Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 174: Big Break Wu 3 Gui

"General, there is a sound of killing in front, it seems that the lord has already fought Wu Sangui!"

   "Kill it!"

   Li Guang had just won the victory, his morale was like a rainbow, and he led the cavalry to walk lightly. Under the banner of Xiao Jian, he happened to run into the retreating Wu Sangui.

   "Xiao Jian\'s cavalry? It is no use for him to come at this time."

   Wu Sangui was about to come forward to meet, and the military commander\'s keen intuition showed him that Xiao Jian\'s cavalry was far less powerful than that led by Li Guang. Moreover, the horses ridden by Li Guang\'s cavalry are of great value.

   Wu Sangui understands horses and can make a rough judgment from the horse\'s body shape and the sound of horse hooves.

   "They are not allies, kill!"

   Wu Sangui pulled out his saber, commanded a group of soldiers to kill, and personally hijacked Qi Xiaobai to break through in another direction.

   In order to save his life, he can only sacrifice all his soldiers and horses. As long as you are still alive, there is a chance to comeback!

   Li Guang led the cavalry to defeat Wu Sangui, an elite soldier. Wu Sangui only broke through with dozens of cavalry.

   Now Wu Sangui dare not even go to Juxian.

   Li Guang’s cavalry had Xiao Jian’s battle flag, indicating that Xiao Jian had been defeated.

   So Wu Sangui had to take Qi Xiaobai and dozens of cavalry to flee in the direction of Beihai Country.

   Li Guang was fighting hard, a shower of arrows came, and one of the arrows hit Li Guang.

   Li Guang was annoyed, but when he saw that it was an archer from the Shengsheng Camp who was shooting at him, he suddenly realized that he was flying the banner of Xiao Jian, especially with the banner of Xiao Jian standing beside Li Guang!

   "Throw away the flag!"

   Li Guang, who was shot by a friendly archer, was depressed again.

   Even if his troops disguised as Xiao Jian were seen through by Wu Sangui, they were shot by friendly forces.

   Yin Li, Sun Kang, Wu Dun and other Taishan thieves fought bravely in this battle, showing their strength as much as possible, and asking Chu Tian for credit.

   A few armies swept the opposite Wu Sangui\'s army, the main general Wu Sangui flees, and the rest of the troops will die or surrender. Juxian has decided.

   Xue Rengui didn\'t even need to take action in this battle, Xue Rengui has been with Chu Tian.

   There are too many people who want to do meritorious service, and Chu Tian has no time to send Xue Rengui to the court. The winner is already divided.

   Zangba, Sun Guan, Sun Kang, Yin Li, Wu Dun and others can’t wait to make a name for voting in order to be reused in the future.

   After the war ended, Zhou Yafu was in charge of the aftermath and counted the spoils, while the Taishan thief dug a hole to bury the body.

   After Chu Tian\'s victory, a group of Taishan thief leaders feared him like a tiger.

   Chutian, who organized the crusade against Wu Sangui, obviously wants to take control of Ju County.

   In this way, there are three counties in Chutian, and they are still three prosperous counties, occupying the plains around Yihe and Shuhe.

   To the south, he can covet the East China Sea and the Xiapi Kingdom and replace Tao Qian as the governor of Xuzhou.

   To the east, you can greet Xihai County and arrive at the coast of the East China Sea.

   To the west, I can covet the Taishan County and capture Zhuge Liang, who has not yet grown up.

   To the north, you can covet the North Sea country and fight for Qingzhou.

   Although Chu Tian has not completely occupied Langya country, no one can stop him from unifying Langya country.

   Even if someone can, it is a force outside Langya country.

   Because Chutian has already controlled the core area of ​​Langya Kingdom.

   Yin Li, Wu Dun and other Taishan thief realized this, and they knew it was difficult for them to fight against Chu Tian.


   A person who surprised Chu Tian appeared in front of him.

