Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 199: The brazen Langya

Huo An led thirteen soldiers from the Western Regions Protectorate into the city. Several of them looked weird. It was impossible for the princes of the Kanto region to notice them.

   This is the Huren servant soldier of the Western Regions.

   Chutian had seen Huo An’s units, so he was not surprised.

   Chu Tian, ​​who has a small group of Goguryeo heavy cavalry as his servants, understands why Huo An likes to use the Huren soldiers from the 36 Western Regions-cheap.

   The lord of the Western Regions Protector House can recruit soldiers from thirty-six small countries, and only needs to pay half of the salary compared to the Han soldiers of the same rank. The expensive Han soldiers of the Western Regions Duhufu were like old soldiers. Of course, the combat effectiveness of Hu people in 36 countries is low.

   It\'s best to recruit a group of Huren soldiers to bluff or defend the city.

   "How many soldiers and horses did you bring?"

"2000 cavalry, including 500 Han cavalry, 1500 Dawan, Wusun cavalry. Alien cavalry is really cheap. My strength is more than this, but the Western Regions are different from the Central Plains, and they are threatened by various nomadic tribes and other civilizations. , So I cannot lead the main force to come."

   Huo An muttered a few words.

   Chu Tian wondered: "The 36 countries surrounding the Western Regions Protectorate are not some small countries? Even though our Eastern Han District has a small population in the Western Regions Protectorate, they are not comparable to those small countries."

"This statement is not correct. The scope of the thirty-six countries extends from the Eastern Han Dynasty to Central Asia, as well as other civilizations in Central Asia, such as the Guishuang Empire, the Seljuk Empire, and the Khwarazmo... You may not have heard of these civilizations. The total population of players in Central Asia may be similar to that of Goryeo. However, they are all soldiers and are nomadic tribes in Central Asia. Without counting the population of the Central Plains, the population of our Western Regions is not as large as theirs."

   Chutian began to understand the threat to the west of the Eastern Han District.

   The thirty-six countries of the Western Regions cannot be compared with the real civilized empires, and the gap between the two is vastly different.

   The threat of the Western Regions’ Protectorate comes from several major civilizations in Central Asia.

   "My goal is to build an empire as great as the Western Liao Dynasty in the Western Regions, defeat the Seljuk Empire, enter the Caspian Sea, open up the land Silk Road, and Megatron the Mediterranean."

   Chutian saw a general following Huo An, so he asked: "I don\'t know the name of this general?"

   The general looked at Huo An, and after getting the lord’s approval, he said, "Chen Tang, Zi Gong."

   Chen Tang? !

  Liaodong Prefect Mingguan couldn’t help asking: “Is it the man who committed the crime, Chen Tang, who will be punishable even though he is far away?”

   Huo An nodded and admitted.

   His territory is separated from the territories of Chutian and Mingguan by tens of thousands of miles. There is basically no conflict of interest, so there is no deliberate concealment.

  Chu Tian also heard the name of this general, Chen Tang, the deputy captain of the Western Regions of the Western Han Dynasty, forcing the Western Region guard Gan Yanshou to send 40,000 troops (Han soldiers and servants) to destroy the Xiongnu Zhizhi Shanyu.

   Whoever offends my big man, although it is far away, he must be the famous saying of this man.

   It can be said that this is a cruel character.

"It is really difficult to obtain historical military commanders in the Western Regions Protectorate, and the activities are no better than those of you. To obtain Chen Tang is already three lives. I decided to catch military commanders from other civilizations in Central Asia in the future. There is no need to live or die. Compared with you, it is not better than you."

   Huo An couldn\'t help complaining about the few generals in the Western Regions Protectorate, and turned his attention to Central Asia.

   to grab other civilized generals?

   If Chutian\'s territory is in the Western Regions Protectorate, it would be easier for Chutian to have the characteristics of "Heaven Khan". As for other lords, it would be difficult to subdue the generals of other civilizations.

   When Chu Tian\'s eyes looked at the Huoan guards, the Huomen looked terrified. They seemed to see the nobles and were terrified of Chutian.

   Chutian knew that his "Tian Khan" characteristics were working again.

   This feature is only surprisingly useful under certain circumstances.

   The princes from all walks of life came one after another, slaughtered pigs and sheep, announced Dong Zhuo\'s guilt, and then set up the chariot general Yuan Shao as the leader, and formally formed the Alliance against Dong.

   As for who is the leader, it doesn\'t matter, they are to resist Dong Zhuo and continue eastward, threatening the safety of the Kanto region.

   The 27th Road princes sit side by side in two rows, among which Yuan Shao sits in the main seat, the left row is the Eastern Han princes, and the right row is the foreign princes, each with two guards behind him.

  The guards behind Chutian are Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun. As for Hua Mulan, Chu Tian would not let her stand behind and watch the many princes feasting.

   All the prefects and princes above the prefect level who are eligible to sit are truly above 10,000. At the same time, they are also the most prominent group of dignitaries in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   Chutian discovered that there was a military commander behind Beihai Xiang Kongrong, but it was not Taishi Ci, but another powerful general, "Beihai Meteor Hammer" Wu Anguo.

