Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 313: Official

Youzhou Jixian, Youzhou Mu Liu Yu was worried, the prefect of Liaodong Mingguan was aggressive, and the army had reached Beiping County. Although Mingguan defeated his arch enemy Gongsun Zan, Mingguan also indirectly became a powerful enemy threatening Youzhou.

   If Mingguan were to be the master of Youzhou, his Youzhou Mu would appear too incompetent.

   "Zhongshan Minister Liu Xuande Chang Shi Chen Xi came to see you."


   Soon, Chen Xi, an alien soldier who Chutian had seen in Liu Bei\'s forces, came to see Youzhou Mu Liu Yu.

   "Why did Zhong Shanxiang send you here?"

"After Zhongshan Xiang became King Jing of Zhongshan, he and Youzhou Mu were both royal family kinsmen. Now Youzhou is in trouble, and the special dispatch is coming to visit. If Master Mu needs assistance, Zhongshan is willing to help Master Zhou Mu and resist powerful enemies. "

   "Liu Xuande is newly defeated, and it is hard to protect himself. How can you help me?"

   "Zhongshan Xiang\'s subordinates are like clouds, and they have gone through hundreds of battles. The reason why they lost to Jizhou Yuan Benchu ​​was because no one helped him."

   Chen Xi secretly accused Liu Yu as an ally of not sending troops to help Liu Bei in time, otherwise Liu Bei would not lose to Yuan Shao in the Battle of Julu.

   Yuan Shao\'s subordinates have the help of alien lords. In contrast, Liu Bei is fighting alone.

   With Liu Bei\'s current forces, he has fought Yuan Shao back and forth, which is quite rare. If Youzhou Mu\'s 100,000 troops were to participate in the battle, the outcome would be unknowable.

   In this regard, Chen Xi is deeply dissatisfied with Youzhou Mu Liu Yu. His decision affects the pattern of Hebei.

   Liu Yu was taunted by Chen Xi, and he was immediately ashamed: "It is not wise to think about the things of the day. In fact, he was newly defeated by Gongsun Zan, and he has not moved south to Jizhou."

Chen Xi lobbied: "Gongsun Zan is brave and good at war, but the prefect of Liaodong Mingguan, and even the unparalleled fierce general Chang Yuchun under his command. If Master Zhou Mu can\'t even defeat Gongsun Zan, how can you resist it when Gongsun Zan is killed by Mingguan? It’s better to worship Zhongshan Xiang to lead You Governor Shi and General Anbei. Once Mingguan tries to contend for Youzhou, Master Zhoumu entrusts the army to Zhongshan Xiang, and the forces of Youzhou and Zhongshan can resist Yuan Shao in the south and Mingguan in the east. This is the best policy. Together you will be strong, and you will be weak when you divide. Don\'t worry about it."

   "It makes sense."

   Youzhou Mu Liuyu considered his lack of military talents, so he appointed Liu Bei as the governor of You, and the court was General Anbei. If necessary, he supervised the 100,000 army in Youzhou and worked with Liu Bei\'s own soldiers and horses.

   Liu Bei\'s sphere of influence covers Youzhou, and this move caused quite a stir.

   The intentions of Liu Bei\'s forces are too obvious to foreigners.

   Liu Bei took refuge in Tao Qian and worked for Tao Qian. As a result, he became Xuzhou Mu. Liu Bei turned to Liu Biao and worked for Liu Biao, and he became Jingzhou Mu. Liu Bei helped Liu Zhang resist Zhang Lu and led Yizhou pasture.

   This time, strangers can see that Liu Bei wants to be the next Youzhou Shepherd.

   Liu Bei and Yuan Shao are at a disadvantage in the battle for Jizhou. Yuan Shao and the alien lord have a lot of troops. Liu Guanzhang and a Turkic prince are not Yuan Shao’s opponents. They can only change the direction of development to Youzhou.

   Many of Liu Yu\'s followers persuaded Liu Yu to guard against Liu Xuande, but Liu Yu did not obey.

   The prefect of Wei County Zhao Long heard that Liu Bei was appointed Governor of You, and that the four northern counties of Jizhou were connected to Youzhou, and he was shocked.

