Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 128: Lords of Korea

When the   An City Battle Meeting was held, the capital of Goryeo was opened, and hundreds of Goryeo lords gathered. When Gao Liguo learned that the Luoyang Conference was being held in the Eastern Han District, he immediately held a Beijing Conference to discuss how to defeat Tang Jun and the lords of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   "I should be Choi Jae-sun as the leader this time. My Uiju City is the first city in Goryeo, and it is close to Liaodong in the Eastern Han District. Anshi City is in Liaodong, so my army is more familiar with fighting in Liaodong."

"Cui Jae-sun, don\'t think that you are the leader of the northern kingdom and you can serve as the leader. This is Kaikyo, and only the leader of Gyeonggi has the right to speak. This time, Lee Min-chul is the real leader, and my Seoul is the leader of Korea. The two cities are almost the same as your Uiju City, and you have nothing to be proud of."

   A well-dressed lord, supported by the lord of the Gyeonggi region of Goryeo, confronted the lord of the northern world represented by Choi Jae-sun.

   Choi Jae-shan sees the opponent\'s many people, and is forced to give up the qualification to compete for the leader.

"In the battle of Anshicheng, we are facing the powerful Tang army. They invaded like fire and motionless like a mountain. Fortunately, we have the hero Yang Wanchun who defended Anshicheng. He shot the blind thief Li Shimin in the eyes with one arrow. The Tang army retreated. This time we assist General Yang Wanchun, and it is best to shoot Li Shimin and kill the power of the lords of the Eastern Han Dynasty!"

   Kaijing lord Li Minzhe responded, and a group of Goryeo lords were full of enthusiasm.

   They will fight against the Tang army in Liaodong and defeat Tian Khan Li Shimin.

   "A group of stupid guys, fighting with them is really worrying."

   Most of Cui Jaeshan sees Yang Wanchun’s shooting blind Li Shimin as true history, and his mood is complicated.

  With such allies, how should the Battle of Anshicheng be fought?

   Behind Cui Zaishan, there is a famous general who looks quite magical.

   The lords of Gyeonggi saw Choi Jae-sun followed by Shi Shi, and they were a little wary: "Cui Jae-sun, who is the Shi Shi general you recruited? At the time of the National War, we can make better arrangements by telling his identity."

   Choi Jae-sun said coldly: "Ulji Wende who defeated the Sui Empire\'s millions of troops."

   "Ulji Wende?"

   All the lords of Korea are silent.

   Ulji Wende, Quan Gai Suwen, Jiang Hanchan, and Yi Sun-sin are regarded as the top civilized heroes by the Lords of Goryeo. They once fought against the Sui, Tang, Liao and Japanese forces.

   I didn\'t expect Choi Jae Sun, the lord of the northern world, to get Ulji Wende.

   That is to say, in this national war, Ulchi Wende and Anshi City Lord Yang Wanchun will resist the army of Tian Khan together.

   I heard that Choi Jae-sun has Ulji Mundeok as his subordinate, and some of the lords of Gyeonggi are afraid of Choi Jae-sun.

   Kaikyo lord Lee Min-chul looks even more complicated, and Choi Jae-sun, who owns Ulji Wende, is a threat to his leadership.

   "Not only Yang Wanchun and Ulji Wende, but also Quan Gai Suwen who is in charge of Goguryeo. We have three great heroes here, enough to defeat the Tang army of Tian Khan!"

   After a group of Goryeo lords reacted, their emotions became even higher.

  The Battle of Anshicheng, they have three powerful heroes!

Choi Jae Sun may be the most sensible person among the Goryeo lords present, and poured cold water on the enthusiastic lords: "You all underestimated the combat capability of the Tang Army. The Tang Army was the most powerful army in the world at that time. Asia, Megatron, otherwise Li Shimin would not be called the Khan of Heaven. Even if Yang Wanchun shot Li Shimin blindly, this is a romance. There is no evidence that Li Shimin is a cyclops."

   "Yang Wanchun\'s deeds are fake?"

   "Impossible, you are spreading rumors. Everyone knows that Yang Wanchun shot Li Shimin blind in the battle of Anshicheng. Otherwise, how could Li Shimin withdraw?"

"Stupid, Li Shimin withdrew his troops because of food and the cold winter. Goguryeo did not gain any benefits in this battle, but lost his troops. If you fight this battle with your current mental state, you will probably fail. Only with me, Choi Jae-sun. Only under the command of the company can we win."

   Choi Jae Sun gradually gained the right to speak among the Lords of Goryeo with his own possession of the hero Ulji Mundeok.

Seeing that his position as the leader was not preserved, Li Minzhe was a little annoyed: "We were originally the victorious side in the battle of Anshicheng. I have here with Yin Gon, a famous general who defeated the Jurchen tribe in the middle of the Goryeo Kingdom, and his special army-Beewu squad. Under my command, it is easy for us, Korea, to defend Anshi Castle!"

   "Irao and Biewu Ban?!"

  Goryeo\'s lord whispered again.

Yi Heng was a famous general of the Goryeo Kingdom. He once led the elite Goryeo troops "Biewuban" to attack the Jurchen tribe (later Jinguo). The Biewu squad was made up of armies such as Shenqi, Shenbu, and Jiangde. It captured 135 Jurchen villages and beheaded. More than six thousand.

   But later, under the blow of Wanyan Aguda, the two countries negotiated peace, and the Biewuban did not obtain any real benefits.

   Yiyang and Beewuban are already one of the few elites in Korea.

   Goryeo can survive for hundreds of years under the pressure of Liao, Jin, and Yuan. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is still something.

  Kaijing lord Li Minzhe had Yirong as his subordinate, so he regained a city and still confronted the northern lord Choi Jae-sun.

   Choi Jae-sun\'s expression is not good. The two sides are located in the northern boundary and the other in Gyeonggi to the south. There may be a battle sooner or later.

  A lord asked: "Now that we add an Yiren, our Goryeo country will have another 10% chance of winning. Leader Li, how many other soldiers of the military class do you have?"

   "No comment, so as not to be used by some people who are ill-intentioned. You just need to know that I have the ability to lead the overall situation."

   Lee Min-chul looked specifically at Choi Jae-sun, and the person who was ill-intentioned was probably Choi Jae-sun.

   "During the Battle of Anshicheng, I hope we can unite to the outside world. Otherwise, it will be difficult for our country to deal with the Eastern Han Dynasty in the future. This is why I would rather give up the position of the leader than fight with you."

   Choi Jae Sun’s words made many Goryeo lords look at him.

   Choi Jae Sun cleverly stood on the moral high ground and won the favor of a group of Goryeo lords.

Li Minzhe said with a gloomy face: "We are discussing how to conduct this national war. We dispatched 200,000 troops and 50,000 free players, which can be divided into four legions of Beijie, Xijing, Kaijing, and Jeonju, each legion About 50,000-70,000 people. Cui Jae-sun, you lead the Northern Territory Army; Jin Yizheng, you lead the Xijing Army; I personally lead the Kaijing Army; Jiang Fat, you lead the Jeonju Army."

   Lee Min Chul, as the city lord of Seoul, the second city of Goryeo, has been given a position by Choi Jae Sun, but he can stand out as the lord of many lords and still has some ability.

"No comments."


   The lords of the three Goryeo kingdoms nodded one after another. This time the national war depends on their respective methods.