   Tai Shi Ci was still besieging Jimo City with Young Master Zhao, Kong Rong did not dare to bring Tai Shi Ci to crusade against Dong Zhuo, otherwise once Dorgon got out of trouble, it would be the second catastrophe for Beihai State.

   This time Kong Rong only brought five thousand Qingzhou soldiers, which was about the same strength as Qingzhou Governor Jiaohe. He was the weakest prince, and it is estimated that he could not beat even a thousand Xiliang cavalry.

   Yuan Shao and Han Fu hosted a luxurious banquet. Yuan Shao clapped his hands, and a team of dancers appeared, singing and dancing in front of the 27th princes.

   "It\'s really depraved...but I like it. It\'s fun here, I don\'t think about summer."

   Chutian saw that the princes of the 27th Route had not sent troops, they began to enjoy themselves, not only did not feel anxious, but on the contrary, he was at ease.

  Because Chutian already knew that the princes of the Guandong were a mess of sand.

   Chutian\'s eyes cast a random look on this team of dancers. They may have come from Music Square in Luoyang, and fled to the camp of the Kwantung Allied Forces, where they were taken in by Yuan Shao.

   Chu Tian didn\'t care about their beauty, because Xiacheng had beautiful women, and Chu Tian was not used to seeing them. What he cared about was the bonus this group of dancers brought to the territory.

   The dancers of the Luoyang Palace Band, according to the profession of special talents, are at least senior dancers. The premium dancers bring to the territory is very impressive. If it is a top dancer, it is even better.

   Bring them back to enrich the music workshop in Xiacheng, which can bring special bonuses to the entire Langya country.

   "Unexpectedly, General Fubo also loved romantic things."

   Yuan Shao saw Chu Tian staring at the dancers in Luoyang Lefang in thought, and thought that Chu Tian had taken a fancy to these dancers.

   Chutian put down the wine bottle and said cheeky: "There is a lack of dancers in the band in the lower city pool. If the general is willing to cut love, I will be grateful."

   As soon as Chutian\'s voice fell, the twenty-sixth princes were silent, even though Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Sun Jian, Mingguan, Zhao Long, Tongque and other princes all looked at Chutian together.

   They had never seen such a brazen prince, directly asking for a woman from the leader.

   Yuan Shao regretted talking to Chu Tian.

   He just wanted to tease Chu Tian and enliven the atmosphere. Who knew that Chu Tian was so uninterested, he asked him for the dancers who had escaped from Luoyang Lefang.

  Dancer is not just a enjoyment tool, but a special talent that can bring bonuses to the territory.

   Yuan Shao’s purpose in accepting them is to speed up the development of the territory after owning the territory in the future.

   "This first brother, the fourth generation and the third son, and a dozen women..."

   Chutian shook the wine bottle.

   "Never mind, I don\'t know how many general Fubo wants?"

   "This, this, and this..."

   Chutian ordered all the twelve dancing girls.

   Yuan Shao\'s face is ugly, the appetite of Chu Zimou, the minister of Langya country, is too big, a super dancer, eleven senior dancers, he actually wants them all!

   With the exposure of Chutian\'s ambitions, after Mingguan, Zhao Long, Tongque and other foreign princes understood Chutian\'s intention to recruit special talents, they couldn\'t help but cried out that it was a pity that they were a step slower!

   Chen Xi, the alien soldier behind Liu Bei, also regretted a bit, but thinking of Liu Bei\'s persona, he could not be as brazen as Chu Tian and took the initiative to rob women.

   "General Fubo is too much..."

   Yuan Shao was bleeding in his heart. Although it wouldn\'t matter if a dozen or so women were sent out in troubled times, this is a dancer from Luoyang Music Square, and there is no one in the world!

   Luoyang Lefang is a palace orchestra. It is almost one of the most advanced buildings. How can the dancers who can work in it be ordinary people?

   Only historically talented women can bring more bonus effects than them.

   Historically talented women, there are not many in the entire Eastern Han District.

"I am here for the sake of everyone. Dong Zhuoxiong is located in Xiliang, Guanzhong, and Heluo, and the enemy is at Hulaoguan. How can he enjoy himself freely? These confidantes can only be sent to the music workshop in Xiacheng as soon as possible. So as not to disturb the military spirit."

   Chutian sits in danger and looks decent.


   Most of the princes present are lords, and there is no way to see Chutian\'s true intentions. However, there is some truth to what Chu Tian said, and it is not the time to enjoy himself.

   "Wait for you to go with General Fubo."

   Yuan Shao gritted his teeth, and due to the face of the leader and the fourth generation, the dancers who escaped from Luoyang Lefang were given to Chu Tian.

   "The lord must not..."

   Xu You, a counselor, sat down, at a distance from Yuan Shao. Even if he wanted to remind Yuan Shao not to send a team of high-level dancers because of face, he could not let Yuan Shao step down in front of many princes.

   "Thank you General Cheqi!"

   Chutian thanked Yuan Shaozuo, Yuan Shao had no room for maneuver.

