Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 258: Cao Cao's counterattack

"Chu Zimou is not in Xuzhou, this is a blessing, otherwise he will ruin me again!"

   Cao Cao was conspiring to counterattack the Yanzhou coalition during the national war before Chutian.

  Chutian\'s strategy pitted Cao Cao, and Cao Cao delayed his development for at least six months. Without Chu Tian\'s support for Jiyin Taishou Gongziwen, he would not be able to call on so many lords to oppose Cao Cao.

   Chutian\'s appeal in the player lord is too great. Gong Ziwen, who has Chu Tian\'s support, said one thing in the anti-Cao Cao alliance, so he can mobilize the forces of the lords of Yanzhou to besiege Cao Cao.

   Cao Cao was overwhelmed by this.

   It is not that Cao Cao does not want to counterattack in a big way, but if he counterattacks in a big way, Chu Tian will definitely invest in Xuzhou\'s main assistance to Gongziwen, and Cao Cao will still fail.

   But no matter what, Chu Zimou took away the main force in order to participate in the second national war. This was Cao Cao\'s opportunity.

  The staff of the stranger reported: "The five hundred tiger and leopard riders secretly recruited during this period can be put into use, and the 30,000 Qingzhou army recruited for the banned general is also ready."

   "Those who have won the master\'s text, bounty one thousand!"

   In order to boost morale, Cao Cao spared no expense to offer a reward for the leader of the anti-Cao Cao alliance.

   Gongziwen and Chu Zimou are in trouble and have been suppressing him in Yanzhou, resulting in him being unable to develop.

   So far, Cao Cao is only a prefect of Eastern County, and half of the territory of Eastern County is occupied by the Anti-Cao Cao League.

   "Lord, when Chu Zimou leaves Xuzhou and has no time to take care of Yanzhou, we must break the situation as soon as possible and occupy Yanzhou. Otherwise, once Chu Zimou returns, he will definitely not stand by. This is the only opportunity."

  The staff of the foreigner have a long-term heart.

   They took refuge in Cao Cao because Cao Cao was more talented than other princes, and many suggestions could be listened to.

   "Our troops are still insufficient, can there be a way to win quickly?"

   "Yes. The lord only needs to call Yuan Shao, ask Yuan Shao to stop the army, or even borrow the army, to break the son\'s text, occupy Yanzhou, and then wait for an opportunity to break with Yuan Shao. Please don\'t care about the momentary dignity and inferiority. Improving strength is everything."

   Cao Cao listened to the suggestion of a foreigner’s staff, and finally said slowly: “Submit to Yuan Benchu ​​and get Yanzhou’s words, so what’s wrong.”

   "Go and lobby Xu You, and you will succeed."


The Yanzhou lords of the anti-Cao Cao alliance, the leader of the Master Ziwen Conference, declared their determination: "Chu Zimou went to participate in the national war, and we must defeat Cao Cao as soon as possible. Otherwise, if Chu Zimou comes back, we have worked hard to defeat Cao Cao, and we will be married to others. clothes."

  The lords of Yanzhou all approved Gongziwen\'s proposal.

   They also knew that Chutian supported them to suppress Cao Cao, but they had no choice.

   "From tomorrow onwards, we will attack Cao Cao day and night, until Cao Cao is defeated! If he is willing to work for us, it would be great!"

   Yanzhou coalition forces once again fought Cao Cao\'s regiment outside Puyang city.

   Cao Cao brought Dianwei, Xiahou Dun, Xia Houyuan, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Yu Jin, Li Dian, Le Jin, Zhang Liao and other generals into the battle.

   With the support of foreigners, Cao Cao\'s power recovered slightly and decided to invite the Yanzhou coalition forces to fight.

  The two sides lined up and confronted each other. Cao Cao\'s side only had tens of thousands of people, but the Yanzhou coalition forces had been supplemented to gather more than 200,000 soldiers and horses under Puyang City!

  The drums of war beat, the Yanzhou Allied Forces took the initiative to attack the Cao Cao Army!

