Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 277: Gray wolf and white deer!

Cang Wolf and White Deer-Genghis Khan Temuzhen cavalry traits that almost conquered the world!

   Chutian didn\'t expect that his four-dimensional attributes would be comparable to Mi Fang, and he would get a powerful cavalry trait. It\'s just that this cavalry characteristic has become Chutian\'s characteristic, which seems a bit overkill.

   Chutian doesn’t lead the soldiers himself...

   "Lord, what\'s wrong with you?"

   Xia Liang was **** for Chu Tian, ​​but found that Chu Tian had calmed down and couldn\'t help feeling depressed.

   Is it possible that the Lord Lord and Ekaterina became completely uninterested in her?

   "The national war reward has been settled."

   Chutian explained. He is not Liu Xiahui, he will not sit still.

   Xia Xia Liang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Chu Tian was indifferent to her, and shocked her.

  Chu Tian was able to see Temujin’s top-notch characteristics-Temujin led the Mongolian cavalry, who was terrifying the world. They fought from Asia to Europe and Africa, expedition to Southeast Asia and Japan, almost invincible on land!

   [Name]: Chutian (I just want to farm well)

   【Prince】: Hou Kaiyang County

   [Official position]: Xuzhou Mu, General An Dong

  [Level]: 53

   [Commander]: 65 [Strength]: 56 [Intelligence]: 50 [Politics]: 69

   [Gong Method]: Huang Tian Jue (can improve physical fitness)

   [Characteristics]: Tian Khan (SSS), Gray Wolf and White Deer (SSS), Fourth World San Gong (S), Great Han Army Soul·Big (A)

   [Special Arms]: The Five Northern Military Academy (Tunqi, Yueqi, Infantry, Changshui, Shooting Sound Five Battalions)

   Chutian\'s four-dimensional is estimated to be no different from Xuzhou Wushuang general Mi Fang.

   He focused on the SSS-class "grey wolf and white deer" characteristics.

   [Name]: Canglang Bailu

   [Product level]: SSS level

   [Origin]: It is said that the gray wolf and white deer are ancient Mongolian totems, one of the top cavalry characteristics

[Effect]: Cavalry marching speed +10%, speed when forcibly marching +15%; all cavalry attributes +15%; light cavalry cavalry damage +25%; heavy cavalry charge, impact +25%; destroy enemy troops Morale +25%.

   [Scope]: Only applicable to the cavalry commanded by the hero with this feature.


   Chutian saw the characteristics of Genghis Khan, his scalp numb.

   This feature is simply the dream of all cavalry generals!

   The cavalry led by the generals with the characteristics of "white wolf and white deer" is fast, damages high, and can fight continuously.

   No wonder the Mongolian cavalry can conquer the world...

   Chutian estimated that only Wei Qinghuo Qubing and other cavalry generals possessed abilities that could be compared with Temujin.

   "Cang Wolf and White Deer" is not the characteristic of Temujin\'s monarch.

   It\'s just that Chu Tian\'s commanding ability is not high, and the top cavalry characteristics are in his hands, and the effect is really very small.

  If cavalry generals such as Xue Rengui possess the characteristics of "grey wolf and white deer", the power will be great.

   Is it possible that I have to bring a cavalry by myself?

   Chutian couldn\'t help but struggle.

   Although many monarchs have commanded cavalry...

   Cao Cao served as a captain of riding in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and Li Shimin often led a black armored cavalry to attack the enemy, and Temujin personally expedition... Xiang Yu, Yelu Abaoji, Yelu Dashi, Tuoba Tao...

   There are countless examples of the monarch leading the cavalry to fight, and the people who fight in person are generally the monarchs fighting the world.

   The founding monarch had no military merits and could not suppress the generals at all.

   In addition to cavalry, monarchs commanding infantry and navy are also everywhere.

   Chutian found that he had gone farther and farther on the road to become Li Shimin. With the characteristics of "grey wolf and white deer", it was simply a violent thing.

   In addition to the Cang Wolf and White Deer characteristics, Chu Tian also obtained two architectural drawings.

   One piece is an eight-level architectural drawing-Hanyuefu (Hanyuefu institutions can be established).

   One piece is a seven-level architectural blueprint—a seven-level infantry battalion.

   There are three other recruitment orders, corresponding to civil servants, generals, and special talents.

   "Lord, have you finished reading the rewards?"

   Xia Liang is not interested in national war rewards, she just wants to drain Chutian now.

   "You defend Xuzhou, you have done a great job, you show me."

  The national war reward that Chutian received was a special item-"giving other players a chance to have random characteristics."

   He can use this reward to win over other players, but other players may not be reliable. It is better to strengthen the summer cool in charge of keeping the house.

"take a look?"

   "It\'s not the body, it\'s the panel, the player panel."

   Chutian saw that Xia Liang was about to take off his long skirt, and quickly corrected it.

