Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 256: Arabian war horse and camel

"There are elephant soldiers on the opposite side!"


   Lian Po\'s regiment, the prefect Huma of Jiuyuan County, was attacked by a hundred war elephants. A large number of soldiers were killed. Lian Po was barely supported by heavy infantry.

  War elephants are raging! Huge war elephants trampled in the rebellion, poisonous blades tied to the ivory, and the infantry fell one by one. There is a solid wooden tower on the back of the war elephant, and the archers and spearmen stab the soldiers of the Eastern Han Dynasty with their spears and spears. The archers shoot and kill the enemies they see.

   The vast majority of lords in the Eastern Han Dynasty did not have experience in fighting elephant soldiers, and suffered a big loss under the premise of insufficient experience.

   If it were not for Lian Po as the main general, I am afraid the whole army would collapse!

   "This Eastern Han army is really tenacious. It has not collapsed even after being attacked by 30,000 people from our Mughal Empire."

  Indian Mughal empire lord Kshatriya and two other lord lords fought against Limpo Army.

   A high lord cannot deny: "The lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty has powerful generals and arms. I suspect that the lord of our Mughal killed was killed by the lord of the Eastern Han."

"No matter what, the lord we attacked must have a huge influence in the Eastern Han Dynasty. If he can be killed and his hero captured, it can cause huge losses to the Eastern Han Dynasty. My hero Shivaji can strengthen the control of the elephants. , They want to crack my elephant soldier, it is almost impossible."

   Kshatriya\'s hero Shivaji rode on the elephant, and at the same time commanded the light cavalry to besiege the Lianpo Army. Thirty thousand Mughal soldiers clung to the Lianpo army.

"hold fast!"

   Lianpo Legion was extremely tenacious and was not completely defeated. He protected lord Huma all the way back to the city. The archers of the city covered Lian Po and the others into the city.

   Huma returned to the city alive, and finally blocked the fierce war elephant with the towering walls.

   He came to the city wall with an arrow stuck in the zhajia. The bleeding continued, and the doctor quickly healed him.

   "If I were prepared, would I lose to the elephant soldier? And his fighting appearance is very different, his fighting appearance is very calm!"

   Huma gritted his teeth when he saw the war elephants demonstrating under the city.

   Fortunately, he occupied a city in advance, otherwise the Lianpo army might be wiped out under the attack of three Mughal lords.

  The war elephant troops of the Mughal Empire are different from ordinary war elephant troops. Even if they use a long spear phalanx, it is difficult to panic the war elephants.

   Lianpo hit a few arrows, but his scaled armor reduced the damage caused by the crossbow arrows: "Master, we must contact other lords in order to compete with the enemy."

   "Where is the lord of our Eastern Han Dynasty?"


   "Where are the other Eastern Han lords?"

   Chutian sent cavalry to investigate around, and found five or six civilized lords one after another, but never found the lords of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

  Before reuniting with other Eastern Han lords, Chu Tian was looking for fighters, trying to capture as many servants as possible and earning points.

   "General Zhao Yun is injured!"

   Zhao Yun, who patrolled out of the city, returned to the city and returned home with injuries.

   A dozen white horses followed Zhao Yun. Their white robe was stained red with blood. Many people had arrows on their bodies, and Zhao Yun had seven or eight arrows hanging on his bright armor.

   A white horse fell from the horse, holding the injured shoulder, and forbearing the pain.

   Zhao Yun frowned. He was shot by so many arrows and still not killed. Zhao Yun\'s vitality was extremely tenacious.

   "Mr. Hua Tuo, please come!"

  The genius doctor Hua Tuo and a group of doctors treated Zhao Yun and others. Among the doctors was Li Lan, who started working in the army from Xia Village. Li Lan has reached the threshold of senior physicians.

   Hua Tuo couldn\'t help frowning when he saw that Zhao Yun hadn\'t died with eight arrows in his body.

   Zhao Yun\'s injury is really not optimistic.

   Hua Tuo cut off the arrow shaft, causing Zhao Yun to remove his armor, revealing his sturdy body: "The process of taking out the arrow clusters will be painful. I have numb here to relieve the pain."

   When Chutian learned about Zhao Yun\'s injury, he came to understand the situation.

   With Zhao Yun\'s force at the level of the five tiger generals, he would be seriously injured and his force was greatly reduced.

Zhao Yun said: "At the end we will encounter a light cavalry. Their horses are very fast. Our group of more than 30 people was surrounded by six or seven hundred enemy horses, killing hundreds of enemies, and then we successfully broke through. There may be a few behind them. Thousands of cavalry, and camel cavalry."

   No wonder Zhao Yun was seriously injured, because he was surrounded by twenty times the number of enemies.

   Zhao Yun can bring half of the cavalry out of the encirclement, which is already very difficult.