   "Didn\'t you go to help Hua Mulan get Lingcheng?"

   "This...the last will go the wrong way..."

   Li Guang told Chutian in detail about the incident on the way.

   Chutian heard that after Li Guang got lost, he happened to meet Xiao Jian\'s army, and he was very surprised.

   He thought that Li Guang was a bad guy, but he did not expect that Li Guang\'s bad luck had achieved unexpected results and made great contributions.

  Who said that Feng Tangyi is old and Li Guang is difficult to seal?

   Fang Xuanling commented on the side: "Misfortune and blessing depend on it."

   "You make a big break with Xiao Jian, and the merits are greater than the demerits, and it is counted as military merit."

   Chutian sent Li Guang to go there, just as a partial teacher to cover Hua Mulan. He knew that most of Hua Mulan\'s surprise attacks had already achieved the results, so he didn\'t pursue Li Guang\'s loss.

   sent Li Guang out, and Chu Tian was ready to take risks.

   Li Guang heard that Chutian did not pursue his own fault, and was overjoyed: "This is the subordinate\'s gain!"

   Li Guang presented a package to Chutian.

   Chutian opened it, and it turned out to be... a deadly head.

   Fortunately, Chu Tian tried to calm down, so he didn\'t lose his temper before his men.

   "This is the first level of Langya State Minister Xiao Jian!"

   Li Guang is triumphant.

   "General Li [Zero reading 00ks], next time your gains, just hand it over to the military division who counts the merits, you don\'t have to submit it to me. I believe the military division will count the truth."

   Chu Tianyu has a strong heart, and inadvertently throws the pot to Fang Xuanling.

   Fang Xuanling originally smiled slightly, but when Chu Tian said this, her smile gradually solidified.

   Li Guang picks up his head every day to find him, who can bear it.

   "There is also Xiao Jian\'s saber."

   Li Guang presented another trophy to Chutian.

   Chutian took the saber, and only pulled out a foot. It was cold and cold, and he knew it was a sword.

   [Name]: Broken Sword

   [Quality]: Platinum level

   [Effect]: Self-attack power +7, armor-piercing damage +5%

   Chutian left the long sword, he just lacked a weapon to take advantage of.

  As a lord, the weapon used does not have to be ferocious, but it has to be stylish. It is best to wear a long sword at ordinary times.

   "In the end, I will go down to heal."

   After Li Guang asked for credit, he turned and left, still leaving an undrawn arrow on the armor behind him.

  Chutian only then learned that Li Guang was shot by Shengying Ying’s chaotic arrows.

   Chutian originally thought that Li Guangshi was here to run, but he took it for granted. Generally speaking, Li Guang\'s luck was not very good, and he had already recorded two arrows.

   Fang Xuanling commented again: "Blessings come and disasters fall."


   Chutian and his party counted the results, beheading a total of more than two thousand, and the other enemies were all taken prisoners or collapsed. Wu Sangui was only spared.

   Chutian suddenly added 30,000 captives, most of whom were from the old part of Changji.

   Chu Tian has no good feelings for these group of Taishan thieves who once burned, killed and looted in Yangdu County.

   He asked Fang Xuanling, "Is there still a shortage of miners in Shangbi Town?"

Fang Xuanling shook his head: "Recent wars have been frequent and too many captives. The gold and iron ore mines in Shangbi Town are not short of manpower. Perhaps the lord can order these captives to reclaim farmland and carry out farming for the government. The government earns six per year, Mount Tai The thieves got four. Ten years later, they were old enough to get free."


   So the old tribe of Sanwan Changji was arranged by Chutian to farm in the plains of Yihe and Shuhe.

   As for the 30,000 Tai thief of Yin Li, Sun Guan, and Wu Dun, Chu Tian decided to incorporate them, choosing the strongest and strongest as soldiers, and the others to carry out the farming.

