Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 254: Crush the 2nd Lord of Goryeo

In the forest outside the city, the ambushing Korean soldiers slammed out and ambushed the defenders chasing after the city!

   Six thousand defenders were attacked by the elite special arms of Korea, and the whole army was wiped out!

   "The level of this group of defenders is generally only 30, which is too weak."

   Goryeo lord Lee Min-chul\'s Besie Wuban easily surrounded and wiped out the 6000 defenders out of the city.

   Annihilating the main force of the defenders means that the city\'s forces are empty and can seize the city.

   "This city belongs to me!"

  The elite of the martial arts class and a group of Korean soldiers quickly marched towards the city.

  The war eagle is still monitoring the movement of the Goryeo army in the air.

   "Cavalry! Cavalry is approaching!"

   Goryeo scout cavalry spotted the enemy cavalry!

   "Shenqi Camp immediately go to volley!"

   Li Minzhe did not expect to be ambushed after winning, indicating that the other party was deliberately ambushing, in order to wait for him to win and attack!

  His commander Yi Yan hurriedly lined up troops, but...

   "The Cavalry Camp was destroyed by the enemy\'s cavalry assault!"

   "How could my **** riding camp be defeated so quickly..."

   Yi Yan was shocked.

  Besides, the military squad can have the greatest effect with the cooperation of multiple branches. Once the Shenqi camp is destroyed, the remaining battalions will be quite passive.

   "Retreat to the woods!"

   The Goryeo army began to retreat to the nearby woods.

   The cavalry on the opposite side is exceptionally powerful. Being in the plain terrain means that they will be harassed by the opposing cavalry.

  The Goryeo army hurriedly retreated. After breaking up, Li Minzhe saw the rout of Shenqi camp cavalry appear on the horizon, and in the back were the white horse Yicong chasing them, and the Chilong Banner, which symbolized the Eastern Han District!

   As a pioneer, Baima Yoshicong took the lead in defeating the sacred riding camp of the Betsuba class!

   Zhao Yun\'s silver armor and white robe, follow behind the defeated army of Shenqi Camp to chase and kill!

   "East... the army of the Eastern Han Dynasty!"

   Li Minzhe is very familiar with the flag used in the Eastern Han Dynasty war. It was obviously the army of the lord of the Eastern Han that ambushed him!

   Goryeo and the Eastern Han dynasty feuded in the first national war, and this time they united with the civilizations around the Eastern Han to suppress the Eastern Han. The two sides have become the same.

   Baima Yicong smashed the Shenqi Camp and used his shooting to interfere with the retreating Shenbu Camp.

   Hua Mulan led the iron eagle scout cavalry to round the flank, trying to cut his way.

   Xue Rengui and Li Guang’s archers appeared!

   With the appearance of Li Guang, Li Guang’s "parachutist" characteristics are effective, and the morale of the Korean army has dropped!

  The Goryeo army that was attacked by the cavalry was like a potato being chopped off, and the peripheral troops continued to die and decrease.

   Fortunately, the long-range arms such as the stem bow, the fine crossbow, and the pyrotechnic used arrow rain and low-level firearms to contain the Eastern Han cavalry attacks, otherwise the entire army would collapse.

   Flying General Li Guang even went straight ahead and shot three arrows in a row, shooting the three soldiers from the opposite Jingbow Camp to death!

   "The formation must not fall apart!"

   Li Minzhe commanded in a hurry suddenly felt a frightening breath, and he and his army fell into panic.

   This feeling seems familiar.

   During the first national war, Li Minzhe, who was trapped in Anshicheng, once felt this kind of aura in a person-Li Shimin, the Tang army coach at the time!

   The characteristics of "Tian Khan" are suppressing the Korean army!

   Chutian led the shooting battalion, the Detachment of Women, the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, and the heavy infantry to catch up. He personally played, "Tian Khan" and "Han Army Soul" will be effective.

   A lord who ranked top two in Korea was completely suppressed by Chutian\'s army.

   "The lords of Goryeo are not weak, and they can barely maintain the formation after being attacked. I really underestimate the heroes of the world."

   Chutian saw that the 10,000-strong army on the opposite side had not fled, but was still retreating in a certain direction, and his expression became more solemn.

   He must be more cautious, not to stumble during the national war.

   It was only after Chutian that the lords in front of him were the second-ranked lords of the Goryeo Kingdom and the special arms "Beef Martial Class", not ordinary lords of the Goryeo Kingdom. Even so, Li Minzhe was directly disabled by him at the beginning of the national war...

  Unlucky Li Minzhe finally fled to the woods after losing part of his troops, using fences and woods to prevent the Eastern Han army from approaching.

  Wooden fences and woods can effectively deter the cavalry from charging and shooting.

   "Lord, please let the general lead the heavy infantry and shooting battalion to encircle the opponent\'s remnants."

   In order to establish a reputation and fully integrate into the Xuzhou camp, Le Yi volunteered to encircle Li Minzhe.

   The second lord of the Goryeo Kingdom is just a barbarian mountain in his eyes.

