Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 211: People gather by kind, and princes are divided by strength!

"Chu Zimou, you really didn\'t leave a first-class general to guard the house?"

   "It\'s Cao Leopard too much..."

   Of course, Chutian could not tell the other party about Princess Pingyang in Langya State. This is a hole card.

   Therefore, Chu Tian could only explain to all the princes that Cao Bao, the chief general of the Xuzhou Army, was incompetent. The alien lords knew that Cao Bao was a third-rate general, and Tao Qian himself did not have any famous generals, so he could explain it well.

   However, there are still princes who do not believe it. No matter how mediocre, Cao Bao also took hundreds of thousands of regular soldiers to fight Langya, and there was a steady stream of supplies from Tao Qian behind.

   After Chutian stabilized in the rear, he continued to participate in the recovery of Luoyang.

   Several foreign princes judged that there should be special rewards for regaining Luoyang. Coupled with the generals who wanted to gain military exploits and capture Dong Zhuo, they had the idea of ​​regaining Luoyang.

   Dong Zhuo’s army lost the heads-up, and its morale has begun to decline severely. If it doesn’t retreat, the Dong Zhuo army with no morale may be completely wiped out in Luoyang City.

  The people who participated in this operation were all powerful princes. As for the weak princes such as Jiao He, Kong Ni, Kong Rong, and the less aggressive princes such as Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, and Han Fu, Chu Tian and others directly ignored their existence.

  The Eastern Han princes present were Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Jian, and Bao Xin, and the foreign princes included Chutian, Mingguan, Zhao Long, Tongque and others.

   These people and princes are really powerful people, among them Lujiang Prefect Tongque also has a Beifu army in his hands.

  Eastern Jin Beifu Army is the legendary army of the Eastern Han Dynasty. It was formed by Xie Xuan of the Eastern Jin family Xie Xuan, and selected the brave soldiers who had moved from the north to the south due to the war to serve as the Beifu sergeant. The famous generals born in the Beifu Army are Xie Xuan, Liu Laozhi, Liu Yu, Tan Daoji... all of them are fierce men.

   "The number of defenders at Hulao Pass has decreased, and the troops stationed outside the pass have also left, indicating that Dong Zhuo has plans to abandon Hulao Pass and Luoyang. This is our opportunity to capture Hulao Pass and recover Luoyang."

   Mingguan took the initiative to attack Hulaoguan.

  He brought 20,000 Liaodong cavalrymen, which is considered a powerful prince along the way. The ordinary princes of the Central Plains talked about cavalry, but he is not necessarily as good as him.

   "Dong Zhuo is going to burn Luoyang in three days!"

   Just as Chutian and the others were planning to march, they learned that Dong Zhuo was about to abandon Luoyang and plundered Luoyang\'s population and property to Guanzhong, Liangzhou and other places. The plan was changed. Dong Zhuo’s army also has players or lords who specialize in selling intelligence, so the Kwantung Allied Forces can actually buy the opposite intelligence. The movement of Luoyang as the capital is impossible to hide.

   "If Hulao Pass can be captured in advance, maybe we can hunt down Dong Zhuo, take back some of the officials and the population, and even capture Dong Zhuo\'s men alive."

   Chutian and others knew that the time to attack Hulao Pass had arrived.

   Current conditions are developing in a direction that is conducive to the coalition forces. First of all, the morale of Dong Zhuo\'s coalition forces has dropped to a certain level. Secondly, Dong Zhuo wants to move the capital to Chang\'an, and the guards of Hulaoguan Li Yu, Xu Rong, Hua Xiong and others have no intention of fighting, worrying that Dong Zhuo will be regarded as an abandoned son.

  Moreover, the military strength of Hulao Pass has dropped from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands. The alien lords of each Dong Zhuo camp are thinking of looting Luoyang to obtain sufficient wealth and population. They have also withdrawn from Hulao Pass to Luoyang one after another.

