Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 17: Daxing Civil Engineering

"Wu Shang in Xia, learning martial arts since childhood, wandering around, and seeing the outstanding people in your village, so I plan to stay here."

   While Chutian left Xia Village, an ordinary hero came to Xia Village. It may be that the lord may not be able to resist the large Yellow Turban army after the grain is harvested. This time it is a silver-level hero who appears in Xia Village.

   [Name]: Wu Shang

   [Talent]: Silver level (ordinary hero)

  [Level]: 40

   [Experience]: 5842/100000

   [Identity]: Descendants of the Warring States Ranger

  【Loyalty】: 70

   [Commander]: 17 [Strength]: 45 [Intelligence]: 24 [Politics]: 11 [Charm]: 61

   [Equipment]: Refined sword (silver-level weapon, attack power +3, extremely small probability of causing armor-breaking effect), leather armor (bronze-level weapon, defense power +1)

   [Phaseality]: 20

   [Characteristics]: Family descendants · small (D-level characteristics, the speed of the territory to attract refugees increased by 1%)

   This hero is a force-type hero, not suitable for leading soldiers to fight, but the characteristic of [family descendants] can speed up the village\'s rate of recruiting refugees.

   "Elder Li, it seems that you did a good job in the village."

   Chu Tian got off his horse, very satisfied with the silver-level heroes recruited by Elder Li. A silver-ranked hero can defeat a few soldiers of the same rank.

   "It is all due to the wise leadership of the village chief. A few days ago, he led many villagers and elders to defeat the Yellow Turban soldiers, which made our Xia Village famous. Wu Shang was willing to stay in our village, and the nearby refugees gathered in our village."

   Elder Li\'s words made Chu Tian very comfortable.

   There are no high-level political officials in Xia Village. Elder Li\'s 30-point political attribute can barely be used.

   Back in Xia Village, Chu Tian took the drawing from the package hung on the saddle.

   First is the barracks.

  Xia Village did not even build Xiangyong Camp, because Chutian went directly to the regular infantry and cavalry route, so he abandoned Xiangyong Camp.

   Now Chutian has a drawing of a first-level cavalry battalion and a drawing of a second-level infantry battalion.

   It costs 20 taels of silver, 100 lumber, and 20 labor to build a first-level cavalry battalion. The first-level cavalry battalion will take three days to complete. The second infantry battalion will be completed in 5 days.

   At the same time, special buildings such as pig farms, chicken farms, fish ponds, and taverns have also started.

   These new buildings need to invest a lot of manpower, from scratch. As for the existing first-class farmland, mining farm, quarry, blacksmith shop, tailor shop, and medical hall, all have been upgraded to second-class buildings. Upgrading a first-level building to a second-level building also consumes silver, wood, stone, and labor.

   About half a month before the grain harvest, the labor force of the entire Xia Village is busy, contributing to the development of Xia Village.

   When the grain is harvested, most of the labor in the village will be put into the work process of harvesting, threshing, and drying the grain, and Xia Village will have no extra labor to build facilities by then. Therefore, the construction of these buildings must be completed before the food is harvested.

   After careful calculation and arrangement of labor, Chutian just barely completed all the buildings with drawings before the grain harvest.

   So Xia Village began to build civil engineering, and the villagers were in full swing and strode towards a third-level village.

   Villagers are paid to construct buildings, and the silver used to construct buildings is naturally allocated to labor, rather than being recycled by the system.

  While waiting for the completion of the building, Chutian went hunting in the nearby mountains and forests from time to time, to obtain meat for the village, and to accumulate wild boar skin, the raw material used to produce leather armor.

   "Ding! The player "God Will Bless You" becomes the first player in the world to have a three-level village. He will be rewarded with a golden recruitment order, which can recruit ordinary gold-level heroes, with a very small probability of recruiting special heroes.

   "Ding! The player ‘Zhou Lao Qin’ became the first player to have a three-level village in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and he was rewarded with a golden recruitment order."

   When Chutian just killed a wild boar and collected meat and wild boar skins, two game announcements exploded almost at the same time.

   One after another, the player "God will bless you" from the Holy See and the player "Old Qin" from the Eastern Han Dynasty raised the village to level 3. The "Old Qin" of the Eastern Han Dynasty did not show weakness, almost deliberately against the Holy See.

   Chutian opened the leaderboard and wanted to see what the territorial prosperity of these two potential opponents was.

  The first "God Will Bless You" has a prosperity rate of 254, and the second-ranked "Liao Qin" has a prosperity rate of 235, and is quickly catching up to the first place.

   Chutian suspected that the player in the Holy See "God will bless you" recruited the royal commander-in-chief Edward, the black prince, so he could occupy the top of the list. The "Old Qin" of the Eastern Han District was about to catch up with him so soon, did he also recruit a special general?

   Chutian checked the hero rankings again, Hua Mulan still ranked second, but the third place was the hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty-General Mengwu of Qin.

   Mengwu was the father of Meng Tian, ​​a fierce general of the Qin Dynasty. When Wang Jian led the Qin army to destroy Chu, Mengwu was the deputy general.

   "It seems that this\'Old Qin\' should be the player who recruited the special hero Mengwu. I don\'t know which state of the 13 states he is in? I hope not in Xuzhou."

   Chutian glanced at the leaderboard, and there were two players from the Eastern Han District in the top ten, and the tenth place was an African chief. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

   There are hundreds of millions of players trapped in "Lord", and the number of lord players is huge. There will definitely be lords recruiting special heroes one after another.

   Chutian doesn\'t care about upgrading the villages with players to third-level villages, because he estimates that Xia Village will be able to upgrade to third-level villages after constructing all the blueprints he brought back.

   Chutian accidentally joined the guild’s "Wolf Xing Tianxia" channel. Other members seemed to have heard the system\'s announcement about the first three-level village player in the Eastern Han District, and began to discuss the number one player in the Eastern Han District, "Old Qin".

"I heard that Lao Qin is a closed beta player, and very influential. If he can use the power in reality, he can surpass the top players in the Holy See. But now everyone is trapped in "Lord" , Luck and choice become very important."

   "Which state is Lao Qin\'s territory? Xuzhou? Qingzhou? Jingzhou?"

   "He is in Guanzhong."


   Chu Tian dived silently and learned some interesting news.

  The number one lord player in the Eastern Han Dynasty is in the Guanzhong area.

   A good place in Guanzhong, it is very rich in the Eastern Han Dynasty, known as the eight hundred miles of Qinchuan, otherwise the center of gravity of the Han Dynasty would not be placed there. Zhuge Liang\'s northern expedition to the Central Plains was even more aimed at capturing Chang\'an.

   Guanzhong is also one of the front lines to resist other civilized areas and NPC forces in the grassland. Yes, in addition to other player civilizations, there are many NPC forces that have disappeared in history, such as Xixia, Xiongnu, Dayueshi, and Loulan forces.

   The Eastern Han District is very large. There are people choosing Guanzhong, Hanzhong, Jingzhou, Yangzhou, Jizhou, and Youzhou, and some people choose to stay in the Western Regions.

  The number one in the Eastern Han Dynasty, "Zhe Ji Lao Qin" is not in the same state as him. It should be a good thing.