   The summer is cold and blush.

   [Name]: Summer is cool

   [Official position]: Xia Pixiang, Captain of the Warlord

   [Occupation]: Wenchen

   [Level]: 45 [Commander]: 23 [Strength]: 16 [Intelligence]: 60 [Politics]: 65

   [Characteristics]: Merchants (B-level characteristics, when managing the market, business prosperity +3%, when talking with merchants, in a negotiation advantage)

  【Special arms】: None

   Xia Liang\'s attributes are even worse than Chu Tian, ​​but with her mind, even if the bonus is very low, she still performs outstandingly. Players’ intelligence and politics only provide bonuses under certain circumstances, and do not represent their true abilities.

  Because this feature can only be given to others, and it must be a player. Of course, Chu Tian gave this opportunity to the closest Xia Liang to let her approach the historical hero: "I intend to give you a special reward."


  After the lords who participated in the national war came back, they caused a huge sensation in the world!

   All civilized lords and players know about the deeds of the notorious Eastern Han lord Chu Zimou.

   In the second month of the national war, Chu Zimou, together with the Lord of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, Ekaterina, defeated the anti-Eastern Han alliance led by the first lord of the Mughal Empire, Kshatriya, and the Kshatriya was defeated!

   The lords of the Mughal Empire in India remembered Chu Zimou, the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty who killed Kshatriya.

  Although the other lords of the Mughal Empire could not wait for the death of the first lord, the death of the first lord in the hands of the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty is a shame to the Mughal Empire in India.

   But there are other civilizations that are more humiliating than the Mughal Empire.

   Several of France\'s top heroes, Joan of Arc, were captured by Chu Zi of the Eastern Han Dynasty and regarded as a shameful shame by France from top to bottom.

   ""The Lord" Joan of Arc is our top three heroes in France. Even in order to strengthen Joan of Arc as an imperial hero, other French heroes were weakened a lot, and they were captured by the Eastern Han Dynasty!"

   "Never surrender, you are our sinner in France!"

   "Try to redeem Joan of Arc from the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Without her, the national strength of our France would be weakened a lot!"

   The French Lord never surrendered. After he returned to Paris, he was spurned and scolded by all French players.

   France relies on women (Joan of Arc) and dwarfs (Napoleon). Because there is no Napoleon in "Lord", Joan of Arc is the number one hero in the hearts of French players. Before the "Lord" public beta, in response to the voice of male French players, the attributes of Joan of Arc were strengthened at the expense of a small weakening of other French heroes.

   As a result, Joan of Arc, who was asked by France to become a popular hero of the royal class, was captured by the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   This is the equivalent of a daughter who has finally been raised, but is dominated by other men...

   "I will send someone to negotiate with the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Even if the family is ruined, I will redeem our French heroes."

   The French lord never surrendered due to the pressure of French public opinion, and had to try to negotiate with the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   France is a bit different from the Eastern Han Dynasty. The Paris players have a huge influence on public opinion. If he wants to unify France, he must get the support of Paris players.

  Furthermore, the luck of France has been blessed on Joan of Arc. Losing this hero will have a great impact on the luck of France. Unlike the holy heroes in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the imperial Joan of Arc is already the upper limit of French heroes.

In addition to the death of the first lord of the Mughal Empire in India and the capture of Joan of Arc, two major events that shocked the world’s civilizations, there is also a secret circulating-the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty Chu Zimou and the lord of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, Ekaterina There are secret contacts.

   Many lords who pursued Ekaterina asked Ekaterina if there was such a thing.

   But Ekaterina did not respond to this.

   Europe has a tradition of acquiring each other\'s land through marriage, and most other European lords coveted Ekaterina\'s territory and strength.

   Ekaterina, who remained silent, greatly increased the credibility of this secret story, and many people believed it to be true.

   "From today, with the goal of unifying the Grand Duchy of Moscow, all lords who do not submit will be executed."

   Ekaterina was not distracted by the gossip, but started the road to unify the Grand Duchy of Moscow.


   Qingzhou, the lord Zhao Gongzi led Dorgon, Wu Sangui, Guan Hai, Xue Wanche, and Tai Shici back to Beihai. Beihai Country is his basic board.

   "I got a characteristic of Huang Taiji..."

   Young Master Zhao was somewhat shocked after reading his reward.

   Compared with the rewards Chutian received, Zhao Gongzi’s rewards were slightly lower. The gap between No. 1 and No. 41 is still very large, just like the gap between Temujin and Huang Taiji.

   "The prefect, Cao Cao, the prefect of East County, sent an envoy."

   "Invite them to see me."

   It is the player that Cao Cao forces sent to negotiate with Zhao Gongzi. After Zhao Gongzi returned to Beihai Country, he already knew that Cao Cao had a hard time during this period.

