Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 1216: The war broke out in the river!

"On the opposite side is the army of the Golden Family Wakutai..."

  Chu Tian\'s imperial driver\'s personal conquest, you can already see the oppressive army.

   The two armies of the Great Xia Dynasty and the Golden Family came with all their strength, and a decisive battle broke out in the river.

   The two armies are facing each other, boundless.

   The cold wind was stern, and Qin Ruishi, standing in the front row, clenched the halberd, the iron horse glacial.

   Qin Ruishi of the Guanzhong Army, served as the backbone.

   General Wang Jiang is wearing a black tie armor, his right hand is placed on the hilt of the long sword, and he looks forward.

   After more than ten years of expansion, the Golden Family has become an unprecedented enemy.

   If you make a careless move, you will lose the game.

  The decisive battle in the river of Central Asia seems to determine the ownership of the river area, but it will actually determine the changes in the territory.

   If the main force of the Xia Army is annihilated, the Central Plains will be unguarded, and the Golden Family will drive straight in.

   Fifty thousand black armored Qin Ruishi was placed in the middle, with a sharp pike, staring at him, and a murderous look.

   Wang Jian’s Guan Zhong Army, as well as Meng Tian, ​​Feng Yi, Yang Ye, and Li Ji, have five armies. The front stretches for more than a dozen miles. You can\'t even see the Imperial Guard on the left and the Youzhou Army on the right.

   This time, Chutian adopted a flank breakthrough tactic, deploying the main force of the Imperial Guard on the left to break through the right flank of Wo Kuotai.

   On the right are the cavalry of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, the infantry of Zhou Yafu, and the archer of Li Guang, making a roundabout attack on the army of the Golden Family.

   Located in the middle of the Guanzhong Army, must block the impact of the nomadic cavalry.

   The three armies have a battle line of dozens of miles long, and you can\'t see each other from end to end, you can only see how each legion breaks through.

   In the Imperial Guard, the Hussite regiment of Jessica arranged a car formation to protect the Chutian main formation at the rear.

  The three Northern Qi generals Hu Luguang, Duan Shao, and King Lanling, and the former Qin three generals Deng Qiang, Zhang Hao, and Xu Cheng all served in the Imperial Guard.

  Wang Meng, Jia Xu, Fang Xuanling, Zhang Bin, Sun Bin and other advisers are observing the army of the opposite Golden Family.

  The golden family is dominated by cavalry, and the momentum of the cavalry is no less than that of Chutian.

   Mulan took the reins of the war horse and followed Chu Tian: "Your Majesty, what is the probability of winning this decisive battle?"

   Chutian looked at the opposite bank of the Syr Darya River: "If our army wins on the West River bank, the chance of winning is 90%."


   Hua Mulan didn\'t understand where Chu Tian\'s confidence came from.

   The Golden Family has recruited many heroes, and these heroes are strong.

   However, Chu Tian thought that he was 90% sure to defeat the Golden Family, which surprised Hua Mulan.

  咚! Boom! Boom!

   The drums roared, and the dull sound echoed in the Syr Darya Valley.

  All the soldiers clenched their weapons.

   The decisive battle in the river is about to begin.

   On the west bank of the Syr Darya, the three generals of Cao Zhang, Cao Pi, and Cao Ang were galloping among the ten thousand phalanx. Before the decisive battle, check the formation of each ten thousand phalanx.

   Cao Zhang and the three finally gathered under Cao Cao: "My father, many phalanxes have been lined up!"

   Cao Cao looked ahead, dragged the thunder army hundreds of thousands, and confronted Cao Cao and Xu Fengnian.

   Cao Cao suddenly heard the sound of war drums on the east bank of the Sir River, so he waved his hand: "Offensive!"

   In the Cao Cao Corps, the war drums rang in unison!

   General Zhang Yun, in full costume, heard the sound of the offensive drums, and led the heavy infantry regiment including the Euphorbia to move towards the phalanx that dragged mines.

   "Xiliang Army, attack!"

   "Silver Gun Effect Festival Army is the vanguard!"

   Xu Fengnian sent Yang Shihou\'s army silver spear to serve as the army!

