Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 1206: Kamiraku (2)

"The Central Plains army cannot be sent to Luo, otherwise we will lose face."

   "Ishiyama Imperial Palace is the southern base of Kyoto, and this city must be guarded."

   "I heard that there were only tens of thousands of Xia troops who attacked Shishan Imperial Palace."

   A group of Dongying players gathered at the Shishan Imperial Palace, trying to block the Crown Prince Shangluo of the Central Plains.

   Chu Wu intends to go to Luohe as the prince of Central Plains, which undoubtedly hurt the pride of Dongying players.

  Once Kyoto falls, it is equivalent to the apparent destruction of the Eastern civilization, which makes it difficult for the players of the Eastern Fighting faction to accept.

  The public officials and the daimyo paid money and called on foreigners, warriors, ronin, and common people to come to Shishan Imperial Palace to resist Chu Wu in Shangluo.

  The Japanese army of Ishiyama Imperial Palace has gradually increased from 100,000 to 2300,000, and many samurai and daimyo who stayed behind in Kyoto also brought troops to support Ishiyama Imperial Palace.

   Shishan imperial palace, the main commander Michiko Mitsuhide looked at Xia Jun who was camped outside the city, his face was uncertain.

Xia Junbing divided into two groups, all the way from Kyushu Island to Honshu Island, the main force will be Bai Qi, the main force in the crusade against Toyo, fighting in the territory of the Maori family, and the other way to attack Shikoku Island, and then from Shikoku Island to Kyoto, directly attack the weaving Tian Nobunaga\'s territory.

   Akechi Mitsuhide was not sure to stop the crown prince of the Daxia Dynasty.

   Chu Wu, as the main general who conquered Shikoku Island, had already gained a certain reputation and became the new overlord of Shikoku Island. He was called "the young dragon of the heaven", "the son of the people of the world" and "the second under heaven" by the people of Dongying.

   Akechi Mitsuhide, as a general under Oda Nobunaga, can\'t help but get nervous when he hears of Chu Wu\'s background.

With 40,000 people, Chu Wu wiped out all the big names on Shikoku Island in just one month. The Da Ming Changzong who ruled the Shikoku Island, the members of our tribe, was incorporated into the servant army and forced to serve for the Xia army. They may die or surrender, bankrupt their families and be forced to sell their lives.

   Chu Wu\'s reputation has been overwhelmed by Aichi Mitsuhide.

   Xia Junbing approached the Shishan Imperial Palace, but suddenly camped outside the city, building siege equipment, and was not in a hurry to attack the city, which made Mitsuhide Mingzhi very puzzled.

  The number of Japanese troops is increasing, but the number of Xia troops is almost constant. It seems that the Japanese troops are gaining more and more advantages, and even the defenders of Kyoto have come to the Shishan Imperial Palace.

   The players, officials, warriors, and civilians of the entire Dongying all put their sights on Chu Wu, a partial teacher.

Oda Nobunaga, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Mori Terumoto, and other princes of Orange in the Netherlands confronted Bai Qi in Anjun. They did not dare to send the main force back to stop Chu Wu, so they could only rely on their original stationing in Shishan. Akechi Mitsuhide from the imperial palace and reinforcements from Kyoto and Kii Peninsula blocked Chu Wu.

   "Why didn\'t the Nine Ghosts Kalong, commander of the Kiy Kingdom Navy, send troops to prevent Xia Jun from going ashore?"

   Akechi Mitsuhide can\'t help being annoyed when he thinks of the Japanese navy indulging in the Chu Wu army landing at Watanabetsu.

   Nine Ghosts Yoshitaka, a family of pirates in the Kii country, and one of the few "pirate names" in the Toei Warring States period, served for Oda Nobunaga, commanded the navy of the Kii Peninsula, and possessed a special type of "iron armored ship".

   However, the Nine Ghosts did not dare to fight the powerful Fubo Army head-on, and watched the Fubo Army\'s ships rampage in Osaka Bay.

