Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 346: Huo Qubing's whereabouts

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, princes constantly recruited new civilians and generals. When Wei Qing, one of the double walls of the Han Empire, appeared on the hero list, it caused widespread sensation throughout the Eastern Han Dynasty.

"Who recruited Wei Qing? Chu Zimou from Xuzhou, or Lao Qin in second place, or someone else?"

Mingguan received two random hero recruitment orders, he got the Ming Dynasty rider Zhu Neng, and the founding father Fan Wencheng of the early Qing Dynasty.

Although both of them are very rare heroes, Mingguan still regrets not having the ranks of Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, and Han Xin. He was jealous when he saw Wei Qing appearing on the hero list.

"Wei Qing has come out, but no one has got Huo Qubing. Could it be taken by me?"

Old Qin had two recruitment orders in his hands. In addition to the first place, the top five have two recruitment orders, luck is also part of the strength.

Lao Qin waited until most of the princes had consumed the recruitment order before using it.

Huo Qubing, Han Xin, Zhang Liang, Chen Ping, Huo Guang, etc., the most famous civil servants and generals of the Western Han Dynasty did not appear.

"Ding! You have the allegiance of Zhou Bo, the king-level commander of the Han Dynasty."

"Ding! You have obtained the allegiance of Li Si, the emperor-level official of the Qin Dynasty."

Old Qin froze for a moment, then couldn\'t help shaking. Although he did not get Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, he got Zhou Bo and Li Si! Zhou Bo is one of Liu Bang\'s generals and Zhou Yafu\'s father. Like Zhou Yafu, he is a king-level commander. As Qin Shihuang\'s Minister of Internal Affairs, Li Si does not need to say how his ability is.

Similar to Sang Hongyang, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Chutian who was awarded Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, when Lao Qin obtained Li Si, he was able to help him govern Guanzhong.

"I don\'t lack fierce generals, I lack fame, and with Li Si\'s help, Guanzhong will be more prosperous and prosperous. I decided to build a new city in the original Luoyang as a bridgehead for eastward advancement."

Old Qin won Zhou Bo and Li Si, and his confidence skyrocketed for a while.

As long as he marched eastward, it was Yuzhou and Yanzhou, and he could peer into Guanzhong at any time.

"Wei Qing, Sang Hongyang, Zhou Bo, Li Si, Fan Wencheng, Zhu Neng, Feng Yi, Ma Yuan..."

Because of a battle in Mobei, a large number of civil servants and generals emerged.

"Someone has recruited Chen Ping!"

Players in the Eastern Han Dynasty found the name of the counselor Chen Ping in the hero rankings, and couldn\'t help being shocked.

Chen Ping was a counselor at the same level as Zhang Liang and Fan Zeng in the Chu Han struggle for hegemony.

In the Western Regions Protectorate, Huo An returned to his resident. His generals had an advantage in dealing with the Xiongnu, ranking among the top five, and he also had two recruitment orders.

"Ding! You have the allegiance of Zhao Ponu, a king-level general of the Han Dynasty."

Huo An consumes a recruitment order, but what he gets is the Eagle Strike General Zhao Ponu under Huo Qubing\'s command, who once broke Loulan.

"Strength 91...is enough for me."

Huo An always enjoys contentment. If it weren\'t for his military commander who is a foreign war-type military commander, he would not stand out among a group of powerful princes in the pass and rank fifth in the ranking.

There are not many military generals under his command.

He consumed the second recruitment order.

"Ding! You have the allegiance of Huo Qubing, the imperial cavalry commander of the Han Dynasty."

"Huo Qubing...!"

Huo An could not recover for a long time.

Huo Qubing and Huo Qubing\'s general, Zhao Ponu, were recruited by him, making Huo An overjoyed when he went to Mobei to fish in troubled waters.

"With Huo Qubing and Zhao Ponu, Central Asia will be my back garden."

Huo An firmed up the idea of ​​external expansion.

