Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 339: Fenglangjuxu (3)

"Master Shan Yu, the Han army did not escape south, but fled to the eastern wolf Juxu Mountain!"

Yizhi Xianyu commanded 40,000 Huns cavalry, including the elite Shanyu escort, chasing the Han army from the west, and found that the Han army cavalry marching route was extremely strange.

The Han army attacked Mobei and followed two routes. One of the routes leaves Dingxiang County and heads north to Yanran Mountain. The second route is to leave Daijun and head north, passing by Langjuxu Mountain, and chasing to Hanhai.

However, this group of cavalry of the Han army with only more than 10,000 men broke away from the main force of the Han army. After Yanran Mountain, they attacked Longcheng eastward and marched towards Langjuxu Mountain, which is equivalent to making a big circle in Mobei.

What are they coveting?

Yi Zhixianyu tried to judge the action intention of the Han army, but finally found that he could not understand the strange marching route of this Han army cavalry.

Yi Zhi, who had some confidence in his own resourcefulness, couldn\'t help but feel a headache: "No matter what their purpose is, catch up and kill them!"

Forty thousand Huns approached Langjuxu Mountain from the west, and thirty thousand Huns approached Langjuxu Mountain from the south!

Chutian\'s cavalry has already fought with a Huns cavalry!

This is a cavalry under the command of the Huns. He followed King Zuo Xian and was defeated in the decisive battle with Huo Qubing\'s East Road Han Army. Finally, he gathered 8,000 Huns cavalry, and was hit by the army of Chu Tian and Cao Cao!

Chu Tian thought that this little Hun king and Yi Zhi Xianyu had joined forces to encircle and suppress him, and, apart from anything else, they immediately attacked the Xiongnu cavalry!

"Order Cao Mengde to outflank! Annihilate this Huns cavalry!"

Since Chu Tian chose to fight the Xiongnu in a deadly battle in Mobei, he must completely destroy them!

Chutian\'s cavalry regiment was responsible for the frontal assault, requiring Cao Cao\'s regiment to divide its forces into two wings and flanking the Huns.

"Chu Zimou really regards me as a subordinate."

Although Cao Cao was a little uncomfortable, he divided his legion into two troops. He personally led four thousand light cavalry roundabout from the left, and Xia Houyuan led three thousand light cavalry roundabout from the right side.

Eight thousand Huns were surrounded and attacked by fifteen thousand Han cavalry, causing heavy casualties!

The four generals Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, Yang Ye, and Taishici joined forces to take the Huns from the chaos!

Chu Tian was only interested in the Xiongnu Shanyu, Zici King, Zuo Xian King, You Xian King, and other Huns had no value in Chu Tian\'s eyes, just kill them!

This Huns had been killed by Huo Qubing not long ago. At this time, it was attacked by elite Han cavalry. They were panicked and killed in battle!

The little King Hun wants to break through, and a general has already caught up. Fang Tian pierced the little king with a halberd!

Xue Rengui held the corpse of Xiao Wang Xiongnu, Megatron Dragon City!

Dianwei is like a giant humanoid beast, trapped among the Xiongnu cavalry, holding two large iron halberds, wearing heavy armor, and running rampant. He clamped two short spears with one arm, and the Huns cavalry was shocked. The weapons were clamped and it was difficult to get out. Dianwei pulled them and pulled the two Huns off their horses and stabbed them to death one by one!

With the death of the leader, the morale of the Xiongnu cavalry fell sharply, fleeing everywhere, and was intercepted by the Han army, almost completely annihilated!

On the battlefield, corpses were everywhere, most of which were the corpses of Huns cavalry.

If confronted with more Huns than their own cavalry, perhaps Chu Tian and Cao Cao’s army would have to pay a high price, but the Xiongnu cavalry in front of them had only half their strength and their morale was low. Therefore, the Han cavalry hardly died. They will wipe out 8,000 Huns.

"After a delay, Yi Zhi Xianyu will soon catch up. We must speed up the march."

Although he wiped out eight thousand Huns and killed a little Hun who didn\'t even know his name, Chu Tian was not excited about it.

The crisis has not been resolved.

"Report, there is an army of Huns in the south, about 30,000 cavalry, less than 60 miles away from our army!"

When Chu Tian was about to approach the Langjuxu Mountain, the war eagle of the Iron Eagle scout spotted the Huns cavalry in the south.

The encirclement net laid by the hysterical Huns was more terrifying than Chu Tian imagined. There are currently seven to eighty thousand Huns cavalry, and the number of Huns is constantly increasing!

Cao Cao heard the news with a solemn expression: "The urgent task is to go south immediately. Before the arrival of the Xi Lu Xiongnu, defeat the Nan Lu Xiongnu and flee the road. We have more than 10,000 people, and the opponent has only 30,000. We may not be unable to win."

"The wolf lives in Xushan, and you must venture there."

Chu Tian did not want to miss the opportunity to seal the wolf to live in Xu, although he thought Cao Cao\'s suggestion was a good policy.

"I hope your decision won\'t hurt me."

