Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 227: Hunting

"They are in the middle."

  Yang Ye learned that Li Guang led four thousand cavalry into the ambush circle, and was about to lead the cavalry to attack Li Guang.

   Suddenly, a sense of crisis came to his mind, and Yang Ye\'s intuition made him hesitate a bit.

   Attack or retreat? Yang Ye hesitated.

   According to his intelligence, Langya Kingdom has almost no record of defeat, and their lord will not easily fall.

   "You go and test each other."

   Out of cautious consideration, Yang Ye instructed the deputy to take four thousand cavalry to attack Li Guang, personally keeping a thousand elite cavalry to support him.

  The lieutenant is a gold-ranked general general, and he is out with an ambush!

   There is an ambush!

   Li Guang received Hua Mulan\'s notice in advance. He already knew that Yang Ye had set up an ambush ahead, so he didn\'t panic.

   The Western Han Archers were the archers of the Han Army, with a very high hit rate. The light cavalry on the opposite side was either shot or injured.

   Three hundred cavalry archers formed an array of the moon, shooting dozens of Xuzhou cavalry one after another.

   Li Guang bends the bow himself, with great strength, directly shoots through the opponent\'s Zha armor, the Xuzhou cavalry rolls off the galloping horse!

   Part of the light cavalry dismounted and carried spears, blocking the impact of the Xuzhou light cavalry.

   Li Guang’s tribe advances and retreats in an orderly manner, Yang Ye has a bottom line.

   It seems that Li Guang has probably discovered his ambush.


   As a difficult opponent, Yang Ye stopped entangled with Li Guang after being found in ambush.

   Ming Jin retreated, Yang Ye covered the four thousand cavalry retreat.

  The black war eagle hovered in the air, always staring at Yang Ye\'s whereabouts...

   "It\'s really hard to deal with."

   Hua Mulan found that Yang Ye could not be calculated.

   The opponent\'s sense of danger is so acute that Hua Mulan\'s anti-ambustion failed.

   Li Guang led the cavalry to kill and injure about two hundred cavalry soldiers, and then evacuated and surrounded him.

   "That Yang Ye left when the situation was bad. I still want to shoot him to death with an arrow."

   Li Guang was unhappy when he failed to lead Yang Ye out.

Zhou Yafu then rushed to him. He originally planned to take advantage of Hua Mulan, Li Guang and Yang Ye\'s fierce battle to attack Yang Ye with troops, but when he learned that Yang Ye immediately drove away, he couldn’t help but sigh: “With his caution, it’s another light cavalry. I’m afraid it’s difficult to encircle and suppress. If we don’t catch or kill him, letting him go back to serve as the captain, it will cause us even greater trouble."

   "You can chase."

   Hua Mulan stroked the wings of the war eagle, making it continue to monitor the movements of the Yang Ye cavalry.

   Yang Ye failed in an ambush, with 200 casualties, which was a big loss for him.

   "How could my ambush be discovered? Or do I underestimate them?"

   Yang Ye gathered cavalry, preparing to attack other villages and towns.

   He was puzzled, but the ambush of Li Guang failed.

   Ten thousand cavalry from Yangye fought in Yunlai Town, which is an agricultural town specializing in food.

   But Yang Ye soon discovered that the cavalry of Hua Mulan and Li Guang had approached.

   In surprise, Yang Ye set an ambush again, and then...

   was found in ambush again.

"How is this going?"

   Yang Ye failed to set up ambush twice and couldn\'t help but be confused.

   He and 10,000 light cavalry could have caused great damage to Langya country, but the other side seemed to know his marching route, making his ambush difficult to work.

   If Yang Ye hadn\'t been cautious and had an intuition about danger, it might have been wiped out.

   A group of cavalry returned from the remote county.

   "General Zhao Yun, the Lord has an order, immediately go to Yunlai Town, gather with the two generals Hua Mulan and Li Guang, and hunt Yang Wudi!"

   "Everyone, wait, speed up the march!"

