Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 349: Tiger Chu

In the manor of Qiao County, tens of thousands of civilians and foreigners gathered here, with thousands of soldiers, piled up earth fortresses, set up arrow towers, and formed docks to defend against thieves. The Runan Yellow Turban Army once attacked Qiao County, but was defeated by the manor’s defenders. Although the leader of this place is not a vassal, he has shocked Yuzhou, and many players even come to take refuge in order to avoid the chaos of war.

The prefect of Runan said that the Tang attacked Peiguo of Xuzhou, divided up 50,000 troops to attack Xiao Pei, and personally led an army of 50,000 to take Qiao County.

"The enemy is coming!"

Outside Wubao, the patrolling villagers rushed back and shouted loudly, causing large-scale turbulence in Wubao.

More than eight feet tall, with a big waist and ten circumferences, the majestic generals put on heavy armor and led thousands of soldiers and soldiers to fight.

The army of 50,000 Yuzhou attacked Qiaoxian in a big way, and the force was like a broken bamboo.

The prefect of Runan said that Tang was riding a war horse, followed by an elite footman behind him, with white feathers erected in his pockets, excellent armor and strong physique. Generals such as Qin Qiong, Chen Dao, Gong Du, Liu Pei, He Yi and other generals said that Tang was going to expedition, and the Meng who wanted to subdue Qiaoxian this time would be for his own use.

Fifty thousand Yuzhou troops confronted thousands of Wubao soldiers.

The Wupu soldiers in Qiaoxian County are no longer ordinary courageous people. Under the opinions of some foreigners, a five-level barracks were built in Wupu, and professional soldiers were recruited to protect the people of Wupu and protect themselves in troubled times.

Now the prefect of Runan said that Tang wanted to subdue the dock.

It was said that Tang went out under the protection of Qin Qiong and Chen Dao and looked at the mighty warrior on the opposite side. This was the real purpose of this conquest of Qiao County.

"In Xia Runan, the prefect of Tang said that this time the crusade against Xiaopei happened to be through Qiaoxian. It has long been heard that Zhongkang is extremely powerful. If Zhongkang is used by me, everyone in Wupu can save their lives. Zhongkang can also make contributions in the future. Power to the princes."

As soon as Tang\'s words fell, foreigners in Wubao whispered in private. Although they took refuge in Xu Chu and lived in Wubao to avoid the war, they are also paying attention to the general situation of the world, knowing that Xuzhou Muchuzimou is fighting with the surrounding forces, and they have been low-key development in Yuzhou, saying that this time Tang went straight to Xuzhou to animal husbandry. .

"It\'s useless to say more, unless you have the ability to make me surrender!"

Xu Chu held a knife and scanned the fifty thousand Yuzhou army.

Although Xu Chu is known for his military power, he is not a fool. He saw the 50,000 Yuzhou army coming on fiercely, let alone Wubao, even the county seat of Qiaoxian might not be able to stop the 50,000 Yuzhou army.

"Master, I\'ll fight it!"

Chen Dao went to battle with a gun and went straight to Xu Chu!

Chen Dao and Zhao Yun acted as Liu Bei\'s guards. Although the force was not at the level of the Five Tiger Generals, Tang was still assured of letting Chen Dao play. Chen Dao wasn\'t enough to let Xu Chu be cut in one round.

"Speaking of what generals did Tang have, who would dare to fight against the tiger idiot Xu Chu? This time he is going to have some trouble."

"I understand. Tang said that he was trying to subdue Xu Chu and take Xu Chu to fight Chu Zimou desperately!"

The foreigners living in Wubao knew Tang\'s thoughts well. All players know that if Xu Chu can be subdued, Tang\'s strength will be improved.

Chen Dao has already played against Xu Chu!

Xu Chu\'s long-sword vigorously sinks, Chen Dao fights with it, extremely strenuous, mainly defending. If Zhao Yun could still fight Xu Chu, Chen Dao would be weaker after all.

"With such strength, I dare to come and take my dock!"

Xu Chu yelled, his strength soared, and every move was infinitely powerful. Chen\'s silver spear collided with the long knife fiercely, and fragmentary sparks splashed from time to time!