   Cao Cao is the largest prince in Yanzhou, and Zhao Gongzi is the largest prince in Qingzhou. They all face the threat of Xuzhou. Under the situation of a dominant family in Xuzhou, their lips and teeth are cold. Both Cao Cao and Zhao Gongzi understood this truth.

When the players sent by Cao Cao saw Young Master Zhao, they bluntly said: "Young Master Zhao, Chu Zimou has won the first place in the national war again. You can guess what Chu Zimou received based on the rewards you received. His reward must be. Your superior substitute. His strength must have been greatly improved. If we don\'t join hands, Xuzhou and Yanzhou will become his territory. We have no resistance at all."

   Young Master Zhao fell into a brief silence.

   He, a lord ranked 41st in the national war, can obtain the characteristics of Huang Taiji, so the characteristics of Chu Tian, ​​ranked first in the national war, are powerful enough to imagine.

Zhao Gongzi responded: "As early as before the start of the national war, I sent someone to contact you, and I am ready to join forces with Yanzhou. Gongziwen and Cao Cao have become mortal enemies. He cannot join hands with us, so he is very likely to continue with Chu Zimou unites."

"We hope that you can go south from Beihai Kingdom to Langya Kingdom and threaten Chu Zimou\'s birthplace. Langya Kingdom is the core of Chu Zimou. Once threatened, he will definitely send a large number of troops to garrison in the northern part of Langya Kingdom. Yanzhou."

   "Let me contain Chu Zimou, what benefits can I get? Confronting him, I will also be restrained by him, unable to develop."

"Our Cao Cao forces only need the remaining prefectures of Yanzhou, that is, the territory of Gongziwen. You and Yuan Shu divide Xuzhou, Yuan Shu obtains Pengcheng State and Xiapi State, you obtain Langya State and Donghai State. Langya State and Donghai State are the present The two most populous counties in Xuzhou are more rewarding for you."

"Langya Kingdom and Donghai Kingdom... But I now only have two prefectures, Beihai Kingdom and Donglai County. After the destruction of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the two prefectures killed and injured millions of people. Unless I can unify Qingzhou, I have the ability to contain the main force of Chu Zimou. I need the official position of Qingzhou Provincial Governor or Qingzhou Mu, to unify the entire Qingzhou as a matter of course."

"Don\'t worry. Old Qin has become Dong Zhuo\'s most trusted military commander. As long as he speaks to Dong Zhuo, he can seal you up as the governor of Qingzhou. You can put your troops on the road to attack Langya and quickly pacify the states. Dorgon and Wu Sangui When Guanhai surrendered, there were still one hundred thousand Yellow Turban Army surrendered. You can use one hundred thousand Yellow Turban Army to capture the entire Qingzhou at any cost."

   "Will Lao Qin help me get the official position of Qingzhou governor?"

"He is currently the second-ranked lord in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Naturally, he does not want Chu Zimou to widen the gap. Just imagine that if Chu Zimuses to occupy Xuzhou, Qingzhou, and Yanzhou, and then attack Yuzhou, his power will be the same as that of Guandu. Cao Cao during the war was almost the same. Even if he owned Guanzhong, he couldn’t compete with Chu Zi, who owned the four states, right? Furthermore, Chu Zimou had colluded with the lord of Longxi County and wanted to use the lord of Longxi County to contain him. Old Qin Geng. Similarly, Old Qin Geng hopes that we can contain Chu Zimou."

"If Old Qin wants me to contain Chu Zimou~www.novelhall.com~ then he needs to sell me a batch of excellent war horses at a low price. There should be many excellent horse farms in Guanzhong during the Han Dynasty, and he can also buy cool The war horse of the state and the state."

   "What do you want a good horse to do?"

   "Recruit the Eight Banners Cavalry and Guanning Iron Cavalry."

   "Tier 7 Cavalry?"

   Cao Cao’s camp players couldn’t help but look sideways.

   Young Master Zhao is known by the other side as the generals, and the other side can infer special arms based on the generals: "Yes. But I recruited Guan Ning cavalry, and I still lack three-eyed fire guns."

   "Wu Sangui\'s Guanning cavalry... You can buy a batch of three-eyed firecrackers at Mingguan, the prefect of Liaodong. He already has a small team of Guanning cavalry."

   "The relationship between Mingguan and Chu Zimou seems to be good."

   "He can make money from it, and make a little trouble for Chu Zi. He won\'t refuse."

   "Then we will follow the agreement. As long as I annex several other counties in Qingzhou as soon as possible and have enough troops, I will officially go south to Langya Country..."

   When Zhao Gongzi was talking with Cao Cao, Zhao Gongzi’s player scout informed him of an important piece of information, which shocked Zhao’s body.

   "Master Zhao, what happened?"

   "There are about six to seven thousand troops in Xuzhou. They launched an offensive against Guangling County. The defense line of Guangling County was breached. Chu Zimou may want to unify the entire Xuzhou!"

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