   Attacking the Hulao Pass, breaking the pass ahead of time, killing all quarters in Heluo, and capturing the Xiliang cavalry, it is not impossible!

Chutian, Mingguan, Cao Cao, Sun Jian, Liu Bei, Tongque and others are all capable vassals. They are not the same as Yuan Shu, Kong Rong, Kong Yu and others who are useless. If they join hands, the morale of the Xiliang Legion may not be them. Opponent. At present, the only thing that can stop them is Hulao Pass. Once they break through the Hulao Pass, they can rob the troops, population and property of the Dong Zhuo camp.

   "The siege equipment is ready."

During this period, Chutian and the others were not completely unprepared. Some princes brought high-level siege equipment talents to prepare siege equipment at Hulao Pass, siege towers, bed crossbows, ladder carts, and siege carts. The equipment is ready.

   Chutian and other princes plan to do a big vote!

   "Cao A concealed that they were conspiring together and did not put you in the eyes of the lord at all. The lord, you are the fourth generation and the third, but they do not wait to see you!

   Yuan Shao’s military commander Xu You found out that Cao Cao, Sun Jian, Liu Bei, Chutian, Mingguan, Tongque and other princes had set up another door in the 25th Route prince’s coalition, and he was indignant.

   Yuan Shao had also noticed that Chu Tian and others did not take him to play with him.

   Now Chu Tian has an intersection with Cao Cao, Sun Jian, and Liu Bei. They basically know each other, and they also know other princes such as Mingguan, Tongque, Zhao Long, and Huma, so they are completely capable of starting anew.

   Liu Bei and Chu Tian had a little unhappiness, but in the face of the righteousness of Kuangfu Hanshi, the two of them had a tacit understanding of the predecessors. Conquer Hulao Pass first and recover Luoyang. As for the previous grievances, we will calculate it later.

   Attacking the low morale of Hulao Pass, they decided not to bring along Yuan Shu, Kong Ni and others who gave away their heads, otherwise it would be bad.

   The remaining twenty-fifth road princes seem to be divided into two small groups, of which a group of powerful and ambitious princes, and a group of weak princes or those who fish in troubled waters and do not intend to consume troops.

   In addition to the princes, the alien lords also started to stand in line. The lords such as Prince Yan and Huo An followed Chu Tian and wanted to do a big vote. More lords chose to stand on Yuan Shao\'s side without any effort.

   As long as the Kanto princes\' camp wins, they can also gain certain military merits. Although the military merits that can be obtained are not much, it does not consume a little force.

   "Isn\'t Zhao Long the lord who supported me Yuan Shao? Why did he come to Cao Aman too?"

   Yuan Shao was dissatisfied with Zhao Long, the prefect of Weijun in Jizhou. It was because Zhao Long supported him that he started in Luoyang and called on the soldiers and horses of the world to attack Dong Zhuo.

   Xu You said: "These strangers are very cunning, and you can\'t trust them too much. You should plan Jizhou and establish your own power. Jizhou has a large population and abundant resources. It is the good land that God bestows on the lord."

   Yuan Shao fell into thought after hearing what Xu You said. He is now a general of chariots and horses, which sounds very prestigious, but in fact he does not have a territory like a group of prefects, state ministers, and governors.

   Before Luoyang was occupied, he took away 100,000 soldiers and horses from Luoyang. After the crusade against Dong Zhuo is over, how can he feed 100,000 people without territory?

   When Yuan Shao began to plan for the future, the Kwantung princes\' coalition that really defeated Dong Zhuo was established!

   There are a total of four Eastern Han princes, Cao Cao, Sun Jian, Liu Bei, and Bao Xin, six alien princes, and several lords participated in the storming of Hulao Pass!

   Their goal is to completely destroy the morale of the guards at Hulao Pass, and then drove straight into Luoyang!

   Ten princes, except Sun Jian, who suffered heavy losses, each sent 10,000 troops, a total of 100,000!