"Chen Dao is really not Xu Chu\'s opponent, but he has consumed part of Xu Chu\'s physical strength, Qin Qiong, you go and take Xu Chu."

It was said that Tang saw Chen\'s hard work, so he sent Qin Qiong, the first fierce general under his command, to fight against Xu Chu!

Qin Qiong stepped out, swiftly stunned, and pierced with a golden spear from the tiger\'s head, which was more violent and quicker than Chen\'s marksmanship!

Xu Chu swung his knife to block it, and the sharp spear head rubbed violently on the blade, making a harsh screaming sound, leaving visible scratches on the blade!

"Chen arrived, you step back, I will defeat it!"

Qin Qiong took over from Chen Arrived and stormed Xu Chu. Hutou Zhan\'s golden gun swept Xu Chu like a squally rain!

When Xu Chu met an unprecedented strong enemy, he couldn\'t help being furious, and the sword became more fierce!

The two people are fighting like dragons and tigers, dazzling the spectators and squeezing a cold sweat for both sides.

Chen Dao and Qin Qiong discussed from time to time, knowing that Qin Qiong\'s force is higher than his own. If Qin Qiong takes the shot, he will surely win Xu Chu.

"Who is the general who uses the spear? He seems to have the upper hand!"

"You can suppress the tiger obsessed Xu Chu, at least at the level of the five tiger generals!"

The strangers in Wubao knew that Xu Chu\'s force could be tied, and even suppress Xu Chu\'s generals, who were not at the rank of five tiger generals. No one believed.

"Qin Qiong, although there are many fierce generals who use long spears, Zhao Yun, Wang Tieqiang, Chang Yuchun and others all have masters. This person is likely to be Qin Qiong!"

Someone judged that Tang\'s first fierce would be Qin Qiong.

"Said Tang has Qin Qiong, will he have the most elite cavalry of Tang Taizong Li Shimin-Xuan Jia Army? It is said that Qin Qiong is one of the leaders of Xuan Jia Army."

Hearing about the Xuanjia Army, all the strangers in Wubao looked curiously, wanting to know whether Tang had a Xuanjia Army. The Xuanjia Army is one of the top heavy cavalry in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Its record is far greater than that of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry and Tiger and Leopard Cavalry. It is often used by Li Shimin as the main force in battle.

However, the strangers in Wubao were disappointed. They did not see the elite heavy cavalry covered in profound armor.

"Xuanjia army cavalry should have a high-level cavalry battalion, saying that Tang may not have such a high-level barracks."

Soon there were strangers relieved.

As one of the representative cavalry of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Xuanjia Army was also the main heavy cavalry of Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty. How could it be so easy to recruit. If it is a light cavalry, it is relatively easy to recruit. Even Chu Tian, ​​currently recruiting Tier 8 Tiger Ben heavy cavalry, feels strenuous. After all, Tang\'s power is less than Chutian.

"Li Daozong, Chen Dao, and Liu Pi are ready to attack this dock. If Xu Chu is unwilling to surrender, he will be forced to surrender!"

Said Tang told Li Daozong, who was the chief general, to go down.

Li Daozong was the clan of the royal family in the early Tang Dynasty, who was named the king of Jiangxia. Li Daozong also participated in the battle of Anshicheng. After the battle of Anshicheng, he was said to be the Tang\'s income. It is said that Tang has always been unknown, not many people know that Li Daozong is under his command.

It is best if Qin Qiong can make Xu Chu surrender, otherwise Tang will use absolute force to force Xu Chu to surrender. He has to get Xu Chu anyway to feel safe.

Chu Zimou\'s fierce generals are like a cloud. In case Chu Zi plans to behead the five tiger generals, Tang can\'t say whether he will die.

Li Daozong waved his hand, tens of thousands of crossbowmen took off the crossbow, the infantry held a shield and a halberd, the cavalry turned on their horses, ready to attack.

Chen Dao\'s white soldiers are even more powerful.

It was said that Tang could not recruit high-ranking heavy cavalry like the Xuanjia Army, but it was more than enough to recruit white squad soldiers as light infantry.