   They are numerous and have absolute advantages.

   The two sides shouted and shook the world, fighting under Puyang City, and hundreds of thousands of people in Puyang City were terrified.

   This general battle may determine the belonging and destiny of Yanzhou!

   Gongziwen was originally the lord of the East County. In order to avoid Cao Cao\'s edge, he moved to Dingtao in Jiyin County. Now he returns to the East County to compete with Cao Cao for the position of Yanzhou pastoralism.

  The battle between the two sides is going on, and Yu Jin led the 30,000 Qingzhou Army to press!

   Cao Chun led five hundred secretly recruited Tiger and Leopard Cavaliers to charge from the rear!

   Zhang Liao led eight hundred cavalry to fight with the Yanzhou Allied Forces, Megatron East County!


   "The weather is cold, the major event is not good, the Yanzhou coalition forces are defeated, the military heart is shaken, Gong Ziwen led the coalition forces to retreat from the east county, planning to retreat to Dingtao, in order to counterattack."

   After Xia Xia Liang tried to surrender Zhang Zhao, there were things that worried her. Xueyue, who is responsible for using players to inquire about intelligence, reports important news.

   The thing that Chutian was most worried about before leaving Xuzhou happened-Cao Cao defeated the Yanzhou Allied Forces, and it might sweep the entire Yanzhou!

   After the victory of the Battle of Xuzhou, Chutian himself captured the East Sea State, Xiapi State, and Pengcheng State of Xuzhou in succession, and became Xuzhou herd.

  Similarly, if Cao Cao wins, he has the ability and prestige to unify Yanzhou!

   "Gong Ziwen can be regarded by the lord as a **** that delays Cao Cao\'s development. There must be something extraordinary. He has a lot of troops and a military commander, Pang Juan, why would he lose to Cao Cao?"

   The summer is cold and puzzled.

   "Cao Cao secretly declared himself a minister to Yuan Shao and was willing to settle the land in Henan for the Yuan family, so Yuan Shao ordered Yan Liang to stop attacking Cao Cao. Cao Cao was able to send all his troops to fight against Gongziwen."

   "Most of the players from Yuan Shao\'s forces don\'t want to see our lord dominate the family south of the Yellow River, so they want to support Cao Cao against our adults."

   Summer cool speculates that players from Yuan Shao’s forces contributed to the reconciliation between Yuan Shao and Cao Cao. Otherwise, Yuan Shao’s character would not give up attacking Cao Cao easily after he broke his face with Cao Cao.

   Cao Cao became Yuan Shao\'s younger brother again. Yuan Shao saw that his goal was achieved, so he let Cao Cao control Yanzhou and threatened Xuzhou.

   The war to the north of the Yellow River continues, and the lords south of the Yellow River dominate their families.

   Except for Cao Cao, the south of the Yellow River lacks powerful princes to check and balance Chutian, so Yuan Shao\'s forces temporarily ignore their predecessors and continue to cooperate to check and balance Chutian.

   "Xueyue, is Gongziwen capable of holding Dingtao?"

   "Although the Yanzhou coalition forces were defeated by Cao Cao during the battle, they did not completely collapse, and the losses were not large, most of them could be defended."

   "You tell Gong Ziwen that if he sticks to it, Xuzhou will send troops to support him."

   "Are you going to send troops?"

   "Well. Lord Lord has left me the right to send troops appropriately. I can\'t sit back and watch Cao Cao annex Gongziwen. Cao Cao who unified Yanzhou will be very strong."

   "But... the opponent is Cao Cao, can you compete against him?"

   "We have Zhou Yafu here, as long as we help Gongziwen defend Dingtao in Jiyin County."

"I understand."

   After finishing contact with Xueyue, Xialiang recruited Zhou Yafu who is currently stationed in Xiapi.