Chu Tian had intended to agree to the offensive Le Yi completely destroying the Korean army, but Hua Mulan reported to Chu Tian urgently: "Another lord\'s army is coming quickly, and the scout cavalry has detected their flag. The flag is a four-shaped diamond. The banner uses Chinese characters!"

   "Four-shaped Ling..."

   Chutian judges the civilization of the opponent based on the banner.

   Not all regiments with flags in Chinese characters are the regiments of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   Dongying Army also likes to use Chinese characters.

   "This is the banner of the Takeda family of Toei."

   Chutian soon had a judgment.

   Takeda Shingen, the first military expert of the Eastern Warring States Period, the Tiger of Kai.

   He borrowed from "The Art of War of Sun Tzu" and used the tactical concept of "It is as fast as the wind, it is like a forest, aggression is like fire, and it is immovable as a mountain", which is famous in Dongying District.

   Chutian doesn\'t know how Takeda Shingen was in history, but in "The Lord", Takeda has one of the strongest cavalry in the East, and it will not be weak.

   Goryeo and Dongying colluded, then this Dongying lord will probably help the Goryeo lord.

   "Take the prisoners and go to siege the city."

   Chutian retreated in due course after the enemy’s reinforcements arrived.

  It is uncomfortable to be attacked by the Lord of Korea and Lord of Dongying.

   Chutian’s luck was not very good. The two lords who appeared in this area were the leaders of their respective civilization zones, and they came to the war with special units.

   Chutian has the ability to completely destroy them, but too much loss of force will only lead to two endings. Either there is not enough force to attack the city, or the fourth lord who wanders nearby is attacked.

  The top priority is to occupy the city and get supplies.

   After Chutian\'s army left with more than a thousand Korean prisoners, Li Minzhe sat on the ground, gasping for breath.

   Almost, he was wiped out by Chu Tian\'s army, and he was about to become a prisoner of Chu Tian.

   Given the grievances between him and the Eastern Han Dynasty, he didn\'t think Chu Tian would let him go.

   "The army of the suzerain country is so powerful, my other military squad has no resistance in front of them. Which lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty is he?"

   Li Minzhe has a deeper understanding of the horror of the lord of the suzerain country.

   Although it was said that the Chutian Army had a raid element and caught Li Minzhe by surprise, Li Minzhe could see the huge gap between the two sides.

   If the gap between the two sides were not too great, his army could not be defeated so easily.

   "White robe and white horse, there were two lords in the Eastern Han Dynasty who owned such a cavalry, the lord of Western Liaoning, Prince Yan, and...the Eastern Han\'s Chu Zimou!"

   Li Minzhe trembled when he thought of the terrible man.

   That is a high lord with a population of tens of millions. The name of Chu Zimou has replaced me. I just want to farm well and spread throughout Korea and Wa!

   "It\'s really bad luck to meet him, but he has a chance to destroy me, why did he take the initiative to withdraw his troops?"

   Li Minzhe knew that Chu Tian would not be merciful during the national war. There must be a reason for his withdrawal of troops, so there is only one possibility-another lord will come.

   An army composed of five hundred red cavalry, thousands of Samurai from the Takeda clan, and Ashikaru (low-level infantry) replaced the retreating Chutian Army and appeared on the horizon.

   "The lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the lord of Goryeo had better lose both. There is no need to sacrifice precious bare cavalry to rescue the lord of Goryeo."

   If Lord Dongying alone led the red cavalry to march at a rapid pace, he might be able to intercept the Chutian Legion.

   But he did not want to fight with the Chutian Army.

   It is better to let the Eastern Han Dynasty and Goryeo consume it instead of doing it personally.

   Li Minzhe is on guard against the red cavalry.

   He has already recognized that this is one of the most advanced cavalry in the Toyo area. I am afraid it is still a hundred-armed cavalry borrowed from Daimyo Shingen Takeda.

   Out of distrust of the lord of Dongying, he and the general Yi Heng brought hundreds of soldiers to negotiate with each other at a distance of 20 meters.

   "I am Lee Min-cheol, the lord of the opening of the capital of Korea. I was attacked by the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty not long ago. My army was defeated by him."

  "Tadayoshi Takeda, lord of Dongying. I heard that you are the second-ranked lord of Goryeo, really embarrassed."

   Lord Dongying had obvious disdain in his eyes.

  The second lord of a civilized area was defeated as soon as the battle started, which really detracted from the image of a civilized area.

   But this is the case with the lord of Goryeo.

   probably aware of the disdain from allies, Li Minzhe explained: "The army that attacked me is the army of the world\'s first lord. You should know what this means?"

   "Chu Zimou of the Eastern Han Dynasty?"

  Tadayoshi Takeda finally moved.

   If it was Chu Zimou\'s army that attacked Li Minzhe, it is not incomprehensible that Li Minzhe\'s army was defeated.

   Lee Min Chol is ranked second in Korea, but he may not be seen enough in the world.

