Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 335: The Battle of Mobei (9)


   Chutian excitedly drew his sword, pointed it forward, and 40,000 cavalry attacked!

  The white robe army, the white horse Yicong, and the Tang elite archers rushed forward, and the cavalry of the Han Empire led by Li Guang galloped. When he dealt with the Xiongnu, the cavalry hurt more! Li Guang held a cloud bow, shot five arrows in a row, and shot five Huns cavalry, one of whom was the Huns archer!

   The Xiongnu archer was in front of the parachutist Li Guang, but you!

   "Kill the Xiongnu Shanyu!"

   Cao Cao followed Chutian, seized the main force of the Xiongnu Shanyu, and joined Zhang Liao to attack the Xiongnu Shanyu! The bearded Dian Wei followed Cao Cao closely and was responsible for protecting Cao Cao\'s safety!

   Cao Cao had a lot of grievances with Chu Tian, ​​but Cao Cao was unambiguous in dealing with foreign races. Wuhuan, Xianbei, and Qiang were all beaten by Cao Cao. At this time, encountering the Xiongnu Shanyu, Cao Cao\'s army did its part!

   Zhang Liao’s cloak was hunting, holding a halberd in front, and bursting into the Xiongnu cavalry, like a broken bamboo!

  The cavalry of Yanliang, Wen Chou, and Gao Su galloped horizontally and horizontally. Yan Liang used a knife and Wen Chou with a spear. Gao Su stood up a horse and attacked the wing of the Xiongnu cavalry!

  Because Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, and Chen Qing went to kill the enemy before, Hua Mulan followed Chu Tian and Fang Xuanling as guards.

   The Xiongnu saw a Han army cavalry behind him, his scalp numb, and Li Guang, the Han army, marched much faster than he thought. He expected that at least tomorrow, Li Guang would arrive on the battlefield all the way, but he did not expect that Li Guang and his party would now appear behind the battlefield!

   The sky was dim, and it was difficult to tell how many cavalry the Han army actually had. The Xiongnu cavalry were attacked from north to south and fell into chaos!

   Xue Rengui and Zhao Yuner will dash from left to right in the middle of the Wanjun. Datang archers and Bai Mayi shot forward, and the Xiongnu fell. Because they killed the Xiongnu cavalry, Chutian\'s points were rising rapidly.

   Killing the main force of the Huns is the fastest way to get points!

   The afterglow of the setting sun, blood splashing, Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun each cut a hundred horses, charge into battle!

  Chu Tian followed behind, did not easily risk the danger, used bow and arrow to shoot at most one Huns cavalry.

   "Cao Cao is really a good general. If he doesn\'t do anything, he wants to be a prince."

   Chutian saw Cao Cao personally charge the battle, and couldn\'t help feeling that Cao Cao was suitable to be a regiment commander. The competent minister of the world and the traitor of the troubled times depend on how Cao Cao positioned himself.

   Forty thousand cavalry of the Han army assaulted forward, tearing apart the main force of the Huns from the rear. About ten generals opened their way in the forefront, with hundreds of Huns cavalry blades!

   "The partial teacher has finally arrived, this time you can do everything in one battle!"

   Weiqing has been waiting for Li Guang to come all the way to meet. At this time, the cavalry of Li Guang, Chutian, Cao Cao, and Yuan Shao finally arrived on the battlefield. Knowing that it was a counterattack, he ordered the Chinese cavalry to fight hard!

   The Han army, Xiliang army, and Jingzhou cavalry on the front battlefield received reinforcements and their morale was greatly boosted, and they rushed to charge!

   Guan Yu’s Youzhou suddenly rushed past, and Qinglong Yanyue slashed. As an imperial weapon, it was slashed by the Azure Dragon Yanyue Knife, and no amount of expensive armor could resist it!

   Guan Yu\'s confidence in himself is not born out of thin air, but has a certain strength, dare to hit the top three!

   "Offense, offense!"

  The king iron spear and Li Hu violently joined forces. The iron spear was used as a stick. The shields of the Huns cavalry could hardly withstand the iron spears comparable to blunt weapons.