   Taishan thief, like the Yellow Turban Army, is not very good at fighting, but farming is a good player of the first class, better than the high-level arms.

   "You handed over your respective territories unconditionally, moved to Xiacheng, and worked for me, do you have any comments?"

   Chutian recruited Yin Li, Sun Kang, and Wu Dun to formally collect the last batch of Taishan thieves.

  History After Cao Cao incorporated the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army, he gained a lot of youth and his power rose greatly.

   Chutian included the Taishan thief, and his power was also strengthened.

   Yin Li, Sun Kang, Wu Dun and other Taishan thief leaders knelt in front of Chu Tian, ​​facing Chu Tian, ​​who seemed invincible to them, all surrendered: "I will listen to orders!"

   "Xiacheng will send officials to the three counties that receive you. If you turn back on the way, my army will go to raid."

   Chutian carrot and stick.


   The bodies of the three Taitai mountain thieves couldn\'t help but tremble. Chu Tian held an elite division in his hands. The combination of Wu Sangui and Langya\'s state minister Xiao Jian was stepped on by Chu Tian.

   Chutian defeated Wu Sangui and killed Langya\'s country. It only took less than a month, and he was still using troops in the cold winter.

   Such a speed of crusade is enough to make them afraid.

   "You will follow me to capture Jucheng for now."

   The original goal of Chutian\'s crusade against Wu Sangui was to capture Lingcheng and serve as a bridgehead to attack Juxian County.

   After learning that Li Guang accidentally killed Xiao Jian, the prime minister of Langya, Chu Tian had the opportunity to directly occupy Jucheng.

   Out of consideration that a siege might break out, Chu Tian continued to take thirty thousand Taishan bandits and let them act as cannon fodder.

   Beihai Country, Jimo, this city has been attacked by the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army led by Dorgon, and Qu Shuai Guanhai was invited to move to Jimo.

Two people received Wu Sangui’s letter of request for help. After a while, Dorgon realized that it was dangerous for Chu Tian to unify Langya, so he decided to personally lead 10,000 Yellow Turban cavalry to the south to assist Wu Sangui in destroying Chu Tian, ​​plotting Langya, even plotting. East China Sea, Xiapi country.

   If Chutian knew about Dorgon’s decision, it would definitely be tricky.

   Ten thousand Yellow Turban cavalry, plus the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses from Wu Sangui and Xiao Jian, were enough to make Chu Tian uncomfortable.

   "Master Qu Shuai, Juxian Wu Sangui has been defeated by Chu Zimou, and he intends to come and take refuge in me!"

   A yellow turban cavalry reported in time when Dorgon was preparing to set off.

   "Chu Zimou\'s speed is so fast!"

   Dorgon dismounted.

   If Wu Sangui is defeated, then there is no need to rush south to Langya.

   The cold winter city is difficult to attack. Even if he leads 10,000 Qingzhou Yellow Turban cavalry to the south, as long as Chutian defends a few cities and stands firm on the walls, he can only return without success.

   "Dorgon, don\'t worry, Langya country will be in our pocket sooner or later. There is no difference between the capture of Langya country now and the capture of Langya country next year."

   Huangjinqu Shuai Guanhai was holding a piece of lamb leg in his hand, and the fatty oil was flowing between his palms, tearing his mouth, and he didn\'t care about Wu Sangui\'s defeat.

   Without Wu Sangui, he believed that with his infantry and Dorgon\'s cavalry, Langya could be captured next year.

   Dorgon looked serious: "We may have lost the best time to enter Langya country. That Chu Zimou, once let him unify Langya country, want to defeat him, it is ten times, a hundred times more difficult than defeating Kong Rong."

   "Is it so serious?"

   Guan Hai’s greasy hands rubbed randomly on the tiger leather seat.

  Dorgon assisted him in defeating Tai Shici, and at the same time, his intelligence was not low, and Guan Hai, who lacked a military commander, relied heavily on Dorgon. Seeing Dorgon\'s serious expression at this time, he had to restrain himself.