   Thousands of silver spears, under the leadership of Yang Shihou, coordinated with Zhang Yun, attacked from left to right.

  Silver spear effect festival army, as a high-level pikeman, can restrain the cavalry!

   Ma Teng, Ma Chao and other Xiliang generals, commanding Xiliang Iron Cavalry, watched from the sidelines.

  Wait until the silver spear-effect army engages the enemy cavalry, then the Xiliang cavalry will step forward and rout the enemy cavalry.

   Xu Fengnian\'s white robe swayed slightly in the cold wind, facing the mighty Golden Family, silently, observing the situation on the battlefield.

   What he cares most about is the iron cavalry of Murong Ke and Murong Ba brothers.

   Murong Ke’s serial iron horses and Murong Ba’s Dragon City iron horses are the most powerful cavalry in the Xianbei civilization. The Yan State cavalry is frightening.

   Chain of iron horses, every three equipped iron horses are connected by iron cables, and rows of iron horses form a fish-scale formation.

   Fish scale formation, both offensive and defensive, coupled with high-panel armored cavalry, the impact is amazing.

   Murong Ke and Murong Ba are waiting for the order to drag Thunder.

   "Persian heavy infantry, move forward!"

   Tourei sent a few heavy infantry phalanx commanded by Persian military commanders!

   The phalanx of Persian heavy infantry formed two phalanxes of ten thousand people and collided with the phalanx of Zhang Yun and Yang Shihou!


   Crossbow arrows, bows and arrows, ten thousand arrows all fired, falling into the phalanx of Persian heavy infantry!

   Random arrows hit the iron armor and helmet, making a clanging sound!

  Heavy-armored infantry has a strong defense against bows and arrows. Arrow rain only caused a small loss to heavy-armored infantry, and more arrows broke and fell to the ground.

  The heavy armored infantry collided with the phalanx, spears and halberds stabbed at each other, and rows of heavy armored infantry were assassinated by the opposite weapons! !

  The rain of arrows like locusts covers the sky, and the spear is like a forest!

   Zhang Xi holds a halberd and fought fiercely among the Persian heavy infantry!

   A Persian military commander stared at Zhang Yun, holding a mace and killing Zhang Yun, the heavy mace smashed down!

   Zhang Yun held a halberd in both hands to block the mace, and a halberd in his backhand. The sharp blade of the halberd made a crack in the chest armor of the Persian military commander!

   The Persian military commander saw that the breastplate was broken and blood was flowing, and he couldn\'t help being furious. The mace was like a squally rainstorm, bombarding Zhang Yun one after another!

   Zhang Xun fought with this Persian general, and the ground under his feet was cracked because of Zhang Xun\'s unloading force!

   "Wuchuan Legion, come forward!"

   Xu Fengnian dispatched the Wuchuan army of Yuwentai, Li Hu, and Duguxin!

   "All soldiers, attack with me!"

   Yu Wentai\'s robe flicked, leading the Wuchuan cavalry out!

   Tens of thousands of cavalry have changed from trotting to galloping, and under the command of Yuwentai, they attacked the flanks of the Tuilei Army!

   Arrow rain fell from the side, and hundreds of Persian cavalry were killed and injured.

   "Expell them!"

   The Persian army dragging the mine flanks also sent Persian cavalry.

   One by one legions entered a state of war, and the sound of war drums and screams were shaking!

   Keep calm at all times when dragging mines, fighting with millions of soldiers and horses, wrong judgments may cause the army to collapse.

   "Without our order, Chubin\'s holy cavalry cannot be used easily."

   Drag Thunder destroys Persian civilization and obtains the Holy Meteorite Cavalry Amulet of Persian Civilization. The Holy Meteorite Cavalry, commanded by the traitor Chubin of Persian Civilization, is the trump card of Drag Thunder. Until now, the Holy Meteo Cavalry has no use.

   "Meng Ge, Kublai Khan, Ali Bu Ge, you supervise Mingguan and other rebel generals, defeat Cao Cao, take the first level."


  Meng Ge, Kublai Khan, Ali Bu Ge, and the heroes including Mingguan, aggressively attacked Cao Cao and the five good generals!

Among the five good generals, Yu Jin, Le Jin, Zhang Liao, and Xu Huang were successively thrown into battle by Cao Cao!

