Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 2: Refugee and Yellow Turban

A group of ragged refugees gathered at the entrance of Xia Village. Most of them looked yellow and thin. There were about forty or fifty people, and only a dozen of them were young and strong.

  The civilized background of the Eastern Han Dynasty was the Yellow Turban Rebellion. Yellow Turban troops and bandits were rampant everywhere, and it was normal for the people to be displaced. But in fact, these are the refugees randomly spawned by the system. The village was first built for the lord to quickly upgrade the village.

  If you rely on the natural birth rate, who knows that the year of the monkey can only meet the village upgrade conditions.

   Only forty or fifty refugees are refreshed at a time, and the number seems to be a lot.

"My lord, our village was ransacked by a small group of Yellow Turban soldiers, and the village was destroyed. Some young men and women were also killed in rebelling against the Yellow Turban soldiers. Please Mrs. Village Head to take us in. Those of us are too hungry to walk. It\'s..."

   One of the young men who took the lead was also tied to a rag with blood stains on the rag. He knelt down and asked Chu Tian to take them in.

   It seems that these villagers have encountered a fierce battle.

   Saving a life is better than building a seven-level floating tutu, not to mention that Xia Village really needs these refugees to make up for the population.

   The population size is an important condition for the upgrading of the village. Only when the population reaches 80% of the upper limit can the population condition be met. In other words, there must be at least 240 villagers in Xia Village.

"Elder Li, you take the villagers to the granary in the village to take out the grain reserves and distribute them to the poor people, and then settle them in good health. Use the wood and stones in the warehouse as you wish, and build thatched houses or wooden houses with them. If there are herbs, You can also heal them."

   Chutian made the village\'s first administrative talent, Elder Li, be responsible for resettling the refugees.

   There is a lot of initial food in Xia Village, so it is not a problem to deal with 47 refugees.

   "Master Xie, Master Xie!"

   These refugees are grateful to Chutian who took them in.

   A total of 47 refugees, plus the original 100 villagers, a total of 147 villagers.

   "Popular sentiment rose to 67 and public security dropped to 51."

   When Chutian returned to the lord’s mansion and checked the stele again, the data on the stele had changed due to the addition of these refugees.

   The refugees are grateful to Chutian who took them in, so their loyalty is high, which improves the people\'s hearts of the whole village. But after all, they are new refugees who have joined the village, and the village’s security has dropped a lot.

   Law and order can be gradually improved, but it is not easy to raise public sentiment.

   The influx of refugees is a good thing, but it has brought bad news-there is a small group of Yellow Turban soldiers haunting this area.

   The current Xia Village can\'t resist the Yellow Turban soldiers.

   There are only 40 Xiangyong in Xia Village. Xiangyong is the lowest-ranked unit. It does not require training and can fight with a **** and sickle.

   "No, because the refugees have joined, there are now 53 courageous heroes, including a bronze-level ordinary hero."

   Chutian discovered that in addition to the changes in public sentiment and public security due to the entry of refugees, the military rating has changed from 40 (40 courageous) to 74 (53 courageous, 1 bronze general).

  The new bronze rank general general is just the leader of the refugees.

   "Sir village chief, what can you do if you call the villain?"

   This refugee leader was called by Chu Tian.

   Chutian tried to recruit him: "Will you be loyal to me and protect this village?"

   "The villain Zhao Qi and many villagers are under the care of the village head. The village head not only takes us in, but also generously gives us food and herbs, and also helps us build houses to shelter us from wind and rain. Zhao Qi is willing to be loyal to the village head!"

   "Ding! Bronze rank general general Zhao Qi loyal to you."

   After Zhao Qi\'s allegiance, Chu Tian can check his panel.

   [Name]: Zhao Qi

   [Talent]: Bronze level (ordinary hero)

  [Level]: 30

   [Experience]: 1342/10000

   [Identity]: Seven sons of the head of Shangtian Village

  【Loyalty】: 81

   [Status]: minor injury (force -10)

   [Commander]: 20 [Strength]: 31 [Intelligence]: 19 [Politics]: 10 [Charm]: 60

   [Equipment]: Iron spear (Bronze weapon, attack power +1)

   [Phaseality]: 45

   [Characteristics]: Xiangyong Commander·Small (E-level feature, when commanding Xiangyong, Xiangyong attack power, defense power, speed +1)

   Zhao Qi’s force value is as high as 31, and he is currently the highest force in Xia Village. Compared to Elder Li, who has only a force of 5, he doesn’t know where it is.

   And this Zhao Qi is still very loyal.

   Chutian asked Zhao Qi for information about the Yellow Turban soldiers who appeared nearby.

   If there are Yellow Turban soldiers nearby, it is a huge threat to the current Xia Village.

"We Shangtian Village is near the mountain forest about 20 miles to the west. A few days ago, we were ransacked by the Yellow Turban soldiers. My father and six brothers were all killed by the Yellow Turban. Originally, there were more than 300 people in Shangtian Village, but now we only have left. Forty-seven people have been laid off, the village has been destroyed, and food has been robbed."

   "How many Yellow Turban soldiers are there?"

   Chutian was a little surprised.

   Shangtian Village has a population of more than 300 people and is already a secondary village.

   Even a second-level village has been looted, how can one of his own first-level villages block the Yellow Turban soldiers?

"There were about 60 people, and their combat power was more than that of Xiangyong. One of the yellow turban bosses was very powerful and killed several of us. We fought hard and only killed a dozen yellow turbans. They should have about 40. Many people."

   A small yellow turban leader and more than 40 yellow turban soldiers, UU reading www.uukanshu. com and Xia Village only has Zhao Qi, a bronze general and 53 Xiangyong.

   It seems that Xia Village has a dominant population, but it is not.

  The Yellow Turban soldiers are more fierce than Xiang Yong, and their combat power is stronger. The Yellow Turban leader can kill several Xiang Yong in a row, and the force is even higher than Zhao Qi.

   is difficult to deal with.

   "From now on, you will be responsible for training Xiangyong, first heal the injury."

   Chutian found that Zhao Qi\'s injury was not healed, and he was too anxious. At this time, let him recover his injuries to increase his winning rate in defeating the Yellow Turban.

   After Zhao Qi left the Lord’s Mansion, Chu Tian frowned, thinking how to resist the Yellow Turban soldiers who might appear at any time.

   If the Yellow Turban soldiers are allowed to break through the village and destroy the stele, Xia Village will gradually fall apart and be recycled by the system.

   There are three ways to strengthen the military rating of the territory. One is to recruit soldiers and the other is to build fortifications.

  Xia Village has a small population now, and it is impossible to recruit troops other than Xiangyong. Recruitment is unrealistic.

   The road to build fortifications is also unworkable. The first-class villages have no decent fortifications. There is only a wooden fence surrounding the periphery of the village, which is barely the lowest fortification.

   The third way is to recruit powerful generals. In the early stage of the village\'s development, a powerful military commander is worth ten, which is very useful. In the later stage, he can recruit and command the army.

   Chutian took out the golden recruitment order he obtained.

   Recruitment orders are divided into Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond. You can recruit ordinary heroes randomly generated by the system, and there is a small probability that special heroes will appear. The special heroes that appeared in the recruitment order in the Eastern Han Dynasty were civil servants and generals of other dynasties except the Three Kingdoms.

  【Golden Rank Recruitment Order】: Can recruit a gold rank ordinary hero, with a very small probability to recruit special heroes.