Regardless of whether Xu Chu wins or loses, this dock today will definitely not be able to hold on!

"The Yuzhou army is about to attack our Wubao!"

Thousands of soldiers in Wubao climbed the arrow tower and the earth fort to protect Wubao. Their property, farmland, and family are all in Wubao. If Tang is said to have broken Wubao, it will definitely be a waste of life.

"I can work for you!"

Xu Chu fought with Qin Qiong for hundreds of rounds, and was at a disadvantage. He caught a glimpse of the fifty thousand Yuzhou army about to attack Wubao, and finally decided to take refuge in Tang.

Qin Qiong\'s force allowed Xu Chu to recognize Tang\'s power.

Take the initiative to surrender, and the surrender of Wubao is broken, the treatment is very different. Xu Chu still knows this.

After Xu Chu decided to surrender, no one in Wubao dared to oppose. Once someone opposed, the 50,000 Yuzhou army would step down to Wubao. Thousands of Wubao soldiers can repel tens of thousands of Yellow Turban Army or some small and medium lords, but in the face of Tang, such a big lords dominating Yuzhou, such as Tang Arm as a chariot.

Yuan Shu was told that Tang was beaten to cede the land by his former subordinate to pay compensation.

After Wubao surrendered in Qiaoxian County, Xu Chu led three thousand Wubao soldiers to join the Tang\'s army. It is said that many generals of Tang have relied on expansion and conquest, including the Yellow Turban generals in the Runan area.

The strangers in Wubao rarely took refuge in Yuzhou\'s Tang power, especially when they heard that Tang wanted to fight Xiaopei, they suddenly became disgusted.

Is Xuzhou Chu Zimou easy to provoke?

Said that Tang also did not force a stranger who is also a player to attack Xiao Pei.

"Chu Zimou has many generals constrained. This is a good opportunity to capture Xiaopei, and then take Pengcheng and Xiapi, which can be replaced."

As a prince who was good at forbearance, Tang was very cautious in his actions. He already knew that Zhou Yafu was held in Qingzhou, and generals such as Le Yi, Li Guang, Li Xiuning and Xu Rong were held in Yanzhou. A large number of troops could not be deployed, and Xiao Pei had only a few. Wan Shoujun, the defenders are Mi Fang and Wu Anguo, who can easily win.

The fifty thousand Yuzhou army was stationed in Qiaoxian for three days. The strangers found out that Tang hadn\'t set off to Xiaopei, and they couldn\'t help but wonder.

"What does he want to do?"

"Is he not having enough food and he wants to eat up our Wubao\'s food before leaving? If this is the case, our Wubao\'s food is not enough. Our food is eaten and we will starve to death in winter."

People in Wupu are restless.

On the fourth day of talking about Tang\'s garrison, everyone in Wubao finally understood why Tang hadn\'t left for so long.

"The lords of Chen Guo and Liang Guo each led an army of 30,000 to join together!"

"Let them follow our army to Xiaopei."

It is said that the Tang united the lords of the two counties of Chen and Liang to merge 160,000 and attack Xiaopei. His ability is far above Yuan Shu, and the threat to Chu Tian is not comparable to Yuan Shu\'s crusade against Xuzhou last time.

Last time, Yang Ye only used 10,000 cavalrymen to let Yuan Shu\'s soul disperse, and Chutian 10,000 cavalrymen destroyed Yuan Shu\'s army in the Pengcheng Blitz. Said Tang was not so easy to deal with.

Chen and Liang are also within the scope of Yuzhou, saying that Tang\'s power has penetrated into Chen and Liang and mobilized 160,000 troops in Yuzhou.

After converging the soldiers and horses of the counties, it was said that Tang\'s army finally left Wupu, Qiaoxian County.

"Tang is really a forbearing old fox. Unknowingly, even the lords of Chen and Liang were controlled by him. This time Chu Zimou encountered a difficult opponent."

The strangers in Wubao couldn\'t help feeling sighed when they saw that the Yuzhou Army assembled by Tang was crushed and pressed for dozens of miles. Except for the last time Yuan Shu mobilized the army of Yuzhou, they had never seen such an army in Yuzhou.

