Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 1222: Scarlet Samarkand

The Battle in the River, the third difficult city to dig, is Samarkand in Huarazimo.

  Samarkand is an extremely ancient city. Timur commanded the Indian Mughal Empire army in this city to launch a fierce offensive and defensive war with the Monan Army, the Mobei Army, the Western Region Army, and the Tubo Army.

   Tamerlane used Samarkand as a supply point, using grain, grass, and weapons continuously transported from the Indian peninsula to replenish the army and wage war of attrition.

   Timur\'s army is in front, and the Xia army is not besieged. Samarkand’s teleportation array can deliver supplies, soldiers and horses around the clock.

   And Xia Jun’s supply mainly came from the Dawan State, and it needed to maintain a long supply line. Therefore, the four-way soldier was helpless with Timur.

   Tamerlane has the Indian peninsula with a large population as its backing, and it is backed by a teleportation array. It is uniquely blessed during the war of attrition.

Shi Wansui, Han Qinhu, and He Ruobi rushed to Timur’s camp overnight, trying to break Timur’s protection of Samarkand. However, Timur had been prepared to drive away the armored war elephants at night and severely inflicted the three generals of the Sui Dynasty, He Ruobi. Seriously injured.

   Every time the Xia Army organized an offensive, Tamerlane used the iron-clad war elephant as a meat shield, and then relied on a salvo of bows and arrows brought from the rear, and allowed the priest to provide gains to the cannon fodder arms, and used the human sea tactics to repel the Xia army.

   For a long time, Xia Jun lacked enough food, grass and weapons, and his attack was weak.

  When the decisive battle in the river broke out, generals such as Li Mu, Di Qing, and Lunqin Ling gathered the last food and weapons to attack Timur, so that Timur could not support the Golden Family.

  The battle between the two sides outside the city of Samarkand was extremely tragic. Because the supply line was too long, many soldiers of the Xia Army could only fight with weapons with reduced durability, and disappeared and wounded on the way, and they were killed by Timur many.

   There are as many as 30 generals killed by the Tubo army!

   Most of the Tibetan capital Hu Zhaxi\'s heart was dripping blood.

   The Tubo Protectorate has accumulated a lot of talents since the beginning of the game. In the battle with Timur, almost died and wounded.

  The Timur at his peak was second only to the holy commander, and there were many Indian generals under his command. With a huge population, he severely damaged the Xia army.

   You must know that the Tubo army can only gather 100,000 people to participate in the first western expedition of the Great Xia Dynasty, and Timur mobilized millions of soldiers and horses of the Mughal Empire in India, which is not the limit of the Indian Peninsula.

   At the limit of the Indian peninsula, three million, even five million troops can be dispatched.

   In a series of battles between the Tubo army and Timur, only 40,000 survivors were left, and 60% of them were killed!

   When Tubo was fighting, although he lacked strategy, he charged into the battle and was extremely brave. Often the front team was dead and the back team went up again.

   Now, in the north of Samarkand, some 40,000 surviving Tubo troops have fallen!

   Tamerlane’s war elephant army no longer takes the lead, but after the fierce battle between the two sides, it reappears on the battlefield. Timur directly let the war elephant army trample on regardless of the enemy and me!

It is the lower caste that cooperates with the war elephant army to attack as cannon fodder. In Timur’s eyes, sacrificing the lower caste can be exchanged for the Xia Army’s warriors, so it is worth the money. Anyway, the lower caste, their meaning is cannon fodder. !

   "Mostly protect your lord, if this continues, our Tubo army will be wiped out!"

   A Tubo warrior could not bear the extremely tragic battle and the terrible loss ratio, and almost shouted at Zhaxi in tears.

   can make a man who has been on the battlefield for a long time cry in his speech, which shows that the fierceness of this battle has exceeded the psychological tolerance of most people.

   "I know! But behind the mountains and rivers and sheji, you cannot retreat!" Most of the Tubo guard Zhaxi drew his sword, "The Guardian Guard, come with me!"

   Tashi took the last reserve team of the Tubo army, the 1,000-man Metropolitan Guardsman, who saw death as life and entered a tragic battle!

   Their task is to contain Timur, even if all the troops are used up, they must complete the task!

  Even if Timur could defeat them, Timur\'s price would be severely injured and unable to continue to fight for the Hezhong area.

   At this time, the Tubo army can only go all out.

   The only thing that can stop them from fighting is the news of victory from the decisive battlefield in the river, so that the Xia army on the battlefield on the side of Samarkand can withdraw calmly.

   This is a division of labor and a mission.

