Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 144: Goguryeo defeated on the 3rd!

Hua Mulan led two thousand five hundred Eastern Han cavalry into the Goguryeo army. The eighth-long horse pulled away the long spear of the Goguryeo cavalry and pierced the opponent\'s body!

   Zhang Ba Ma Fu was originally very heavy, but Hua Mulan could swing easily. There were three or four Goguryeo cavalry soldiers who were swept down by her horse Fu.

  Di Qing led another cavalry to flanking and flanking. He wore a bronze mask and disheveled his head, like a demon. He slashed the opponent\'s shoulder with a big knife, almost removing the opponent\'s shoulder!

   Pang Juan led heavy infantry, and Zhou Yafu led Xiliu Battalion as the main force, killing and wounding hundreds of Goguryeo soldiers.

   An arrow pierced the throat of a Goguryeo general, and clusters of sharp iron arrows pierced through the back of the opponent\'s neck.

   Li Guang used a long bow to kill Goguryeo generals one after another, bringing a lot of military merit to Chutian.

"you again?"

   Li Guang meets Xue Rengui in the chaos army, and two generals who are good at using long bows meet again.

   Xue Rengui, besides using a long bow, was also fierce in close combat, with a Fangtian painted halberd or stabbed or slashed, one after another Goguryeo soldiers were killed.

   "You are not bad, see who kills more enemies!"

   Xue Rengui intends to compete with Li Guangyi.

"it is good!"

   Li Guang directly took down three arrows and shot them at the same time, killing three Goguryeo soldiers in a row!

   He subconsciously reached into the quiver to take the arrow, but found that the quiver was empty.

   Thirty arrows, all used up.

   Li Guang had to drew his saber and smashed into the Goguryeo army like Xue Rengui, slashing at close quarters!

   Ulji Wende’s Goryeo lord\'s coalition guarded the rear, but the Goguryeo forces of Gao Yanshou and Gao Huizhen were unable to defend the front, and the Tang army broke through.

   A torrent of iron and steel composed of mysterious cavalry smashed past, and the Goguryeo army was completely defeated, relying on the mountain to stand firm.

   There are so many people in Goguryeo, it is extremely difficult to encircle them all.

   The decisive battle began in the early morning, and the two sides continued to fight to the west. The Tang army still couldn\'t eat more than one million Goguryeo and Goryeo coalition forces.

  The battle between the two sides is not over, the people and horses are tired, and the Tang Swords have already rolled their blades, and then they stop attacking.

   Goguryeo\'s corpses were everywhere, and the corpses were full of rivers.

   The remaining Goguryeo army was huddled in the hillside and foothills, stretching for dozens of miles, and was completely surrounded by the Tang army.

   Hua Mulan obeyed Chutian\'s order and took the cavalry to capture a group of Goguryeo heavy cavalry, of which Xiacheng captured as many as 27 Goguryeo heavy cavalry.

  The soldiers of other lords also captured a group of Goguryeo prisoners.

   In addition to 27 Tier 4 Goguryeo heavy cavalry, there are 92 Goguryeo light cavalry, 315 Goguryeo infantry and archer.

   This group of prisoners will become the cannon fodder or coolies of Xiacheng, digging in the mining field of Shangbi Town.

   First-tier Goguryeo light infantry, because they are not units of the Eastern Han Dynasty, they can deduct half of their salaries and only pay 500 copper per month.

   In theory, this group of Goguryeo soldiers would not have to pay their pensions after their death.

  It is undoubtedly a good choice to use other civilized troops as cannon fodder.

  The disadvantage is that the loyalty is not high, and it cannot be recruited normally.

   If it were not for national warfare, most of the lords of the Eastern Han Dynasty would not have access to the arms of other civilized areas.

   Chutian checked his military merits. The current total military merits are 7215 points. Excluding the 2200 points used, there are 5015 military merits.

   Military merit is the most direct reward, and the captured Goguryeo soldiers and their equipment are indirect rewards.

  Using the horses and equipment of the Goguryeo heavy cavalry, Chutian can form a heavy cavalry squad after he returns.

   Or, first use this Goguryeo heavy cavalry.

   The Goguryeo heavy cavalry is a Tier 4 unit anyway, and the salary is halved, which is still quite attractive.

   After the fourth-level cavalry battalion, Chutian confiscated their horses and equipment to form a group of Xuzhou heavy cavalry.

   Xueyue led the players of the Wolf Walker Guild to hunt down the Goguryeo soldiers, and she also made a lot of gains and obtained a lot of military exploits and equipment.

   Mingguan, lord of East Liao, Gongziwen, lord of East Jun, Prince Yan, lord of West Liaoning, and others have also won.

   There are as many as tens of thousands of Goguryeo soldiers captured.

   "Our lord is injured!"

   A team of state cavalry carried the injured lord Dahu back to camp. There were a few arrows stuck in the tie of the tiger, and there was a knife mark on the front of the tie.


  The Second Army of Chutian brought a group of doctors, from high-level doctors to low-level doctors, and quickly came to help Dahu stop the bleeding.