   The counties in southern Hebei were panicked, Yuan Shao was even depressed, and did not eat much for three consecutive days.

   Liu Bei controls the four counties of Jizhou, and Liu Yu controls the five counties of Youzhou. Once the two forces are completely merged, Liu Bei, who has nine counties, can sweep Yuan Shao\'s forces with only five counties.

   The strategy of Liu Bei\'s forces to use the dead body to revive their souls changed the situation in Hebei and gave Liu Bei a chance to catch up with Muchu Zimou in Xuzhou.

   Beihai Country, Yingling County, after large-scale destruction by Le Yi commander army, this city was basically destroyed, and the city wall collapsed for a section.

  The guardian Tai Shici was caught alive by Zhao Yun and Yan Jia, and he was unwilling to do so.

   "The Lord has an order to send him to Xiacheng. At the same time, his family members are also sent to Xiacheng."

   Le Yi received Chutian\'s order.

   Tai Shici originally planned to try to escape on the way, but heard that his family was taken prisoner and transported to Xiacheng. He couldn\'t sit idly by and had to be sent to Xiacheng obediently.

   Jiaodong County, Xu Sheng and Zheng Zhilong did not waste much time to capture the city. The defenders were devoid of fighting spirit, and looked down.

   "Kong Rong and Wu\'an were escorted to Xiacheng."

   Xu Sheng received the order and sent a team of soldiers to transport Kong Rong and Wu Anguo to Xiacheng.

   Now the defenders of Beihai Country and Donglai County not only surrendered, but also scrambled, Kong Rong has no use value.

   As for Wu Anguo of Beihai Wushuang Hammer, he is only suitable for being a lieutenant or a guard. It is really hard for him to let him be alone.

   Chutian led a group of generals to use the teleportation array in Juxian County to return to Langya, and at the same time mobilized the main army to go south and change the direction of attack.

   The two prefectures in Qingzhou are the Leyi Offensive Army and the Fubo Army.

   The remaining main forces have successively withdrawn from the North Sea country and concentrated on dealing with other princes.

   Shouchun, may be the next goal.

   "Order Chen Deng to train the Guangling defensive corps. If it goes to Shouchun, his defensive corps will attack Jiujiang County along the Yangtze River."

   Shouchun belongs to the scope of Yangzhou, occupying Shouchun is equivalent to gaining a bridgehead to peep into Yangzhou.

   Chutian returned to Xiacheng and temporarily ended his conquest of the Quartet. Regarding Li Guang and Du Ruhui\'s Taishan Army\'s attack on Jinan, Chutian allowed them to play freely.

   This is a kind of experience for them, and at the same time Chu Tian does not intend to let the Qingzhou provincial governor develop well. Li Guang and Du Ruhui launched a war against Jinan, which will undoubtedly drag the Qingzhou provincial governor into the abyss of war.

   The five counties of Xuzhou, as the base of Chutian, are not under the pressure of war.

   At present, the three prefectures of Taishan County, Beihai Kingdom, and Donglai County are still fighting, and the impact on Xuzhou is very small.

   After the crusade against the Quartet came to an end, Chutian needed to consider the merits of everyone and promote him to win people\'s hearts.

  Leyi participated in the national war, attacked several cities in Taishan County, broke the Gaomi and Yingling mausoleum of Beihai State, and was moved by Chutian as a general to lead the North Sea. After all, Le Yi was not a veteran, but a general, who once gave Chu Tian a lot of trouble, and giving such an official position was already preferential treatment.

   Zhou Yafu has always held back Cao Cao\'s main force, and did not give Cao Cao any opportunity to develop his forces. Although he hasn\'t appeared in front of Chu Tian recently, his contribution is no less than that of other generals who attacked the city. In addition, when Chu Tian became a pastoralist in Xuzhou, he had already promoted Zhou Yafu to general, so Chu Tian went to the court and asked Zhou Yafu to be designated as general of Dangkou.

  General Dangkou is more interesting. It is Cao Cao that Zhou Yafu wants to deal with, so he will treat Cao Cao as a bandit.