   Li Hu’s horses are sharp and sharp. He has equipment equipped with heavy cavalry, which is similar to the equipment of Hua Mulan in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. He broke into the enemy line and trampled on the Huns\' light cavalry! The weapons of the Huns\' light cavalry have limited damage to this monster wrapped in heavy armor, and it is even difficult to break the defense. With the equipment of the equipped cavalry, Li Hu rampaged among the Huns!

   Han Shizhong shot and killed 30 Huns cavalry with the defeating bow one after another. When he reached into his quiver, the quiver was empty. Han Shizhong simply gave up the bow of defeating the enemy and went to battle with a red tasseled spear!

   Han Shizhong and Yue Fei are fierce generals of the same era, one of the four generals of Zhongxing in the Southern Song Dynasty, and Huang Tiandang broke the golden soldier!

  He is not only a qualified commander, but he is also very powerful. He fights against the Huns, and he is not soft on his hands!

   The Huns cavalry were huge in number and were caught off guard. The Huns reserve team at the rear collapsed first, and the Huns on the front were hit hard and began to shake!

   Hun Shan Yu was in the rear, and he was the first to bear the brunt. He panicked and led the most elite Shan Yu to escape from the battlefield, leaving only one Hun king to command.

   The morale of the Huns who lost Yi Zhi\'s slanting order fell and gradually collapsed.

   "Catch the Xiongnu Shanyu alive!"

   The battlefield was extremely vast, with thousands of cavalry killed, Zhang Liao was the first to discover the whereabouts of the Xiongnu Shanyu. Zhang Liao is full of courage. Even if he knows that the opponent is Xiongnu Shanyu, even if he knows that the Xiongnu Shanyu has elite cavalry around him, Zhang Liao still has no hesitation, breaks away from the 40,000 cavalry army, and leads the state wolf cavalry to intercept the Xiongnu Shanyu!

   Yi Zhi slantedly wanted to escape, but was intercepted by Zhang Liao, and couldn\'t help being furious: "Break down the Han army!"

   Shan Yu used the horn bow to shoot down Zhang Liao’s cavalry. Hundreds of arrows were fired. Zhang Liao’s Bingzhou wolf rider was unexpectedly difficult to resist. Bingzhou wolves kept falling from the horse with arrows!

   Shanyu\'s guard is a Tier 7 light cavalry, skilled in bows and horses, and is a warrior selected from hundreds of thousands of Huns. He is even more brave than the archer! In the decisive battle, Yi Zhixianyu regarded the guards as a hole card and never used it. At this time, it was used to protect himself from retreating. Zhang Liao\'s cavalry suffered heavy casualties!

   In addition to Shan Yu guards, there are other Huns cavalry. More than a dozen Xiongnu generals besieged Zhang Liao, Zhang Liaoli carried the Xiongnu generals and attacked, the iron halberd stabbed out, and one of the Xiongnu generals was stabbed down!

   The other Hun generals were shocked and attacked Zhang Liao in turn. Zhang Liao killed another Hun general!

   Zhang Liao has the ability to reduce the enemy’s morale, has the demeanor of the mega power, and the Xiongnu generals who are fighting with him are terrified!

   "You guys, kill this general!"

   Before fleeing, Yizhi Xianyu ordered a team of elite Xiongnu shooters to shoot Zhang Liao, and then personally led Shan Yu to flee in a hurry.

   Dozens of Xiongnu archers were instigated by Shan Yu and concentrated on shooting Zhang Liao!

   Zhang Liao could not completely evade the arrows shot by the Xiongnu archer, was shot by two of the arrows, groaned, and assassinated another Xiongnu general!

"kill him!"

   More than a dozen Xiongnu generals and dozens of Xiongnu archers against a Zhang Liao, Zhang Liao killed three generals. They became angry and attacked Zhang Liao!

   Zhang Liao was injured in the arrow. Facing the flanking attack of the Xiongnu generals, his physical strength gradually weakened. When he was injured, his ability would drop sharply.

   "His physical strength is exhausted!"

   Another arrow hit Zhang Liao.