   "Where is the enemy?"

   "It\'s only seven or eight miles away from this city."

   "Send someone to investigate immediately!"

   Chutian learned that Zhao Yun was once surrounded, and the enemy appeared nearby and immediately mobilized scout cavalry.

   He noticed the horses mentioned by Zhao Yun, and asked, "How do their war horses compare to Liaodong and Liangzhou horses?"

   "I am afraid it will still be above Liaodong Horse and Liangzhou Horse."

   "Could it be an Arabian war horse?"

   Chutian thought of the camel cavalry, and could not help thinking of the civilization of the Arab Empire.

   There is an extremely fine war horse in the Arab Empire civilization, the Arabian horse. After modern times, both the West and the East have introduced Arabian horses to improve the quality of native horse breeds.

  In addition to Arabian horses, there are also particularly excellent war horses such as Dawan horses and Wusun horses. During Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sought war horses from the Western Regions.

  The breed of war horse is determined by the geographical environment, and has nothing to do with civilization.

   The more Chu Tian thinks about it, the more possible it is.

   If a group of tall Arabian horses (height 144-152cm) were captured and returned to the Eastern Han Dynasty to improve the local horse breeds in Xuzhou, it might be possible to increase the breeds of Xuzhou war horses.

   However, Arabian horses may not be able to breed in Xuzhou.

   "Catch it first before talking."

  Chu Tian ordered Zhao Yun to rest well, and decided to conscript troops to attack the cavalry of the Arab Empire.

   Thousands of Arab cavalry occupied a town and used scimitars, spears, and javelins to ransack the townspeople. The entire town was billowed with black smoke and wailing.

   "Unexpectedly, I was defeated by the Mughal lord of India, and my city was also taken away by them."

   The lord of the Arab Empire lost in the battle with the lord of the Mughal Empire, Kshatriya, and was forced to retreat to the west. On the way, he was about to encounter Zhao Yun out of the city to patrol, so he chased him down.

   Zhao Yun did not expect that a cavalry of several thousand men would approach, and could only break through the encirclement at the cost of serious injuries with superb force.

   "The small group of cavalry I encountered during the day seemed to be the armies of other lords. There must be a city nearby. As long as the city is captured and soldiers are recruited, I still have a chance to hit the world rankings."

   Hundreds of camels surround the fire to form a camel town.

   Camel cavalry is only a special auxiliary unit. The Arab conquest still relies on the combination of light cavalry and heavy cavalry. Arabian horses are the resources that the lords of the Arab Empire value.

   Thousands of Arab cavalry rested in the town, and a small group of men and horses patrolled.

  The Arabian cavalry is exhausted after continuous fighting.

   Before dawn in the early morning, a team of soldiers and horses surrounded thousands of Arab cavalry in secret.

   "The Arabs haven\'t noticed the danger, and the **** of death has stretched out their sickles. The rocket will light up the night, and the neigh of the horses will wake the sleeping soldiers..."

   Chutian learnt from the western bard talking to himself.

  What is Lord Lord talking about?

   Li Xiuning, who temporarily served as the escort, was at a loss.

   Chutian ordered the shooting camp to ambush, and he also brought four thousand servants.

   The terrible thing about "Tian Khan" is that as long as it can win against foreign races, the servant army will continue to grow. Using the minion army as cannon fodder doesn\'t hurt at all.

   Le Yi, who is good at siege, led a thousand heavy infantry and four thousand servants to attack the city.

   When the Arabs in the town were loosing their defenses, the 5,000-strong siege force launched a storming attack on the town!

   Arrow Rain shot and killed the patrolling Arab cavalry. Li Guang led the infantry to ascend again, slashing more than ten enemies and seizing the gate!

   Xue Rengui, Hua Mulan, and Hua Xiong’s cavalry drove straight in!

   The Arab Empire soldiers knew they could not defend, so they fled through another gate of the town.

   Chutian personally led the Shearing Battalion and Li Xiuning\'s Women\'s Army to ambush early. The Arabian cavalry fell asleep and was covered by the Shearing Battalion’s rockets.

   The rocket and the pale sky left nowhere to hide the Arab soldiers trying to escape.

   Hundreds of soldiers from the Arab Empire were shot and killed by rockets, and there were running horses and camels everywhere.

   This is to avenge Zhao Yun, but also to accumulate points.

   There is no grievance between the Arab Empire and the Eastern Han Dynasty for the time being, which does not mean that Chutian cannot take the initiative to attack.

   About one thousand Arab soldiers were killed in the battle and three thousand Arab cavalry were captured.

   The size of Chutian\'s servant army rose to 7,000.

   Chutian is not interested in Arab soldiers wrapped in turbans and partially robes. He is interested in Arab war horses and camel cavalry.

   Camel cavalry is far inferior to cavalry except for its miraculous effects in the desert. In other terrains, various data will drop.