   Lost the decisive battle in the river, the river and mountains behind the Central Plains will be conquered by the enemy!

   At this time Chutian had already won, but the news had not yet reached the army of Xia Jun in the Samarkand battlefield in the wild!

   One thousand Tubo Guardian guards, led by Dadu guard, attacked Timur\'s heavy cavalry!

   Two cavalry collided, a Tubo cavalry hit the other\'s helmet with an iron bone, and the latter’s spear pierced the Tubo cavalry’s chain mail!

   The crowded battlefield, there are almost no fancy moves, there is not much room for evasion, all soldiers are using the most effective way to kill the enemy in front of you!

   "Mother, you haven\'t experienced such a heavy battle. If you could capture Timur, it might not have been so hard."

   The Western Region Army, who mostly protects Huoan in the Western Regions, is only in better condition than the Tubo Army.

   The population of the Western Region Duhu Prefecture is three to four times larger than that of the Tubo Duhu Prefecture, and there are also many generals.

   Even so, Huo An also fell into a terrible battle.

   The 200,000 soldiers and horses of the Western Regions’ Protectorate participated in the Western Expedition and conquered Dawan. About 40,000 were killed and injured. They captured a group of Uzbek cavalry and maintained their strength to 200,000.

   However, in the battle of Samarkand, the Western Region Army has killed 60,000 people!

   Datang fierce general Li Siye cooperated with Gao Xianzhi to attack Timur\'s army, and was trampled by Timur\'s elephant army regardless of the enemy and me!

   Li Siye’s Datang Moknife team can deal with heavy cavalry. Facing the elephant army, they are slightly weak. Li Siye was hit by the iron armored elephant and was immediately seriously injured!

   Gao Xianzhi’s Anxi Army suffered heavy losses under the attack of the Elephant Corps.

   Tamerlane, in order to win, was frantic. After the Indian soldiers and horses fought with the Anxi army, they drove the war elephant army from the back of the Indian soldiers and horses all the way through, making it difficult for the Anxi army to evade.

  Monan Army, Wanyan Yinshu can lead the Jurchen cavalry to attack the enemy\'s formation continuously. The Jurchen cavalry is almost exhausted, and is finally besieged by thousands of Indian soldiers and died in the enemy\'s formation!

   The Xia army’s restraint made Timur realize that something big must happen, so he became even more anxious to meet Wo Kuotai, so he tried his best to attack.

   Some generals of the Xia Army were killed in battle, and the Mughal Empire in India also lost their troops.

  The Indian princes looked at each other. The generals under their command had their casualties, but they had stopped.

   Timur and these princes are like avid gamblers. Since the costs have been invested, they must see the results.

   "Master Protector, your majesty finally has news over there, our army has won!"

   When Huo An could hardly hold on due to heavy losses, the news from Chutian finally came from the nearest city!

In order to bring the news to the battlefield of Samarkand as soon as possible, the cavalry of    ran away three war horses alive!

   "It is finally possible to withdraw troops. Tell Monan Army Li Mu, Mobei Army Prince Yan, and Tubo Army Zhaxi to retreat alternately! The Western Region Army and the Tubo Army are one team, and the Monan Army and Mobei Army are one team!"

   Huo An is relieved.

   Tamerlane, who was supported by the Indian peninsula, played the tactics of the sea of ​​people. Huo An’s current strength really couldn’t beat Timur, so he decided to retreat.

   He Zhong won the decisive battle, and the first battle was settled in He Zhong. The strategic goal has been achieved.

   Timur won a tactical victory with the support of Samarkand and the Indian princes, but he could not change the ending of the Daxia Dynasty in the Hezhong area, and it is very likely that Timur would be forced to cede Samarkand.

   The strategic level is higher than the tactical level.

   Li Mu, Prince Yan, Tashi and other coaches received the news. They were relieved, cooperated with each other, retreated alternately, and did not give Timur a chance to win completely.

   "Xia Jun is beginning to retreat!"

   "Catch up and destroy them!"

  The Indian princes lost a lot. They saw the Xia Army retreat alternately with four soldiers and horses. They thought that their side had won a big victory, so they wanted to go forward and kill them to expand their victory.

   Timur saw Xia Jun retreating, but hesitated.

   The Xia Army suddenly attacked and retreated back. Then, most of the results of the decisive battle in the river have come out.

   Tamerlane was always delayed by the four-way Xia army in Samarkand, unable to go north to meet Wo Kuotai, which made Tamerlane unable to face the power of the Golden Family.