   Other lords pieced together a hundred thousand people.

   The strength of the force attacking Hulao Pass has reached an astonishing number of 200,000!

   "The front of Hulao Pass is not wide, so it can be divided into ten siege teams, each with 20,000 people, taking turns to attack and support."

"I estimate that the morale of the Xiliang Army at Hulao Pass has fallen below 40. As long as we continue to attack, once the morale of the defenders at Hulao Pass drops to 20 or lower, they will retreat or even rout. With so many of us, on average, Come down, not many soldiers will die."

   Chutian was in charge of the command of this attack. He knew Cao Cao, Sun Jian, and Liu Bei at the same time, so he coordinated better.

   Even if the morale of the Xiliang garrison is low, the attack on Hulao Pass will still kill and wound a large number of soldiers, but they will not take charge of their soldiers. Now that you have decided to participate in the assault on Hulao Pass, you must be mentally prepared for annihilation!

   Chutian dispatched Zhou Yafu and Li Guang to command 10,000-step archers to attack Hulao Pass.

   Two hundred thousand troops gathered at Hulao Pass, divided into ten echelons, and under the cover of various siege equipment, they attacked Hulao Pass in turn!

   Through continuous consumption, reduce the morale of the defenders of Hulao Pass, the defenders in the pass will abandon the pass and leave!

   "They really plan to attack Hulao Pass!"

   "Unbelievable, that is the 15-meter-high Xiongguan, the gateway to the east of Luoyang City!"

  The lords who did not participate in the storming of Hulao Pass witnessed the cooperation of a group of powerful lords such as Chu Tian, ​​and they actually gathered out a 200,000 army, intending to capture Xiongguan in one attack and drive straight ahead!

   Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Kong Ni, Kong Rong, Yuan Yi, Han Fu and other princes felt abandoned, but they would not participate in such thankless things.

   Hulao Pass is the world\'s Xiong Pass, which will surely hit the head and shed blood.

   Ten princes, including Chutian, Mingguan, Zhaolong, Tongque, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Jian, Bao Xin, stood side by side, sitting in the army, watching the 200,000 army attacking Hulao Pass, talking and laughing.

   Unlike Yuan Shao and other princes, they were willing to invest their troops. Because they know that if no one takes the initiative to take the lead, then the crusade against Dong Zhuo is just empty talk.

   So they came up with the idea of ​​setting up another alliance to seek the Dongmeng, and they have the real Kwantung League!

   Except for Bao Xin who teamed up with Cao Cao, these princes are all outstanding!

With the ten princes in hand, Cao Cao squinted his small eyes and looked at the majesty of Hulao Pass, and said, "Dong Zhuo is extremely stupid. Even if the morale of the Xiliang army drops, if the morale of the Xiliang army is down, if the troops are still 200,000 at Hulao Pass, he will sit in town to show his rejection It means not to retreat. The soldiers are of one mind. Although there are millions of people, Hulaoguan cannot be removed. But Dong Zhuo personally withdraws his troops and escapes from the gate. The Hulaoguan general must think that he was abandoned by Dong Zhuo, so he will retreat. I wait. Winable."

Chu Tian added: "Not only that. Dong Zhuo intends to burn Luoyang and rob people and property. What should the Hulaoguan guards think? The soldiers and horses of various Guanzhong and Xiliang looting Luoyang, each have what they need, but the Hulaoguan guards are not only working hard, but also unable to participate. Divide the property. Divide the spoils unevenly. Once our army attacks, the defenders at Hulaoguan should retreat immediately."

   Cao Cao and Chu Tian sang a harmony, and the princes present were very wary of them.

   These two people are the first hero and the first lord of the Eastern Han District, and the relationship seems to be very harmonious at present.

   Chu Tianxin regards Cao Cao as a strong enemy. Xuzhou is adjacent to Yanzhou, and sooner or later the two will have a battle. It\'s just that it\'s unknowable who will die.