   "Listen well, we want to be the king and hegemony. The looting of food is not sustainable. The food will always be eaten one day. If you want to be the emperor, you must organize your brothers to farm!"

   "Now half of the North Sea country is under our control, and the time has come to farm land. We have hundreds of thousands of strong and strong, these are the conditions for achieving hegemony!"

   Dorgon\'s tone was severe, and Guan Hai couldn\'t help but move.

  Who doesn\'t want to be emperor in the troubled times?

   "But I don\'t know how to manage these towns..."

   Regarding Hai\'s five big and three thick, he was persuaded by Dorgon, thinking that the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army continued to looting, but after all.

   But he really doesn\'t have the ability to govern one of the people.

   "I captured a group of civilian officials from the North Sea country alive. As long as they took their families as hostages, moved to Jimo, and guarded them strictly, they would be able to work hard for us."

   "In addition, you claim to be Beihai Xiang, recruiting talents from various counties and counties, Xu Yi is a high-ranking official. For example, this Wu Sangui may be worthy of use."

   "Finally, try to build a seven-level cavalry battalion. Just do what I say, and I can guarantee that you can become the emperor in ten years."

   Dorgon, who took refuge in Guanhai, uses the emperor as a bait to try to persuade Guanhai to act according to his advice.

   "Do everything as you say. I just lead soldiers to fight."

   Guanhai listened to Dorgon’s suggestion, only to feel big for a while.

   But there is a truth, he understands, as long as he always controls the military power of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army.

  Dorgun obtained the administrative power of Jimo City from Guanhai, so he began to recruit talents, organize part of the Qingzhou Army to reclaim farmland, and try to upgrade the cavalry camp in Jimo City.

   There is currently a five-level cavalry battalion in Jimo.

   "If I had a Guanning cavalry of thousands of people, how could it be reduced to where it is today!"

   Wu Sangui led dozens of cavalrymen and fled Wangbei all the way.

   He always has resentment.

  His special unit, Guanning Iron Cavalry, has never been able to recruit ~www.novelhall.com~ Guanning Iron Cavalry is a special heavy cavalry, which is a late-stage unit itself, and it is basically unrealistic to recruit in the early stage.

  Even the cavalry of Tier 5 and Tier 6, most lords have no chance to recruit in the early stage.

   Because Chutian has repeatedly won military exploits in epic battles, he has the opportunity to recruit special units for generals.

   Some small and medium-sized lords get the famous generals themselves, but they can\'t get the famous generals\' arms.

   For example, Lao Qin’s Meng Tian and Gongziwen’s Pang Juan, their special arms, the Golden Fire Cavalry and Wei Wushou, have not been able to recruit until now.

   Unless in the middle and late stages, special arms will run rampant.

  In the early stage, most lords used general arms, ranging from Tier 1 to Tier 4.

"Give up, we don\'t have a chance to obtain the seventh-level cavalry battalion blueprint. Moreover, we do not have the resources to recruit Guanning cavalry. Do you know how many resources an ordinary Tier 4 heavy cavalry needs? Not to mention that Guanning cavalry is a seventh-tier heavy cavalry. ."

   Qi Xiaobai poured cold water on Wu Sangui.

   After experiencing the initial fear, Qi Xiaobai now relaxes instead.

   It\'s a dead end sooner or later to fall into Wu Sangui\'s hands, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

   "No, I will get the resources to recruit Guanning cavalry. Guan Hai and Dorgon of the North Sea country have already planned to accept me. I think they will be interested in my Guanning cavalry."


   Qi Xiaobai knew this person. This person participated in the battle to annihilate the main force of the border gates of the Ming Dynasty and the main force of the Chuang Wang Li Zicheng, which was once frightening.

   At this time, Chu Tian led the army to Lingcheng and joined Hua Mulan who was stationed in Lingcheng.