   "If the Khan wins, then it is possible to pursue and completely wipe out the hundreds of thousands of Xia troops in front of me. If the Khan fails...maybe we should return to the Indian peninsula, put down the rebellion, and then become the king of India."

   Timur had a plan in his heart.

  The Golden Family victory is the most ideal situation. He can take advantage of the victory and pursue it, and then take advantage of the Indian Peninsula.

   If the Golden Family fails and the steppe empire collapses, then he can only seize the Indian Peninsula.

   "Isn\'t there any news of sweating!!"

   Timur suddenly became impatient.

   He needs accurate information to make corresponding decisions.

   At this time, a Tan Machi from the Golden Family reported: "Master Tamerlane, who was defeated in the Great Khan, is retreating to the Caspian Sea and intends to enter Persia! Master Tamerlane is ordered to hold on to the Indian Peninsula and rise to the east!"

"how come……"

   The Indian princes who had finally defeated Xia Jun in Samarkand looked pale.

   They fought Xia Jun for a long time, relying on their number and supply advantages to achieve tactical victory, but strategically, they lost ground.

   The main force of the strong Golden Family was defeated, and most of the Hezhong area became the territory of the Great Xia Dynasty!

   And they won partially, but they couldn\'t occupy a piece of land, and even Samarkand couldn\'t hold it.

  Sometimes, when you win on the surface, you lose!

   "Return to Delhi one after another, take away all valuable belongings in Samarkand, not leave anything to Xia Jun."

   Even though Timur was a bit frustrated, as a hero, he had already imagined this result. Therefore, Timur was not discouraged.

   A real hero, who started from scratch, has a stronger willpower than ordinary people, and has repeatedly defeated.

   This is also the difference between the hero and ordinary people.

After the defeat of the decisive battle in the river, the Saierzhu Empire basically fell into the scope of the failure of the Great Xia Dynasty, and Samarkand of the Huarazimian Kingdom under the attack of the Xia army, Chutian might come to join Huoan at any time. Attack Samarkand together.

   This is why Timur would take the initiative to abandon the city after learning of the defeat of the Golden Family.

   If you take away all the belongings of this city, and then destroy this city, you can reduce some losses.

   On the contrary, if you continue to hold on, sooner or later you will fall.

   "Hold the Guishuang Empire, the Mughal Empire, and Wakutai, and Ba are still in exile, then I Timur, the Governor of the two countries will be warned!"

   Tamerlane’s ambitions finally began to swell after Temujin\'s death in the battle and the defeat of Wokuodai, and he took the two countries as his own, and its territory was equivalent to Afghanistan and the Indian peninsula.

   "What shall we do?"

   "It\'s better to continue following Timur. Timur allowed us to keep the fief, and the Chinese people have always been at odds with us Indians. If they rule, I would rather drown in the Ganges."

   "It can only be so."

   A group of Indian princes chose to support Timur after a simple trade-off.

  The Indian princes also have a lot of servility, and they bow to their ears when dealing with the heroes who conquer themselves.

   After Timur made up his mind, his troops assembled in Samarkand began to retreat on a large scale.

   Samarkand’s teleportation array has a limited number of people that can be teleported each day. Therefore, Timur simply took the entire city and marched on the big map, retreated to the mountains of Afghanistan, and set fire to this ancient city.

   "Goodbye, beautiful Samarkand..."

   Timur was riding a war horse~www.novelhall.com~ Seeing the black smoke billowing in Samarkand, it was unspeakable.

   A million Indian army encumbered hundreds of thousands of residents to go south. Along the way, it was inevitable that Indian princes would looted and looted their bodies.

   Huoan learned that Timur had set fire to the city and retreated to the mountains of Afghanistan, but was surprised but did not pursue him.

   Timur\'s army is too large, and Huo An\'s army is already at the end of the battle.

   In addition, in the lord, the area of ​​the Kushan Empire is the mountainous area of ​​Afghanistan plus the northern part of the Indus River.

  The mountainous area of ​​Afghanistan is a famous "imperial cemetery". Even the Mongols suffered a loss in the epic and majestic Mongolian expedition to the west.

   If the army is in a bad state, if you rush to the mountains of Afghanistan, you will probably be broke.

   "No matter what, this time, the Hezhong area won, and it will be much less difficult to conquer the mountains of Afghanistan and the Indian peninsula in the future."

   Huo An is not in a hurry, the first westward march, destroying the main force of the Golden Family, then the next thing is much simpler.

   According to Chutian\'s plan, the Guishuang Empire and the Mughal Empire of India were both within the attack range during the second westward march.

   "In this way, the biggest obstacle to attacking the Indian peninsula is Timur."


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