Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 135: National war begins

Remember in one second【】

Guan Plain, the city of Xianyang, was originally burned by the overlord of Chu, the lord, Lao Qin, built a new city of Xianyang on the former site of the Xianyang Palace, just to the west of Chang\'an.

Because of the Liangzhou rebellion and the auxiliary shock, the Han court called Huangfusong, Dong Zhuo and a large number of soldiers and horses to suppress the Liangzhou rebels, and the old Qin made a fortune in the war.

The Han army needed a lot of weapons, armor, arrows, and food. The city of Xianyang, which had a history of old Qin, sold these materials to the Han army and obtained a large amount of gold and silver. Therefore, it firmly ranked second in the Eastern Han District, and there were faintly more than Chutian. momentum.

The two military commanders followed the old Qin.

Old Qin pressed his sword, followed by a group of thousands of heavy infantry and a group of thousands of cavalry.

His horse came from Hedong County or Longxi County.

It is not unreasonable for the Qin State to use Guan as its stronghold to sweep the six kingdoms after Fen VI.

The location here is superior.

Thousands of heavy infantry with long spears formed a dense long spear formation.

A general commanded the heavy infantry, and a general commanded the light cavalry.

"Unfortunately, there is no way to recruit Qin Ruishi..."

Lao Qin put his sword right on his sword. He was the commander of the First Corps and the interim commander of the Eastern Han District during the National War.

In his forties, he has enough experience to serve as commander in chief, and some other lords are either young or inexperienced.

"Meng Wu, Meng Tian, ​​this time I have to rely on your strength."

Before Old Qin was about to be sent into the battlefield, his generals were Mengwu and Mengtian.

Meng Tian is very famous throughout the Eastern Han Dynasty.

In Liaodong County, a small soldier at the border gate at the end of the Ming Dynasty also brought two historical generals to participate in the war.

"Zu Dashou and Li Chengliang, let the world see the power of the Liaodong cavalry. The Goryeo lord on the other side of the river wants to covet Liaodong all day, coveting the Liaohe Plain, and see if you can eat these two generals."

Mingguan led two famous generals. For lords who are familiar with the history of the Ming Dynasty, these two generals are also very famous.

Zu Dashou, who served as the deputy general in Liaodong in the late Ming Dynasty, participated in the Battle of Guangning, the Victory of Ningjin, and the Battle of Dalinghe, which caused considerable trouble to Houjin. Later, after being held by Houjinwei in Jinzhou City for more than a year, surrendering to Huangtaiji was the biggest black spot.

Li Chengliang is more famous than Zu Dashou. He was once the boss of Zu Dashou. He guarded Liaodong for ten years. It was known as Qi Jiguang in the southeast and Li Chengliang in the northeast. At that time, Li Chengliang\'s prestige was still above Qi Jiguang, and many tribes in eastern Liaoning were panicked. He also has black spots, that is, letting off the captive Nurhachi and making it bigger. It is estimated that Li Chengliang, who was Megatron Liaodong at that time, did not expect to have a later gold.

Now the two generals who are good at commanding Liaodong soldiers and horses are under Mingguan.

These two people are also difficult to control.

"It\'s a pity that Ma Chao hasn\'t grown up yet, otherwise he can be allowed to participate in the national war."

Liangzhou lord Xu Fengnian has only one historical general by his side, but he is full of confidence in this general.

Speaking of this, this general is also related to Emperor Taizong Li Shimin, because he is Li Shimin\'s ancestor-Li Hu, one of the eight pillars of the Western Wei Dynasty during the Northern and Southern Dynasties!

After Li Shimin was a famous family in Longxi, Li Hu was the great ancestor of Li Shimin.

Behind Xu Fengnian and Li Hu is a team of Xiliang cavalry.

Xu Fengnian was the commander of the Army Corps of the Eastern Han Dynasty, with Xiliang cavalry as the core.

"I didn\'t expect to be the commander of the Fourth Army. I\'d better keep a low profile... although I can\'t hold back this time, nor can I lose too much."

Han Ling advocated that Liu Zongmin and Zhang Bao were next to him. There were a large number of peasant troops in his lord, but this time he could only take away two thousand people.

"It\'s okay to bring a thousand yellow turban leaders and a thousand Chuangwang Refugee Army to participate in the war. I rely on quantity. If it is pure quality, I might not be as good as the lord behind... I just choose the army based on the territorial ranking. Long, it’s too simple."

Zhang Dao sighed. His territory had tens of thousands of Yellow Turban Soldiers and the Chuangwang Refugee Army. These were low-level arms, but they were superior in number and fast in recruiting. They did not feel distressed after their death as the cannon fodder for the siege.

On the vast waters of the Yangtze River, a cowhide warship led dozens of sailing ships. The stern is a Class IV vessel, light in structure, but larger than the size of the stalk. Standing on the deck, the navy soldiers holding spears, halberds and crossbows, walking on flat ground, looked quite elite.

A banner of the mysterious bird totem was hunting in the river breeze.

This fleet is the savings of the lord Tongjak of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Participating in the battle of the Baijiang River, his background may be exhausted. Even the fourth-level sterns that were finally produced would be burned by the Japanese army.

But he did not hesitate to lead the lords of Yangzhou, Jingzhou, and Jiaozhou into the war, because the battle at Baijiangkou was in the Dongying area—you can\'t lose the face of your ancestors.

"Even if you fight all two thousand people, you can\'t be defeated. Without the background, the big deal is to surrender to other lords after returning. With my credit, the other party will definitely not dare to kill me. Furthermore, rewards may make up for my loss."

The copper bird clenched his fists.

In the battle of Baijiangkou, the Datang navy crushed the navy of the Japanese army. Compared with the battle of Anshicheng, the pressure was less. The lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty in this prefecture could not lose to Dongying.

Moreover, the number of lords in this state is actually extremely large. The number of lords in Yangzhou may be several times that of Xuzhou.

Next to Tongque was a famous Southern Tang general named Liu Renzhan. Zhou Shizong Chai Rong enlisted hundreds of thousands of Ding Zhuang from various states to besiege Liu Renzhan\'s defensive Shouzhou. He could not beat him for more than a year and was a defender. In order to defend the city, Liu Renzhan even killed his son, almost

^0^Remember in one second【】

Chai Rong, who shot and killed, was also a ruthless man.


The lords of the entire Eastern Han District and the generals and advisers they recruited were involved in the national war.

"Ding! The national war between the Eastern Han District and Goryeo and Dongying has officially begun. All lords and your selected soldiers and supplies will be sent to the battlefield. The countdown will count down to ten minutes."

Chu Tian was ready.

Next to him are four heroes Fang Xuanling, Hua Mulan, Li Guang, and Zhou Yafu, who have the most luxurious lineup of the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty, as well as special units such as Xiliu Camp and Shesheng Camp.

"Xiacheng\'s affairs are left to you, UU reading www.uukanshu.com must guard against the surrounding little lords."

Chu Tian once again urged Li Li, Xia Liang Liang and Liu Dao to stay behind.

"When I come back alive, I\'ll also... beating Goryeo hard."

Summer Ryo waving his fist.

Fang Xuanling, Li Li and the others don\'t know why different people are a little disgusted with Bangzi and Japanese pirates. Only the same players can understand that feeling.

"I will beat them hard."

Chu Tian was riding on the horse, the horse restless.

Soon ten minutes passed and the national war officially began.

The scenery in front of Chu Tian changed, from Xiacheng to the reckless Liaodong land.

At this time, in June of the 19th year of Zhenguan (645 AD), Chu Tian led the Eastern Han Second Army to join the Tang army led by Tian Khan Li Shimin.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^