Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 166: Mulan's long skirt

Xiacheng was covered by snow, but the lord’s mansion was warm, with officials coming in and out from time to time.

  Chu fought one after another, and finally had time to rest.

  Fang Xuanling, Li Ziao and others were dealing with internal affairs in the front hall of the lord’s mansion, and everything was calm.

  As Zhou Yafu successively captured the villages and towns in Yangdu County, and the good news came back to Xiacheng, the population controlled by Chu finally increased from 800,000 to 1 million.

  If placed in some civilized areas, Chu is already a prince. It\'s just that in the Eastern Han Dynasty, at least one must become a prefect or a governor to qualify as a prince along the way. The Eastern Han District is too big.

  Chu stipulates that the time for handling internal affairs is nine to five.

  Fang Xuanling, Li Ziao and other officials all have residences in the city, and will take the initiative to say goodbye to Chu when the time comes.

  Now it’s winter again, and the lords don’t want to continue fighting, so there are few wars.

   "Lord Lord, please come to the humble house, and your subordinates will show you a good thing."

  Xia Liang took the initiative to send an invitation to Chu before returning to her residence.

   "Is there anything you can bring directly to the Lord\'s Mansion."

  "This thing...It\'s really not easy to bring..."

   Seeing her mysterious, Chu had to follow her.

  Generally, the good things she mentions are all related to making money. Chu is short of money now. He wants more money and recruits more soldiers.

  The houses in Xialiang are the same as the houses of Fang Xuanling, Li Zhao, Li Guang, Hua Mulan, etc. They are all allocated by the lord’s mansion.

  Chu rarely visits his subordinates directly.

  The cool house in summer is not big, no, the layout inside is very elegant, and a pavilion was built.

  Chu does not think this is corruption. With her salary and recent rewards, she is more than enough to build ten pavilions in her private house.

  In the pavilion, there is a woman in a yellow dress holding a volume of books in her hands. There is also a stove next to it, with light smoke, which looks a bit of firework in the cold winter.

   is undoubtedly a beauty.

  Chu thinks he is not a womanizer, but he is also a little surprised.

   "I designed this long dress. You can\'t recognize who she is?"

  Xia Liang held an oiled paper umbrella to block the snowflakes that fell from time to time for Chu, quite proud.

  Chu was separated by a distance, and I really couldn\'t see who the woman in the pavilion was.

  When he approached, he soon understood who the man was.

   "I will see the lord at the end..."

  Hua Mulan saw Chu coming, hurriedly closed the book and bowed to Chu.

  Chu couldn\'t help but laugh. This was the first time he saw Hua Mulan put on a long skirt, but Hua Mulan obviously thought that she was still wearing armor and acted like a storm.

   "Sister Mulan, I can’t usually do this."

  Xia Liang teaches Hua Mulan\'s usual etiquette for women in time.

  "The good thing you showed me is Mulan?"

  Chu looked at Mulan up and down. The yellow skirt and the waistband showed her rugged figure to the fullest... Previously, Chu could not see that Mulan was also quite interesting.

  Because it is winter, I also wear an undershirt in my long skirt, my long hair is gathered up with white silk satin, and my cheeks are a little cold red.

  "How could it be Mulan... it\'s something more exciting..."

   "Is there something more exciting?"

  Now Chu also felt that he was ignorant.

  He thought it was enough to encourage Hua Mulan, who usually wears armor, to change into a long skirt.

  Xia Liang asked Chu to wait in the pavilion, and then took out a wooden box from the house. When he opened the wooden box, Chu was completely stunned. Even Mulan, who is usually cold, has hot cheeks.

  The wooden box turned out to be underwear!

   "Miss Xia, you are..."

  Chu finally knew why it was inconvenient to be in the Lord’s Mansion.

  Xia Liang was asked by Chu, and he pouted, "Of course it is to make money!"

   "I am very poor..."

"The subordinates are not trying to sell you. You can get a lot of income from everything you need for food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. Clothing is silk, cotton, and linen. Food is grain, fish, and salt. Housing is residential. Travel is carriage, water transportation, Shipping. As long as we monopolize most of the silk trade, do you think we will be short of money? Most players will accept this kind of clothing, and then a trend will be formed, and then all civilians will also accept it."

"In the Spring and Autumn Period, Qi Huangong likes to wear purple clothes, so all Qi people rushed to imitate them, and the price of purple cloth went up. When it was, five plain cloths could not be exchanged for one purple cloth. Later, Qi Huangong tried to reverse this. This kind of ethos, so he claimed that he hated purple clothes. After three days, Qi will not see anyone wearing purple clothes. This shows that the attitude of the monarch can affect the preferences of the civilians under the rule."

  Chu understood the meaning of Xia Liang, which is to cater to the needs of players, and at the same time promote underwear to make civilians’ money.