   Yuan Shao was depressed, lost twelve special talents, and even if it was him, his vitality was greatly injured.

   Apart from drinking, no one dared to send dancing girls to cheer up, fearing that Chutian would leave again.

   The twelve dancing girls heard that Langya country was about to leave them with Yuan Shao. They looked at Chu Tian with a little fear, afraid that Chu Tian would take them back with another purpose...

   Compared with Yuan Shao, the fourth generation and the third master, Langya\'s state of affairs is less attractive. They escaped from Luoyang and took refuge in Yuan Shao, the fourth generation and third gong, but Yuan Shao changed hands and gave them to Chu Tian.

   They lacked force, and faced with the choices of the princes, they had no choice but to obey. What happens in the future depends only on how Chutian placed them.

   Chutian brazenly wants to walk 12 dancing girls, not caring what Yuan Shao thinks of him.

   The current Yuan Shao is still unable to do anything. The princes that Chutian faced were stronger than those in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty. There were Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Dong Zhuo, and other lords, and there might not be a chance to fight Yuan Shao.

   The most important thing is to obtain a team of special talents and bring bonuses to the territory.

   Twelve timid dancers stood behind Chu Tian, ​​Yingying and Yanyan made Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun who were also standing behind Chu Tian at a loss.

   Only Chu Tian is calm and calm. He has dealt with Hua Mulan, Xia Liang and others more, and is basically immune to beauty.

   "I really have a temperament, I have to admire Cao Mengde, but I don\'t like this type..."

   Cao Cao said to himself, his voice was inaudible.

   Without the dancing girls, everyone had no choice but to talk about the route to regain Luoyang.

Cao Operation, as the commander of the highest princes here, put forward his opinion: "We can be divided into three groups. The first road passes through Hanoi, advances Mengjin, and attacks Luoyang from the north. The second road starts from wild jujube, occupying Xingyang and attacking Hulao Pass. , Grab the Aoshan Granary, seal the Shiyuan Pass and Taigu Pass, and control the peripheral dangers, so that Dong Zhuo cannot advance eastward, waiting for the opportunity to attack Luoyang from the east. The third road starts from Nanyang, attacks Danshui and Xixian, and goes straight to Wuguan, threatening Chang\'an , Cut off Dong Zhuo\'s retreat. Three ways go in parallel, and Dong Zhuo will be defeated within half a year."

   Cao Cao once served for the court in Luoyang, so he knew the way to and from Luoyang well. His suggestion was undoubtedly a reasonable choice.

   The premise is that the princes of the 27th Route will fight Dong Zhuo with all their strength.

   "Meng De makes sense."

   Because of friendship with Cao Cao, Chu Tian supports Cao Cao.

   Yuan Shao, as the leader, saw Cao Cao and Chu Tian sing a harmony, making him even more unhappy.

   Yuan Shao also knew the passages in and out of Luoyang. In order to be different from Cao Cao, he said, "Since we are gathered in Jujube, we might as well concentrate our forces and take the lead in occupying Xingyang and conquering Hulao Pass. If it is not feasible, we will divide the troops into three routes."

   "What the leader said is quite true."

   Some princes who supported Yuan Shao agreed.

   Cao Cao weighed it up, and Yuan Shao\'s suggestion that all his troops be concentrated on the first to capture Hulao Pass was not unreasonable, so he stopped insisting.

   confronted Dong Zhuo in Xingyang and Hulaoguan, just to test the strength of Xiliang and Guanzhong army, UU read www.uukanshu.com to make judgments.

   Chutian noticed Cao Cao\'s positive attitude, and estimated that among all the princes, Cao Cao was the main combatant.

   After deciding on the route of marching, the princes talked again about their heroes.

   "I heard what a stranger said, and the state governor Dingyuan\'s fierce general Lv Bu is an unparalleled flying general. He took refuge in Dong Zhuo, recognized the thief as his father, and guarded the Hulao Pass for Dong Zhuo. But I have Yan Liang and Wen Chou, and Lv Bu is not afraid."

   Yuan Shao, as the leader, was a little overwhelmed because of drunkenness, and he intended to show his power to the princes.

   Beihai Xiang Kong Rong swept away the decadence he had been defeated by the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army before, put down the wine bottle, and said: "Under the new powerful general Wu Anguo, he can defeat Lu Bu by using Meteor Hammer!"

  The fierce general Wu Anguo behind Kong Rong heard the lord praise himself to many princes, so he held his head up and showed his strong muscles to everyone.

  Nanyang Prefect Yuan Shu was unwilling to show weakness: "I have a brave general, Yu She, and I can fight against Lu Bu!"

   Hanoi prefect Wang Kuang said: "Here is the famous Hanoi general Fang Yue, who can kill Lu Bu!!"

   Jizhou provincial governor Han Fu said: "There is Wushuang general Pan Feng in the next, you can cut Lv Bu!"

   After a group of princes showed their power, Yuan Shao looked at Chu Tian: "I wonder if there are generals under General Fubo, who can rival Lu Bu?"

   Chutian coughed slightly, and slowly said: "The generals underneath are weak and bad at bowing horses..."

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