   Tiger prison is closed, and the guards of the city will be Xu Rong, Li Hao, and Hua Xiong. They were ordered by Dong Zhuo to leave 50,000 soldiers and horses to guard the Tiger prison and behind the palace.

   Dong Zhuo\'s seeming abandonment of them made the three guards feel uneasy.

   The morale of their fifty thousand army has fallen to the bottom.

   The good deeds of plundering Luoyang City did not fall on their army, and many soldiers complained about it.

   An army of 200,000 is displayed under the Hulao Pass.

   Xu Rong was originally confident that he could hold the Hulao Pass, but now it’s hard to say. He found that Li Hao and Hua Xiong were already indifferent to guarding the Hulao Pass, and seemed to want to abandon the Hulao Pass and rob Luoyang as soon as possible.


  咚咚\'s war drums reverberated in Hulao Pass, and the real coalition forces of the Kwantung princes launched an offensive!

   The tall siege tower is slowly advancing towards Hulao Pass, and the carts cover the infantry and archers close to the city wall!

   At the same time, Chu Tian ordered Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun to show off under Hulaoguan, making the Hulaoguan guards afraid of them, and their morale dropped again!

   The 200,000 army was divided into ten batches, like a tide, attacking Hulao Pass one after another, each time hundreds of people were killed and injured and then retreated, and the second batch of troops followed.

   The ten princes in the Chinese army watched the 200,000 army attacking continuously without stopping for a moment.

   At night, the ten princes set up torches again and continued to attack. Each phalanx of 20,000 people attacked for an hour, and then ten princes fell asleep.

   This offensive lasted three full days and nights.

   The West Liang garrison at Hulao Pass can hardly bear the torture of the Kwantung Allied Forces. They can\'t relax because they don\'t know when the Kanto princes will gather several phalanxes at the same time to launch a strong attack.

  The initiative to attack is in the hands of ten princes, who can increase their investment at any time to put pressure on Hulaoguan.

   "The lord is ready to burn Luoyang City. My flying bear army has no morale. If you don\'t leave, I\'m afraid the whole army will be wiped out."

   Li Chi offered to give up Hulao Pass.

   Xu Rong rejected Li Hao’s request: "We abandon the Hulao Pass and the Kwantung Allied Forces go straight in. What should we do?"

   Huaxiong is a little annoyed: "The lord has decided to abandon Hulao Pass, we continue to stay here~www.novelhall.com~Aren\'t we becoming prisoners of others?"

   Li Chi and Hua Xiong advocated retreat, but Xu Rong, who served as the main general, knew that abandoning Hulao Pass was equivalent to opening the sluice, and the princes of Guandong would rush into Heluo and drive Luoyang directly.

   At Xu Rong\'s insistence, Li Hao and Hua Xiong stayed reluctantly.

   On the third day, at night, danger is approaching.

   Chutian, Cao Cao, Mingguan, Liu Bei and others saw that the timing was about the same. This time they did not use harassment tactics, but replaced them with the main force, and they wanted to completely destroy the morale of the guards at Hu Laoguan tonight!

   Chutian sent Zhou Yafu, Li Guang, Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, and Hua Mulan.

   Cao Cao sent Xiahou Dun, Xiahouyuan, Dianwei, Lejin, and Cao Hong.

   Liu Bei sent Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, and Ashina Sheer.

   Mingguan sent three generals.

   Zhao Long sent Shi Long live.

   Tongque sent out the Northern Army General Liu Laozhi.

   Huma sent Lianpo.

  Sun Jian was even more fierce, and personally led the Jiangdong four generals to board first, intending to be ashamed and defeat Xu Rong.

   Bao Xin faction is out of prohibition.

   There is also a foreign prince sent Pan Mei.

   The luxurious lineup of ten powerful princes in this battle is probably one of the few in the entire world!

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