   Zhao Yun learned that the generals of Langya Kingdom were encircling Yang Ye, and immediately went to join him.

   On the other side, Xue Rengui from the remote county returned to his teacher and quickly assembled in Yunlai Town.

   Yang Ye was like stabbing a hornet\'s nest and alarmed Xia Guo\'s cavalry. Almost all the light cavalry were dispatched in order to defeat or capture Yang Ye as soon as possible.

   Yang Ye was very depressed, because he found that his whereabouts were completely exposed under Hua Mulan\'s surveillance.

  The most important thing for light cavalry is mobility. If necessary, they will march quickly and make surprise attacks. Yang Ye has been found in ambushes many times, and he has been unable to achieve the results.

   "When you came to Xiacheng to show off your military force and caused panic in the city, you immediately returned to your teacher."

   Yang Ye, who was discovered in the third ambush, knew that it was difficult to use his mobility to carry out an ambush, so he planned to approach Xiacheng, which was only 10 kilometers away, to deter Xiacheng, in order to dampen Langya\'s morale before the war began.

   Ten thousand light cavalry quickly marched in the direction of Xiacheng.

   "We have been chasing after Yang Ye and we are very passive. Two generals, Zhao Yun and Xue Li, can set up ambush in their retreat."

   Hua Mulan and Li Guang pursued Yang Ye for a day, but Yang Ye never fought head-on. Once Yang Ye, who was instinctive, realized that his ambush had been seen through, he quickly withdrew.

   In other words, Yang Ye has been looking for opportunities. Without a chance, he will never take it lightly.

   The place Yang Ye was going to attack this time was not in towns like Shangbi Town and Yunlai Town, but Xiacheng.

   "It is impossible for him to take down Xiacheng. It is very likely that he will take a false shot and then retreat. We may take this opportunity to capture Yang Ye with the two generals Zhao Yun and Xue Li.

   Hua Mulan took advantage of her vision to change her hunting style, and no longer followed Yang Ye, but set up an ambush in Yang Ye\'s retreat.

   As for the threat to Xiacheng...Xiacheng was defended by Li Xiuning, Yang Ye\'s cavalry couldn\'t attack at all, and Yang Ye didn\'t carry any siege equipment.

   Summer city, the city gate is closed.

   Generally speaking, Xiacheng rarely needs martial law, but this time, Yang Ye\'s cavalry is less than 10 kilometers away from Xiacheng, causing Langya country to fall into small-scale chaos.

  Langya\'s Xiacheng is too close to the East China Sea, which is equivalent to the lord guarding the country.

  The advantage is that the main force is assembled in Xiacheng and it is easy to attack.

   A team of city defenders was waiting in full battle. Suddenly they saw sand and dust rolling on the horizon, horses hooves trampled on the ground, and the cavalry on horsebacks were fighting high!

   They are flying the banner of the Xuzhou Allied Forces!

   "Enemy attack!"

   The city defense forces of Xiacheng beat gongs and drums to remind the lord\'s mansion that Yang Ye\'s cavalry is already under the city!

   Defender Li Xiuning led a team of women to the gate tower, and when he saw Yang Ye\'s cavalry flaunting their might, Liu couldn\'t help frowning.

   Yang Ye is preaching the strength of the Xuzhou Allied Forces.

   He has the ability to break through Langya Kingdom\'s encirclement and hunting of him, and the soldiers approached the city, once there was a second or even third time.

   Being approached by the enemy\'s cavalry will bring a large number of negative bonuses to the city, and the residents of Xiacheng are already in panic.

   "The cavalry of the Xuzhou Allied Forces has arrived!"

   "It is said that the captain of the Xuzhou Allied Forces is Yang Wudi!"

   The people in the city are panicked, because not long ago, Xiacheng was surrounded for a period of time, so is it going to be surrounded again now?

   "Post a notice so that the people in the city should not panic. Within a day or two, Yang Wudi will retreat."