   Hua Mulan, Xue Rengui, and Zhao Yun participated in the national war. They defeated the Forbidden Army and Tian Ji Army. They were transferred to generals by Chu Tian.

   Li Guang participated in the national war, defeated Taishan County, marched into Jinan, and moved to General Bi.

   Zangba and Sun Guan persevered in Zhucheng County, worked hard and made great achievements. They were promoted from Duwei to Fenwu and Zhechong, and then accumulated credit to become a general.

   Mi Fang was originally a school lieutenant. Because of his participation in the battle of pinging Guangling County and the battle of Pengcheng, he was promoted to Zhonglang General, not far from the general.

   Xia Liang is still serving as the minister of Langya, and at the same time he was appointed as a partial general, with a position of Ling Ran, at the same level as Zhou Yafu and Le Yi in the military ministers. Li Xiuning moved to General Pi because he was dependent on Xia Liang and participated in the National War and the Battle of Pengcheng.

   For the military commanders who have recently taken refuge in, Chu Tian has also made a series of appointments, not only considering his abilities, but also his qualifications.

  Yang Ye repeatedly defeated Yuan Shu in Peiguo, and shocked Peiguo, and was directly promoted from Qiduwei to Zhonglang.

   Xu Rong followed Zhou Yafu against Cao Cao and repeatedly attacked Cao Cao’s grain road. He was also promoted from the captain of Qi to Zhonglang.

   Huaxiong worked under Xu Rong during this period and was promoted to school lieutenant.

   Chen Qingzhi had just been loyal to him and had not made any military exploits, so he only served as a captain.

   Xu Sheng, as the main general of the Fubo Army, was barely regarded as a veteran, and was promoted to Zhonglang. Zheng Zhilong moved to the school lieutenant.

   Yin Li and other reserve generals who participated in a series of battles have also been promoted.

   What is special is that there is also Joan of Arc from France in the list of Chu Tian\'s promotion.

   Joan of Arc participated in the battle against Mount Tai and Pengcheng, defeating the Tian Ji Army, and Chu Tian appointed him as Ying Yang Lieutenant. Lieutenant Yingyang was Hua Mulan\'s previous official position.

   In addition to military officers, Chu Tian also appointed a group of civilian officers.

   Zhang Hong took the post of the long history of Langya, Du Ruhui took the post of the long history of Mount Tai, and Lu Su was left by Chutian as a book assistant and assistant to cultivate...

   "Captain Yingyang? What is this?"

   Saint Joan of Arc was inexplicably appointed to the official position of the Han Empire. She was a little confused and completely ignorant of the oriental official system.

   Chutian expressed encouragement: "In the future, we will make more achievements and strive to become a general as soon as possible."

   "I just want to come back as soon as possible..."

   "You can go down now."

   After Chutian informed her of her appointment as Captain Yingyang, he drove her away, never mentioning the fact that she would return to France.

   Mi Zhu led a fleet to trade at Hirado Castle in Dongying, but he had not yet returned. He was appointed by Chutian as the "Lieutenant of Dongdu". This is Chutian\'s self-proclaimed lieutenant, who later specializes in trading with Dongying. Mi Zhu was the first Dongdu captain.

   "Send miners with the skills of prospecting mineral veins to go to Jiaodong to investigate gold mines. Jiaodong should have rare gold resources."

   Chutian seems to have the impression that the Jiaodong Gold Mine has been very famous since the Song Dynasty and can produce a large amount of gold every year. Corresponding to "Lord", that is high-level gold resources.

  Langya Kingdom’s third-level gold mine resources are like a witch in front of the Jiaodong gold mine. As far as Chutian\'s current forces are concerned, the third-level gold mine resources are completely insufficient.

  If high-level gold mines can be found in Dongnae County, preferably level 7 and 8 gold mines, the benefits that Chutian\'s forces will gain from it will be unimaginable...

   "If any special resource is found in each county, it shall be reported immediately, and shall not be hidden or privately exploited, otherwise it shall be punished."

   The Lord’s Mansion sent a large number of miners to Donglai County to explore the gold veins.

