Robe Corps and asked Qin Qiong and Xu Chu to deal with Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun.

Although Qin Qiong and Xu Chu might not be able to defeat the combination of Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun, they were enough to delay the White Robe Legion.

Thirty thousand Yuzhou cavalrymen and twenty thousand Xuzhou cavalrymen fought hand-to-hand, the horses neighed, and the clash of knives and guns was endless!

On the other side, Hua Mulan fought Cheng Yaojin, and suffered a lot of losses. Cheng Yaojin\'s axe cut the Iron Eagle scout off his waist, and his armor could hardly resist the big axe!

Hua Mulan stabs Cheng Yaojin with Ma Li!

Cheng Yaojin avoided Ma Lu, and caught Ma Lu, trying to take away Hua Mulan\'s weapon!

Taking Ma Fu is one of Cheng Yaojin\'s skills, Hua Mulan struggled, but it was difficult to take Ma Fu back.

"How come there are so many wives under Xuzhou Mu\'s commander? Last time we almost caught a wives alive, since she let her escape, then I will catch you alive and go back to contribute!"

Cheng Yaojin struggled to win the horse, but Hua Mulan was not strong enough, so he gave up on the horse, took out a javelin, and threw it at Cheng Yaojin!

The sharp javelin whizzed past, almost hitting Cheng Yaojin, passing by Cheng Yaojin, running through Cheng Yaojin\'s cavalry! The cavalry carried a javelin halfway through the back, and fell off his horse.

"What a hot girl..."

Cheng Yaojin was in a cold sweat. If he was hit by a javelin just now, he would either be seriously injured or killed.

The quality of Hua Mulan\'s horse is king, and it can carry heavy armor and many weapons. Ma Jian was captured, the javelin was exhausted, Hua Mulan drew Tang\'s sword and continued fighting.

"Protect the general!"

The Iron Eagle scout knew that Cheng Yaojin was not easy to deal with, so he came forward to protect Mulan and prevent the main general Hua Mulan from being killed by Cheng Yaojin.

"The two-wing cavalry has been blocked by me. Chu Zimou\'s two-wing breakthrough tactics went bankrupt, and his heavy cavalry as the trump card will soon appear."

Said that Tang knew that Chutian had an elite heavy cavalry that had not been used yet, and that this heavy cavalry that could defeat the Shuofang army would have to use it at this time.

After Guo Ziyi’s army paid huge casualties, almost completely wiped out the footmen of the servants of Joan of Arc. Chutian\'s army only left the infantry battalion and the shooting battalion led by Tai Shici with 6,000 people, as well as alien crossbows. hand.

Chu Zimou must use heavy cavalry!

It is said that Tang also has two reserve forces, namely, Jiangxia King Li Daozong and Bai Mubing Chen, and victory is within easy reach.

Sure enough, the Chinese army in the Xuzhou Army was in a state of restlessness, and Gongsun Ao and a thousand heavy cavalry marched out. This one thousand cavalry is heavily armored with horse armor and halberds like a forest.

"Chu Zimou\'s heavy cavalry is finally dispatched!"

Guo Ziyi\'s Shuo Fang army killed and wounded thousands of people in order to eliminate the servants of Joan of Arc, and only less than 5,000 people were left behind. There were only more than 30,000 infantrymen behind.

They were alarmed by the heavy cavalry who had destroyed the Shufang army not long ago. In the first battle of Xiaopei, Shuofang\'s army was assaulted by the opponent, half dead and injured. In the second Xiaopei battle, they once again faced Chutian\'s high-ranking heavy cavalry!

"Reorganize the military!"

Under the command of Guo Ziyi, the five thousand Shuo army shrank into one regiment, preparing to meet the impact of the heavy cavalry in the Tunqi Camp.

A military general led three thousand ordinary heavy infantrymen to join Guo Ziyi.

Guo Ziyi nodded to him when he saw the man. The two commanders work together, even if the opponent is a high-level heavy cavalry, they are sure to block it.


Gongsun Ao drew out the Han sword, and the 1000-tun cavalry heavy cavalry officially launched the charge!

Horseshoes were raised high, galloping horizontally and horizontally. The heavy cavalry of the Tunqi Camp held a halberd, divided into 20 batches, and attacked the Yuzhou Army in turns!