   "All soldiers, must fight to the death!"

   Zhang Liao\'s war halberd waved, and Hu Sanniang and other generals set off!

   Bingzhou wolves riding and whistling, galloping!

   Five good generals, fighting fiercely with generals such as Shi Tianze, Guo Kan, Meng Ge, Kublai Khan and Ali Bu!

   Zhang Liao triggers the "Mighty Prestige" feature to reduce the morale of the surrounding enemy troops!

  Bingzhou wolf cavalry and Mongolian cavalry are all good at riding and shooting. The two cavalry fight like pythons, and their arrows are like rain!


   Hu Sanniang pulled out the double knives, the double knives collided, making a noise.

   Binzhou wolf cavalry and Mongolian cavalry changed from long-range shooting to short-range combat!

  Sanniang blocked the Mongolian cavalry\'s lance with one cut, and another cut another Mongolian cavalry under the horse!

   Sanniang’s force is not high, but against ordinary Mongolian cavalry, he can still be an enemy.

   However, among the Mongolian cavalry, the centurion, the thousand commander, and the ten thousand commander have a force of more than 60, and there are even Mongolian generals with a force of 80+.

   A Mongolian chieftain was in a melee. He shot Hu Sanniang\'s knife with another shot, and wanted to take Hu Sanniang\'s life!

   But the next moment, Zhang Liao\'s halberd killed this Mongolian commander!

   The halberd hit the helmet of the Mongolian commander, and the Mongolian commander fell from the horse!

   Sanniang picked up the knife that fell on the ground, and once again took the double knife into battle.

   She and Zhang Liao\'s cooperation has been tacit understanding, no need to say more!

   Unless you completely defeat the enemy, you can\'t relax for a moment!


   Xu Huang held an axe and fought fiercely with a Mongolian ten thousand chief for dozens of rounds, killing the Mongolian ten thousand chief.

  The morale of the cavalry commander-in-chief of the Mongolian general has decreased!


  The Qingzhou Army in Yujin was hit hard by the Mongolian cavalry, and Yujin gritted his teeth.

   The Qingzhou Army is not weak, but the opponent is an elite who swept Central Asia and West Asia.

   Yu Jin has never been able to make great achievements, which makes Yu Jin\'s intentions difficult to settle.

   In this decisive battle, Yu Jin tried his best to fight, bringing the Qingzhou army into a frantic attack!

   The Qingzhou Army formed a long spear phalanx to assassinate the Mongolian heavy cavalry who had come!

   Meng brother took command of the heavy cavalry, and the pigs surpassed the banned Qingzhou army, so that the ban lost the soldiers and replaced them!

   "Father, please let me and your uncles, lead the tiger and leopard ride, sweep the powerful enemy!"

   Cao Zhang sees the five good generals fighting fiercely with the enemy, so he asks Cao Cao to fight. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

   "You and Cao Chun, Cao Xiu, lead ten thousand tigers and leopards to fight."

   Cao Cao agreed to Cao Zhang\'s request.

   Cao Zhang is very excited. His force will be higher than that of Cao Chun and Cao Xiu, and he will become the second-generation general of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry. With Cao Chun and Cao Xiu, he will lead 10,000 Tiger and Leopard Cavalry!

   "As expected of Huang Xier, in the future, maybe the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry can be handed to him."

   Cao Cao decided to choose Cao Zhang as his heir.


  Samarkand, the Western Region Army, the Mobei Army, the Monan Army, and the Tubo Army, received the order from Chutian to march to the royal city of Huarazim, and once again fight to the death with the Indian army of Timur.

   A million soldiers approached the city.

   Timur looked at the black army under the city and clenched his fists.

   Even if it is Timur, facing the attack of the four-way army, he must deal with it carefully.

   Ili River Valley, after the Jingzhou Army withstood the offensives of Wanyan Aguda and Nurhachi, they began to go out of the city to fight these heroes who attacked the Ili River Valley.

   Broken Yecheng, Liu Bei made people open the city gate, and Guan Yu went out of the city as a vanguard general!

  All actions are for the decisive battle between Chutian and Wo Kuotai.


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