He can see that Huo Qubing\'s attributes, among which the characteristics of "closing wolves to live in Xu", can play a huge role in dealing with Central Asian civilization.

[Name]: Huo Qubing

[Talent]: Imperial Commander (Cavalry Department)

[Level]: 50

[Identity]: General Hussar in the Western Han Dynasty

[Age]: 17

【Loyalty】: 80

[Commander]: 94 (upper limit 98)

[Strength]: 90 (upper limit 93)

[Intelligence]: 73 (upper limit 79)

[Politics]: 30 (upper limit 39)

[Charm]: 85

[Phase]: Calm

[Favorite degree]: 80

[Feature 1]: Fenglangjuxu (SSS-level exclusive feature, see protagonist features for details, not repeated)

[Characteristic 2]: Champion Hou (SSS-level personal characteristics/Aura of the whole army, when attacking the enemy, Huo Qubing\'s personal attack power +30%, defense power +20%, and army cavalry attack power +7%)

[Feature 3]: Long drive six moves (SS-class feature, cavalry attack power +23% when attacking thousands of miles, the probability of the enemy falling into chaos increases)

[Feature 4]: die young (negative features, such as unknown doctors, easy to die early)

[Special arms]: Han Empire Hussars (Tier 9 cavalry, upper limit 800)

"die young……"

Huo An couldn\'t help feeling regretful when he saw Huo Qubing\'s amazing ability and the 800-man Tier 9 cavalry. There are not many generals in the entire Eastern Han Dynasty. The commander and the force are above 90 at the same time, and he is also the commander of the imperial cavalry! Not to mention, Huo Qubing still has Tier 9 cavalry.

The imperial hussar is the most elite cavalry in the Han Empire. Because the number is extremely small, the best is the best. The entire Han Empire has only 800 hussars, so they are Tier 9 cavalry. In the Battle of Mobei, Huo An witnessed Huo Qubing leading the 800 hussars to pierce through the army of King Zuo Xian of the Huns three times!

Unlike Wei Qing commanding a large number of cavalry, although Huo Qubing\'s aura of the whole army is not as good as Wei Qing, when Huo Qubing himself led the cavalry to attack, it must be very terrifying. What\'s more, Huo Qubing also has the characteristics of enhancing personal combat ability.

The only drawback is that you will die young, just like a short-lived.

"However, as long as you meet a famous doctor, it seems that you can extend Huo Qubing\'s lifespan."

Huo An naturally had to find ways to prolong Huo Qubing\'s life, otherwise, six or seven years later, a generation of famous generals would fall, which would be a heavy loss to the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Following the sensation caused by Wei Qing\'s appearance, Huo Qubing appeared, which also caused a lot of turmoil. The double walls of the Great Han Empire have been recruited, which means that the strength of the Eastern Han Civilized Zone has greatly increased!

"Wei Qing and Huo Qubing have been divided up, how about Han Xin, Zhang Liang, and Xiao He?!"

Everyone is watching, waiting for Han Xin, Zhang Liang, and Xiao He to appear. Theoretically, after Mobei, the chances of recruiting civil servants and generals in the Han Dynasty were very high.

However, after waiting for a few days, no one recruited the third master of the Han Dynasty.

All princes participating in the Battle of Mobei will use them as soon as possible after receiving the hero recruitment order to enhance their strength. No prince would tuck and hide, waiting for the recruitment order to rust before using it.

In other words, no one recruited the third master of the Han Dynasty.

Even so, Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, Chen Ping, Li Si, and others are not much worse than the third masters of the Han Dynasty.

This time there were also a group of king-level commanders including Zhou Bo and Feng Yi.

With the recruitment of these civilians and generals, the Eastern Han civilization will fight for hegemony even more fiercely after the strength of the princes increases. At that time, a group of king-level and imperial-level commanders will conquer each other, and there will be a large number of civilians operating territory in the rear.