   Chutian didn\'t worry much when he learned that the soldiers were approaching the city. The reason was very simple. How could 10,000 cavalry be used as cannon fodder for the siege. There were at least 10,000 defenders in the city, and there were constantly gathering reinforcements outside the city.

   Yang Ye sieges the city, no doubt he will die.

   "Master, Hua Xiong asked to play!"

   Huaxiong personally brought him to the lord\'s mansion, hoping to make a battle and win Chutian\'s trust.

   "General Huaxiong is brave and brave, but our side Qingqi is all outside the city, and we can\'t catch up."

   Chutian rejected Hua Xiong\'s idea of ​​asking for a battle, thinking you still don\'t go out to give someone away.

   If there is an ordinary general on the other side, it’s fine, it’s the Yang family general.

   Chutian personally led people to the wall and saw the brave Li Xiuning, she was observing the formation of Yang Wudi.

   "Lord Lord."

   Li Xiuning saw the arrival of Chutian and called him the same name as Xia Liang.

  Fang Xuanling, Hua Mulan, and Xue Li call Chutian the lord.

   Li Xiuning still has a good impression of Chu Tian, ​​at least he is not like other lords with greedy eyes.

   "Yang Wudi went deep into the kingdom of Langya for more than a hundred miles, drove straight into the city, and dared to approach the city. He is really a strong general. If he can get him, he will be even more powerful."

   Chutian saw Yang Ye who was willing to show off his power below, and was eager to recruit Yang Ye to work for him.

   Yang Ye is undoubtedly better than Hua Xiong.

Yang Ye witnessed Chu Tian appearing under the embrace of a group of soldiers outside the city, like the stars Gongyue, knowing that it was Langyaxiang, General Fubo, the Hou of Kaiyang County, the leader of Taishan thief, the first alien lord... …

   Damn, his title is so long...

   Yang Ye, holding a horn bow, galloped forward, and shot an arrow at Chu Tian who appeared above the city gate!

   If this arrow can hit Chutian, maybe the fight in Xuzhou can be ended early!

   A figure stood in front of Chu Tian, ​​using a shield to block the arrow! The sharp arrow collided with the iron piece of the shield, and sparks of broken stars splashed in an instant!

"What are you doing?"

   Li Xiuning, holding a shield, was dissatisfied with Chutian\'s guards, because the guards did not respond at all.

   If the lord is shot, the guards will not escape the blame.

   The arrow just now may not necessarily hit Chutian, but as long as it is possible, it will cause catastrophe.

   Without the guards of Zhao Yun and Xue Li, they were just a group of silver-level and bronze-level military generals or rangers. It was only then that they reacted and couldn\'t help sweating.

   None of them could have imagined that Yang Wudi was so fierce, driving straight down the city, trying to shoot Chutian.

  The archer on the city wall shoots arrows to force Yang Ye back.

   Yang Ye then withdrew.

   He knew that an arrow could not kill Chu Tian, ​​then there was no chance.

   The attempt to kill Chu Tian with an arrow just now was also a desperate move, and the actual success rate was much lower than 1%.

   "It\'s a tough general."

   Chutian appreciates more and more.

   If you gather the Yang family generals, I don’t know if there will be a reward.

   Yang Ye led ten thousand cavalry troops to frighten Xiacheng, causing panic in the city. After achieving the goal, it was estimated that the time was almost the same, so he led his troops to withdraw.

   In view of Li Xiuning\'s performance, Chutian is worthy of credit, and then rewarded.

   The residents in the city heard that Yang Wudi would withdraw his troops soon, and they felt relieved.

   Yang Ye\'s actions have already hit the people and morale of Langya Kingdom, and initially reached his goal.

   In Du Fu Thatched Cottage, Lu Zhi heard the noise of the cavalry outside the city, and said to Cai Yong: "Within a day, the enemy will definitely withdraw."

   Cai Yongqi said: "Why are you so sure?"