  What a ghost.

   "I have no opinion, you just let it go. But in "Lord", it should not be possible to create items that are not available."

  "No, there is this item in the settings of "Lord". I learned advanced tailoring skills and tried to make it. The result is really made. If you don\'t believe it, you can check its properties."

  Xia Liang is serious and authentic.

  Chu had to check the attributes of a piece of clothing.

  [Name]: Xia Liang\'s underwear

  [Quality]: Superior


   [Description]: A piece of ordinary clothing with no defense. Player Xia Liang is in the October system of the second year of the Lord\'s calendar.

  "It can really be made..."

  Chu seems to see a good way to make money.

  It seems something is wrong, why is the durability a bit less...

  "In the future, you just let other tailors produce. Your time should be spent on other aspects."

  Chu secretly said, in order to increase financial income, it is a big deal to encourage the sale of underwear as a lord.

  Chu agreed and handed over a silk workshop to Xia Liang to run it, and let her go for the details. Chu can still afford the loss of a silk workshop.

  Hua Mulan was present, but she couldn\'t talk about her clothes at all. Because of Hua Mulan\'s presence, Chu did not praise her.

  Producing clothing that is popular with players living in Xiacheng, this matter is temporarily over.

  Chu asked Hua Mulan about cavalry training by the way.

  There are 3,000 light cavalry stationed in Xiacheng, with an average level of about 45.

  Hua Mulan’s exclusive cavalry iron eagle scout is still training, she is already eager to try.

   Command an elite cavalry, very different from commanding ordinary light cavalry.

  Chu accidentally discovered that Hua Mulan\'s long skirt was still using the fabric he gave her in Luoyang.

After Chu agreed to promote underwear, the textile workshop began to manufacture a large amount of underwear, and then sold it in Xiacheng, which caused a sensation among the players in a short time.

   "No way, is there really that kind of thing for sale?"

   "I...I want..."

  The first to pursue was a group of female players, and then the civilians in Xiacheng were affected and began to haunt the silk shop...

   "Ding! A new special product of Grade A-the first-class silk underwear appeared in Xiacheng in your territory."

  Chu received the system prompt, quite unexpectedly.

  The invention of Xia Liang has also become one of the specialties of Xiacheng.

   is actually not an invention. There is such an item in the setting of "Lord", but it was made by Xia Liang and supported by Chu as the lord, so it became a special product.

  Some female players who have learned tailoring skills have long discovered, but they are ashamed of promotion and have not received the support of the lord.

   Instead, Chu picked up a big deal.

  Although he had anticipated the value of it, Chu was still a little surprised, because the net profit of the first silk shop was as much as 325 taels of silver, and the next few stocks were directly exhausted.

  325 taels of silver, enough to buy four gold-class horses.

  It can be seen how helpless the female players trapped in "Lord" are. The female players in Xiacheng now regard Chu as a hero.

  So Chu arranged more weavers to produce this new specialty.

  New special products are the most profitable when they come out. Once other lords try to produce them, the profits will decrease.

  How about sacrificing reputation in order to recruit money to buy horses.

   "The lord, Xu Sheng, the general of the lord of Ju County, has taken refuge in General Zhou Yafu!"

  Chu received a letter from Zhou Yafu.

   Chu was greatly shocked by Xu Sheng\'s coming to vote. He failed to capture Xu Sheng alive in Yangdu County. As a result, Xu Sheng had come to take refuge by himself.

  The story of the matter Zhou Yafu has elaborated as much as possible in his letter.

  Qi Bai went to take refuge in Ling Feng, the lord of Juxian County, but Qi Bai\'s general Wu Sangui suddenly attacked and killed Ling Feng, thinking that he could subdue Xu Sheng.

  As a general of Ling Feng, Xu Sheng was extremely loyal and was dissatisfied with Wu Sangui, and brought his soldiers to fight with Wu Sangui.

  Wu Sangui came prepared, Xu Sheng suffered a big loss in the end, after the defeat, Zhongjian fled to Yangdu County on the opposite bank of the Yi River, trying to use the power of Chu to avenge the old master.

   "Wu Sangui is really a headache..."

  Chu put down Zhou Yafu’s letters, and now Wu Sanguixiong is based in Juxian, with tens of thousands of soldiers, and has become Chu’s great burden.

  "Xu Sheng, please come to Xiacheng."

  Chu originally thought that the first Three Kingdoms general he conquered was Taishan Thief, but Xu Sheng did not expect it to be.

  Annan District, Greater Vietnam.

  "He is a player in the Eastern Han District, **** it, he took Champa rice!"

"catch him!"

  A group of menacing lords and players of Great Vietnam, armed with weapons, killed a sailboat and splashed blood on the deck.