Having top commanders and generals means fierce attack. Possessing top advisers and civil servants means long-lasting war potential. Indispensable.

The lords are not willing to easily expose the heroes they have recruited.

"Where did Huo Qubing go?"

Chu Tian couldn\'t help being depressed.

People are always greedy. With Wei Qing, Chu Tian wants to get Huo Qubing. Once the SS grade achievement of "Double Walls of the Great Han Empire" is completed, no matter Wei Qing or Huo Qubing, they can obtain new characteristics, and Wei Qing\'s ability will be strengthened again.

"My lord, I will be infiltrated into Xiacheng prison!"

"Cao Gui, please see you!"

To Chu Tian\'s surprise, Cao Xu, who had been unwilling to surrender, finally surrendered.

"Arrange him to join the army."

Chutian planned to go to Peiguo personally to resist the attack from Yuzhou Shuotang.

He never fought against this person. This person was deeply hidden, and when Cao Cao\'s forces were about to be destroyed, he immediately sent troops to help, which was quite tricky.

It was said that Tang had rectified half of Yuzhou\'s troops and was trying his best to expand his territory. While he was in charge of the main force to reinforce Cao Cao, he also dispatched partial divisions to attack various lords, which shows that the secretly accumulated troops are strong.

"What is Yuan Shao\'s intention?"

Chutian also needs to pay attention to Yuan Shao in Hebei.

Yuan Shao may go south from the White Horse to support Cao Cao at any time, and together resist Chutian\'s army.

"Yuan Shao rectified 150,000 soldiers and horses and went northward to attack Liu Bei, trying to expel Liu Bei\'s forces from Jizhou."

"What about the Lujiang Prefect Copper Bird?"

"Tongque led the Beifu army and continued to attack Wujun. However, he left more troops in Lujiang, and made an attack on Hefei with 40,000."

"Tongque attacked Hefei..."

Chutian made a flat map, marking the troops and deployment of the Lujiang prefect, and finally said: "His posture has only two purposes. One is to delay our troops in Huainan and prevent Huainan\'s troops from going north to support Xuzhou. Second, once we are defeated in the north, he can easily take Hefei and Shouchun. Let Xu Sheng and Liu Fu defend Huainan. There is no need for Xu Sheng and Liu Fu to participate in the war in the north."

Knowing his current opponent, Chu Tian focused his attention on the hero rankings of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Many well-known big names appeared on the hero list. The most difficult thing for Chu Tian was Huo Qubing.

In addition, the adviser Chen Ping, the civil minister Fan Wencheng, the legalist Li Si, the Dashu general Feng Yi, the Fubo general Ma Yuan and other civil servants are not top-notch but also first-class. It is not easy to find out which princes acquired these civilian generals.

"Xie Xuan, commander of the Northern Army?"

Chu Tian noticed that Xie Xuan, the famous general of the Eastern Jin Dynasty who formed the Beifu Army, was the frontline commander of the Battle of Feishui, and also a very rare imperial commander.

However, Xie Xuan was not a general recruited after the end of the Mobei battle, but was recruited before the start of the Mobei battle.

In Lujiang County, Lujiang Prefect Tongque once again formed the Beifu Army to attack Jiangdong. If it weren\'t for Jiangdong\'s many powerful princes, Tongque would choose to attack Huainan.

Thousands of warships descended along the Yangtze River, and Tongque stood on the towering boats, overlooking the mighty Yangtze River, knowing that he had to race against time.

"This time there are military divisions working for me, Jiangdong is within easy reach."

He looked at the military adviser beside him. This was the counselor he had recruited. During the struggle between Chu and Han, Chen Ping was second only to Zhang Liang\'s counselor!

Although Tongque was only fishing in the troubled waters of the Battle of Mobei, he was lucky. With a recruitment order, he recruited the imperial adviser Chen Ping.

