Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 207: Begging to defend the city

The dense rain of arrows obscured the sky, the archers behind the female wall were suppressed, and the upper gates were filled with arrow feathers. The Xuzhou Ministry had already consumed more than 300,000 arrows under the Xiacheng by Cao Bao. . Cao Bao lost 7,000 soldiers and was unable to break the city.

   In the meantime, Xiacheng recruited four thousand light infantry and four thousand crossbowmen to make up for losses and strengthen the city defense.

  Xiacheng defender Xu Sheng sat on the city wall himself, using the double-bow bed crossbow and various defensive equipment to cause a lot of damage to Cao Bao\'s army.

   Cao Bao gradually lost his patience.

   Xiacheng is just a small city. He and the lord of Pengcheng country joined forces with 80,000 troops and attacked for half a month, but Xiacheng remained motionless.

   Several lords of Pengchengguo had already learned that Chu Tian was famous in Hulaoguan, and came to urge Cao Bao to continue to attack Xiacheng.

   "Langya Xiang Chuzi conspired to defeat Lu Bu, the new military commander Zhao Yun, if he returns, we will undoubtedly lose."

   "He already has the idea of ​​returning to his teacher, General Cao Bao, one month, we need to capture Xiacheng within one month."

   The lords of Pengcheng State urged Cao Bao to attack the city.

   Cao Bao is also a historical military commander anyway, and there is a bonus when commanding soldiers and horses. Therefore, the lord of Pengcheng country who lacks historical military commanders will worship Cao Bao as his commander.

   Cao Bao\'s ability is not strong enough to easily capture Xiacheng.

   The only way to break the city as quickly as possible is to use human lives to pile up, attack at all costs.

   "Our army of 80,000 has already died 7,000 to attack the city. Is it necessary to die three to four thousand to conquer a small city?"

   Cao Bao thought of an amazing loss ratio.

   According to this ratio of siege loss, the entire Langya nation was destroyed, and 200,000 troops would die.

"Xiacheng is where the lord\'s mansion of Langya Nation is located, and Chu Zimou will send the most powerful subordinates to guard Xiacheng. When Xiacheng is captured, other cities will fall under the wind, so we don\'t have to worry about dying thirty or forty thousand people. The death of this group of soldiers can also ease the pressure on food."

   Out of fear of Chutian, the lord of Pengchengguo believed that even half of the soldiers and horses were worth the death and injury.

   "Pay half the price..."

   Cao Bao thought of the 40,000 Xuzhou soldiers killed by Dorgon in Jiqiu County. Tao Qian managed to replenish his troops. Now he is occupying Langya country and the death of 30,000 or 40,000 is acceptable.

   "The lord of Taishan County led 30,000 soldiers and horses here!"

   "The Governor assigned Ruo Rong and led 20,000 soldiers to come to support!"

   When Cao Bao was distressed about the loss of troops, Tao Qian from the rear sent reinforcements again, and at the same time the lord of Taishan County arrived in Xiacheng.

   The force of siege Xiacheng increased from 73,000 to 123,000!

   30,000 people besieged Langya City, and 40,000 people dragged Xueyue, Zang Ba, and Sun Guan in nine towns in Hedong.

   After having enough troops, Cao Bao attacked Xiacheng again!

   "Miss Xia, and the two generals Zang Ba and Sun Guan, Cao Bao is back!"

   The defenders of Xiacheng immediately went to the wall to support, and the enemies six or seven times as large as the defenders were attached from all sides!

   Cao Leopard has already prepared people to crash into cars, carts and a large number of ladders during this time, ready to take down Xiacheng in one fell swoop.

   Xu Sheng put on his armor, and said to the civilian officials such as Xia Liang Liang and Li Li: "The matter of the war is left to the next. This is the duty of the next."

   Xiacheng has never experienced such a huge war, and the shouts of killing are shaking the world!

   The coalition forces were afraid that Chutian would lead the main force of Langya Kingdom back, so they attacked Xiacheng day and night, which made the people in the city panic.

"Although the defensive materials we prepared caused a lot of casualties to Cao Bao, as Cao Bao continued to attack Xiacheng, the defensive materials became less and less... Cao Bao increased his siege, and the consumption of defensive materials would only increase. Many. As for food to defend the city, it is not a problem."

   Li Miao looked through the account books and found that the supplies for the city were insufficient.

   Almost all the inventory in the Natsushiro Arsenal was taken out for use.

"I have ordered the cities and towns to recruit the Qingzhou army from the Qingzhou Yellow Turban refugees in advance. We have to insist on it for a while. The number of the Qingzhou army is not enough..." Xia Liang has a back hand, "Beware of all foreigners in the city. The strongest castles are often breached from within. I don’t want to see a rebellion in the city, which would lead to the fall of Xiacheng."

   Cao Bao personally led the coalition forces to attack Xiacheng for three days, killing two to three thousand people every day, but he didn\'t care.

   Many of the defenders of Xiacheng were newly recruited first-tier recruits, so thousands of defenders were killed.