  The border of the civilized area was opened in May of the second year of the lord’s calendar. Immediately, the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty sent desperadoes to come to Annan District to try to obtain Champa rice.

  The angry lord of Annan bloodbathed this sailing ship.

  When they were searching for the loot, they found that something seemed to be wrong.

  "This is not the sailing boat of the Eastern Han Dynasty, we were deceived!"

  "They are really cunning! Once the lords of Jiaozhou and Yangzhou get Champa rice, it will be a huge threat to our Great Vietnam!"

  The players from the Greater Vietnam Kingdom are no more angry, because the players in the Eastern Han region who have obtained Champa rice have already set sail with the sea breeze blowing from the Pacific to the land.

  "Brother, I have fulfilled my mission and obtained the seeds of Champa rice. From now on, the south of the Yangtze River can become a granary."

  A Jiaozhou player stood on the undulating deck. He risked his life to go to Champa. By bribing the local officials, he finally got the precious Champa rice.

   "There are also players from the Greater Vietnam country who chased me, and I will seek revenge from you in the future. The Greater Vietnam country should have been a possession of our Eastern Han region long ago!"

   Jiaozhou and Dayue have always had grievances.

  Originally, the land of the Great Yue State was supposed to be part of Jiaozhou. Later, the Great Yue State separated and formed a different civilization, which is now Annan District.

  The lord of Jiaozhou has only two development directions, either going north to attack Jingzhou and Yangzhou, or going south to attack the Great Vietnam.

  Chu patiently waited for five years in Xiacheng, and Xu Sheng, a military commander of Soochow Wu, finally arrived in Xiacheng in the walking warship.

   "Xiacheng is more prosperous than I thought. However, the scale of the navy in Xiacheng is not large."

  Xu Sheng disembarked at the pier in Xiacheng and saw prosperous fish leftovers on the shore

  The fourth-level fish market in Xiacheng is overcrowded, supplying 100,000 people in Xiacheng.

  In order to develop Xiacheng, Chu moved the 50,000 people of Langya City into Xiacheng. Therefore, Xiacheng is now second only to Langya City.

  A group of light cavalry returned to the city against the bandits and met Xu Sheng who had come to take refuge. The cavalry leader is a white general.

  Xu Sheng looked at the man, feeling a bit familiar, and suddenly remembered that this was the general of Xiacheng who led the heavy cavalry to break the formation that day.

  This somewhat immature-looking white robe will lead three hundred heavy cavalry to pierce his legion during the Battle of Yangdu County. Xu Sheng is deeply impressed by the majestic and majestic halberd painting.

  Xue Rengui didn\'t know Xu Sheng, and he took a look at Xu Sheng intentionally or accidentally when he passed by.

  "General Xue, the lord has blinked"

  Xue Rengui was stopped by guards with Xu Sheng.

  Chu knows that Shishi\'s military commanders are powerful. Xu Sheng may be a diamond-level military commander. If the violence injures people, Chu\'s current force may be killed.

  So Chu specially summoned Xue Rengui and Li Guang, two powerful generals, to avoid Xu Sheng being sent by Wu Sangui to surrender.

   Soldiers are not tired of fraud.

  Xue Rengui dismounted and asked the lieutenant to help him lead the Turkic war horse back to the stable.

  Xu Sheng saw Xue Rengui\'s horse, his eyes lit up.

  He also knows the pros and cons of war horses.

   Xue Rengui’s war horse costs at least five hundred taels of silver.

  Xu Sheng couldn\'t help feeling a bit envious.

  At least he has not come into contact with such a good horse~www.novelhall.com~ Are you? "

   "The defeated general Xu Sheng."

   "Why are you here? Could it be that you came to surrender?"

  Xue Rengui’s first reaction was Xu Sheng\'s surrender.

   Although Xu Sheng was defeated in the battle in Yangdu County, his army was not annihilated. He returned to Ju County after the defeat, and should not appear in Xiacheng.

  "Don’t be suspicious of the general. My lord was killed by Wu Sangui, so I want to take revenge with soldiers."

  Xu Sheng mentioned this matter with a bleak expression.

  Chu knew that Xu Sheng was loyal to Soochow all his life and was a trusted general, so he accepted Xu Sheng\'s refuge.

   Xu Sheng followed Xue Rengui to the lord’s mansion, Chu bathed in incense, and took Li Guang to wait for Xu Sheng’s arrival.

  It is difficult to conquer the wild generals. The two Taishan thief generals Zangba and Sun Guan are still being held in the dungeon of Xiacheng, without surrendering.

  Now what Chu wants to conquer is a military commander who is better than Zang Ba and Sun Guan, or a navy general.

  Chu has infantry, cavalry, and archer generals, but it lacks generals.

  Whether you can subdue the first Three Kingdoms generals depends on your own three-inch tongue.