Among them, there are also foreigners who speculate: "You can sell this news to Xueyue of the Wolves Guild. She is Chu Zimou\'s intelligence leader in the foreigners. As long as you provide information that she is interested in, you can get rewards. Will Xu Chu Refuge in saying that Tang\'s intelligence is sold to Xueyue, and he will get at least a dozen silver."

Guanzhong, Chang\'an, and the old Qin Dynasty Tianque asked the emperor to be promoted to the prefect of Runan, saying that Tang was the herd of Yuzhou, and Yuan Shu was demoted to the prefect of Yingchuan.

The emperor Chaotang was controlled by the old Qin, and naturally there was no answer.

Lao Qin became the second Dong Zhuo, but his methods were much better than Dong Zhuo. He reused Jia Xu, with Lv Bu, Gao Shun, Li Chao, and Guo Tuo as his claws, and his ambitions were in the world. language.

At this time, the old Qin had 300,000 soldiers and became the overlord of Guanzhong.

After retiring from the court, Lao Qin and Jia Xu went to Xianyang.

"The lord moved to say that Tang was a herd in Yuzhou, presumably to make Tang act as a herd in Yuzhou, rightly speaking, to govern all soldiers and horses in Yuzhou, and to contain Xuzhou\'s husband and Chu Zimou."

Jia Xu\'s heart is like a mirror, and he knows all the plots of Old Qin.

Old Qin Qin asked Jia Xu: "This is just a trick of carving insects. It is said that there is a city in the Tang Dynasty. He and Chu Zimou will divide the Central Plains. Chu Zimou will be uncomfortable. Since he can delay Chu Zimou for me, let him be What about a Yuzhou pastoralist? Hedong has the Baibo army making trouble, I want to take Meng Tian as generals, Lv Bu, Li Su as lieutenants, take Hedong, capture Yang Feng, Han Xian, Xu Huang and others, and drive me to look at Guandong. Wenhe What do you think?"

"The current major trouble for the lord lies not in Xuzhou Chu Zimou, but in the dignitaries of Longxi. They have half of Liangzhou, they defeated Han Sui, they have 200,000 cavalry, and countless horses. Even Chu Zimou travels from Longxi every year. Buying tens of thousands of horses and tens of thousands of horses. If you don’t take Liangzhou first, there will be endless troubles and it will be difficult to move eastward."

"Wenhe\'s statement is reasonable. But if Chu Zimou is allowed to develop in the Kanto area, I am afraid that even if I am involved in Zhong, Xiliang, and Heluo in the future, I will not be Chu Zimou\'s opponent."

Old Qin was very worried.

If Chutian occupied Central Plains, Qilu, Huainan, and Hebei at the same time, generally speaking, the Guanzhong regime would be difficult to resist.

"Said Tang actually subdued Xu Chu."

Chu Tian and the generals came to Pengcheng, and he only had more than 7,000 cavalry in his hands. This cavalry was a great division of hundreds of battles and a thousand heavy cavalry who survived the Battle of Mobei.

Although Tang recruited Xu Chu, one Xu Chu was not enough to change the whole situation~www.novelhall.com~ Chutian also had military commanders such as Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun, but it was against Qin Qiong and Xu Chu.

"My lord, someone in Chang\'an claimed that the old Qin Qian said that Tang was a herd in Yuzhou, and he would sit with you."

Chu Tian also learned from Xueyue, who was in charge of intelligence on foreigners, that Tang Sheng moved to Yuzhou as a pastoralist.

"Old Qin deliberately made things difficult for me."

Chu Tian was not angry. If he was in the position of Old Qin, he would do the same. Chutian also funded the Longxi lord\'s sea salt, grain, silk, cloth, ironware and other materials, making the Longxi lord disgusting and disgusting.

Although the two sides did not border, they have been fighting openly and secretly.

"Lord, please let me lead six hundred cavalry as the vanguard to help Xiaopei."

Joan of Arc, who wanted to return to France as soon as possible, offered to ask.

High-speed text hand-playing online game: the chapter list of the lords of the people