   At least the camel soldiers have no effect in Chutian Xuzhou.

   Fang Xuanling continued to work on statistics: "There are about 5,000 horses, including war horses and workhorses, and there are 400 camels."

   "How many heavy cavalry are there?"

   "There are about 300 heavy cavalry."

   "In addition to the heavy cavalry captured before, there are 600 heavy cavalry in the servant army alone."

   Chutian found that he had a powerful force in his hand.

   Chutian specifically attacked these lords who possessed war horses, and then captured war horses from them, and could earn more than one hundred thousand taels of silver.

   Of the five thousand war horses looted from the Arabs, one of them was a king-class war horse.

   [Name]: Top Arabian War Horse (King Class)

   [Load]: A [Speed]: S

   [Endurance]: A [Impact force]: SS

   [grain and grass]: 20 units/year

   [Description]: A good breed of Arabian war horses, but not cold-resistant, not suitable for swamps and other terrain.

   Chutian saw a king-level war horse for the first time.

   It\'s a pity to ride such a war horse for myself.

   Chutian seldom rushes into battle himself, so he intends to reward the war horse to the hero: "Who wants this war horse?"

   Xue Rengui, Li Guang, and Hua Xiong couldn\'t help but move when they saw the king-class horse.

  Hua Xiong, as a heavy cavalry general, originally wanted to get off this horse suitable for heavy cavalry, but military commander Fang Xuanling glared at him. He dared not ask for a king-level Arabian war horse.

   Xue Rengui understood Fang Xuanling\'s meaning: "The lord can reward General Mulan."

   "Then this war horse will be taken care of by General Hua Mulan."

   Chutian\'s refusal to the generals was in sight, but he didn\'t say much.

   Hua Mulan, as the first military commander, was a favorite in the Chutian camp. Everyone let her go, even Xia Liang had to consider her attitude. So there are good things that Xue Rengui, Li Guang, and Fang Xuanling will keep for Mulan.

   "Thank you, Lord..."

   Hua Mulan accepted a king-class war horse. In her opinion, it might be a bride price...

   "All the camels are transported back to the city, there is no need to divide the troops to guard the town."

   Although he didn\'t know what the camels were, and Chu Tian didn\'t want to use camel cavalry, Chu Tian still left the camels.

  The end of the national war can also make a fortune by taking it back and selling it.

   Chutian returned to the city, and at the same time he began to lay out the occupation of the second city.

   "When all the 20,000 low-level soldiers are recruited and there are extra troops to defend the city, we will attack the second city northward and get more points output."

   Chutian’s strategy is also very simple.

  Occupy a city, recruit low-level soldiers to defend the city, and then the main force and servants will attack another city.

   In this way, the main force and the servant army can always be left vacant for decisive battles with other lords.

   It is the seventh day of the national war. Chu Tian has defeated three lords, two of which have died in battle.

   The severity of the national war is not trivial.

   Or Chutian\'s subordinates are too cruel. Hua Mulan directly killed the lord of the Mughal Empire in India, and the lord of the Arab Empire was shot to death by the sound of shooting camp.

   "A lord of Guiyang County died in battle."

   Chutian was paying attention to the lords of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and discovered that the lords of Guiyang County were killed in battle, mostly destroyed by lords of other civilizations.

   On the battlefield where the lord of Guiyang County was killed, 10,000 Eastern Han soldiers were attracted to the valley by the Roman legions, and the entire army was wiped out~www.novelhall.com~ Roman commander Scipio and several other generals led the Roman legions to clean the battlefield.

   Great Scipia stepped on the dragon banner of the Guiyang County Legion: "If this is the strength of the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty, then the Eastern Han Dynasty is not our Roman opponent."

   "It is estimated that this is only a middle-sized lord in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and there is nothing to be proud of defeating him. None of the ten most powerful lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty has been wiped out."

   The Roman Lord carried a long sword. This was the first Eastern Han regiment he destroyed.

   He tried to attack the Eastern Han Legion with the Roman Legion, and the result was a complete victory, which made him feel confident.

   After the Roman legions had cleared the battlefield, they marched westward.

   Not far from the Roman Legion, the Qin Legion carried by Old Qin is approaching the Roman Legion.

  赳赳Lao Qin has found traces of the Roman legion.

  He is following the Roman legionaries, trying to defeat the Roman legions.

   "Who can be better than the Roman Legion or the Daqin Legion? He has Scipio under his command, but I do not have Bai Qi and Wang Jiang, which is a bit of a disadvantage for me. My advantage is that there are generals such as Lu Bu and Gao Shun."

  赳赳 Old Qin could not make up his mind to attack the Roman Legion.

   "African Conqueror" Scipia, to the Roman Empire, was equivalent to Bai Qi and Wang Jian to the Qin Dynasty.

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