   On the third day, when Cao Bao and others were anxious, Xiacheng defender Xu Sheng fought with the defenders who climbed to the city wall, and suffered several severe injuries!

   Although Xu Sheng eventually repelled the enemy\'s first ascending team, he was seriously injured and unable to command.

   "The enemy commander is seriously injured. This is a chance to break the city. Set up a torch and you must conquer Xiacheng!"

   Cao Bao ordered the soldiers to set up a brazier below Xiacheng, bright as day, and attacking overnight.

   "General Xu Sheng was seriously injured, there is no general in the city wall!"

   The serious injury of Xu Sheng spread to the lord’s mansion, and Xia Liang had to go into battle in armor. At present, there are only two people who have enough prestige to sit on the wall and appease the defenders, one is her and the other is Li Li.

   With only one person, it is impossible for her to be on the wall for twelve hours, so she must also go to the wall to direct her and fall asleep directly against the wall when she is tired.

   On the fourth day, Cao Bao still did not give up on attacking Xiacheng and lost tens of thousands of people, which is still within the scope of the coalition with 120,000!

   "Miss Xia, you should return to your residence to rest."

   Li Mi took over from the summer to guard the city wall. Although he managed agriculture and punishment, he also had some experience in leading soldiers.

   Xia Liang was smoked by black smoke, but he thought it was to keep Xia Cheng.

   She did not passively defend, but actively prepared forces outside the city in order to counterattack.

   But she lacks a general.

   Xu Sheng was originally a general in her plan to counterattack, but Xu Sheng was seriously injured.

   Ordinary generals are not up to this important task, because the number of Qingzhou army is not large, and the weak must defeat the strong.

   Xueyue, Zang Ba, and Sun Guan were dragged by Song Jiang’s 40,000 people to Hedong Nine Towns, and they were too busy to take care of themselves.

   Xia Xia Liang almost fainted because of exhaustion recently, and was held by a passing woman.

   Xia Xia Liang saw clearly that there was a woman in front of her with a Tang knife on her waist. He thought it was a female player, and said, "Thank you."

   The woman with the sword asked: "You seem to have little strength, why are you wearing iron armor? I see you go up and down the city wall every day. Is it possible that the Langya country is short of generals and has reached such a point that you need a weak woman to command the defending army?"

Xia Liang listened to her sonorous and powerful tone, mostly female players who chose the direction of military commanders: "The country of Langya is full of talents, but only when we go to crusade against Dong Zhuo, let the villain take advantage of it. If I have a qualified military commander, soon They can be expelled."

   The woman said again: "Now Langya is besieged by the enemy\'s army, and there are not many soldiers and horses. I am afraid that no matter how powerful the generals are, it will not help."

   Xia Xia Liang shook his head slightly: "But it may not be."

   The woman sent Xia Liang to the Lord’s Mansion, a little surprised: "Why do you live in the Lord\'s Mansion?"

   "It is convenient to dispatch soldiers and horse supplies here."

   Tianliang Ryo saw that woman leave, and she didn\'t care too much, thinking about how to break the game.

   The next day, it was Summer Ryo\'s turn to take over Li Li to guard the city wall.

   Cao Bao\'s offensive became more and more fierce, and the morale of the defenders declined. This is a dangerous signal. If there is no morale, it is difficult to defend.

   The arrow fell on the wall like a locust, and the archer on the wall was suppressed, making it difficult to emerge.

   The numerous advantages of money and food have been brought into play. Cao Bao can consume arrows regardless of cost. Tao Qian\'s influence covers Donghai Country, Xiapi Country, Pengcheng Country, and Guangling County. Coupled with years of accumulation, arrows have been continuously transported.

   The defenders were shot one after another, and the defenders braved the dense arrow rain from the siege party to block the opponent\'s ladder from approaching.

   A small group of guards from the lord’s mansion holding an iron shield protected Xia Liang who was guarding the city, and several of them were shot by Liu Ya.

   Siege troops besieging Xiacheng on all sides, the drums shook the sky, Xia Liang saw the dark cloud echelon, and felt a little desperate.

   The offensive was too fierce. If Cao Bao did whatever it takes, Xiacheng would be difficult to defend after all.

   A stream of arrows hit Xia Liang’s shoulder, and the guards of the lord’s mansion quickly formed a shield wall!

   The arrow hit by the main general is another heavy blow to morale! The enemy\'s arrow rain was too dense, and Xu Sheng also suffered arrow injuries when leading the defenders to defend the city!

   "The enemy\'s first boarding team is here!"

   A large number of ladders hooked the city wall, and the soldiers approached the city wall under the cover of the cart, and climbed up. Cao Bao specially selected elites from the veterans of the Xuzhou Army under his command and served as the first ascending team with the intention of taking the city in one fell swoop!

   "Miss Xia, you..."

   "Don\'t worry about me, go and help defend the city! Don\'t let the first team get a foothold on the wall!"

   Xia Ryo felt severe pain in his shoulder, and arrows clustered into his muscles.