   "My lord, here comes the letter from Nine Ghosts!"

   When Akechi Mitsuhide complained, Kuroki finally contacted Akechi Mitsuhide.

Both Akechi Mitsuhide and Kuki Yoshitaka are Oda Nobunaga\'s more important retainers. Akechi Mitsuhide has talents, but he betrayed Oda Nobunaga in history, launched the "Innoji Temple Change", killed Oda Nobunaga, and was later by Shiba Hideyoshi defeated.

   The Xia Army conquered the four islands of the East, and Oda Nobunaga had to reactivate Akechi Mitsuhide.

   Nine Ghosts Yoshitaka is Oda Nobunaga\'s royal watermaster.

   Akechi Mitsuhide took the letter from Kuro Kakaro, and stated Kuro Kaka\'s plan: "It turns out Kuro Kaka wants this. Before Kuro Kaka launches a surprise attack, guard the Shishan Imperial Palace."

  The Japanese Army was planning to defeat the Chu Wu Army that was trying to Shangluo, and Chu Wu was also preparing siege equipment.

   Catapult, bed crossbow and other weapons are ready.

   "The reinforcements from Kyoto have almost reached the Ishiyama Imperial Palace, and they can be destroyed in one battle and march into Kyoto."

   Chu Wu saw that the Japanese army was assembled and all his own siege equipment had been built, so he decided to launch a battle with the Ishiyama Imperial Palace to suppress Ishiyama Imperial Palace as a springboard to march into Kyoto.

   At this time, Zhuge Liang found Chu Wu: "His Royal Highness, I\'m afraid things have changed."


   "The minister watched the sky last night, and the storm is approaching, just tonight."

   "A storm?"

   Chu Wu trusted Zhuge Liang very much.

   Zhuge Liang was once sent by Chutian to Mr. Shui Jing in Xiangyang to learn the SSS-level feature "Qimen Dunjia", and abducted Huang Yueying by the way.

  "Qimen Dunjia" is a metaphysical feature in "Lord" that is at the same level as "child of plane".

   Zhuge Liang passed "Qimen Dunjia" and was very sensitive to changes in the weather. This is one of the functions of "Qimen Dunjia".

   Therefore, Zhuge Liang\'s guess on the changes of the sky is more than 90% correct.

   If Zhuge Liang\'s prediction is correct, then a storm is approaching, which will affect the battle of Shishan Imperial Palace.

   Zhuge Liang said to Lu Meng: "The general\'s navy must be careful."

   "I will send more troops to patrol."

   Lu Meng knew that heavy rain would obscure the sight, marching battles were full of uncertainty, and many famous surprise attacks occurred on rainy days.

   Lu Meng’s fleet was stationed at Kizu Kawaguchi and dispatched general Zhu Ran (commander 81, military force 69, defender, naval commander) to strengthen patrols.

   In addition, Chu Wu occupied the nearby villages and set up tents to prevent the bows and arrows from getting wet by the rain. After the heavy rain was over, he attacked Shishan Imperial Palace.

   As expected, just as Zhuge Liang predicted, the sky gradually became cloudy and dark, and heavy rain fell!

   Because of Zhuge Liang\'s "Qimen Dunjia" prediction, Chu Wu could easily avoid the heavy rain.

   "The cold winter is approaching, the rain is freezing, and the morale of the soldiers has dropped."

   Chu Wu can see that the morale of the legion has dropped by 5 points because of the heavy rain.

   Changes in the sky can sometimes affect the morale of the legion.

  If you don\'t prepare in advance, morale may drop even more.

   In addition, the cold winter will also affect the state of the legion.

   That\'s why Chu Wu was anxious to go to Luo, and captured Kyoto as soon as possible, dissolving the confidence of the great names.

   Chu Wu occupies a farmhouse with charcoal in the brazier and Lu Lingqi rubbing her shoulders, which is not very hard.