   The lord of Jiuyuan County of Binzhou has no historical military commander, but he personally led his troops into the enemy\'s formation and was shot by the enemy\'s arrows.


   Dahu coughed violently and still had blood.

   This is the first wounded lord of the Second Chutian Army.

   "He is in no danger of life. It\'s just that he can\'t move for ten and a half months."

   The senior physician took action and used herbs to stop the bleeding of the tiger.

   Big Tiger lay in the camp and said to Chu Tian: "Legislative Commander, I will give you my Union State Cavalry for the time being. You can use it. As long as you can defeat the enemy, it doesn\'t matter if the whole army is wiped out."

   "The army of Goguryeo has been completely surrounded by Tang Jun and us. It is estimated that within a few days, the army of Goguryeo will surrender. When you get better, we will go and take down Anshi city together."

   The second legion injured a lord in this battle. Most of the other lords have low force and command only from the rear.

   The losses of free players are relatively heavy. They have to charge themselves and some free players die.

   Chutian learned of the contest between Li Guang and Xue Rengui. In contrast, Xue Rengui seemed to be better, because Xue Rengui had a Fangtian painted halberd, which was more efficient at killing the enemy.

   After a one-night rest, the Tang army continued to attack the Goguryeo army the next day.

   Chutian personally beat the drums, Hua Mulan held Ma Jian in his hand and charged, Zhou Yafu and Pang Juan led infantry and Tang Jun to advance together.

  Eastern Han lords\' cavalry generals Li Chengliang, Zu Dashou, Di Qing, Hua Mulan, etc., and the Tang army\'s cavalry generals Ashinasheer, Xue Wanche, Qi Yue Heli led the cavalry to attack the Goguryeo army.

   The Goguryeo army has Gao Yanshou, Gao Huizhen, Ulji Wende, facing the famous generals of the Eastern Han District and the Tang army, they can only do their best to defend.

   The Goguryeo army had lost all morale after being flanked the day before. They huddled in the foothills and slopes, desperately resisting.

  The battle lasted for another day, and part of the ring and Tang knives hit the edge again. Seeing that it was too late, Li Shimin could no longer fight, Mingjin retreated.

   The morale of the Goguryeo army has almost dropped to the extreme.

   On the third day, the Tang army continued to attack, Hua Mulan waved Ma Jian, already numb.

   The Tang Army and the East Han Allied Forces besieged Goguryeo and the Goryeo Allied Forces for three consecutive days. If Hua Mulan is not in the hands of the gold-class Ma Jian, maybe Ma Jian has been scrapped for killing the enemy.

   Li Shimin seemed determined to eliminate the besieged Goguryeo army as soon as possible. He divided the Tang army into several groups and attacked the Goguryeo army day and night.

   The emperor also has a temper. If he can\'t attack for a long time, he will attack at any cost.

   In order to cooperate with Li Shimin, Chutian divided the Second Army into two groups, one group resting, and one group attacking.

   At night, the Goguryeo army still did not surrender, so Li Shimin ordered to light a torch and continue the attack.

   The sound of killing was shaking, and even the defenders of Anshicheng were frightened.

   It is obvious that the Tang army and the Goguryeo army supporting Anshicheng are fighting fiercely.

   The terrifying cry of killing lasted for three days, which meant that the two sides fought for three days, so that they were fighting at night.

   The city lord of An City frowned, he sensed something wrong from the shouts of killing.

   Goguryeo has a million aid troops, far more than the Tang army. If the Goguryeo army wins, it should be easy to eliminate the Tang army. Now that the two sides have fought for three days without ending, Tang Jun is more likely to win. The Tang army was small in number, and wanted to completely defeat the Goguryeo army, and within a few days he couldn\'t do it.

   The Goguryeo army was blocked on a higher mountain. The two sides fought until the fourth day. The Goguryeo army and the lords of Goguryeo were exhausted physically and mentally.

   The Tang army was on the initiative and could take turns to attack the Goguryeo army, but the besieged Goguryeo army could not sleep well from top to bottom.

   On the fourth day, the Tang army shot a surrender letter to the Goguryeo army before the attack. If the Goguryeo army surrendered, it would be forgotten.

   This is the decision of Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty, and it is difficult for the lords of the Eastern Han Dynasty to influence Li Shimin\'s decision.

   Moreover, Chutian, Mingguan, Prince Yan and others did not want to continue fighting.

   Goguryeo’s reinforcements were 1.5 million people. Even at a disadvantage, the Tang army could only kill more than 100,000 Goguryeo soldiers and captured more than 100,000 even after attacking for three days and nights.

   If you continue to kill, it is estimated that all Tang Swords will be sharpened.

   Gao Yanshou and Gao Huizhen, two Goguryeo generals, recruited the Goryeo lord: "Tang Jun persuaded him to surrender, we have decided to surrender to the Khan."

Goryeo lord Choi Jae-sun was a little unwilling: "We still have a million army, and half a month\'s worth of food. If we continue to fight, we can consume the soldiers of the Tang army and their bows, arrows, knives and guns! Once the Tang army loses too much, it will not be able to besiege Anshi. city!"