   Zhang Liao’s Bingzhou wolf cavalry tried their best to protect their main general, and fought with Xiongnu generals, archers, and Huns light cavalry, and the two sides fought back and forth!

   A Xiongnu general with a force of more than 80 armed with a spear, wanted to take advantage of Zhang Liao\'s injury and kill a general to boost morale.

   The Xiongnu military commander killed several Bianzhou wolf riders and almost rushed in front of Zhang Liao, his face distorted from anger into anger!

   Zhang Liao has angered the Huns by killing three Huns with more than 70 armed forces!

   Zhang Liao held the halberd in both hands to block the ring-head swords of the two Xiongnu generals, and the Xiongnu generals with more than 80 force stabbed with a spear, intending to kill Zhang Liao in one fell swoop!

   A white shadow flashed, Zhao Yun pierced out with a sharp spear, and the sharp gentian silver spear penetrated the body of the Xiongnu general, knocking it off the horse!

   "Are you all right?"

   Zhao Yun squinted and glanced at Zhang Liao, and then shot into the Xiongnu generals!

   Zhao Yun joined the battle, the pressure on the Xiongnu generals suddenly increased, and two more Xiongnu generals were killed by Zhao Yun!

   "The force of this person is really terrible..."

   Zhang Liao could not help admiring Zhao Yun even more bravely. Xuzhou Mu\'s fierce generals are like clouds, and Zhang Liao may not have enough to see.

  Because when Chutian commander of 40,000 cavalry joined the battlefield, it was already close to dusk. After fighting for half an hour, the sky was getting dark, and the two sides could hardly distinguish each other, and the battlefield was completely chaotic.

   Xiongnu Shanyu also took advantage of the chaos to escape.

   The Xiongnu and King Youxian fled without saying hello when they saw King Youxian, so they also led their soldiers to flee.

   More than two hundred thousand Huns cavalry, even if they were chased by the Han army for three days and three nights, they would not be able to kill them, and the fleeing Huns would gather again. As long as the Han Empire cannot control Mobei, the Xiongnu will not be able to perish, just whether they are prosperous or not.

   "Ashinasheer, lead the cavalry to chase down the Xiongnu Shanyu!"

  Weiqing knew that the cavalry of the Turkic Prince Ashinasheer was faster than the ordinary cavalry, and at this time, Ashinasheer was sent to hunt down.

   Ashina Sheer obeyed Wei Qing\'s orders. When he received Wei Qing\'s order, he immediately commanded the Turkic cavalry to detour, trying to outflank Xiongnu Shanyu.

   The Xiongnu were good at fleeing, otherwise the Han Empire would not have fought with them for many years. Whether Ashina Sheer can capture the Xiongnu Shanyu alive, it can only be fate.

   In the north of the main battlefield, Yang Ye and Tai Shici were ordered by Chutian to ambush.

   Cao Cao sent Xia Houyuan led a thousand cavalry to follow Yang Ye and Tai Shici.

   Xia Houyuan’s cavalry was faster than Yang Ye and Taishici, and easily caught up with Yang Ye and Taishici. The marching speed seems to be less than the offensive and defensive bonus, but if used in the right place, it will affect the overall battle.

   "If you don\'t attack the Xiongnu Shanyu, what are you doing here?"

   Xia Houyuan asked Yang Ye and Tai Shici.

   Cao Cao\'s order was for him to follow Yang Ye and Tai Shici.

   Yang Ye held a gun and confronted Xia Houyuan: "Stand back and wait for the rabbit."

   Xia Houyuan immediately understood what Yang Ye was referring to. He and his cavalry guarded Yang Ye, because Yang Ye and Tai Shici were teaming up, and Xia Houyuan was not an opponent. The only thing Xia Houyuan relied on was his speed.

  The world\'s art of war is fast and unbreakable.

  Three generals and three thousand light cavalry, patiently waited for the rabbits, waiting for the Xiongnu Shanyu and a group of Xiongnu nobles to pass by.

   The sky was getting dark, and the three thousand cavalrymen gradually became a little agitated.

   Finally, the sound of intensive horseshoes sounded, and with the help of the night, a dark shadow appeared at the end of the desert.