   "We can only fight against it if we join forces."

   "Yes. But before that, we have to capture a town to get supplies."

   The lords of two different civilization zones formally joined forces.

   After Chutian evacuated the battlefield, he immediately went to attack and defend the empty city.

   Li Minzhe, the lord of the Goryeo Kingdom, was calculated, Chu Tian picked up the bargain, and let Le Yi command the siege.

   At the same time, Hua Mulan\'s cavalry was exploring around to prevent the city from being picked up by other lords when the city was broken.

   In order to reduce the loss of troops, before the siege, Chutian personally persuaded the soldiers from Goryeo to descend.

   When Chutian came to the Goryeo captives, the Korean captives feared Chutian like a tiger, as if they had seen the real Tian Khan.

   The battle just now killed and injured a thousand people in the Korean army and captured a thousand people.

   "As the defeated, your lives belong to me. In my words, your heads fall to the ground. Work for me and drive me to survive!"

  Chu Tian made a forced landing himself. Approximately 700 Korean soldiers were frightened by Chu Tian\'s invisible coercion. They knelt down and surrendered, treating Chu Tian as the co-lord of the world.

   "They will be driven by you, for your use."

   Chutian handed over 700 Korean soldiers to Le Yi to use as cannon fodder for the siege.

  The troops that Chutian brought from Xuzhou were all elite, and it was not cost-effective to spend on siege.

   For Chutian, using Korean soldiers as cannon fodder is not at all distressing.

   Le Yi was surprised at Chutian\'s ability to tame foreign races, but since he had obtained an excellent cannon fodder unit, he used Korean soldiers as the main force to attack this city.

   If Li Minzhe knew that his elite would be used as a siege cannon fodder after being captured, he would surely know how to use it. This is a Tier 5 arms recruited at a high price!

  Le Yi’s siege ability is extremely powerful. Li Guang volunteered to act as the first ascend, leading a group of Goryeo infantry on the city wall, beheading more than a dozen enemy soldiers in one fell swoop, then seizing the city gate, and the cavalry marching into the city!

   "The city is so easily captured, thanks to the generous Lord of Goryeo."

   Chutian effortlessly won a city.

   After having a city, he doesn\'t need to worry about food for the time being.

   Fang Xuanling quickly understood the resources of this city: "This city has a six-level barracks, and there are a lot of gold and silver and weapons..."

   "Recruit a group of low-level arms as cannon fodder."

   Chutian forcibly enlisted 20,000 young men in the city to be transferred to low-level arms.

   The training period of low-level arms is short, which is suitable for forming a strength advantage in the early stage.

   Next is the formation of a 10,000-person food transport team to prevent insufficient food supplies during long-term operations.

   Chutian gathered all the horses and grains in the city together.

  He doesn\'t need to build this city, so he can use all the resources in the city with confidence.

   The last is to recruit high-level arms.

   High-ranking cavalry needs qualified horses. Chu Tian only found dozens of qualified war-horses in the city, unable to recruit more high-ranking cavalry.

   So he recruited qualified women\'s soldiers throughout the city.

   The Detachment of Women has only a limited source of troops, and does not need to consider equipment, so it can expand its troops on a large scale.

   Under the coercion and lure of Chutian, all 1,000 qualified women in the city were rushed to the sixth-level barracks for training, in order to train into women\'s army as soon as possible.

   Chutian does not need to worry about the people\'s hearts, so he can recruit so many troops.

   This is a bit of a force.

   Chutian used the collected weapons and armor to recruit soldiers for his "Fifth Northern Army-Infantry Battalion".

   Infantry Battalion is a battalion of the North Army’s Fifth Academy. Like the Shooting Battalion, it is a Tier 6 arms and Tier 6 light infantry.

  【Types of Arms】: Infantry Battalion (Fifth Northern Army Academy)

   [Order]: Tier VI light infantry

   [attack power]: 20 [defense power]: 10 [speed]: 6

   [Skills]: Advanced Fen Xun, Advanced Shield Formation, Advanced Spear Formation, Han Soul (Damage to foreign race +10%)

  [Military Salary]: 6 taels/month

  [Required Equipment]: Gold-level swords and halberds, silver-level crossbows, silver-level shields, qualified troops, etc.

   [Training period]: 2 months

  [Quantity limit]: Three thousand

  The equipment searched in the city can only recruit 1,000 infantry battalions~www.novelhall.com~1,000 infantry battalions, 1,000 women\'s corps, plus dozens of high-level cavalry, 20,000 low-level units..."

   Chutian carefully counted the gains of conquering this city.

   It is a pity that there are not many horses that qualified high-ranking cavalry ride in this city.

   Chutian scored 351 points in this battle, ranking 13th in the world.

   During this period, many lords broke out in conflict. The number one Catherine has reached 800 points.

   "It\'s really a group of war mads, can\'t everyone get along in peace?"

   Chutian couldn\'t help but sigh.

   "Master, found an army of the Mughal Empire in India to the east!"

   "Assemble immediately and destroy them!"

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