   "We two have decided. You are right. If we continue to resist, it may cost Tang Jun a great deal, but refusing to surrender also means that we will be killed by Li Shimin in the end."

   Gao Yanshou and Gao Huizhen did not follow Choi Jae-sun\'s orders. They considered their own interests.

   Surrender early can survive, and resistance will only result in soldiers being buried alive.


   In order to resist the Tang Army and the Allied Forces of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cui Jae-sun fought hard and sent Ulchi Wende, and at the same time caused more than half of the two thousand battle damage. He killed hundreds of Tang and Eastern Han forces.

   However, all the efforts made by the Lord of Goryeo were in vain because of the surrender of General Goguryeo.

   "Ding! Goguryeo generals Gao Yanshou and Gao Huizhen lost to the Tang army. They are determined to surrender. In order to protect the lords of Goryeo, all the lords of the besieged Goryeo will be told to leave the battlefield before surrendering."

   There are fifty Goryeo lords in the army of Gao Yanshou and Gao Huizhen. Among them, four lords were killed, and the remaining 46 lords were forcibly sent out of the battlefield.


  Many lords of Korea were relieved. They were violently attacked by the Tang Army for three days, and every moment seemed to be in torment. It might be a good thing to be able to escape from the battlefield of the country at this time.

"I can not be reconciled!"

   Choi Jae-sun and his soldiers were reported to leave the battlefield and return to Uiju City on the northern border of Goryeo Kingdom.

   Other Goryeo lords also returned to their respective cities.

   With the return of the first forty-six lords of Korea, the whole world is a sensation.

   In the national war between the Eastern Han Dynasty and Korea, Korea has already lost half of it!

  The three-month national war is only the eighth day!

   "Tang Jun is too fierce."

   In order to avoid being blamed by other Goryeo players, the surviving Lord of Goryeo can only transfer the responsibility to Tang Jun led by Li Shimin. And what they said may not be true.

   "Anshi city is still defending, the defensive battle is the highlight, and the Tang army may not be able to break Anshi city."

   All Goryeo lords and free players can only pin their hopes on the defenders of Anshi Castle.

  In history, the reinforcements were not Li Shimin\'s opponents at all. What really blocked Li Shimin was the strong Anshi City and the stubborn resistance of Anshi City.

   "Although there is some shame in the national war this time, can you really take down Anshicheng? In the future, Cui Zaishan will command Liaodong and use your contradictions to defeat you all."

   Choi Jae-sun counted the losses. There were only 812 of the 2,000 Korean soldiers and horses left. Fortunately, the historical military commander Ulji Wende was not killed. He could have the capital to march into Liaodong. Because he fought hard with Tang Jun, he ranked first in the Korean camp in the national battle list.

   The Lord of Korea was sent away, Gao Yanshou and Gao Huizhen surrendered to Tang Jun, and Tang Jun accepted Gao Yanshou and Gao Huizhen\'s surrender.

   Next is how to deal with more than one million soldiers and horses.

   "All the lords who participated in the battle, according to the contribution of the battle, assign slaves."

   Li Shimin generously rewarded some of the captured Goguryeo soldiers to the lord of the Eastern Han District as a reward.

  The ancient captives are themselves trophies. The master may release them if they are in a good mood, or they may become slaves or even buried alive if they are in a bad mood.

Because of his meritorious service, Chu Tian divided up 500 Goguryeo slaves, of which 50 were Goguryeo heavy cavalry, plus Goguryeo soldiers who fought captives for three consecutive days, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Chutian had thousands of Goguryeo soldiers and horses, The Koguryo heavy cavalry is about 100 horses.

   Even if a group of Goguryeo slaves were rewarded to the lords of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Li Shimin still had a large number of Goguryeo captives in his hands.

   Li Shimin moved the captives above the small boss to the pass, and then released ordinary Goguryeo soldiers. Long live the Koguryo soldier Shanhu, and then leave.

   The Tang army still besieged Anshi City, and couldn\'t feed so many prisoners.

   In order to demonstrate the majesty of Tian Khan, Li Shimin suppressed the nobles who resisted in Goguryeo, forcibly moved them to the pass for sinicization, and then released civilian soldiers to gather people\'s hearts.

   As for whether it is correct, Chu Tian and the others can\'t control it.

   And Li Shimin really did this in history. Even if Chu Tian stopped it, it would not be possible to change history, because this was a copy of the national war.

   "Next is the formal siege of Anshi City."

   Chutian counted the trophies obtained, among which one hundred Goguryeo heavy cavalry were considered unexpected trophies.

   Chutian\'s generals are all physically and mentally exhausted now, Hua Mulan came back from the outside on her horse, fighting for three days, barely able to support her body.

   "Master, after returning to Xiacheng, how about formally forming a heavy cavalry..."

   Hua Mulan got off her horse and was reporting to Chu Tian, ​​but her eyes went dark and she fell into Chu Tian\'s arms.

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