   The cavalry of the Huns!

   Three thousand light cavalry are ready for a deadly battle with the Huns.

   The desperate Huns were not so easy to intercept. Realizing that the Xiongnu cavalry who are under the siege will fight for their lives to survive.

   Yang Ye and Tai Shici stood in front of Changshui Camp and Yue Cavalry Camp, one with a gun and the other with a halberd, facing the upcoming Huns cavalry without fear.

   Xia Houyuan took off the horn bow, with a solemn expression.

   From the dense sound of horseshoes, the number of Huns cavalry who flees is quite large, possibly tens of thousands. Xia Houyuan believed that even if he closed his eyes and shot an arrow, he could shoot and kill a Huns cavalry.

   "Let the arrow!"

   As the sound of horses hoofs approached, three thousand light cavalry fired volleys. Thousands of sharp arrows pierced the night sky and shot at the Huns in the dark. Hundreds of them were killed by arrows!

   Even if it is Shan Yu\'s guard, he will be killed after being shot at a critical point! More than ten Shanyu guards were killed in the blow of Arrow Rain!

   "Lord Shan Yu, there is an ambush ahead!"

   "Break through the obstacles of the Han army!"

   Yizhi obliquely realized that he was being counted, and the other side stood by and waited. It was obvious that he had calculated that he would lose.

   Tens of thousands of Huns cavalry composed of guards, archers, and Huns light cavalry came. After two rounds of arrow rain, the two cavalry fought each other!

  Yang Ye and Tai Shici squatted against the low morale of the Huns!

   "Let\'s go too!"

   Xia Houyuan did not stand idly by. Influenced by Cao Cao, Xia Houyuan was equally unambiguous when dealing with the Xiongnu.

  The two sides fought, Yang Ye and Tai Shi Ci successively cut more than ten Huns cavalry!

   When Yang Ye fought against Shan Yu\'s guard, Yang Ye suddenly felt a bit of difficulty, and he quickly understood that this cavalry was the elite of the Xiongnu!

   The appearance of a large number of Xiongnu elites means that there will be big people of the Huns!

"follow me!"

   Yang Ye broke into Shanyu\'s guard, and Changshuiying cavalry followed and forcibly attacked Shanyu\'s guard!

  Darkness and chaos ~www.novelhall.com~ The shouting of killing made Yi Zhixian, who had fallen into disrepair, broke his liver and gallbladder. He had no intention of fighting, and fought and walked with Shan Yu\'s guard. Instead, he was killed and wounded a lot by the Changshui Camp.

  Yang Ye even rushed to a place less than 30 meters away from Yizhi\'s slanting order. He was blocked by several Huns. Yang Ye forged ahead and killed one Huns and two Huns generals!

   Yizhi Xianyu was completely killed and frightened, and escaped under the protection of Shanyu\'s guard.

   Shan Yu is very elite in guards, and various kings and generals help each other. Yi Zhi Xian Shan only broke out after paying a heavy price. On the way, there were even Huns cavalry fighting each other because they could not distinguish the enemy from us.

   After the Xiongnu fled Shan Yu, Zhao Xin and King Youxian passed by again, and were intercepted again by Yang Ye, Taishici, and Xia Houyuan. The chaotic Huns trampled on each other, causing thousands of casualties!

   "I am King Uhyun, don\'t kill me!"

   The hapless Hun King Youxian was stabbed by Taishici with a halberd, fell from his horse and became a prisoner of the Han army.

   And because Xin Zhao served in the Han Empire for a long time, he was very shrewd. By distinguishing his voice, he made a detour to avoid interception by Yang Ye, Tai Shici, and Xia Houyuan.

   Xinyu Zhao was born with only hundreds of cavalry around him. He was terrified of the Han army. Only Wei Qing and Huo Qubing were enough. Now there are other fierce generals in the Han army who are flanking each other. This battle is too unfavorable for the Xiongnu.

   "Abandon Monan and gather in Mobei, at least you can dominate Mobei for a hundred years!"

   Xin Zhao has already had the idea of ​​persuading Yi Zhi to give up Monan.