   In addition to the Jiaodong gold mine, there should be a lot of copper, iron, and silver mines in the territory.

   Chutian\'s territory is not only valuable mineral veins, but also depends on the sea, rich in sea salt, developed fisheries, and can be used for foreign trade. Even if Chutian shuts himself up, he can basically be self-sufficient.

   After the end of the war, Chutian devoted himself to farming and replenishing the lost troops for the various legions.

  In this battle, various legions lost a lot. Chutian’s Northern Army’s five schools have been reduced from 9,000 to 7,000, and Zangba’s Langya Defensive Corps has been reduced from 15,000 to 6,000. This is evident.

   said it was a farmland. Basically, Chutian was just as a shopkeeper, and after appointing the prefects and Changshi, they would naturally organize the refugees in the county to reclaim farmland and build water conservancy projects.

   During this period, Tai Shici, Wu Anguo, and Kong Rong were taken to Xiacheng. For Kong Rong, Chu Tian sent him to Du Fu Thatched Cottage and asked Lu Zhi, Cai Yong, Zheng Xuan and others to educate him so that he would no longer give Kong Rong any official positions with real power.

   Kong Rong is a historical hero after all, placing him in Xiacheng can bring a lot of bonuses to Langya country.

   Tai Shi Ci is not willing to surrender for the time being. But his mother was captured by the Chutian Army, and Chutian was a good entertainer. I believe Taishici would be a brilliant person who knows current affairs.

   Wu Anguo actually had a bit of spine and didn\'t directly surrender to Chu Tian. Chu Tian asked him to lock him hungry for a few days, and Wu Anguo obediently surrendered.

   Not all prisoners, Chu Tian has the patience and temper to treat them.

   If he had the ability, Chu Tian could use him slowly, but he was still arrogant only by force, Chu Tian would not have such a good attitude.

   The surrendered Wu Anguo had 83 force, and the commander had only a poor 55. The characteristic was "North Sea Hammer" (only applicable to individuals). When the hammer was used as a weapon, the bludgeon damage to the enemy was greatly increased.

   Chutian casually gave him the post of a captain, temporarily staying in the fifth academy of the Northern Army, and acting as a strong general who charged forward.

   There is only one general in the Fifth Northern Army Academy~www.novelhall.com~ Chutian assigned some second- and third-rate generals to the Fifth Northern Army Academy.

   The five schools of the Northern Army only need Chu Tian as the main general to provide bonuses. What he needs is a few generals who are relatively high in force and can\'t be alone. If necessary, charge and fall into the battle.

   After all, as the lord, Chu Tian had no reason to take risks easily and rush to the forefront.

   Wu Anguo heard that he had been incorporated into the Guards Corps, and couldn\'t help being overjoyed. He quickly forgot the old master Kong Rong and expressed his willingness to saddle the horse for Master Xuzhou Mu, born to death, going up the knife mountain, down the sea of ​​fire, and never betrayed.

   promoted his subordinates, and then recuperated, Chu Tian began to peek at the surrounding situation. Liu Bei\'s forces suddenly intervened in Youzhou, so Chu Tian had to be on guard. In the Guanzhong area, the Xiliang Army and the Bingzhou Army merged, and the Guanzhong Army of the old Qin was on the wall...

   will soon be the harvest season. The territory of Chutian almost extends from the Yellow River in the north and the Yangtze River in the south. There are more varieties of crops grown, from wheat to rice, and the harvest time varies.

   Guangling County has already planted Champa rice. As long as it is well developed, the local area can also become a granary, so that Chutian has no worries about it, but it takes time.

   "Lord, there is a locust plague in Pengcheng country, Pengcheng Xiang Wang Lang urgently reported to the other counties to support Pengcheng country\'s food!"

   The lord’s calendar was five years, and Chu Tian returned to Xiacheng for more than a month. When the wheat in various places was ready to be harvested, a natural disaster that might sweep the entire Yanzhou, Xuzhou, and Yuzhou quietly descended. Chutian rarely experienced large-scale natural disasters. If it is not handled properly, Xuzhou\'s military rations will be greatly reduced.