Chen Ping said modestly: "The lord has such a commander, even without subordinates, it is only a matter of time to seize the counties and counties in Jiangdong."

According to Chen Ping, Xie Xuan, commander of the Beifu Army, and Liu Laozhi, the fierce general.

Without this group of generals, Tongque would not be able to take down the entire Danyang County and half of Wu County and gain a firm foothold in Jiangdong.

Tongque looked to the north uncomfortably: "The military division does not know that a powerful prince is trying to unify the Central Plains. If we cannot obtain Wu County, Huiji County, and Yuzhang County before he unifies the Central Plains, it would be dangerous."

Tongque\'s territory includes Lujiang County, Danyang County, half of Wu County, and half of Yuzhang County, which are equivalent to three counties. He must at least unify Jiangxi and Jiangnan to be eligible to compete with Chutian for Huainan.

Chen Ping still didn\'t understand the terrible Chu Tian dominating Qilu and Huainan. Under Chu Tian\'s command, counsellors such as Fang Mou Duan and Guo Jia were no less than Chen Ping.

"The subordinates heard that the lord had a brother to worship Sun Jian, the prefect of Changsha. They also heard that Sun Jian was suppressed by Jingzhou Mu Liubiao and the Nanjun prefect Yang Shilang, and that it was impossible to do anything. Why didn\'t the lord annex Sun Jian and use his civil servants and weapons for his own use?"

"I have this intention, otherwise I wouldn\'t be worshipping Sun Jian as brothers of different surnames during the Yellow Turban Rebellion."

The Tongque saw that Chen Ping was really smart, and he saw the chess pieces he laid out at the beginning of the Yellow Turban Rebellion: "Not only that, but also Zhou Yu for my use. I have the Jiangdong Tigers and the Beifu Army. Later, Chu Zimou It is difficult to cross the Yangtze River for half a step."

In Qingzhou, the governor Tian Qi and Zhao Gongzi once again joined forces to send troops to retake the Qingzhou that originally belonged to them.

"If Chu Zi seeks to win Yanzhou, Qingzhou will definitely not be able to defend it. Zhao Gongzi, you lead a team of soldiers and horses to attack Beihai Guoju County. Since Le Yi is going to Yanzhou, then the leader of Qingzhou Beihai State should be Zhou Yafu. I personally and Tian Shan and Tian Ji attacked Taishan County and forced him to retreat from Yanzhou."

Tian Qi and Zhao Gongzi divided their troops. They had four counties in total, and they could piece together an army of 100,000.

At the same time, Yuzhou said that Tang also mobilized more than 100,000 troops to share the pressure of Cao Cao.

Lujiang Prefect Tongque garrisoned forty thousand soldiers ~ www.novelhall.com ~ peering into Hefei.

"Tian Qi, Zhao Gongzi, Tang, Tongque have all sent troops, or attacked or delayed, but Yuan Shao did not go south, but instead went north to attack Liu Bei."

The envoys sent by Cao Cao responded, but Yuan Shao, whom Cao Cao regarded as the greatest reliance, did not go south.

After knowing that Yuan Shao had gone north, Cao Cao couldn\'t help sighing: "Yuan Benchu ​​is short-sighted, and sooner or later he will be captured by Chu Zimou."

Xunyou actively proposed to Cao Cao: "Le Yi is on the offensive like a tiger, and the lord can send Zixiao to defend the city, gather all the elite divisions, and attack Pang Juan. Pang Juan lacks intellect, and only needs to do some calculations to win."

"Pang Juan has fought with me for many years. He is proud of his personality and unwilling to subdue others. If he can take advantage of this, he can indeed be counted. Chu Zimou wants to defeat me, it is easy to say. What is lost from Chu Zimou is from Gong Ziwen. Take it back. There should be more than a thousand tigers and leopards hoarded over the years. Even in the Battle of Mobei, I don\'t want to use them lightly."

High-speed text hand-playing online game: the chapter list of the lords of the people