   Tachibana Chiyo holds the Taito "Rainchi" and sits on the brazier and cooks.

   Kizu Kawaguchi, strong winds roared, waves beat against the ships, and many ships scattered.

   "Dongying has many kamikaze, and it is really a bad place."

   Zhu Ran, a young military commander, became Lu Meng\'s general and patrolled the sea under heavy rain.

  The kamikaze of Toyo is raging, sweeping the Seto Inland Sea, causing heavy rain to come.

   The pirate Daimyo Kakaro, who was loyal to Oda Nobunaga, led the warship and anchored on the nearby island, not far from the ship that Zhu Ran was patrolling.

Nine Ghosts Kalong called the family generals and the pirate leaders of the Kii Peninsula: "When the kamikaze is reduced, launch a surprise attack on the Xiajun navy at night. It is best to defeat the head of the enemy navy leader and cut off its steps. Replenishment. If I successfully obtain the enemy leader, I can get at least 200,000 shi of the territory, and you can also get the fief."

   "Let the navy in the Central Plains know how good our Kii navy is!"

   "Their fleet crosses the Seto Inland Sea and the Kii Channel. They don\'t put us in their eyes. It\'s time for them to learn a lesson."

   A group of pirates from the Kii Peninsula prepared 13 iron-clad ships similar to tortoise boats, 800 wooden boats, and a total of more than 20,000 people for the surprise attack on the Lumon army stationed at Kizu Kawaguchi.

   When Chu Wu was temporarily resting due to heavy rain, Bai Qi, Yue Fei, and Le Yi entered the An Yun country dominated by Maori families.

  The territory of the Mori family is mountainous and it is difficult to advance. Daimyo such as Oda, Tokugawa, and Mori deployed heavy troops on the narrow mountain roads, using Sakurao Castle as a stronghold to guard against death.

  An Yun country’s forces are no longer just the soldiers of a county. The main force of the East and the reinforcements of the maritime alliance are all assembled in An Yun country, surpassing the strength of a state.

  The white army was stationed at Mount Orashiki Hata, west of Sakurao Castle, and confronted the main force of the maritime alliance.

   In order to open up the situation, Bai Qi dispatched a team of soldiers and horses to attack Miyao Castle on Itsukushima, An Yun Country. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com annexed the territory of An Yun Country by sea.

  The soldiers who led the attack on Yandao were the generals of the Fubo Army, such as Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, and Zheng Zhilong.

   When the Xia army landed on Itsukushima and the soldiers approached Miyao Castle, heavy rain suddenly fell.

   Without Zhuge Liang’s "Qimen Dunjia", Zhou Yu, Zheng Zhilong and others could not predict the time in advance.


   Zheng Zhilong, who is a bit irritable, gets wet and can\'t help complaining.

   In the heavy rain, a Japanese army fleet sailed from the sea near Sakurao Castle to Itsukushima.

   The two generals of the Mori family, Motoharu Yoshikawa and Takaki Kobayakawa, and the commander Shibaha Hideyoshi sent by Nobunaga Oda, led the army to dive across the sea in the rain.

   Yoshikawa Motoharu, Kobayakawa Takaki, and Shiba Hideyoshi, a total of three army commanders.

   It was the pirates of the Seto Inland Sea who helped Motoharu Yoshikawa and Takaki Kobayakawa to transport troops to Itsukushima. The chief general was Bukit Murakami, the navy leader of Noshima.

   Shiba Hideyoshi and the military strategist Kuroda Kanbei, as well as the seven retainers of Shiba Hideyoshi, the "Seven-Take Seven Guns", set off.

   The two generals of Hideyoshi Shiba and the Maori family, who launched the Korean War with Wanli in history, were responsible for defeating the Xia army who attacked Itsukushima: "Heavy rain obscured the line of sight. With a force of 100,000 troops, it will be able to destroy the Xia army."


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