   Physician Li Lan hurriedly arrived. The two years of military experience made her a senior physician.

   The guards of the lord’s mansion were asked to fight against the Cao Bao Xianden team, and both sides saw the saw on the wall.

   "It\'s absolutely impossible to hold on like this, morale is already very low..."

   Xia Xia Liang still keeps a cool head. She is trying her best to find no effective way.

   There is no time for morale. Even if the whole city is recruited to be the courage, it cannot resist the siege party, and even large-scale rebellion will occur in the city.

   Cao Leopard’s first ascending team hit the city wall. Dozens of soldiers have already occupied a short section of the city wall, and there is a steady stream of soldiers from behind.

   The defenders used crossbow arrows to kill a group of first-comers, but they were unable to contain the tendency of the wall to fall.

   At a critical moment, the city gate defender came to report to Xia Liang: "There is a woman below asking to go to the city to fight!"

"What can a woman do to die?" Summer Ryomoto didn\'t expect it, but she suddenly realized that at this time, she dared to take the initiative to demand that the woman who defended the city would not be an ordinary person, so she said, "Please come up. ”\'\'

   Soon a woman in military uniform climbed into the city, with a bow and arrow behind her back and a Tang knife hanging from her waist.

   When Xia Xia Liang saw her, she saw the shadow of Hua Mulan. The other party might be a historical general.

   The woman saw the injury of Xia Liang, and there was a hint of color in her eyes. As a literati, he took the initiative to go to the city to supervise the battle, and he was wounded, which was enough to admire him. She also heard that Cao Shi in Xiacheng City broke more than 10,000 Taishan bandits with 3,000 recruits.

   "Can you help me defend the city?"

   Xia Xia Liang tried to win over this historical military commander, only in this way could she defend Xia Cheng for Chu Tian.

   The woman in military uniform handed over: "Listen to your orders!"

   "Ding! You have the allegiance of Li Xiuning, the princess of Pingyang, a military commander in history."

   Xia Xia Liang heard the rare notification from the system, and was slightly taken aback. It was supposed to be the Lord Lord who subdued her. As a result, this historical military general became her family general. Free players can also obtain the allegiance of heroes, but it is not the relationship between the monarch and the ministers, but the relationship between the patron and the servants. Take the Yue Family Army, for example, many of the generals directly loyal to Yue Fei.

   If the retainer is not satisfied with the lord, he can also turn his allegiance to the lord.

  Princess Pingyang...

   Xia Liang knows that there are several Pingyang princesses in history. This Li Xiuning seems to be... Tang Taizong Li Shimin’s sister!

   When Li Yuan raised his troops, Princess Pingyang raised troops in Guanzhong to respond to the ancestors, conquered the city, and ran the army strictly, with 70,000 soldiers, and an army of women, the middle battalion was the Detachment Army!

   When Li Shimin was in the middle of the battle, Princess Pingyang led more than ten thousand elite soldiers to join him. After her death, Princess Pingyang was buried in accordance with military etiquette!

   This is what is recorded in official history. As for the name, it may be fabricated, because ancient women rarely left real names.

   After allegiance, Li Xiuning asked for an order: "Please grant the Patriarch the command to defend the city!"


   There are epic generals allegiance, Xia Liang can rest assured to give her the command of the city wall soldiers and horses, and let her exert her own effects.

   Li Xiuning led a team of defenders to kill a section of the city wall that was about to be occupied by the first ascending team, where was the most critical place!

   A sharp arrow pierced through the Zhajia of the Xuzhou Soldier, Li Xiuning held a longbow, and the archer cleared the team first!

   With Li Xiuning playing ~www.novelhall.com~ Xia Liang was surprised to find that the morale of the soldiers who defended the city was rising rapidly.

   She can see that the morale of the defenders has risen from 27 to 45, and the morale is recovering quickly!

   This is the effect of Li Xiuning\'s characteristics!

   The defenders who originally lacked confidence in defending the city seemed to be beaten up, fighting bravely one by one, not to be brave!

   "Everyone will kill the enemy with me, make contributions!"

   Li Xiuning drew the Tang Sword, the morale of the surrounding soldiers was greatly boosted, and they broke out even more powerful combat power than before!

   Cao Bao’s first ascension team did not expect that the defensive defenders, who had been demoralized before, suddenly attacked. They were killed by surprise. They were all killed or expelled in less than half an hour!

   The wall is back in the hands of the defenders of Xiacheng!

The screaming Xiacheng defenders seemed to be crazy, and even wanted to follow the siege ladder to chase outside the city, but was stopped by Li Xiuning.

  The increase in morale of the defenders affected the entire battle. The screaming of the defenders covered the siege party, and the newly recruited recruits were no longer afraid of the battle and moved forward! Xiacheng blocked the largest offensive launched by Cao Bao!

   "It\'s more terrifying than the belief of the Yellow Turban Army..."

   Xia Liang witnessed the crazy defenders with his own eyes, and couldn\'t help feeling that Tang Li\'s family was like hanging out, one by one fierce.

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