Cao Cao saw that Chu Tian was determined and reluctant. He can only be forced to follow Chu Tian to act together now.

Cao Cao\'s army is insufficient and lacks vision. Leaving Chutian, 90% of his army may be wiped out in Mobei. They have circled a big circle in Mobei, burned the Dragon City, and completely angered the Xiongnu.

Chu Tian and Cao Cao continued to march towards Langjuxu Mountain.

After the Han army left, Yi Zhi led the cavalry slantingly, and found that the Han cavalry had killed eight thousand Huns here, furious.

Another new force of the Huns was destroyed by the Han army, and Yizhi\'s rule over Mobei was at stake.

If as Shan Yu, even his own people cannot shelter, how would the Huns on the prairie believe Shan Yu.

"Keep chasing!"

Yi Zhixianyu chased and killed along the way, and along the way, the Huns and the tribe were killed by the Han army, which only had more than 10,000 cavalry. Wherever the army of Chutian and Cao Cao went, there was no grass.

All this will only push Yizhi\'s sloping order to the limit, causing Yizhi to go crazy.

The wolf lives in Xushan, and Chu Tian and Cao Cao joined forces to finally arrive here!

Along the way, they killed 20,000 Huns, destroyed more than a dozen tribes, and risked being surrounded by the Huns, and they also wanted to seal the wolf into the Xu!

All the generals\' faces were stained with blood and sand.

If Dragon City is the sacred land of the Xiongnu, then Langjuxu Mountain is the sacred land of all Chinese generals. Fenglang Juxu is one of the highest achievements an ancient military commander can achieve!

"Lord, the banner of the Han army!"

The Iron Eagle scout discovered the flag left by Huo Qubing\'s East Road Han Army.

"Fortunately even!"

Chu Tian led the crowd to the place where Huo Qubing sealed the wolf\'s residence, and the Han army carved their exploits on the stone tablet and left a military flag as a mark.

On the stele, there is not only the name of Huo Qubing, the hussar general of the Han Dynasty, but also the names of foreign princes such as Lao Qin. Obviously they and Huo Qubing once fought side by side here, breaking through more than 300,000 Huns cavalry!

"Deep into the desert for two to three thousand miles, fought everywhere, and become a wolves in Xu, this life has no regrets!"

Cao Cao climbed high and looked out at the mountains. Zeng Yun was born with his chest, his eyes flushed and tears crisscrossed. He is also a Hanchen, and his highest goal is to win the wolf and live in Xu!

Dian Wei touched the back of his head. He didn\'t understand why his master would cry indulgently. This is different from the usual Cao Cao.

The generals under Chu Tian\'s heart were upset. They went deep into Mobei and achieved the accomplishments that all generals desired!

"Today Chu Zimou and Cao Mengde comfort the dead in Langjuxu Mountain, open up frontiers for the Han emperor, and never end the disaster of the Huns!"

Chu Tian and Cao Cao sprinkled wine under the stele with wine bottles, and at the same time made people carved their exploits on another stele and erected it on the side of the stele left by Huo Qubing.

Chutian didn\'t take the lead, and Huo Qubing was the protagonist of the Mobei battle.

"Ding! You have completed the SS-level achievement task "Fighting the Wolf Juxu", your personal attributes have been increased, and you have obtained Huo Qubing\'s SSS-level exclusive feature, Feng Langjuxu."

"Ding! A hero can only have six traits at most, and your traits are full. You can choose to replace the existing traits if you get new traits in the future. In addition, a single soldier can only have two traits, and you have already gained two. Cavalry characteristics. The whole army can only have one aura characteristic, and you have already obtained one all army aura."

Chu Tian worshipped the world, declared the prestige of the Han Empire, and successfully completed the SS-level achievement task.

Chu Tian checked his attribute panel, and he obtained the characteristics of Huo Qubing!

[Name]: Chu Tian (I just want to farm well)

【Prince】: Hou Kaiyang County

[Official position]: Xuzhou Mu, General An Dong

[Level]: 60

[Commander]: 85 [Strength]: 78 [Intelligence]: 80 [Politics]: 82

[Gong Method]: Huang Tian Jue (can improve physical fitness)

[Characteristics]: Tian Khan (SSS), Gray Wolf White Deer (SSS), Fenglang Juxu (SSS), Fourth World San Gong (S), Great Sage (S), Great Han Army Soul (A)

[Special Arms]: The Fifth Academy of the North Army (Tunqi, Yueqi, Infantry, Changshui, Shooting Sound Fifth Battalion)

Among them, the characteristic of Fenglangjuxu, the rank is SSS, which is the same level as Genghis Khan\'s "White Wolf and White Deer"!

[Name]: Fenglangjuxu

【Order】:SSS grade

[Origin]: Huo Qubing, general of the Western Han Dynasty, expedition to Mobei, climbed the wolf to live in Xushan, built an altar to worship the sky, in order to succeed, one of the top cavalry characteristics

[Effect]: Cavalry attributes +10%, damage to alien races +25%, alien morale decline speed +25%, and the probability of falling into fear increases; cavalry marching speed +10%, speed during forced marching +15% (if similar The characteristics of the effect, the speed bonus effect is diminishing); when marching on grasslands, Gobi, desert, mountains and other terrains, morale is not easy to decline, and non-combat attrition decreases; after winning, morale recovery speed is +25%.