The Shuofang army used a crossbow to shoot at the heavy cavalry of Tunqi Camp! Thousands of arrow feathers covered the heavy armor of the heavy cavalry of the Tunqi Camp, and the iron arrows collided and rubbed against the iron pieces, splashing around!

Tunqiying heavy cavalry gallops through a rain of arrows, and ordinary crossbows have extremely limited damage to them! The war horse is also covered by a large area of ​​horse armor. Ordinary crossbow arrows cannot break the armor and are bounced off by the horse armor!

"Put a long halberd formation!"

Generals commanding heavy infantry temporarily set up a line of defense, with halberds like a forest, relying on shields and ground unloading force to point straight ahead.

The iron hoof galloped, the heavy cavalry of the Tun Cavalry Camp hit the Yuzhou heavy infantry defense line, the steel collided, the people turned over, the halberd broke, and the heavy infantry and heavy cavalry fell in batches! The weapons of both sides are halberds, piercing each other, the halberds left scratches on the iron armor, and the gold and stones collided!

The heavy cavalry of the Tun cavalry camp caused a lot of casualties to the heavy infantry of the other side, row after row of heavy infantry was trampled by the iron hooves of the heavy cavalry of the camp and died!

Twenty batches of heavy cavalry took turns attacking, breaking the opponent\'s ten rows of heavy infantry!

"All the soldiers stick to it and cannot retreat!"

The opposing heavy infantry commander did not waver, and his heavy infantry also had twenty platoons to resist the heavy cavalry! He was obviously a famous general, and heavy infantry brought a lot of casualties to the heavy cavalry of Tunqi Camp!

Gongsun Ao fought hard and did not retreat. He was full of iron halberds of heavy infantry. The heavy cavalry of the tun cavalry camp had to pay a huge price for each impact. He had broken 14 rows of heavy infantry, and only six rows were left!

"I\'ll help you!"

Guo Ziyi led the Shuo Fang army to thicken the thickness of the square, completely blocking the impact of the heavy cavalry of the Tunqi Camp!

"The other side\'s heavy cavalry poses a huge threat to me. To break Chu Zimou, we must defeat its heavy cavalry. Feng Yi is capable of this task, and he is immobile!"

It is said that Tang appointed Dashu general Feng Yi as commander of three thousand ordinary heavy infantry to hide in the Chinese army, in order to deal with Chutian\'s heavy cavalry!

Feng Yi refers to the generals that Tang got after the Battle of Mobei, and he was one of the most capable generals among the 28 generals in Yuntai under the command of Emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Feng Yi is a king-level commander in "Lord", in addition to offense, he is also good at defense!

Saying that Tang didn\'t have time to recruit special units for Feng Yi, just like Chu Tian had not had time to recruit Yulin Cavalry for Wei Qing, the two sides had a hasty battle.

The warplanes are fleeting ~www.novelhall.com~No one will wait until they are fully prepared to conquer.

"Chu Zimou\'s heavy cavalry is really terrifying, almost even Feng Yi\'s 3,000 heavy infantry was destroyed. Who on earth is providing a bonus to his heavy cavalry? Hua Xiong? No, Hua Xiong\'s ability is not that strong, or Jin Wushu?"

It is said that Tang witnessed a thousand heavy cavalry soldiers almost overwhelming Feng Yi\'s three thousand heavy infantry and Guo Ziyi\'s five thousand Shuofang army, thinking that Chutian had a terrible heavy cavalry general. He believes that Chu Tian may possess Jin Wushu (special arms, Tiefutu).

But this is not important anymore, because Chu Zimou\'s heavy cavalry has been completely stopped and can no longer attack the middle army of the Yuzhou Army.

"The opponent has one or two powerful infantry commanders."

Chu Tian saw Gongsun Ao\'s heavy cavalry being blocked, but he didn\'t panic. The heavy cavalry of the Tun cavalry camp is just a cover, making the other party think that they are the tiger\'s heavy cavalry who defeated the Shuofang army.

The real Hu Ben army heavy cavalry has not yet attacked.

High-speed text hand-playing online game: the chapter list of the lords of the people