   "The decisive battle has not yet begun. This cavalry only came to Langya to destroy it, causing Langya to panic. His goal was only half achieved. I was blessed by Langya, and I had to help once again this time."

   Lu Zhi has a strategic vision, knows Yang Ye’s purpose, and Yang Ye comes to interfere, so the battle that determines Xuzhou’s ownership is not far away.

   He once promised Chu Tian that he could serve as a military division and provide assistance when necessary.

   In order to compete for Xuzhou, Chutian will definitely come out and mobilize all the generals.

   "How many odds are there this time?"


   Yang Ye withdrew his troops south after declaring his force under Xiacheng.

   "Report! Langya cavalry is found in the south, they are killing us!"

   "Report! Langya cavalry is found in the east!"

   While Yang Ye successfully shocked Xiacheng, he also paid a certain price.

   His cavalry has been captured by Hua Mulan. Hua Mulan didn\'t deliberately try to relieve the siege, but contacted the surrounding friendly forces and began to encircle Yang Ye!

  The hunting location is near Liangshan Town!

   This joint attack centered on Yang Ye, and all armies quickly gathered!

   "Break southward!"

   Yang Ye gradually realized that the situation was not good.

   When he withdrew from Xiacheng, he had made the marching route as complicated as possible, but he didn\'t expect that the opponent would still find out his position.

   To the south, a team of cavalry led by Zhao Yun intercepted Yang Ye. The two cavalry clashed, thousands of sharp arrows shot out and fell into the opposing cavalry unit!

   One by one the cavalry who hit the arrow fell from the horse, and the tenacious cavalry hit two or three arrows and continued to fight.

   Yang Ye saw the opponent\'s silver-clad and white-robed young general assault in the chaos army, and he was invincible, so he took an arrow and planned to shoot Zhao Yun.

   Zhao Yun picked a Xuzhou cavalry down, and realized that the opponent\'s general had bent his bow and set arrows, and immediately avoided!

  The iron arrow shot by Yang Ye brushed Zhao Yun\'s shoulder armor, and was finally bounced away by the iron piece!

   If the position is more accurate, it may be possible to shoot Zhao Yun.

   Zhao Yun faced Yang Ye\'s archery skills, and instead of retreating, he wanted to capture Yang Ye alive and make a contribution!

   The lord will definitely like a fierce general like Yang Wudi.

Yang Ye did not show the courage of his husband, but commanded more cavalry to attack Zhao Yun~www.novelhall.com~ Even if Zhao Yun was brave, he would be no more than a hundred people. His strength was insufficient, and he was not led by a white horse, but an ordinary low-level. Hussar.

   Under the impact of Yang Ye\'s 10,000 cavalry, he quickly broke through Zhao Yun\'s volley and continued to move south.

   Zhao Yun stabbed thirty or forty cavalry, the blood stained red and white robe again, but it was difficult to stop Yang Ye. The cavalry under his command also killed two to three hundred people.

   "Continue chasing!"

   Zhao Yun did not spare Yang Ye, because there were Xue Rengui\'s ambush troops in the south.

   Mulan, Li Guang, and Zhou Yafu set up an ambush in the east. At this time, they learned that Yang Ye was retreating to the south, so they quickly pursued and turned around.

   Twenty miles south of Liangshan Town, Xue Rengui successfully blocked Yang Ye\'s cavalry. The two sides fought by the Yi River, and Yang Ye once again smashed Xue Rengui\'s cavalry with his military advantage.

   The Tang archers fired a hundred arrows and killed hundreds of Xuzhou cavalry.

   But Yang Ye had too many cavalry. Xue Rengui only brought two thousand cavalry on the expedition, unable to intercept Yang Ye\'s cavalry.

   After Xue Rengui delayed Yang Ye again, Hua Mulan and Li Guang smoothly rounded around and intercepted Yang Ye again. Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun chased him up and hunted Yang Ye!

   Yang Ye lost his vision, coupled with the hardship of the wolves, he finally knew why Langya country had been invincible before.

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