[Scope]: Only applicable to the cavalry commanded by the hero with this feature.

Chu Tian read the feature introduction of "Fenglangjuxu", and swallowed secretly. Although "Fenglangjuxu" was not a halo of the whole army, it was a feature specially prepared for dealing with alien cavalry!

You know, "Fenglangjuxu" is just a characteristic of Huo Qubing!

25% damage bonus to foreign races, combined with the Mongolian cavalry "Blue Wolf and White Deer" feature owned by Chutian, the two features are superimposed, the two light cavalry of Chutian Commander Changshui Camp and Yueqi Camp, all attributes +25 %, shooting damage +25%, damage to aliens +25%. There are also small bonuses for Tian Khan (alien attack power +10%) and Dahan Army Soul (all army aura +3%), which is extremely terrifying.

The terrifying feature of the "Fighting the Wolf and Living in Xu" is that the Cavalry Corps has the ability to reduce non-combat attrition in the harsh terrain of the army!

Using the characteristics of "Fenglang Juxu" and "Cale Wolf White Deer", you can completely command a cavalry in the desert seven in and seven out!

Chutian now is no less than an imperial cavalry general!

Chu Tian also learned one thing, a hero can only have six characteristics at most, the same unit can only have two characteristics, and the whole army can only have one halo, and it is impossible to stack infinitely.

At present, Chutian has three SSS-level features, which have surpassed most heroes.

If you acquire new characteristics in the future, you may have to consider abandoning the Han\'s army soul, the great virtuous teacher, and the fourth generation and three gongs. After all, there will always be better features than the latter three.

"Chu Zimou, what\'s wrong with you?"

Cao Cao was stunned when he saw Chu Tian. He thought that after Chu Tian was enlisted in the wolf to live in Xu, he thought of the situation surrounded by the Huns and was at a loss.

"Meng De, give me command of all the light cavalry, and wait to see how I break the Huns army and capture and kill Shan Yu."

Chu Tian has two terrifying SSS-class cavalry characteristics, and his confidence is greatly increased.

Except for the white robe army, Chu Tian placed all the light cavalry under his own bonus.

A command value of 85 can provide a bonus for up to 30,000 cavalry.

This time, Chu Tian would personally provide this cavalry corps with the bonuses of "Seal Wolf Juxu" and "Blue Wolf White Deer", and recklessly attack the army of Yizhi obliquely alone!

"You are crazy!"

Cao Cao heard that Chu Tian didn\'t plan to use other generals, but wanted to personally provide bonuses to the army, and his scalp was numb.

Cao Cao believes that his ability is better than that of Chu Zimou. Instead of letting Chu Zimou provide a bonus to the legion, it is better to let him provide a bonus to the legion.

"Trust me!"

Chu Tian was very calm. Except for the special combination of Chen Qingzhi and the White Robe Army, none of his subordinates\' bonuses to the cavalry surpassed him. Chu Tian has become the most powerful cavalry commander in his camp. Although his command value is 85, which is not as good as Xue Rengui and Chen Qingzhi, his three SSS-level characteristics can exert the greatest effect in the face of foreign races, and they will destroy them!

If the opponent is Genghis Khan, Attila, Yelv Dashi and other powerful alien heroes, Chu Tian may still struggle, but Yi Zhixian is obviously far from the alien commander of Genghis Khan level.

This is exactly the opportunity to kill Yi Zhi Xianyu!

"Well, I believe you."

Although Cao Cao didn\'t understand why Chu Zimou suddenly possessed strong confidence, since Chu Zimou had taken his vows, he could only choose to believe in Chu Zimou. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Cao Cao gave himself and all of Xia Houyuan\'s cavalry to Chu Tian.

Chu Tian alone ordered Chen Qingzhi and the White Robe Army as the reserve team to cover.

The Archers of the Tang Dynasty, the White Horse Yicong, the Iron Eagle Scouts, the Changshui Camp, the Yue Cavalry Camp, and the Yanzhou Cavalry of Cao Cao and Xia Houyuan all became the direct commanders of Chu Tian, ​​with 13,000 cavalry!

With a commander of 85, it provides a bonus for 13,000 cavalry, more than enough!

As for Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, Hua Mulan, Yang Ye, Tai Shici, Cao Cao, Xia Houyuan and others after losing control of the troops, they were located in front of the cavalry units, charging into battle, and no longer providing bonuses to the troops. The personal characteristics of Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, Yang Ye, and Tai Shici can still be effective, and may be able to take the lead in the army.

"Unexpectedly, one day I would be forced to charge like Li Shimin personally."

Chu Tian led the cavalry corps to leave Langjuxu Mountain, and went straight to Yizhi, it was time to show the real cavalry skills!

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