"General Zhou Yafu, I order your army to move to Pengcheng, and then attack Peixian and Fengxian from Pengcheng. After capturing Peixian and Fengxian, support Dingtao. When you arrive at Dingtao, I will personally use the teleportation formation to go to Dingtao City to command. "

Zhou Yafu has no objection to accepting Xia Liang\'s order, but he has objections to Xia Liang personally going to Dingtao to command: "Miss Xia, please refrain from taking risks. Once Cao Cao besieged the city and the teleportation array fails, you will be in danger. Up."

   "You just follow the order."

   "I will obey at the end."

   Zhou Yafu left.

   "Zhou Yafu and Zhou Cang can contain Cao Cao. This should be the reason why the lord left them. If there are more generals, it will be fine. Yes, there is one Xu Rong who did not surrender."

   Xia Liang specially brought Xu Rong, who was **** with five flowers, to come over.

   "General Xu, you have been detained for several months, have you figured it out?"

   Xia Liang knew that Chu Tian had been persuading Xu Rong to surrender, but Xu Rong never surrendered.

"If your lord Dong Zhuo is named the state of the country and abolishes the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, will you continue to be loyal to him? If your lord Dong Zhuo has no determination to help the world, and no ambition to compete in the Central Plains, will you continue to be loyal to him? Will you continue to be loyal to him? General Huaxiong has been in harmony with all the generals since he took refuge in our Master Xuzhou Mu, and has made achievements. Why should General Xu be reserved, even if I am a female stream?"

   Xia Liang’s words stimulated Xu Rong, and Xu Rong finally wavered: "Is Dong Zhuo really losing his ambition?"

   "He is old, unable to make progress early, and has a cholera court, there is really no need to follow him. In contrast, Master Zhou Mu is young and promising, and..."

   Xia Liang originally wanted to say handsome, but it seemed that this characteristic had nothing to do with Xu Rong, so he said, "It\'s only talent."

   "That\'s all. I really didn\'t expect to be scolded by a woman today. The girl rushed to surrender me temporarily, presumably she had an order."

   "Yes, I want you to deal with someone."


   "Cao Cao."

   "But Cao Mengde? Is he not an ally with you?"

   "There are no eternal friends between the forces, only eternal interests. Does General Xu understand this truth?"

   "The girl believes that Xu Rong will not betray me temporarily?"

   "I believe you will not have a better choice. Lord of our family, is the most promising state animal husbandry south of the Yellow River."

"I understand."

   Xu Rong was scolded, but instead surrendered.

   If Chutian knew that Xia Liang was so easy to surrender Xu Rong, he would be very depressed.

   In summer, the cool general Xu Rong sent to assist the Yanzhou coalition forces to resist Cao Cao\'s offensive.

   Xu Rong is a great enemy to Cao Cao.

   "Since I am trusted, I will go to Dingtao at the end."

After Xia Liang left Xu Rong, he raised his cheeks and thought for a while: "Let Chen Gui present the map of Guangling County, order Chen Deng to recruit 10,000 new recruits in Tancheng, and make the offensive army that Le Yi didn\'t take away move to Huaiyin County. Moved to Quxian County. After the national war is over, we will immediately attack Guangling County and capture the last county of Xuzhou. Regardless of whether or not Cao Cao can be stopped, we must unify Xuzhou faster than Cao Cao can unify Yanzhou."


   The lord of the Yanzhou Allied Forces, the son of Wen Xin was ashamed, he was defeated in the Battle of Puyang.

   He did not expect Yuan Shao to betray his promise and stop attacking Cao Cao from the direction of the white horse.

   Cao Cao received the assistance of military commanders Zhang Liao and Yu Jin, secretly recruited Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, and finally defeated Gongziwen\'s loose coalition forces.

   "I originally thought that the situation would change after Chu Zimou left Xuzhou, but I didn\'t expect it would be worse. Without Chu Zimou, who is in charge of Xuzhou? Will that person send soldiers to support me? Now it\'s cold!"

   Gongziwen turned to the defensive. He was worried that he could not hold Dingtao, and Xuzhou refused to send reinforcements.

   Xueyue took the initiative to contact Gongziwen: "Our Xuzhou Xia Pixiang has decided to send Zhou Yafu\'s army to support, and Xu Rong has been appointed as the cavalry captain to assist your coalition commander in command of the cavalry."

   "I\'m also worried that the person who manages Xuzhou\'s internal affairs does not know what is called lip and tooth cold. I didn\'t expect her to react so quickly. It seems that I was too worried. This time, with Zhou Yafu and Xu Rong\'s help, Cao Cao will definitely not be able to capture Dingtao."

   Gong Ziwen heard that Xuzhou had sent Zhou Yafu and Xu Rong, and he couldn\'t help but breathe a sigh of relief.


   After the Cao Cao Corps defeated the Yanzhou Allied Forces, they pursued 30 kilometers south, killed 20,000 Yanzhou Allied Forces, and made a forced landing of 30,000. The remaining soldiers and horses retreated in the direction of Dingtao City.

   Like Chutian lost half of his elite in the battle of Xuzhou, Cao Cao lost half of his elite after the battle of Yanzhou.

  The master Xun You, who was recruited by the player to Cao Cao’s camp, suggested: "Although our army has lost a lot, the morale of the enemy has already been lost. You can take advantage of the victory and pursue it to determine Yanzhou in one fell swoop and achieve an unworldly achievement."

   A group of players urged: "Seize this opportunity to annex the entire Yanzhou, especially to capture the coalition stronghold Dingtao!"

   Cao Cao finally won and passed the most difficult period of time. As long as Dingtao is laid down and Gongziwen is captured, the anti-Cao Cao alliance will naturally collapse, and no one can stop him from occupying Yanzhou.

   Cao Cao couldn\'t help laughing when he thought that the anti-Cao Cao alliance called by Chu Zimou was about to collapse.

   "Why is the lord laughing?"

   "I laughed that Chu Zi had no plan, and only left a woman to guard the family. If he kept a talented person to guard the family, how would we succeed?"

   "Master, that woman... Not long ago, she guarded her home with ten thousand and broke one hundred thousand coalition forces."


   Cao Cao found that he somewhat underestimated the ability of Xia Liang.

   "Report! Xuzhou sent a 40,000 army army to Dingtao for reinforcements, and the commander is Zhou Yafu!"

   "Report! Xu Rong has arrived at Dingtao City as the captain of the Yanzhou Allied Forces!"

   "Report! The other legions in Xuzhou were mobilized, the marching location is unknown, the stationing location is unknown, some towns are recruiting troops, the purpose is unknown!"

   Cao Cao learned of Xuzhou’s rapid response ~www.novelhall.com~ the corners of his eyes twitched. Originally, he could occupy the entire Yanzhou in one go. Now that Xuzhou forces have intervened in the Yanzhou dispute, the attack on Dingtao didn\'t know that it would take the year of the monkey to succeed.

   "Chu Zi got a wife like this, so what can the husband do."

   Cao Cao was targeted again and was very depressed. This time he was going to compete with Zhou Yafu.

   As long as Zhou Yafu can\'t stick to it, and the main force that drags Chu Zimou back to Xuzhou, then Cao Cao will once again face the fear of being dominated by Chu Zimou.


   Chutian, who was on the battlefield of the National Warfare, did not know what happened in Xuzhou and Yanzhou.

   He assembled a large number of troops, ready to go to destroy a lord of Goryeo and a lord of Dongying.

  The injured Zhao Yun was left by Chutian to defend the city, and the Sui Dynasty fierce general Shi Wansui temporarily replaced Zhao Yun.

   Chutian assembled 12,000 main forces, including Zhao Long’s Jizhou cavalry, and 14,000 servants, to crusade the city near the western woods.

   "I wonder if Cao Cao is still being suppressed by Gongziwen?"

   "And what about Xuzhou now..."

   Chutian suddenly felt a little worried about Xuzhou.

   Although Zhou Yafu is left, there is only one Zhou Yafu, which is too difficult to use.

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